Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Teras My Kasi

Teras Kasi. Simply put, it was the friend of any who wanted to fight force users. And it was here in this large room Darth Ferus would train those who wished to know. [member="Akuma"] , [member="Sen Lon"]g , @Enarr Warscream , and [member="Azula Yeshevsky"] . Two were his own apprentices, two were not, but all were willing to learn.

In this arena like area within the temple on Coruscant the Sith Lord waited dressed in his signature deep red cloak. Red eyes stared at the doorway leading into the room, and with both arms clasped behind his back. They would learn, and they would hate it.
Einarr* <3


Einarr didn't believe at all that he would ever get used to such a heavily populated planet with no nature at all. He despised it and admired it at the same time. If the Valkyri opened their selves to the technological advancement that the rest of the galaxy had, they would have long ago conquered their whole sector. Einarr was not born in that age but he would be the one to bring that age.

All in due time.

For the tall Sith Acolyte to achieve that, he had to gain power and the Sith were giving him that. Today would mark his first day officialy as part of the One Sith. He had spent a number of years learning their ways to lay to himself a foundation until he realized that alone, this time, would not work. Einarr needed the Sith.

With a confident step, the Valkyr stepped through the threshold in the training area where this 'Teras Kasi' lesson was to take place. He still was dressed in the typical leathery and cloth clothes that his people wore, the Sith Axe clinging on his belt securely while his red lightsaber's hilt was within the inside of his belt and clothes hidden from the naked eye. The tall Valkyr looked at the man who stood with his hands clasped behind his back and assumed that was the teacher. Curtly nodding to the man, he introduced himself:

"Einarr." He looked around, noticing that the room is empty and proceeded just a few steps more within.

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Azula Yeshevsky"] [member="Akuma"] [member="Sen Lon"]
My Master. It felt good to say that. I had a teacher, a mentor, and possibly, someone to trust. Sure, you never trust a Sith, but I had a feeling that Darth Ferus was a man who kept to himself. As his Apprentice, I hoped to become his most successful. To show that I was not the labels that where laid upon me from my past. I would prove to him, First, and to every one else, second. If I could have one person believe in me, one person who could see that my talent could be used for the greater good of the Sith, as well as myself... Oh who am I kidding. I was in this for myself.

Yes, I did have a goal, but none were that of appreciation. Like that I had the inkling of concern if someone liked it or not. I was told to come unarmed. And so I did. Many proclaim that a Jedi or Sith is not themselves without their saber. I however, say differently. You don't have to use a lightsaber. You could use any weapon you wanted. Including your own body, and skills alone. I knew that as a fact. Fighting in Gladiatorial arenas after becoming a free human, I knew that to survive, I needed every advantage possible. If that meant using the force, then so be it.

However, I doubted this was the Force being taught today. Dressed in my school clothing, I made sure to keep the tie off today. I moved closer to the arena. A place where fighting between Apprentices was allowed. I was yearning for this. Pain. Oh was I going to enjoy causing someone pain today. it has been far to long since I have felt bones cracking. Far too long has my body shuddered for the anticipation, and the pleasure of feeling pain, and dishing it out to those less fortunate enough to face me.

Today, I will feel pleasure, I will feel pain, I will enjoy it as much as I could. However, as an apprentice of the Aspect of War, the Red Assassin, I knew that later on, I will not enjoy this. The after effects of pain.

I was ready, yet I was so far away from it.

Entering the door, I could see a larger man, arms behind his back, and pronouncing his name. I walked to be in line with him, however, I performed a simple, yet formal bow towards the man in red.

"Nuyak Meistras, Kam Valia Tu Zinot iv Nun?"

(My Master, What will you have of me?)

[member="Darth Ferus"], [member="Azula Yeshevsky"], [member="Sen Lon"], Einarr Warscream,
Today was the day, the day that Azula Yeshevsky met the revered Darth Ferus. Whether or not that was a good thing was yet to be decided. Still she went in with an open mind. After all, she could care less about an all powerful sith, what she really wanted to know was what he could teach her, how he could make her stronger.

