Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Taking The Krayt (Sith Assassins)

"Well, I suppose it's good you're both late at the same time. You both can follow me with probably the most dangerous of all the missions. These prototype droids. I'm not sure what they are, or what they do, but they sound big and dangerous. We're gonna destroy em. Keep up, and don't die." And with that, Ferus would speed off to where [member="Iziz Vei"] would be, and more importantly the two droids [member="Taeli Rae"] said were going there. He would not bother to look behind him for [member="Kitty"] and [member="Sitara Qin"] and see if they were following, he expected them to.

(Gonna wait on Iziz before I post more)
Iziz watched as the two hulking droids came to the party, he looked up and saw them in horror through the concave lens of his light bending ability. The fearsome power they seemed to bring to the table was something that he did not think he was about to enjoy, but, they seemed to look to his side, trailing something towards him, that was the second he knew what they were doing, while they were unable to see him with their own thermal image maps, the lingering heat from his trail and him being up against the wall he had not accounted for with the radii of his technique, which was very localized to himself. Luckily though, it meant that the two of them would not be very fantastic at tracking him, they would only have the trail to go boy, and the laws of heat transference were on his side, not to mention that there was still a wave of heated air and debris due to the high powered thermal detonator which had gone off not terribly far away, creating hot steel easily hotter than the core body temperature of the Jawa which would likely askew their aim... But, now was the time for hostility, and now that they had crossed over into thermal imaging, it meant that Iziz no longer had to hide himself from the visual world until they changed their view back to simple photoreceptical sight. Gripping his two light sabers in hand, he ignited the blades and enhanced his speed with the force, something which came far more easily and naturally to the Jawa than bending the air around them. His tail also unraveled, the third lightsaber blade ejecting from its end, giving the Jawa a trinity of deadly weapons at his command.

This was going to be fun...

Iziz had bought down a Terentatek Matriarch with the help of Ferus, a being tougher, larger, faster, and more powerful than either of these prototype contraptions, kicking off the wall against the slick steel floor he slid due to his fully clothed visage, through the legs of the two beasts, taking a hit at one of their legs on the way past only to find that the robots seemed to be plated with something that was resistant to the usual light-saber antics. Something that simply was not cool or called for, so, instead, he needed to think on his feet, he needed to think about the foe he was fighting, hunger would not help him here beyond as a channel for his deeper force potential. How best to bring down a droid that was resistant to your strikes? And the answer came simply to Iziz... The droids would likely turn and continue to fire, though doubting they would not fire on each other, Iziz circled around one of them, their size would no doubt make them cumbersome, it was in the experiences of Iziz that unless the robot be specifically made for speed and maneuverability, they were mostly viable in pitch battles where they were able to face down their opponents like a tank, and these, large, hulking behemoths bore many of those characteristics.

So, darting around, and using the wall as a platform to run, Iziz would jump, flicking down both of the switches on his blades to retract the beams which erected from one end, and activated those facing in the reverse grip style, and using each of them like ice picks, he would latch himself to the back of the machine, two light-sabers each a meter in length penetrating in a single plunge into the soft inner core of the droid and its mechanical systems. While Phrik was a light saber resistant material, it was not retardant, and the armour plating on these droids would be nothing in comparison to a blast door, which, Light sabers with a direct thrust with their full length, were more than happy to bore into after but a few moments. Hanging there for a moment, Iziz would await the actions of the larger droid, expecting a logic engine to attempt to remove him, perhaps the weapons on it were able to pivot, perhaps the monster would explode, but, its own armour plating in that case would be more than enough shielding to the jawa, making that course of action unlikely, the behemoth was well made, any explosion on the inside, unless it was some kind of plasma bomb would likely not even rupture its plating other than at the extremities. The machine could attempt to smash iziz into a wall, or turn so that Iziz would face its other opponent... and those were the two he was hoping for.

It seemed that backup was not here yet...

but he didn't seem to need it.
[member="jardo snow"] let loose his stream of force lightning, causing Alyssa to pause for a moment in her dance of death to admire the power. She mentally noted that she would need to learn that power in the future, as it would likely prove useful in situations such as these. She knew that her hidden blades wouldn't do much against their robotic foes, and without another weapon she was going to be relying on her pistol and her acrobatics.

Jardo moved down the hallway to their left, Alyssa was about to move after him, in order to watch his back, but a slight tremor in the force cause her to rethink. Quickly, she pushed off the ground and used the force to augment her leap, she reached the wall on the right hand side, turned and pushed off again. Allowing the force to guide her, she reached the ceiling at a point where a fire suppression pipe was exposed. She pulled on the pipe and pivoted around, extending her feet into a perfect set of splits, one foot planted on the wall to the right, the other wedged against another portion of the pipe, one hand grasping the downspout with it's chromed sprinkler head and the other one holding her pistol. She had been just in time, as from a doorway that had been occluded by a pile of boxes let forth a pair of Legionaire droids. The legionaires homed in on Jardo's back and prepared to fire.

