Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Divs



Age18 Years
RankJedi Padawan
FactionGalactic Alliance/New Jedi Order
Force SensitiveYes
Weight53 Kg
Hair ColorBrunette
Eye ColorBrown
Skin ColorPale
Image sourceMark Molnar

Alienor Rellis, commonly known as 'Linny,' is a padawan of the New Jedi Order.

Picture this: you're a normal teen. Normal-ish. Aside from a deep interest in Galactic history and a popularity problem. All's fine, just dandy, when your friend goes missing. And you're just the type of person who can't sit around and wait for the Marshalls or CorSec to do their jobs, oh no. You've got to be out there, putting yourself in danger because you're the only one who can save them no matter what your common sense, your nerves or your mom is telling you.

Yeah, that's Linny.

The thing is, Linny had a special skill. Not just intelligence, pushiness and a reckless disregard for her own safety. No, there was something different she could do. Sometimes, she was drawn to certain objects. If she picked them up and really concentrated, dug deep within herself to pull out the echo inside the thing, there'd be a flash of white light and instantly, Linny could sense things. Luckily enough, she was able to sense what'd happened to her friend from the bag he'd left behind.

(He was fine, in the end, and eternally grateful to Linny for her sudden 'inspiration.')

Following that, Linny somehow ended up with a reputation for figuring things out, which was fun for a while. Especially when people paid you creds to find their missing pets or stolen wallets. It was fun! It was exciting! It was never, ever going to last.
While she dreamed of becoming a super cool private detective, the word started to get out about what she could do. Much to her annoyance, it turned out that she wasn't singularly gifted at all. Turned out that she could feel the Force and could, potentially, train as a Jedi.

Well, that was a tough one. Do you go off to college like your parents want, or do you become a peacekeeping space wizard? Real, real tough. And when it turned out that hey, you can totally study part time whilst getting your Jedi training, it was enough to mollify her moaning mother. So off Linny went, to become a Jedi and hone her connection with the Force.

Maybe now, finally, she'll feel a little cool.

Psychometry - Linny possesses an innate proficiency with psychometry. Without any training, she has been able to pull senses, thoughts and sounds from objects with a deep connection to an emotional event. This can result in headaches, however, and she can only use it sparingly.

Intelligence - It is a truth universally acknowledged that nerd girls are gonna nerd. Linny's clever. She knows stuff. Most of it's useless, because nobody goes on to use calculus or an understanding of the Galactic Concordant in their adult lives, but she's developed a sharp mind with the ability to think deeply and quickly.

Calligraphy - Clearly the most important skill for a young Jedi in training, Linny is a decent calligrapher. It started as an activity to work out her anxieties in a more creative way and turned into an actual talent. So when the Sith are at the gates and you desperately need a beautifully-written note telling them to please go away, you know who to call.

Anxiety - Poor Linny can be awkward as heck, especially around new people. And hey, guess what a Jedi temple has a lot of! She gets worked up easily, drawing everything into herself until it explodes in flashes of anger, panic and crying-in-her-room. One day she'll manage to get through a week without getting utterly worked up about something.

Disregard of Danger - Seems weird, right? Totally worked up about whether people like you or if you'll ever actually like what you see in the mirror, but you'll happily walk down the skeeziest alleyways or into the darkest, dingiest corners of the Industrial District on a hunch. Linny's utter inability to care about her own safety means she's probably going to end up in a bad situation or two.

Untrained - Yeah, she's a padawan. Inexperienced, not used to fighting, probably a bit of a coward deep-down. Aside from her innate psychometry skills, she has very little experience using the Force, aside from some brief attempts at telekinesis.

Linny is a somewhat slight, typical young adult. She has long, somewhat-dark hair, brown eyes and a goofy smile. She hates her nose with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns. Her fashion sense tends towards the 'formless' category, leaving her in lots of sweaters and pullovers. Berets, however, are always stylish no matter what they said at school.

Coming eventually!

No saber yet.

Junior Detective Kit because of course.

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Age15 Years
HomeFreehold Streets
Force SensitiveYes
Hair ColorDark brown
Eye ColorBrown
Skin ColorWhite
Image sourceAlex Shyp

Millie is a young criminal, based out of Freehold.

One of many orphaned brats living on the Pirate Repubic, Millie grew up immersed in a dog-eat-dog, handscrabble culture. Banding together with other young, homeless youths, she found some measure of security with a crew of kid criminals. They worked with some of the older gangs and independent pirates, doing the scrappy jobs for scraps of food or piddling amounts of money.

Quick-thinking, social and naturally lucky, Millie quickly rose the ranks of their little crew of kids. With an athletic scrawniness, she was brilliant at sneaking into places she shouldn't be. With a keen interest in electronics, she managed to gain a working understanding of circuitry, particularly relating to doors and entryways.