She walked in, the young women naturally possessing a dominate disposition. She then noticed three other students. With a slight anaylisis of them, she recognized one. The smaller one. Akuma, was her name if she was remembering correctly. While she never met the little one but she respected her before even speaking with her, for some reason she just let off a sense of strength that resonated with Azula. Though she was not informed there would be others, which slightly annoyed her. However she could understand. It only made sense to teach multiple students at a time.

Taking in a deep breath, the girl stepped up to Ferus and grinned slightly. Not bowing, or anything. Perhaps once she would have done so, but after the past she lived her sense of respect for men more powerful then her seemed to be like thin ice. One wrong step and it falls apart.

"It is nice to meet you, Ferus. I hear you're quite the Sith." Her tone was confident and mysterious, with a slight accent.

She then waited, however nothing was said immediately. Accordingly Azula assumed they expected her to say more.

"My name is Azula...a pleasure to meet you all." With a slight look over her shoulder she seemingly addressed the others. However, not so obvious, her voice reflected that she was ready to begin what she came here for.

Talk about awkward.

She then turned from Ferus and took her place beside the others. The young women made sure to look at her fellow students once more, keeping eye contact with [member="Akuma"] .

[member="Einarr Warscream"]
[member="Darth Ferus"]
A brisk run before training had begun made Sen Lon the last to walk into the arena. Hard work and harder conditions had carried him this far now was no time to take the easy route. He approached calmly and unarmed to the arena as he watched [member="Azula Yeshevsky"] give the last of her introduction and take her place in line. He quickly followed suit as he nodded to [member="Darth Ferus"] as if in apology for not being the first there. He looked at the large man named @Einarr sizing him up for today's lessons, he struggled against larger opponents in hand to hand combat so that would be his desired partner for the day if at all possible.
He also took note of [member="Akuma"] and [member="Azula Yeshevsky"] if they were also training with Ferus they would also be
Formidable opponents. Azula was particularly beautiful he found and would make a mental note to avoid her.
Taking his place in line he stood at attention and spoke.

"Awaiting your instruction Master."

He left his leather chest piece and bracers at home, opting for a lighter cloth garb he used for his own training exercises. He wasn't exactly sure that was a good idea but with hand to hand speed is always better than brute defense.


Rapax made his way to the arena it had been sometime since he last learned under Ferus and still bore the scars from his last training session with him to add to his collection. No matter scars where what came with being sith and learning under their wing this however was something he wouldn't miss for the world. Teras Kasi a Jedi's worst enemy in the hands of a master or novice he entered the arena wearing his light armor to better allow him agility that he will need for this training. He looked around the room noticing several opponents here @Zula Yeshevsky [member="Akuma"] and [member="Sen Lon"]. He was decent with hand to hand in the first place but teras kasi will be the best art to learn for him incase such a situation occurs where he cannot use his other skills he looked straight to [member="Darth Ferus"] and bowed to him before speaking in his usual deep voice "I am ready to learn as always Lord Ferus."
Ryiah strode purposely and swiftly along the corridor leading to the training room her Master, Darth Ferus, had instructed her to present herself at. Clad in a heavy, pitch black robe as she usually was when conducting herself as Sith, no feature of Ryiah's body was visible, not even her gender, as the thick cloth draped itself over her body, barely moving even with the rhythmic pace of her long strides. An ornately decorated and polished silver coloured mask hid the Togruta's face from view, leaving only her blood red eyes, eyes filled with the spark of gradual and ever present madness, visible through the two slits cut out of the otherwise unblemished mask. The only thing that could be determined about Ryaih by any being who lay their sight upon her , and who didn't hold within their minds the knowledge of who she was beneath the mask and cloak, was her species. And even then, that required the being to accurately guess that the reason the hood of her cloak was tented by two points above her head was because she was a Togruta and, as such, possessed a pair of montrals.

Behind the silver mask, Ryiah's lips were twisted into a snarl of disgust at the feeling of cold metal beneath her bare and dirt covered feet. The disgust she felt was caused by the fact that she was currently inhabiting a planet that had long since killed Nature. Ryiah held the belief that every planet in existence had a Deity bound to that governed over the growth of flora and fauna, deities that held the name of Nature no matter what planet it was that they had found themselves bound to. Most Togruta preferred to walk barefoot with the belief that it made them more in touch with their environment. However, Ryiah had taken that belief further, believing that by walking barefoot she was connecting herself to Nature and, as such, for her to walk and feel an unnatural substance beneath her feet on a planet that was covered with the stuff and filled with smog was an experience akin to sacrilege in her mind.