Letting the force guide her, Alyssa twisted, pushed off with her foot and launched herself at one droid. She fired four consecutive shots into the other one, tracking a line up the back, hitting a single hip servo, a mechanical component in the mid back, the shoulder servo for the blaster arm and the back of the head. Not quite destroyed, it was severely damaged. It seemed to only be able to get intermittent signals from the command center as it would turn towards Jardo, fall to a side from it's damaged hip, then turn back to the doorway and climb back up. The other droid started to turn towards Alyssa as she shot, but before it could turn it's blaster on her, she landed with both feet to the side of it's chest. Her force amplified jump sent the droid back into the wall. The rebound of the kick sent her back a little bit, so she rolled backwards to her feet, then pivoted and rolled forward behind the damaged droid. The second legionaires fire raked the first droid as Alyssa slid behind it. As the first droid died it's electronic death, it's vibro blade extended. Not looking a gift horse in the mouth, Alyssa shot the arm holding the vibro blade until it was severed. She quickly holstered her pistol and leapt upward. The second droid had repositioned and fired at where Alyssa had been. Vibro blade in hand, part of the droids forearm serving as it's handle, Alyssa reached the top of the boxes and over, to roll down the other side. This bought her a few precious second to test the blade, find an appropriate grip, then turn and meet the remaining droid.

The remaining droid rounded the set of boxes with blaster raised, Alyssa spun on pointed toe, her other leg extended behind her as she pivoted. The blaster fire just barely missed her as she thrust the blade up into it's head. The blade parted the head with a loud shearing sound, followed by the discharge of pressure in several motors. The two legionaire droids downed, Alyssa ran to catch up to Jardo, vibro blade in hand. They had a bit more than twenty five minutes to get to the harbor mainframe to secure the plans for the ships. Newly armed with a weapon that would serve her better here than a simple pistol, Alyssa felt better about their chances.

| [member="Darth Ferus"] | [member="Vexxtal"] | [member="sitara qin"] | [member="Jardo Snow"]| [member="Darth Kentarch"]| [member="Kitty"] | [member="Saiah"] | [member="Xander Blackmoore"]| [member="Sorin Vanado"]| [member="Iziz Vei"] |


Purpose: Assassination
"Critique: Your efforts to apply stealth to the situation are embarrassing, even for meatbags such as yourselves." The sound of a sigh came from the droid's vocabulator as he made his way into the building. Unfortunately his phrik plating would not fulfill it's full purpose of protecting against lightsabers today, but it would be enough for now to test his structure against whatever other weapons these hostiles employed, most likely being blasters. Without even checking if the other member of his assigned team, [member="Darth Kentarch"], was following, Vexxtal unholstered his rifle from his back and brought it up to his eyesight, allowing a clear view down the optics of the gun. With a steady weapon stance, the assassin droid moved through the initial corridors. His protocols allowed for a swift search pattern of each off-shooting room, allowing little chance to be ambushed or surprised.
"Observation: Initial zone is clear. The security must be further in the facility."
Processors focused on tactical strategy, Vexxtal advanced to a large door that led slightly further into the building. With his rifle primed, he pressed to open the door and found his we greeted by a series of laser wire traps. Some of them were cleverly disguised to the organic eye, but the DHK's photoreceptors picked them up easily. As his he scanned along the corridor, he saw at the other end were several Legion droids, aiming back at him.

Adjusting the optical scope on his rifle, Vexxtal prepared to fire across the corridor. The sound of blaster fire began to echo, as stray bolts whizzed past him. First he retreated to the corner, keeping himself protected.
"Surrender, or be destroyed!" A robotic voice came from the other end, no doubt from the hostiles.
"Amendment: You will be destroyed." Vexxtal shot back, in both the literal and verbal sense. His shots were precise, ripping through the chests of the droids with ease. The shots were well grouped, leading to a swift dispatch of his targets. Once they were dealt with, he lowered his rifle slightly.
"Commentary: Combat protocols are fully operational, it seems."

