
Vain Hollow
Early Morning
A castle atop the world, the planet spewed burnt hate in futile resistance of the cresting. A lone star viper descended from the clutches of the Immortal, the raggedy ship a mere toy in the throes of the land, as ash fell upon barren land. The map, flashing a blue hue within the cockpit, gave indication of the Iron Mountains and the inclination of [member="Darth Vornskr"] to build his empire north of it, upon volcanic plateau and snow. The Sith Lord in the cockpit shook his head at the magnitude of the display, the defenses, and the gothic themes that crawled up the structures like snakes slivering upon bark. It was something to behold, the viewer inclining towards the location as a small blip hidden behind the veil of ash slowly drew near in effort to show true fortitude and size. As he set the viper down, it's claws extending from the body to dig deep into earth and stone, Gabriel dislodged himself from the vessel and kicked open the ramp.
The taste of soot and wind blasted cinder filled his lungs upon egress, the hot and cold nature was something not lost to him. Pulling up the armorweave robe, the crimson eye bore down upon the land and the scorched earth scars that marred it's surface. Beneath his feet, the ache of the world shifted in burps of volcanic tumbling, the belly tremors of an amassed power that constantly threatened to reveal itself. It wasn't enough to just feel it, he need to reach into it, to culminate his plans into something palpable, something preyed upon. As he leaned down, he pressed the palm into ash and scraped it away, snow plowed to reveal the asphalt below, as igneous rock and volcanic embedded debris revealed itself to his keen eye. What an odd place, he thought to himself, as he stood up to evaluate the rust colored sky that broke in clouded chasms that promised of fire and inferno. The world was hot, the images of the jungle left in the wake of his arrival, for something the more closely resembled the dead and dying.
Turning from the vehicle, he lifted the cowl and secured it to his head. His intentions were to speak to the Voice towards plans of strife and disruption. After all, a man had to have his hobbies. And as it were, it seemed, from the rumors alone, that the Voice and the Hand shared coalescing interests. As he approached the door, he radiated his presence in a symbolic gesture, ringing the door bell with the equivalent of gunshots and explosions.
[member="Darth Vornskr"] | [member="C'sami Ssozi"]