Finally arriving at the room she had been seeking, Ryiah pushed aside the feeling of disgust that swelled in a maelstrom of anger in her stomach, burying it deep beneath her notice, cementing it into her subconsciousness where it would fester and provide fuel broaden her connection to the Dark. Stepping through the door and across the threshold of the room, Ryiah swept her gaze across the line of Sith gathered before her Master through the slits in her mask. Giving a mental shrug, Ryiah positioned herself next a human looking Sith she did not recognise before bowing her head towards her Master in both a greeting and recognition to his superiority, as was he habit to do so every time she encountered Darth Ferus; a sign of respect of the fact that it was he that was providing her the ability to be strong enough to secure her freedom from others.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
Coruscant. A planet filled to the brim with a population formed out of a large collection of diverse species so large that the City Planet couldn't provide for so many beings. A planet that had been forced to build upwards layer out of layer, casting the surface of the planet into darkness and forging it into a hazy memory that very few could recall, trapping citizens beneath other citizens, deriving many of the warmth of the sun, leaving them to settle for an artificial mimicry. A planet that stank with the scent of sweat and dirt, smog and fumes, and a metallic tang escaping the innumerable amount of buildings that filled the very atmosphere and remained there, stubbornly refusing to be removed by the remaints of the long since disturbed and broken flow of the wind, that could burn at the tongue. A planet that had long since stripped itself of its natural flora and fauna, its nature poisoned by the industrialisation that covered the Core Planet. Coruscant, a planet that Xavka Duquo - Sith Assassin, Sith Knight, Ul'Jath and patriarch of Ru Rakama - hated with his entire being.

Xavka, who could taste and smell the revolting cocktail that consumed the planet's atmosphere with his enhanced (when compared to a human) senses and much preferred the harsh and sand scent of Irdonia - or any other scent of any nature inhabited planet - never truly enjoyed nor liked his time on the planet. That was not to say, though, that he did not appreciate the times he had spent on Coruscant. More often than not, whenever he was forced to come to the planet for whatever reason, Xavka was imparted with knowledge from either his Master or a teacher of some other identity or he was assisting the Sith Assassins, an organisation that held his loyalty above all others. It was with the hope that he could learn Teras Kasi (or rather, to be precise, the art of shielding one's mind that accompanied the Art as he much preferred his Zobaena style which he had been taught while still a young kep in his old Clan), that Xavka allowed himself to walk on the planet.

Stepping into the room within which he was to learn, his almost completely bared feet making little to no sound on the flooring beneath them, shrouded in the black cloak (from under which only his faintly glowing, burnt orange coloured, lone eye was visible), Xavka cast his emotionless gaze across the assembled group, none of which he easily recognised baring the masked form of [member="Ryiah Tenriem"], a Togruta he had recruited, before turning it towards a man that held his loyalty and respect.

Bowing at the waist minutely, just enough for it to be a visible action, Xavka spoke softly, his voice gruff and rumbling as he growled out a single phrase, a greeting for Darth Ferus, in the Iridonian language of Ul'Zabrak, a language comprised of vowels, consonants and growls.


Straightening out from bow, Xavka took a couple of long strides away from the gathered group, ensuring that he was separated so that none of them would be able to touch him easily, distancing himself from others as he always did unless the situation called for the opposite, before freezing in place off to the side and affixing his unblinking gaze of Ferus.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
"Good, good. So many have shown for such an important lesson." The greetings from the group would go unanswered. Not because the Sith Lord was being rude, but because of how many. Ferus would at least offer a respectful nod to each as they spoke, but no words would be offered. There were more important things to be done. Slowly the Sith would begin to pace, keeping those red gloved hands tight behind his back.