Then his attention turned back to the laser wires, tasking his processors to calculate the easiest route through them. Their criss-crossing alignments would make them a hard obstacle to overcome, and it would impede his progress towards the mainframe by a good few minutes. So instead of thinking to go through them, he moved his main photoreceptors to the walls and ceiling, scanning for any lack of density in them. Surely enough, he noticed a small tunnel of some sorts travelling along the right-hand wall, no doubt a ventilation shaft of some sorts. Looking at the wall, he tried to figure out the easiest way to tear it open. It was times like these he could have used a lightsaber...
"Query: Darth Kentarch, can you use your lightsaber to open this wall?"
"Statement: It will provide us safe passage past these laser wires and-." His vocabulator cut itself short as he picked up movement from the end of the corridor again. More Legion droids, around half a dozen, firing upon him. He took cover again, readying his rifle.
"Amendment: Open up the wall now!" Volume increased, as he began returning fire to the enemy. It was somewhat hard this time, as several of them had taken cover, noticing their allies had fallen by not doing so.

[member="Alyssa"] [member="Iziz Vei"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Taeli Rae"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Kitty"] [member="Saiah"] [member="Xander Blackmoore"] [member="Sorin Vanado"]
Perfect song:

Why is it always the guy up front that trips the wire? As soon as he hit that thing the droids poured from the corridors around them, blocking them in. Jardo's crimson blade found his grip, making his way into a Krayt's claw position. Blocking a few of the shots, he growled, staring dead ahead.

The more of these that he and Alyssa killed, the more poured out. They needed to go forward, but if they tried that they may as well of just signed themselves up for a proper killing. Ordering Alysaa forward, Jardo turned, lightsaber in hand. He blocked a few shots, staring into the crowds of the droids. The mission they had was a hard one, and Jardo wasn't messing it up, it was too important.

He couldn't of been sure if Alyssa had gone or not, and to be honest he didn't remember. He ran head first into the droid, slicing through as many as he could. Lightsaber in one hand, hidden blade coming from the other. Droids fell around him, and a few more kept coming.

If he was going to die, he was doing it his way. His way involved getting these droids as far away as he could.

"I have some misgivings about this." Kentarch said to [member="Darth Ferus"]. "And who was the moron who told that witch my name?" The Pale Assassin had taken pride in his obscurity. Unlike most of his peers who ruled as kings and tyrants as public figures. [member="Taeli Raaf"]'s excuses would not sway him, it did not take anyone with a shred of abstract thought to understand what was happening here.

"I want Taeli followed. I want to know where she eats, where she sleeps, who she is bedding, the food she sticks in her mouth and where she gets it from." Darth Kentarch said to his fellow Sith Lord. "One does not simply go on vacation and leave the security on, with a threat to delete everything in thirty minutes. Taeli is going somewhere and we need to know where before she does." He said turning to look at his team

The members of his team rushed off all ready for a fight before Kentarch could say anything. He went after them, reluctantly, avoiding droids and internal defense. There had to be some kind of vent shaft or something for easy access. [member="Vexxtal"] inquired something about a wall. The simple wave of the hand saw the wall tear open under the sheer telekinetic power of the force. "Trigger happy droids need to learn who is in charge."
Inwardly, Alyssa bristled at being ordered around. When this was over, she was going to have to have a conversation with her erstwhile ally about how pecking orders went. It would be a very pleasant conversation, for Alyssa. However, if the other Acolyte wanted to die in a blaze of glory to allow her to move forward with the plan, then so be it.

Little did she know, she was having much the same idea that [member="Darth Kentarch"] was. The spider droids might fit into ventilation shafts, but the legionaires wouldn't Coupled with the fact that the Snow boy seemed to be purposely drawing all of the droids in the facility to himself, Alyssa was fairly certain she wouldn't be seeing many droids in the vents.

Stolen vibro blade swinging left and right, Alyssa leapt up onto the heads of several droids, springing from one to another in a display of force aided acrobatics that could have made Master Yoda proud, if he were prone to pride in Sith Acolytes.

Up ahead in the corridor, a dip in the ceiling showed where a ventilation shaft was. Pulling her blaster with her off hand, she fired a half dozen shots into the near side, weakening a space about as wide and around as she was. Leading with a slash of the vibro blade, Alyssa leapt off of a legionaire droids head and rolled into the ventilation shaft. She instantly began shimmying forward, perpendicular to the way she had been going before. Behind her the shaft erupted in blaster fire, but with the aid of the force she was moving swiftly. She had lost her stolen vibro blade, stuck in the side of the shaft behind her, so she switched her pistol to her main hand and continued to crawl.

After a while, Alyssa came to a vertical shaft. The shaft had bladed fans pushing air further up into the building above her. Focusing a moment, Alyssa shifted her eyes, an ability that her last owner had gifted her with, through the painful process that had given her gills and various other abilities in gene splicing therapy after gene splicing therapy and many many surgeries. The dna used to allow her to shift her eyes was Clawdite. The ability was only in her eyes and ears, allowing her to shift her eyes and ears to see and hear in different frequencies than normal humans. Switching through, Alyssa saw that there were IR beams crisscrossing the shaft.

