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Temporary Moderators

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Well-Known Member
I see occasionally that certain aspects of the Codex/Factory end up backed up, for example the current backup of the company mods. I suggest a temp system in which a person that has free time may assist. They would not get to make the major changes, but in situations where it is minor changes, such as additions to jobs, they could help.

This to than can be watched, allowing for possible chances of true mod positions in the future.
I thank you for your suggestion, but the staff that we have for the factory and codex are sufficent enough. You remember that the factory and codex staff do have other things to pertain to and mods aren't done every day. Company mods will be getting done, most mods get done once a week for the most part.

Again thank you for your suggestion, but there is no need to be over staffed with more volunteers that at times would not be doing anything but twiddling their thumbs. [member="Valashu Elahad"]


A brief explanation of the staff would be as followed:

Admins are Admins

RPJs are mods and are free to do anything that is within the codex and factory, if you take note there are two that linger in factory along with Cira who was an RPJ and is now an Admin as well.

Factory/Codex Judges are moderators of their prospective locations.

So all in all we have enough staff, just sometimes we have other responsibilities that need to get taken care of so somethings may fall behind, but we pick up on them as soon as possible.

There is seriously no need to have this special group of "mods" that just wander around doing things other than getting in the way.


Well-Known Member
Of course, just offering ideas to assist.

Another thing to think about would be, how many people apply for positions that don't get them, but would still be willing to do the work, with none of the recognition.

Especially when some of the smaller works are things like grammatical errors, adding a location, editing aesthetics. Etcetera.

Anyway, food for thought. Cheers!
[member="Valashu Elahad"]

If you weren't offered the job there is a reason why. There's no reason to have someone just "doing the work with none of the recognition" because there really isn't any recognition. You get no special treatment in the factory for being a judge etc. You still have to do the work and still get judged as a regular member. Everything that you listed is something that the judge themselves do while doing the judgement process, you're just suggesting adding another person to the mix which comes the line "three's a crowd", it becomes a posting mess especially if there are opinions being thrown around.

There's not much food for thought here when the things you offered up are already being covered by the judge themselves. We have things covered, I apologize that company mods are a little slow right now. Its not the end of the world.


Well-Known Member
[member="Spencer Varanin"]

As originally stated though, it isn't always a mod thing, or factory thing. At times situations get backed up by two weeks or more. Again, if it's that adamant that the populace be unable to help itself, then that's fine.

However, having a flashy tag naming you staff gives you immense recognition. Who are the first people generally contacted by newcomers? Any kind of judge.
Valashu Elahad said:
Who are the first people generally contacted by newcomers? Any kind of judge.
That's not entirely true. I've only been directly PM'd once by a new person my entire time being three times a judge (2 in Factory, 1 in Codex).

Secondly nobody really gives anyone recognition, at least in my view. I don't treat any of the other judges differently from any member, or the RPJs or Admins. If I disagree with something I say so, but I try to be objectively helpful to everyone, even if I drop a sassy GIF in a post now and then.

The only areas of the Factory that I ever really see get backed up are the modifications pages, so perhaps that is something that could be reviewed.
What most people don't understand is that modifications take time compared to the straight submissions added into the Codex or Factory. We've made changes to speed up that process by enforcing entire new submissions to be submitted into the factory if modifications are that drastic from the original and this has sped things up considerably.

Those in charge have to review each thread, ensure that the appropriate development has been done, and confirm conditions are met. I typically go over company mods once every two weeks, because it is that in depth in order to ensure everything is in order. Not to mention RL considerations that may affect this.

Then there are the company index lists, tagging everything to make it easier for people to search for items, the unique canon items lists, etc.

A lot of these items are secondary approvers. Although some parts, like the Market index, have been delegated to Factory Judges who have volunteered to take up the extra work.

Do we need temporary mods? Nah. We do just fine with what we have. If we need any more, then we go on a recruiting drive, much like when a new position for a Factory or a Codex judge were posted not long ago at all.
Factory Judge
Valashu Elahad said:
However, having a flashy tag naming you staff gives you immense recognition. Who are the first people generally contacted by newcomers? Any kind of judge.
No. No it doesn't.

Sure, that tag means people will be more inclined to look at what you say, but on the other end, if you say something stupid, or have an outburst, or straight up go bananas on the site, then people will look down on you incredibly fast. Having a Admin/RPJ/Judge tag is a blessing, as well as a curse.

Blessing because you get to help people out. You get to see people grow, and you get to watch as people make their stories come to life. But you have the opposite.

Judges have people argue with them, and have to deal with people who are not so keen on wanting their submission denied, or gutted. RPJ's have to deal with confrontations such as two people getting upset over OOC encounters in an invasion, or people playing petty or god modding. Admins have to do the same, with the added juncture of having to run the site, make events *when they do take place* and then make sure everyone under them job wise, is doing their job correctly and not messing up, or skipping steps.

Otherwise, everyone is on the same playing field. In fact, I have been contacted to help someone with stuff more when I was not a judge, than when I was one. Hell, when I was a judge, I had a total of 3-4 people who asked for my help. In the time that I have returned to the site, I have had almost a dozen people ask me for opinions, or help with something. I don't know why that happens, but it does.

Honestly, I like the idea of having more moderators, but the problem then becomes, "Do we have too many?" or the idea of people thinking that just because they have the special tag, that they can get away with something. In all the truth there is? No.
We, wait I am not a judge anymore. They don't need more people because they are getting what they can get done is a timely fashion.

FYI, if I speak out of line, then let me know.
Judges don't do modification requests and neither do non-designated RPJs. Temporary moderators would not solve anything there.

If you only see one person doing various modification requests then there is a reason for that. While I appreciate the suggestion, adding anyone to judge positions or staff will not change anything.


Well-Known Member
Can this be archived? After being told no, and offering more thought, I was again told no. At that point it is said and done, yet more posts keep coming in. I am not feeling slighted or what not, but I do feel stupid having several people all saying the same thing.
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