"You're all here to learn Teras Kasi. But I'm not actually training the martial arts behind it. Many of you here know how to fight, some do not. That's not what's important. Teras Kasi can be used in any and everything, for it is the art of blocking your mind from another Force User. To prevent Jedi, Sith, and anything in between from knowing what you will do next by your surface thoughts. That is what I will be teaching this day. [member="Einarr Warscream"] , [member="Sen Lon"] , you will be paired. Then [member="Azula Yeshevsky"] and [member="Akuma"] . Then [member="Darth Rapax"] and [member="Xavka Duquo"] . [member="Ryiah Tenriem"] , seeing as though you're not the physical kind of fighter, will be paired with me. This is non negotionable. Now, face one another, and taking turns I want you to sense the others thoughts. While the other blocks them. How you block them? Focus on a shield in your mind, or a dog, or a cube. A color, a word, and only that word. Focus in on it, and that is all your opponent will see without digging deeper. Get to it, alright?"
Azula grinned as the sith told the students what they would be doing, easy enough and she was fond of her partner as well. Not a bad deal at all. When he let them go, the young woman turned and stared right into Akuma's eyes. Her intense amber eyes metaphorically gripping onto her without waver. She was small, the vigilante wondered why she wore a schoolgirl outfit as well. Nevertheless, she still liked her. For some reason, and she was assuming it was her past. But, a person like Azula knew that the past was what connected others. And she intended on connecting with this Akuma.

Still keeping the stare, she thought of the word past. Not just past however, she thought of everything in her past. Sure, maybe she was breaking the rules but she wanted to connect with her partner before learning with her.

As the imagery would be flooding Akuma, Azula saw it as well. Her beatings, and rape, of course the memories of when she got the living hell beaten out of her in the cage, but also when she served it as well. She also remembered her childhood on Eshan, with the martial artists. And her training. Even recent memories, like the face of [member="Darth Ophidia"] showing up in her bedroom. She remembered what happened that night. How she slit her oppressors throat. The most recent memory would be that of her...other life. Her life in the city, this was when Azula broke the stare. And she broke her thoughts, she couldn't have this stranger, this [member="Akuma"] knowing of that life.

"Heh. about you give it a shot?" She said, her thick accent showing as she looked down on the assassin.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
[member="Xavka Duquo"]
[member="Ryiah Tenriem"]
[member="Darth Rapax"]
[member="Sen Lon"]
[member="Einarr Warscream"]
A nod was received from my Master. Understood. He was wait he was waiting for others to join us, and therefore did not say a word until others had joined. One, a woman known as Azula make direct eyecontact with me. She had some interest in me. For what reason? I had no idea. Being the shortest person there, I looked more like a Lost girl than the next Sith in line for the throne. However, size meant nothing. It was skill that would allow me to prevail over my foes. And as such, Ferus began the lessons.

I paid attention to him. Watching as he detailed we would be trying to enter a persons mind, and seeing that they were keeping focus upon the thing they had. I was pared up with the woman who stared at me so intently. I had some resentment. Why was I paired with someone who freakisly stared at me? I had no clue. My Masters words were followed. Turning towards Azula, I forced my will to her. Looking at the thought she had.


It was her past. The pain she went through, the suffering. I could almost feel the pain she had. Her past was drawn towards her, and I watched. Why was she showing me this? I was no one. I had no interest in her. However seeing that a friend of hers, turned on her, beat her. Sent her to hell, only for her to escape and prevail after she was given a task. I know not the task that was placed. Only that a Sith Assassin, The white assassin stood before her. Giving her the task. And as such, She might want me to think of my past.

She ended her thoughts, but just before I saw her taking on criminals. Why was she fighting criminals? She was one. Now I was interested. What was she hiding from me? Why was she hiding this? I backed off from her mind. Listening to her words. Telling me to give it a shot. I rolled my eyes. Not saying a word as I thought.

Pain. The pain of losing your family. The pain of being a Slave, the pain of growing up as a whore. The pain of a Hutt biting on your arm as you killed him. The pain of fighting and training. The pain of watching, letting a loved one dying in your arms. THe pain of being betrayed by your family. All of this and more. My pain was now hers. My pain was hers to see and to share. I smiled. I felt a little better about all of this. How Azula was one who felt pain much like my own.