Alyssa had no doubt that nasty surprises awaited those who broke one of the IR lines. Alyssa slipped into her back pack and removed a set of climbing spurs for her feet and a set that went across the palms of her hands. Once they were secure and the backpack was cinched to her back again, Alyssa leaned out into the shaft and bit the hand spurs into the thin metal of the shaft. Without placing much weight there, she kicked out and planted the spurs on her boots into the opposite wall. She climbed like that until she was about a meter below the first IR beam, she then had enough space below her hands to move upright, and in a quick acrobatic move she was vertical on the one wall. She paused there a moment, planning out her route. The way momentum went, she would have to ensure that she twisted, flipped, pushed off and held on at just the right moments in order to make it through the laser grid. She had seven stories to climb to get to the main frame where the ship designs were held, it was possible that after a few floors she could get out of the shaft and take stairs, but for the time being she was going to have to push her acrobatic body to the limit.

| [member="Darth Ferus"] | [member="Vexxtal"] | [member="sitara qin"] | [member="Jardo Snow"]| [member="Darth Kentarch"]| [member="Kitty"] | [member="Saiah"] | [member="Xander Blackmoore"]| [member="Sorin Vanado"]| [member="Iziz Vei"] |
Death was a... quiet thing. Black, black and painful summed up death quite well. Who's dumb idea had it been to lead an army of droids away from everyone? Oh yeah, his. Now he lay there, dead. Well, at least he assumed he was dead. Yet, death shouldn't hurt, should it? Death shouldn't cause pain, shouldn't death take pain away? Unless he was being burned in hell for his sins. Mentally checking his sins off, he knew why he'd be burned in hell.

He couldn't move, he couldn't feel. That was the worst bit. It was like permanent suffering. All he could hope was that his main plan succeeded, never mind him going out in a blaze of glory. Well, he'd gone out in a blaze anyway. Tripping almost every tripwire in the area, drawing ninety percent of droids towards him. He planned that. Getting stuck in a dead end and having to throw his thermal detonator to destroy the droids, he didn't plan. If anything he actually made this harder due to the fire he caused.

Then it hit him. I mean, literally hit him. He felt something hit him, though how could something hit him, he was dead, right? That wasn't right though, it was almost as if a wall hit him. A wall... that would mean. Jardo forced his eyes closed, and when he opened them he was blinded. When his eyes adjusted, he realized he hadn't been dead at all. Unconscious, out cold, yeah. Not dead, not yet. He was covered in cuts and his face was covered in blood. He'd managed to cave in the wall in front of him and bits of that had hit him.

Explains the pain anyway. Feeling towards his belt, he realized he couldn't feel his lightsaber, then he realized why. He saw half of his blade, the other half had been snapped, trapped under the caved in rock. Great, he was bladeless. Turning his head towards his hidden blade, he swore. The blade had snapped off, leaving just a bracer. Looking forward, Jardo saw his blaster on the floor, crushed. Great, weaponless.

The fire was spreading. Jardo could feel that just from the heat. He thought back quickly to his time on Voss, shaking his head. He was happy to note that his neck wasn't broken. Lucky for Jardo however, it didn't seem the fire had spread too far yet. He wondered if anyone else had heard the explosion, and then he chuckled. Loud and quick, he chuckled. Clambering to his feet his grumbled. His left bracer had been crushed, and so had one of his fingers by the feeling of it.

Now all he had to do was find a way out of here before he was burned alive.

[member="Darth Kentarch"]
[member="Darth Ferus"]
@Whoever else


Purpose: Assassination
As he took down a few of the droids at the other end of the hall, Vexxtal shifted towards the newly-made hole in the wall. His robotic structure folded easily to fit within the tunnel, allowing him to escape the fire of the legion droids and get past the laser wires. Once in the tunnel though, he realized navigation wouldn't be as easy as he first thought. Sure he could scan through the walls for a faint vision of the other side, but they would not lead him to the mainframe. No, he would have to work this out.

He knew it was located in the center of the building, on both axes, and so the elevators would be his first stop. Crawling through the vents, the assassin droid eventually reached an exit that led straight in front of the elevator doors. Dropping out and raising his rifle with caution, he spotted two stationed spider droids that were deployed to prevent anyone reaching where he was now. A quick couple of bursts from his rifle dispatched the sentries, allowing him to return his attention to the elevators.

"Observation: The Elevators have been disabled due to security lockdown." His vocabulator announced. He studied the doors for a moment, processing how to handle this. Within a few seconds he had the answer. Taking one of the dead spider droid's legs, Vexxtal tried to crowbar the doors open. They separated by a few inches, allowing him to thrusting his hands in and finish the rest of the job with his hands. The structure of his body was strong, and he rather impressed himself when the doors were fully open. Keeping them wedged apart, he looked up and down the elevator shaft.

