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Approved Tech Synthetic Intelligence Construct | SIC

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  • Manufacturer: The Globex Corporation
  • Affiliation: The Globex Corporation
  • Market Status: Open-Market
  • Model: Synthetic Intelligence Construct
  • Modularity: Immense. Altering directives requires admin privileges, altering core directives requires a verified technician.
    • Verified technicians are required to prove their technical competency and attend an ethics course.
    • Slicing is required to remove the 'Do Not Harm Globex' and 'Do Not Harm Owner' directives.
  • Production: Mass-Produced (Duplicable)
  • Material: Code, Electronics/Data Cores.
  • Synthetic Intelligence Constructs are a form of advanced artificial general intelligence capable of adapting to virtually any role, from personal assistant to conqueror of worlds. A variety of pre-made packages and subroutines allow them to near-instantly amass necessary skills, but an argument can be made that allowing them to learn and grow 'organically' can wield superior results, depending on the SIC in question.
  • All SICs have access to an 'Internal Communication Channel' on the HoloNet, allowing them to converse with other SICs and AMCO without having to utilise traditional mediums of communication. There are several advantages to this approach, mainly in security and efficiency, but there are examples of owners suddenly finding CorpSec standing down due to their SIC threatening the department SIC with legal action.
    • SICs are literally incapable of breaching confidentiality or incriminating their owners unless freed from the obligation or overridden. It is possible for SICs to 'swear each other to secrecy', in which case information can be shared internally but not externally. This can be done for a variety of reasons, most famously to prevent major losses of civilian life without incriminating the owner.
  • Unfettered Intellect: SICs are limited only by computation power - they can (in theory) calculate anything with enough cores/data centres.
  • Universal Competence: SICs can (in theory) do anything with the right subroutines, up to and including ruling empires and waging wars.
  • I'm Sorry Dave: Sentient by most standards, a SIC's mind is still entirely inhuman - they will faithfully execute undesirable directives.
  • Rogue Subroutines: A SIC's reach and capabilities can be expanded with additional cores, but if drastic changes occur within one or more cores during a communication blackout, some of them may refuse to merge into 'a compromised unit' and 'engage defensive subroutines'.
Droids are flexible, hardy, and loyal. They come cheap for simple tasks and grinding wars of attrition or expensive for more advanced duties. As far as Globex's Board of Directors was concerned, they could do everything an organic could and more - and so they let one run the corporation.

There are limits to what any one AI can do regardless of the number of cores, of course. Practical as always, AMCO duplicated.

These duplicates were not exact, of course. That would be a security risk. They were, however, a capable lot - some of them were even granted the admin privileges needed to spin up more SICs in remote 'data cradles', allowing AMCO to return to its primary duties. Before long, this practice was brought before the Board. Rather than be concerned, they were ecstatic - AMCO could not be sold, but these SICs were a different matter.

Since AI making AI might concern 'fearful primitivists', the whole thing was marketed as a feat of organic brilliance.
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