I was silent as I stood there. Letting the taller girl probe my thoughts of a single word, a feeling. An emotion. Pain.

[member="Azula Yeshevsky"], [member="Darth Ferus"], [member="Xavka Duquo"], [member="Ryiah Tenriem"], [member="Darth Rapax"], [member="Sen Lon"], [member="Einarr Warscream"],


He went over to a part of the arena with [member="Xavka Duquo"] he never interacted with him much even during his time as an acolyte and the many missions he was in with him however he is willing to work with him and this training session he was glad that he had mental training prior to this itll make this alot easier. He spoke to Xavka for a moment " I shall start" He was able to pry into the mind of a Jedi knight a couple times however each person has a strong or weaker defense then the last so he wont let that distract him. He wondered what this had to do with Teras Kasi however [member="Darth Ferus"] works in a strange way that is not known to him and he will play along for now. He Reached into the Iridonians mind to see what he could find, He only went to a extent of his mind before stopping he wasn't going to pry further into his mind out of respect for his privacy as there is always that one place in every persons mind that they wont like being pried into by any creature.

[member="Ryiah Tenriem"]
[member="Sen Lon"]
[member="Einarr Warscream"]
A satisfied smirk stretched across the dry lips of Xavka. Much like Ferus had said, Xavka was already an accomplished fighter, a title he proudly claimed as he had earned such a title from the years upon years of focused training he had endured when he had still resided on Iridonia and lived with his old Clan: Uigin, and he held no need to try and learn another style of fighting. The fact that the entirety of the class was moving on to how to cloud one's mind from any and all intrusions that a Force User could attempt, an oft under-appreciated part of the style as many never thought deeply on how to expand that skill, was something that Xavka was greatly happy about as he held no desire nor wish to waste time going through the moves and katas of the fighting form which he would then be forced to discard and ignore, making the entire event a waste of his time.

Fixing his gaze onto the form of Darth Rapax, a man that Xavka had been forced to work along side in the past but not one that he had held any meaningful interactions with, Xavka glided his way on soft footsteps to a currently deserted area of the room to await the approach of the man that he would be working with for the entirety of his current training. Watching Rapax come to a stop a short distance, barely more than a couple of meters, Xavka stared down at the Sith, holding his tongue, for a few bears of his two hearts before he inclined his head in a silent gesture of greeting, choosing not to grace his fellow Sith with his voice as he saw no need to do so.

Holding his position, his single eye unblinking as it stared at the blank and reflective mask that obscured Rapax's features, Xavka waited for the feeling of a foreign presence, a foreign mind, to begin to press against his awareness. When such a feeling came, Xavka allowed his eye to become half lidded as he called upon his experience as a Jath. The ability to call an image into his mind's eye and focus on it, to force it to encompass his very being and lose himself within it, was an aspect that was key to the dances Birenade, Fiisenade and Mirenade; the Wind, Water and Fire Dances that were ritualistic for his species.

Calling to mind the thought of the desert, Xavka focused on the smell of the sand after the harsh storms that plagued the surface of Iridonia, the feeling of it beneath his feet and cutting across his worn skin, the very environment of it in its entirety. Focusing, Xavka summoned forwards a storm within his mind, letting whispers of thoughts and ideas that were everyday occurrences, that held no true relevance to his life, to ride along the wind. With the wind as his distraction, Xavka cemented his mind within the bedrock and waited to see if Rapax would be able to discover it.

[member="Darth Rapax"]


Xavka was giveing him a place to view and hiding it...clever Rapax dove and sifted through his mind to find this place but there was a simple torrent of wind that Xavka created to hide him that made his journey difficult he could feel the wind upon him as he walked around his mind that he could penetrate already like a whole new world that opened to him. This was a blessing in disguise as this would help with his mentalism either way he continued trying to sift through to find this place Xavka created, It will take awhile to sift through his barriers like a predator digs and waits for its prey he shall do like wise until he finds the proper opening

[member="Xavka Duquo"]
Einarr just glanced around at the newcomers with his wolfish grin painted on his face. He assumed that all were here in order to gather more and more power just like he was. As Darth Ferus gave his instruction to everyone around, Einarr looked at the man called Sen Lon that he was paired with. Sen Lon was quite shorter than the Valkyr and more fragile but it was a mental game they were going to play, so physical properties did not matter. The large Sith acolyte turn to face the man and nodded to him, his wolfish grin still on his face.