This was going to be a hard climb...

[member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Alyssa"] [member="Darth Kentarch"] [member="Iziz Vei"] [member="Darth Ferus"]
As the Zabrak found himself in the fiery hole none other than [member="Iziz Vei"] created, and upon stepping in he found his apprentice dealing with @Taile Rae 's droids without the need for assistance. The faintest of smiles crept over his features as he watched, but it was quickly replaced with the red mans poker face. If he was able to handle himself, then Ferus could focus on other things.

Speaking of. The sound of yet another explosion filled the air, though this one seemed to be coming from another of the acolytes location. [member="Jardo Snow"] . With a frown now forming on his face the Red Assassin turned to leave, but not before calling out to the Jawa. "Remember your main objective. Take [member="Saiah"] and get those blueprints!" His voice called out over the gunfire, and now he would speed off.

[member="Sitara Qin"] and [member="Kitty"] would just have to keep up.

Quick as a bullet Ferus would find himself where Snow was. He could feel his signature, if faint from the near death explosion he just caused, and a sigh would escape his lips. Right before where the boy was there were several more spider droids waiting to ambush him should he come out. It was a simple tactic for droids, and one that annoyed the Zabrak. He absolutely hated wasting potential after all.

One of the droids, the one in the back, turned in an effort to see what had just come up behind them. It was, sadly, too slow to react, and without warning a golden blade was plunged into it's head. It dropped in an instant, but the remaining turned and opened fire without hesitation. Ferus, standing a top the droid he had just impaled, quickly brought his blade around to quite literally bash away the shots. Shien took over as the predominant form, and each shot quickly found themselves being redirected back at their sender from a blur of gold.

In a matter of moments each were lying dead, riddled with their own shots. The Zabrak on the other hand, let out another sigh as his saber went off. Wasn't much time until more found their way here. And so, bringing out both of his hands, the red man would reach out to the fire itself. Snow, once surrounded by a raging inferno of red and orange, would see the flames turn into a deep purple, and quickly die down. Purple was the mark of the red man's manipulation after all.

His voice would call out shortly after Snow would be safe enough to leave the room, and blue eyes of the Master Assassin would glance him over once. "If you can still complete your mission, I suggest you do now." A clicking sound filled the end of his sentence, and the boy would see the right thigh of the Zabrak pop open. The extra saber, basic red in color with nothing special about it, would fly out towards Snow's location. "And don't loose that. I expect it back once we're finished."
Faced with emerging Legionnaire Droids, Saiah swept her lightsabre up to a vertical position next to her head as she charged. She alternated her course to avoid an initial scourge of blaster-fire before releasing a powerful surge of the Force in the shape of a push. Promptly she begun to carve a way through Legionnaires to the newly Jawa-crafted hole in the wall. In the end, she did not truly have to destroy them, just bypass them. Luckily for her, a part of the legion had been drawn elsewhere by a second explosion. Explosions were usually a good thing for Saiah, she noted.

Entering the hole, she darted down the corridor, her mind probed ahead for cameras, pressure plates, laser wires, and various other traps. She could sense [member="Iziz Vei"] ahead, and others, familiar others, yet they were moving away in a flash. By the time [member="Darth Ferus"] was moving on, Saiah was closing in on the Jawa Assassin and his battle with the hulking droids, slowing down a little as she did. A vicious smirk spreading across her lips once more.

"My, you do know how to pick them, don't you?"
OOC: Sorry, for some reason I haven’t been getting Notifs

The instructions were pretty clear. Both Sitara and the Kitty cat could follow him and destroy some prototype droids. The saber in her hand snapped to life as she moved behind him. Along the way she could hear various beeps, random explosions at the sides, and people speaking. Sitara never did like finding herself amongst everything chaotic, and with the takeover of the lab, a fairly valuable asset, Sitara knew she had to do her best.

Which really surprised her when she got sidetracked.

There was a droid who caught her off guard, one much larger than she was. It aimed at her, almost shooting her dead in the arm. Had she gotten hit, she probably would’ve had to deal with some bad burns for the rest of the week. She gritted her teeth and swung her saber at it, it’s mechanical parts rumbling as it struggled to protect itself.

The droid was fast, probably faster than her. She probably should learn a few mechanical force skills when she had the time to. However, this wasn’t the time to regret things. She swung at the droid, remembering a few things she learned with Tyrannus Collik. She had to stop being so predictable, that was one of them. She moved, careful about getting hit by a stupid droid.

