Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tenloss Calendar Girls Tryouts! (PM for invite)


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Ashe the Reaper"]
[member="Zoey Marix"]
[member="Rave Merrill"]
[member="Tamara Lynn"]
[member="Danger Arceneau"]
[member="Darth Iscariot"]
[member="Kara Teerah"]
@Alexis Breand

Alright, here are the rules.

First off, any picture that is not PG-13 or below will be reported and deleted at the discretion of Staff, no exceptions.

Okay, now that the major rule is gone over, here's the rest of it.

First, each applicant will supply three(3) pictures for review for the Calendar. All must follow the major rule spotted above and all must be of your character. Also, all of them must be placed in Spoiler format. For those that do not know how to do spoilers, it's formatted like such, though without the spaces in between:
[ spoiler ] <insert picture here> [ / spoiler ]

Any picture not submitted in that format will not be accepted until edited appropriately.

Second, this is a non-combat thread. There will be no fighting. Any character fighting in the thread will be disqualified. No exceptions.

Third, because there are fewer than the 12 contestants needed, this is how it will be run. The top contestant with the best photo will take the Cover of the Calendar. Second place takes the Centerfold of the Calendar. All others will have two months randomly allotted of which two of their pictures will be filled.

Okay, new plan from that one. Turns out there are 10 months in star wars, not 12. So, we'll stick with the current plan. Two girls win centerfold and cover, one each. I'll leave the slots open to 12 girls total. One month per girl that is not 1st or 2nd place. Any empty slots will be "filler" slots. Just NPCs that took those months. All other rules are the same.

The end result is a Factory submission with all those involved tagged along with royalties per copy sold (Higher royalties to the first and second place winners, of course).

Alrighty, that's all the rules, though keep an eye on this spot because there may be more rules placed, though you will be tagged again to spot it, just in case.

The stage was set, the holocameras were ready, and Popo was itching to get started. He sat at a small, for a Hutt, desk where multiple files on various girls here to compete today sat under his huge hands. They would each, at their own pace, appear for holos and judging for the various positions on the calendar itself

This was the first ever type of calendar that Tenloss had produced and he was determined to make it the best of its kind. As such he had the best of everything laid out. The best holocams. The best holocamera men. The best lighting and scenery. The best studio. Simply the best.

Now, it was up to the girls to make it even better...
I sat in front of the line. As a Member of the Crusade, I was supposed to be working, but I had some spare time and decided that I might do something fun. Modeling. it was always a girls dream to be a model. and as there was going to be a calling for a woman to be on the cover of the new calenders. I had to take the chance. I wore my robes. it was who I was. in my bag that was on the floor was only one weapon. A beskad that I always carried just in case. and I thought that if they maybe allowed it on the set, I could use it in a few of my holos.

I was called. Moving onto the stage, I let my bag off to the side, deciding that I would leave everything else alone. We were only allowed three pictures. and so I chose a few positions that might get peoples attention.

once done, I walked off the stage and grabbed my things. And as I was sitting down, I noticed that my hands were shaking uncontrollably. Man was I nervous.

((OOC: [member="Popo"] there broke the ice))


Well-Known Member
Sabrina came in after red head woman, she unsure about doing this, but she wanted the money. She wanted a purpose built corvette, to get in out place`s , and this [member="Popo"] a hutt was paying quite well. It be enough to get it started, if nothing else, she also thought it might be a bit fun. Also it might open door`s for her, to spy though later, which might be use full.
So she went to the wardrobe, and picked a few out fit`s to where, in between each shoot her make up was done up.
She then went and sat next to, other girl and asked How much, are they paying again. Her voice came out really nervous, and did not know what quite to say.


Ashe was on a tight schedule of things to address, weapons to forge and planets to siege. Modeling was the last thing in her mind, but part of her missed it. If not for her fiance, she probably wouldn't have even come along... but she did, and that meant a lot. Deciding to play along, the vampiric foxtress put on her best show and false face. Each shot they took was another facade, but another favor alike. Hopefully her soon-to-be-wife would get in well too.
(((Man, two extra pictures were hard to find!!!)))
With that out of the way, the foxtress sought off to her mate.
In Umbris Potestas Est
With a soft smile, Circe stepped in. Several different outfits were there for her, her Epicanthix-appearing body delightfully seductive as sme posed for the camera, looking gorgeous, as she was supposed to.




"I hope that was what you needed." She smiled, giving a soft chuckle before heading back home.

Walking onto the stage, Kara had chosen a few outfits to wear. She stuck a few poses, then went over to sit by the others. "Hopefully I did ok." she said and smiled vaguely.

The curtains slowly began to rise as black vinesilk sheets began to shift along a ... bed? Vibrant red hair went waterfalling across lightly tanned skin as the bed slowly rotated counterclockwise, the silk sheet hugging the voluptuous curves of the titaned maned Dangeruese Arceneau.

"Hello boys..." came her syrupy coo, a wink cast to the holocameras as Danger slowly rose from the bed, one hand holding the sheet to her decollete.