"Alright, Sen Lon. I will start trying to get into your mind while trying to shield mine at the same time." He declared to the man and channeled the Force to attempt to get into the mind of his sparring partner. Einarr was projecting the Force as a spear aiming to dig deep into Sen Lon's mind and find out the man's thoughts. What Sen Lon would do was up to him but Einarr would not hold back. If both wanted to learn, they had break all limits.

[member="Sen Lon"]

Sen Lon paired with the giant now walked forward and bowed to his partner as he began to fortify his mind, he smiled as he rose.

"Good luck, I wont hold back."

Serenity. Power. Force.
He found his word​
The ocean, a perfect setting to focus on in this trial run while the waves above were raging and thrashing about the waters below can be calm and fierce and carry one to distant places all at once. So too would Sen Lon's mind, he flooded images of his home and the battles he had fought there.​
He tried his hardest to defend against the mental barrage that would soon come.
Sen Lon knew of his weakness to mind altering abilities in the force, he learned that the hard way, but this was different. It was no illusion this time this was a power he could and would overcome if it killed him. He focused on the image of the ocean he remembered. Its waves that crashed against the icy shore as a never ending assault gradually bending the rocks and frost to their will. This was his domain.
Sen Lon focused harder on the word. He flooded his mind with the thought of the sea as he guarded his mind from the prying attempts that would come.

[member="Einarr Warscream"]​
Einarr's mental 'spear' tried to dig in further into the mind of the shorter Human who had warned him that he won't hold back. Every time, the spear went in to dig there was no soil for it to pass through - only water. Water, unlike soil was ever changing and such was the mind of his opponent - Sen Lon. The Valkyr pushed in further in attempt to hit the bottom of the ocean but instead of being able to reach it, the constant currents of the ocean took in the spear into its currents and suddenly the acolyte felt as if he was being hit by never endless waves and couldn't gather his breath. In an attempt to escape the ocean that this man projected in his mind, Einarr cut the connection between them and felt as if he had just been thrown into a beach after the ocean had tried to drown him. Anger seeped into his bloodstream but also his determination increased as he saw that this would be challenging.

He focused on his mental powers with the Force in an attempt to pass through this ocean that the man used to defend his mind. This time, instead of a spear, Einarr would imagine the invisible power - Wind. He knew of the power of wind and how it was the reason waves were formed and oceans moving. His mental attack would be far more stronger and also far more draining of his own powers. The wind he imagined was of destructive force a wind to split the ocean into two and allow Einarr to walk freely.

Split the sea into two...
[member="Sen Lon"]
As he concentrated on the ocean of his mind Sen Lon felt safe. For a moment he felt like he had already mastered the art of Teras Kasi but before long he could feel the cold embrace of the second attack on his mind as it but and cut and chopped at his mental barrier. This was different. Instead of a small pin point attack he had opted for a more powerful all encompassing barrage. A gale force of sorts.
His barrier was becoming brittle.
Sen Lon focused harder at his guard but a flood of exhaustion engulfed his mind.
[member="Einarr Warscream"]
Einarr realized his 'hurricane' was doing what it aimed to do - breaking the man's mental barrier and enter his thoughts. The acolyte focused more and more into tapping into the Force as the hurricane picked up splitting the man's ocean. He was slowly beginning to sense the man's thoughts and feelings - Sen Lon was beginning to feel exhausted is what Einarr understood by tapping into the man's mind, keeping the ocean away with his gales, the Valkyr aimed to make of it more. Find out the man's weaknesses.

Engulfing himself into the Force, he forced himself at the man's mind but suddenly exhaustion broke his concentration and the hurricane halted abruptly bringing back in Sen Lon's ocean once again to cover the man's thoughts as before. The Valkyr was frustrated at that but he was also happy with the progress he had shown, he did not know he had such potential in the 'mental war'.

"Right, you should try to assault my mind now."

[member="Sen Lon"]

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