It moved as quickly as she was and she had to take a step back. She took a sigh, her saber resting beside her. She had to catch it with her eyes, and quick. It charged towards her and she brought her hands over it, imagining an extended part of her capturing it. The grip was strong and held it into place. In a second, she squeezed it, causing the droid to snap. She sighed, turning to find that she was separated from her pack.


Sitara groaned before heading towards the direction of the force signatures she recognized. Hopefully this would lead her back to [member="Darth Ferus"] and [member="Kitty"] .
Iziz's vision was betrayed by the hulking behemoth of which his light sabers were penetrating, the long crimson plasmic blades striking into the heart of the beast, as in its throes in a final act of spite, it rotated its body in an attempt to reveal its assailant to its brother, in vain hope that the heavy blaster cannons bestowed upon it would be able to exterminate the rodent blight which had befallen the now downed droid. Power fading as its potent systems drained whatever force the golem had left coursing within the copper tendrils it could claim as veins. Though, its act was not one which Iziz had not planned, taking this chance and the rotation, Iziz looked to the low hanging roof and looked back to his tail as it unraveled swiftly, whipping itself upward as Iziz jumped, his tail with its three pronged grip, dug itself into one of the service pipes which ran across the roof in this section, swinging him up and over on a cold surface the robotic unit would not be able to comprehend, as the steel tail would be little more than a phantoma to its sensory perception. Kicking off the roof at the apex of the Jawa's enigmatic yet dramatic swing, his slender digits coiled around the bes'kar hilt of his saber staff, feeling the force welling within his mind like a whirlpool attempting to expand its diameter outwards, past the confines of the pool it is restricted to and transmute into a cyclone. Feeling the power rush from his mind to the saber, the chaotic darker red beam of his primary weapon exploded into life, the power let out an eerie feel to those around it as Iziz, just like the other droid, plunged his saber deep into the steel of the mechanoid creation, but, this time, the accuracy of the Jawa was greater, and more on point, looking to the droids which he had dismantled, the second of which he rode to the ground, falling inactive instantly, he had plunged his blade not directly into its armour, but through the sensor in which it percieved the world, a chink in its armour exposed for practicality,


Iziz spoke in a contrary voice, as it seemed that he had bested the challenge which had been set to him, not that there weren't other ways these droids could be handled, but, looking at them now, inactive, in a sorry state of dis-use, it was horrible that they had ended up this way, the phrik alone on their bodies was worth a considerable amount of credits, yet alone some of the other technology which was built into them, but, never the less, it was the mission which was most important... Saiah, had just recently entered the sight of Iziz, looking at the female sith, Izi had little to say, standing between the husks of the combatants he had managed to eliminate on his own, though in the mean time, breath seemed to have left his form, taking a couple of small moments to calm himself and still his beating heart. Iziz walked over to the first body of the two junk heaps which had once dared to claim themselves as state of the art weapons, looking up at Saiah as he recovered his two smaller light sabers, he broke eye contact to begin to follow his instincts deeper into the facility. Sith should be charging into this place by now, and by now the defensive forces of the base were split between the multiple fronts that the builder would have likely put into motion, Should Saiah be following Iziz in the direction of where the plans were said to be, they would enter a room filled with lasers erecting from the walls... shaking his head from side to side, many of the lasers were moving on tracks, Standing still and thinking to himself for a moment, Iziz began to speak in the Jawa trade language, understandable to those who traded goods to tatooine often enough...

"So, we're to get past this mess then, whomever uses technology like this and puts it to waste... I'll gladly eat their liver out..."

He spoke with a cheerful smile on his face, though, it was unlikely many of the people here would know exactly what Iziz was saying, many of them speaking basic, but not taking the time to learn the ways of the jawaa on Tatooine, though their trade was profitable enough, little people wanted anything to do ith the light pitched chattering the small race were rather attached to... Looking at the lasers, Iziz began to focus on the telekinetic side of the force, beginning to focus it into shape before him, he had a plan, though, it was one which may very well cause structural damage to the building if gone wrong. Creating power, he would look to the sith beside him, and order that she take the ones on the right, as Iziz created a force push, strong enough, and on an angle good enough to travel down the length of the wall, but angled into the wall itself, crushing the laser lendses under the weight of the blow, but it didn't stop the beams so much as make them illl focused...

"You, I'm tired, take out the other side of them for me will ya?"

He said again in the foreign language, only hoping he was heard.

[member="Darth Ferus"]
To be impressed was a rare ting for Saiah, but she had not expected the power and accuracy with which the Jawa had taken out the second droid. Capable was one thing, this one was dangerously so. Sure, the droids were wasted, but Saiah hardly spared them a thought. Rather, she watched him carefully while following him onwards into the structure. All her other senses were on their surroundings, but she stayed aware of this one, keen to find out just how good he truly was.