Now 15, Millie is near the top of her crew and relied on to help train and feed the younger ones. With many other crews of desperate, criminal teens muscling in on her turf, and growing interest from some of the older pirates, Millie's facing a dangerous and uncertain future.

Experienced thief: Millie has spent much of her young life stealing things. From pickpocketing to actual heists, Millie has made larceny her business, and she's very good at it. Enough to stand out on a port full of pirates and other general scum.

Tinkerer with Electronics: Millie's fascination with electronics has saved her butt on more than one occasion. With a keen interest in circuitry, Millie can access and manipulate complex electronics with a gleeful zeal. Whether or not she can actually do something useful... that's a different story. Typically, the older and cheaper the electronics, the easier she can manipulate them.

Lucky S.O.B: Her rivals can't believe how well she slips out of danger! Millie has a knack for just getting away in the nick of time, or just managing to find the perfect spot to avoid guards and cameras. If you didn't know better, you'd say there was some strange energy she was unwittingly tapping into.

Scrawny Brat: Millie is about as durable as a wet piece of paper. Being skinny and slight makes you a good sneak-thief, it doesn't make you a good fighter. Barely capable of withstanding a harsh look, Millie doesn't do fights that she can't sneak and cheat in.

Loud-mouth: Subtlety is not a word that Millie knows how to employ. Or spell. Teenage, orphaned thieves aren't exactly known for their discretion and Millie is no disappointment. Loud, bratty and occasionally angry, Millie won't let you forget she's here.

Little Formal Education: Most everything she's learned has been on the streets, yo. No time for classes when you're hustling and stealing just to survive. While that doesn't make her stupid, it does make her under-educated. Topics and talk beyond her immediate circumstances are mostly alien to her. She's aware there's like, a Galaxy out there, but it all might as well be fantasy for all she knows.

Coming soon!


The Stars Our Destination
Age17 Years
HomeThe Abringdon
Force SensitiveYes (unknown)
Hair ColorDirty Blonde
Eye ColorGrey
Skin ColorWhite
Image sourceMatt Gross

"The stars are out there. I'll find a way."

Jennilys 'Jenny' Coral is a young trader, starship engineer and explorer.

Born to a family of merchant traders, Jenny spent most of her life so far aboard ships. Travelling from one side of the Galaxy to the other, Jenny's family were constantly on the move, in search of jobs and security. Educated by her parents (and older siblings), Jenny naturally fell into the role of an engineer, disassembling and repairing her first ship system at the age of eight.

Jenny grew up largely within the confines of her family's trading ship, with occasional ventures onto distant worlds or trading stations. Such a confined upbringing has left her with an unquenchable urge to see more. The whole Galaxy is endlessly fascinating and Jenny is determined to see more of it. From the driest desert of Tattooine to the gleaming spires of Coruscant, she'll do whatever it takes to explore the endless worlds of the Galaxy. Maybe she'll be charting new hyperlanes and discovering new worlds within Wild Space. These dreams have lead to conflict with her family, who'd much prefer her to stay on with their trading business and help them out.

The only thing that Jenny knows for sure is that one day, she will write her name across the stars.

Engineer of Skill: Having to refit, repair and repurpose several parts of her family's trading vessel over the years has given Jenny an excellent understanding of cheap, commercial starship parts. From life support systems to fuel intake to hyperdrives, Jenny has an understanding of them all.

Curiously Observant: Wide-eyed and endlessly interested, Jenny takes in details that others might miss. Whether it's the colour of a robe, the profile of a starship or the scent of a certain flower, Jenny will lock these details in her mind. She likes recording things in her journal, just to remind her of where she's been.

Adventurous: Her one driving urge is to go places nobody has ever been, see things that nobody ever has and do things that... are probably hazardous and bad for her health. But she'll do them anyway, because the idea of living a humdrum life in one place is scarier than death.

Only Into Junk Jenny's engineering knowledge is focused mainly on ultra-cheap, old and widely available parts and manufacturers. The more modern, advanced or exclusive a starship part is, the less likely she is to understand it.

Bad Shot Jenny's family tried to teach her how to use a blaster. It's the one machine that she never could get the hang of. If a target starts moving, she can kiss goodbye any hint of hitting it. This has left her with an aversion to shooting, unless her life is seriously threatened.

Foolhardy:Brave, curious and young, Jenny wants nothing more to boldly go out into the Galaxy.

A Galaxy filled with unspeakable, unknowable evils lurking at the end of every hyperlane, lingering in every starport. Despite the fact that she has few credits, little combat ability and limited decorum, Jenny still thinks she'll be absolutely fine.


Repair kit.

Private Journal: "All The Stars I've Seen."


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