With a throaty chuckle among the hoots and hollers, the full hipped woman rose, lightly stepping off of the bed as she slowly and provocatively ambled her way to center stage.
"You've seem to have caught me in a delicate situation," came her husky drawl, a wide grin over her crimson lips. That's when the sheet went fluttering to her feet --- and baited breaths fell to disappointment as Danger stood wearing a flattering green strapless dress.


"Ah ah..." she said, waving her finger two and fro for a second, giving a wink to the crowd, "A girl's gotta have her secrets."
Modeling. Women had been using their curves to get ahead in the world for centuries, and this was just another means of doing so. Alexis couldn't wait to use her wiles in a new way, one she'd never done before. She sat watching the other girls as they each took their turns in front of the cameras. Most returned with shell-shocked looks on their faces. The nervous twitching of their bodies set off alarm bells in the back of her mind.

Before she had a chance to feel nervous, however, it was her turn. Taking a deep breath, Alexis pasted a seductive smile on her face and sauntered to the stage.




The three poses she chose were simplistic, but the assassin was certain she'd done well. She'd always enjoyed photography. As she walked off the stage and sat down, she met the other contestants' eyes. "Good luck girls," she said with a smile.
Being born on Hapan, attractive than most typical Human standard of beauty. . To some she was candy for the eye of the beholder, knowing this was one thing that why she had chosen the outfit she had, to leave wanting more. Just a little be of tease can go a long way. Not being her just to be on there, it was the money she need things to be bought, armor to be made, weapons to be gotten. All in all she knew she had the body to pull something like this photo shoot off with grace. That what she going to do, stay try to herself doing so. Leaving most of herself natural looking she took the stage.

After which come to the edge of the stage giving a playful wink to the judges, also to the host himself. With what she like to look all sweet and innocent in a ways she was still, or had she something underneath.
Rave Merrill did not believe in half measures. Nor did she believe in blending in with what her older brother would have charitably described as bimbos.


Granted, that principle could find more than a few expressions.


Spencer rubbed the back of her head as she submitted her own looks, mostly just to see what would happen. Not being too open to "bearing it all" Spencer chose some looks that left things to the imagination.



Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
She had no idea why she was even showing up to this crazy train. She was usually the last person that got pegged with the 'Are you a calendar girl?' line, but it seemed boredom and curiosity could get even the least ladylike woman to show up. She walk on after an actually attractive woman hit the stage and fumbled with her few looks.
"Um." she said uncertainly, "ok here's the first one."
"And the second." she said nervously.

"And here's number three." she said looking at the other's who were before her. She was not in her element or league.


With that she walked off stage and pulled a flask out of her BDU's and took a drink...or six.

Kinn Xarjast

Kinn giggled and threw a small courtsy as she stood in front of Popo and his camera crew. Internally she actually fought the urge to throw up a bit in her mouth at the sight of the corpulant Hutt, but fun was fun, and besides, how many other Keshiri were likely to turn up for this?

"Kinn. Kinnwyvern Xarjast," she said by way of introduction. She'd brought with her several changes of clothes, ranging from demure but suggestive to exotic to nearly scandalous. She strutted around, leaning forward as the wind machine blew into her face, scattering her hair. She hung from some trapeze-looking contraption, swinging merrily back and forth, she climbed into a bathtub and raised and lowered her clothing to give the appearance of being naked beneath the bubbles, and she lay across a rather lumpy bed in colorful underthings, pouting and grinning and pretending to be asleep. But it was the "cute" outfit, complete with ankle socks, that seemed to push all the right buttons.


Her final session completed, the little Sith walked backstage, hoping to find a bottle of cold water and a friendly smile to compare notes with.


Well-Known Member
Sabrina, saw [member="Kinn Xarjast"], and decide to ask her fellow sith, Any idea what happen`s next? While sipping her glass, of water.

Kinn Xarjast

Kinn grabbed a water and shook her head. "Nope!" she admitted. "There're a lot of pretty girls here though." She looked around. "And a couple of trashbag fuglie, if you know what I mean." She paused to sip. "Fugly. Farkin' Ugly." She smiled at @sabrina. "I guess the Hutt will go through the pictures and holos and take the ten he likes best. Hopefully he won't eat the losers. Ever done any modelling before?"


Well-Known Member
Yes I do, and no I have not done before. It more never raking, than training in the academies. She then leaned over, and whispered into [member="Kinn Xarjast"] ear. I only doing this for money, I want buy my own ship. She then asked, How come, your doing it?


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Popo watched as each girl stepped forward and had their pictures taken. He also reviewed each girl's records and applications in the meantime while he reviewed the coming contestants.

"Next contestant, please?" he called up to the stage.

However random it may have been Jennifer had apparently decided to show up for some odd reason or another, after all the Hutt needed the last month badly. So there she was. Jumping onto the stage and taking the few pictures needed, trying to capture a few different moods. It wasn't really her habitat, but she could at least try.​

All of the poses made so much sense if you didn't think about them. But if it could be used she was happy with it. It was just for the fun of it after all.​
Edit: Changed last image.​

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