As Iziz spoke, Saiah could only catch bits and pieces. She had never been a trader, nor ever had she set foot on Tatooine. Yet she had come across his kind before, and caught a few little things.

Technology... waste.. liver.

She hadn't the foggiest idea of what he meant, but she thought he may be smiling. She understood none of his next words, but the idea was quite clear: Break lenses.

After seeing what he did to the wall, she begun drawing on the Force herself. He did not have to tell because she was already mustering up the power and planning her method. Rather than push she pulled. She gritted her teeth in a snarl and extended her hands with fingers curled like claws, then moved her hands left. The lenses cracked and broke from the centre. It was difficult and strenuous, but it worked and the light was scattered.

[member="Iziz Vei"] | [member="Darth Ferus"]
Pushing his way through the hole in the wall, Jardo found himself in a long corridor. He actually had no idea in the world where it led, but following it seemed like the only option. That or be burned alive, and Jardo knew he'd take the corridor any day. Just to make sure that the fire couldn't touch him, he used the force to move some of the rubble to block the hole.

He needed sunglasses for this moment, though he didn't exactly have any. Smiling, he remembered he also didn't have any weapons, which sort of brought a downer upon him. Backing to the rubble, he pulled a short metal pipe free, swinging it lightly. Well, he had a weapon now anyway.

Now to follow the corridor that didn't end.
Alyssa grasped the lip of the ventilation shaft with her fingertips and the claws on her palms. Seven floors below her were a trail of puncture marks into the sides of the venitlation shaft reaching all the way up here. The going had not been easy, Alyssa had to rely on the force far more than she ever had, reach down deep for depths she didn't know she had as she danced in between beams of infrared light. She bounced from each of the four walls of the vertical shaft. Here and there were areas where she had had to wait a moment while her momentum shifted and the claws bit deeper, other places she bounced off a wall with her knees, using the force to propel her backwards and up to slide around a beam and land upside down. From there she had had to use her arms to push off and execute a couple of tight tucked twists to right herself while not breaking any of the lines.

Now she was above the correct floor, or rather she was hanging on to the lip of the ventilation shaft that was above the correct floor. She was exhausted, and she knew that if she pulled much more on the force she'd risk putting herself in serious trouble. With a wrenching of thin sheet metal walls, she propelled herself up with clawed boots and the remainder of her upper body strength to get into the horizontal shaft. She laid prone afterward, closing her eyes to regain her strength. Slowly, she emoved the claws from her hands and boots and returned them to her backpack. There was no sense in wearing them when she didn't have to climb, they were sharp but would require getting very close in order to do any damage. Instead, she pulled out her blaster pistol and began to silently crawl forward. Her destination was somewhere in this direction on this floor. The room number was seven fifty six, so all she had to do was crawl through the shaft until she got to the door. She doubted there was easy access to a ventilation shaft right into the room, Alyssa wasn't that lucky.

| [member="Darth Ferus"] | [member="Vexxtal"] | [member="sitara qin"] | [member="Jardo Snow"]| [member="Darth Kentarch"]| [member="Kitty"] | [member="Saiah"] | [member="Xander Blackmoore"]| [member="Sorin Vanado"]| [member="Iziz Vei"] |
[member="Alyssa"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Saiah"] [member="Iziz Vei"] [member="Sitara Qin"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Vexxtal"] [member="Darth Kentarch"]

(Apologies, was not getting notifications for some reason)

For Assassins, they weren't really being all that stealthy, Taeli thought as she watched them blow up and cut through walls. Ferus had told them they were keeping the facility after this test right? At this rate, they'd have to rebuild the entire place and that would just be absolutely pointless and a waste of credits.

Still, the first two prototypes had been dispatched by the little Jawa, but she had great recordings for when more units were developed and what needed to be changed already. Activating the acid units in their core, she wasn't in to letting designs that were still in the testing phase lie around to be picked up later. Opening up a comline to Ferus, she said, "So I know you guys are supposed to be stealthy, but I've seen stealthier Kowakian monkey-lizards than some of the acolytes you have running around inside. Honestly, the property damage is already staggering."

Pressing a button, blast doors made of turanium would start sliding into place. Those doors would be tough to cut through, even for a lightsaber or two. Hmm, what else to throw at them.

"All droids begin pulling back to protect server rooms, Arachnids move to ceiling and wall formations, remaining Legionaire droids are to stay on the ground. Provide covering fire arcs for each unit."

Oh, yes, that too.

"Activate turbolift in shaft three, all safeties removed," she mumbled to herself. Her other prototype droids had already taken up positions at the objectives, four of them covering the server room to the Phasmas as that was more important to protect than other schematics. Stealth ship and all that. Monitoring her prototypes, she made a few notes on a nearby datapad about the features she needed to add to avoid how the Jawa took them down. Users of Ataru might have the same idea.

She also decided to activate the security turrets to be tied into the cameras and to fire upon all unauthorized personal, the pressure plates also would activate them. The test needed to be harder apparently.
"Stealth only works when you know the people -aren't- looking for you. We're Assassins, and we're suppose to be using the element of surprise. Which did you expect? Us to go in guns blazing, or hiding in the shadows?" It was a pretty simple answer. Ferus did not care how much of the building was destroyed, and as they weren't a whole army to begin with, they were looking at a rather small destruction rate compared to the rest of the building.

His com would light up however as he spoke to the rest of the group, a frown slowly forming on his face. "Move in hard and fast now. The droids are shifting position, and I expect it to get a lot harder now." Naturally, he couldn't just let this all go down the drain. He had sent [member="Vexxtal"] and [member="Darth Kentarch"] to disable the security, but now this became far more important. He would bolt right for the room, a single hand gripping his saber.

[member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Alyssa"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Saiah"] [member="Iziz Vei"] [member="Sitara Qin"] [member="Kitty"]


Purpose: Assassination
Vexxtal's head jerked out of the shaft, narrowly avoiding the turbolift that hurtled downwards merely a second later.
"Observation: I nearly lost my head to that thing..."
A robotic sigh came from his vocabulator, before he threw himself into the shaft. His robotic hands grasped support beams along the wall, pulling hard to begin his ascent. The climb seemed far, half a dozen floors according to his navigation protocols, however droids did not tire like organic meatbags. Without strain Vexxtal continued up, his computer working out which beam or wire to grab onto to keep his climb ongoing and safe. The end was almost in sight, the elevator door obviously closed. However, this was until he saw two heads sticking out of it. With the door now suddenly open, two Legionnaire droids were looking down at him, yet not shooting. For a moment he wondered why, before hearing the clatter of metal on metal.
Several spider droids flooded into the shaft, making their way down to him.

His photoreceptors widened for a moment, as he tried to calculate a method of dealing with the situation. Blaster fire then rung out in the shaft, well before he could process a plan. Acting on his instinct protocols, Vexxtal leaped up to grab one of the droids. It shook about and fired manically to try and get him off, but with his superior structure he managed to throw the droid into another, dislodging the target and sending them both falling down the shaft. With only one left, he tried his best to dodge, although some of the shots came dangerously close, at one point causing him to loose grip with his right hand. Swinging from his left, he managed to lunge towards the spider droid and strike off some of its legs. The remaining legs tried, but failed, to keep a grip on the wall.

Looking up, Vexxtal saw the two legionnaire droids were no longer watching him, but no doubt they would be waiting. With a few more moments of climbing, he reached the open door.
Hopefully he would get to the mainframe soon...

[member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Taeli Raaf"] [member="Alyssa"] [member="Jardo Snow"] [member="Saiah"] [member="Iziz Vei"] [member="Sitara Qin"]
Iziz, after the walls were down, focused on his presence in the force, and allowed the power of his speed to fill his body, it was time for him to blitz these lesser things which were not immune to the effects of his lightsaber, having had some rest time, his reserves had recovered a tad, though, the use of telekinesis had to some extent drained him, but, working together with a friend, he managed to accomplish what they had set out to do... beginning in a walk, Iziz lowered himself to a quadrupedal stance, a stance which allowed him another two limbs in which to propel himself across the ground and act in a more agile and nimble manner. Picking up his speed with each step he soon found himself sprinting down the hallways, racing the slow moving droids as they hoped to take up their defensive positions. The next hallway they moved into was gettting closer to their objective, several droids were taking up defensive positions, and it seemed that turrets had been activated in this corridor, or at the very least were in the processes of being activated.

Storming head-first towards them before they would be able to be truly ready, Iziz would enter combat, their lack of being positioned at this stage allowed Iziz to close the combat gap without them being able to take a ranged initiative on the Jawa, and once Iziz was to be buried within their ranks, it was going to be more than too late. Jumping to a side and running two steps up the wall to one side, iziz would reach the end of the corridor and with a single long cut, jumping from one side to the other, would intend to take out the two camera-guns which watched over the hallway. The first threat was the enemies' vision, without it, there would be no hope for maintaining the corridor or hoping to order the droids with specific instructions within it.

Jumping down for the middle of the pit mix, Iziz simply became a whirling dervish of force speed in close combat. Intending to simply rip the droids apart with the combined speed of his strikes, his Ataru fighting style and the fullly extended blades of his double ended light-saber, attempting to route the force in a flurry of spinning blows like a top, tracing its way through dominoes.

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