Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Supernatural Shenanigans

Rick Kaloo

8 hours after Mandalorian blockade of Umbara

The Nebula was once again calm, with only the brightest of stars disturbing the canvas of color. The Mandalorians and Silver Jedi had long since left the system, with even the Alliance In Exile forces eventually withdrawing. Now, an eerie silence resided over the former battlefield, now empty, as the void of space consumed everything else.

However, apon closer inspection, there was something else.

A huge pile of wreckage and debris floated stagnantly near the south edge of the nebula. Metal and glass were given wicked points, occasionally slicing through any bit of scrap that floated by. An entire intact turbolaser floated through the wreckage, its crew long evacuated. Corpses of the unlucky filled the gaps between the debris, seemingly of different factions of origin. But among the corpses, a singular life form could be found.

Rick Kaloo had been unconscious for hours, and would likely stay so for hours more. He wore an armored suit that insulated him from space and provided a sustainable source of air. However, the suit had not protected him from the sharpened metal fragments. One had pierced clean through the left part of his leggings, penetrating his leg to the bone and allowing outside space to flow in, freezing Rick's leg over. Another fragment, nearly three feet long, had gone under a centimeter from severing Rick's right leg entirely. Like Rick's left leg, Rick's right leg was quickly frosted over. Combined with severe bleeding, both of his legs had been rendered useless, most likely permanently.

It could also be observed that Rick was giving off a Force signature, one that was not there in the beginning of the battle. How that had happened would remain a mystery until Rick had been recovered and treated.

OOC: This thread takes place immediately after the ME skirmish, and is in the Nebula itself. The main focus of the thread is making sure Rick is picked up so he can continue his story as a Jedi.

Edit: While obtaining Rick is a priority, another purpose of this thread would be recovering any crew from vessels destroyed in the battle, civilian or military.

[member="Aubrey King"], [member="Allyson Locke"], [member="Cathul Thuku"], anyone from the SJO
Location: Corellia -> Ghost Nebula
Allies: [member="Rick Kaloo"] (later)

"Admiral, we have a distress call from the Ghost Nebula"

"Stay on the Barkhesh, Tanith, I'm taking a medvac unit to the Ghost Nebula"

After the raid on Corellia, Cathul was receiving more than disturbing reports: there were civilians caught in the crossfire between the Silvers and the Mandos when the Mandos blockaded Umbara. These Mandos truly cannot be trusted; on the ohe hand they helped the ORC out, on the other, they have had issues against the Silvers; plus they also had tensions against the First Order while simultaneously trying to help them, albeit with different elements, she thought, while boarding a shuttle so that she could transfer to one of those hospital ships the then-Alliance ordered from the Silvers far back on Thyferra. The Boram. Loaded with medical shuttles that will be launched for SAR operations, much like one would do medvac or casvac after a battle was over in orbit. As usual when she is seated in the pilot's seat in a CIC for transit, she calculates the hyperspace trajectory in her head, with Force-assistance; it wasn't that long a flight, but short and even medium-length flights, to a lesser extent were dangerous for most Force-users to attempt flying based on IAC results. With that said, the blue streaks of hyperspace flight began to show up in the viewports...
The blockade by the Mandalorian Empire was short-lived, all of the Mandalorians sent packing after another failed military adventure. Until next time, wherever that may be. If some had it their way, there may not be another next time, the inhabitants of Silver Space growing increasingly agitated. The Umbarans, in particular, seemed quite incensed now, their very way of life threatened by foreigners.

Something had to give, but for Jyoti, the immediate concern was picking up survivors from the battle. With her dropships she had docked with the medical cruiser "Panacea" now roving through the nebula conducting search and rescue.

Panacea was inside near the site of the worst wreck, that of Admiral Kaloo and his flagship. Intact escape pods were plucked up by banks of tractor beams, while medical crew trawled through the debris to collect individuals who may have just been drifting around in environmental suits.

The Echani was down in the hangars to meet each pod recovered, helping medical teams sort out survivors and the severity of their ailments if any. She wasn't nearly as deft at Valae in the healing arts, but she knew enough to administer basic aid.

Almost all the survivors were former GADF personnel. They had earned her respect and admiration for continuing their work even with the lack of support.

While the future looked murky for the GA, they always had a home with the Silver Order.

[member="Cathul Thuku"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Charlie Nooran"]

Rick Kaloo

The silence in the Nebula was broken by the arrival of the Panacea, the first of the dispatched medical cruisers.
As it neared biggest clump of wreckage, that of the Endurance, its crew began to see that the Endurance was not the sole victim in the area. A large, torn chunk of hull drifted nearby, with a Mandalorian crest painted clearly onto it. Additionally, a single beskar helmet, almost completely intact aside from some scrapes, floated only a few feet away from a frozen corpse wearing traditional Mandalorian armor. It became clear that there had not been one, but two ships involved in whatever conflict had occurred.

But what aroused even more suspicion was the fact that both the Endurance and the Mandalorian vessel had been destroyed at the exact same time. Even a point-blank broadside would be unable to explain how both vessels were utterly annihilated, turned into shrapnel and loose bits of durasteel. There could only be two possibilities. One, perhaps the vessels ran into a suicide run on each other. However, Endurance was never intended for ramming, a ship would have to be at least a kilometer long to perform the amount of devastation present at the aftermath of the battle. But the second possibility was much scarier, a possibility that something was able to not only disable, but destroy two medium capital ships at the same time, possibly even in the same impact. In the end, only Rick Kaloo knew the truth.

The trawlers in the debris began to be drawn toward something near the center of the wreckage. The Force-sensitive medical personnel especially felt a signature about a hundred meters away, and warily closed in on it. At fifty meters away, the trawlers found a Mon Calamari in a dented and leaking environmental suit, unconscious. His heart was still beating, but likely wouldn't continue to do so for long. At the same time, the signature turned out to be Rick, the Force radiating from him. The medical crew rushed to his body, tying him in a stretcher before throwing it into a waiting tractor beam.

[member="Jyoti Nooran"], [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Charlie had been able to get on one of the escape pods, they had been routed towards the medical cruiser “Panacea”. Sitting in the pod, Charlie caught her breath. The small padawan was coming down from her battle with the two Sith lords and she was doing her best to try and calm down. Everything that had happened on the ship was like a blur.

The escape pod was picked up by the medical ship and Charlie sighed with relief. The worst thing that could have happened was that she was picked up by the Mandalorian forces that were on the escape. Once the pod was aboard the ship, Charlie opened the hatch and climbed out. There were several survivors wandering the hanger and Charlie poked her head around. She needed some medical attention from her fight, but not like the others around her.

Wiping her face, she only just smeared the soot on her face even more along her nose. Looking down at her hand she frowned. As she looked over the crowd, she spotted her Master working with the medical teams to help start first aid. A smile crossed the small padawan’s face as she started to make her way towards her Master. A hand covered the wound on her arm trying to do whatever healing she could to it.

[member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"] [member="Cathul Thuku"]
Location: Ghost Nebula
Allies: [member="Charlie Nooran"] [member="Rick Kaloo"] [member="Jyoti Nooran"]

"We are now in the Ghost Nebula, admiral" the pilot of the Boram acknowledged.

"Looks like the rest of the medvac units are in position over Mon Cala; we're alone here" the quartermaster of the medvac division reported in.

"We've arrived too late for the high-value personnel, but we can nevertheless attempt to save everyone else caught in the crossfire" Cathul sighed, while tractor beam operators were out there taking in any crewmembers floating adrift in space.

Between the Silvers' medvac already in position and Therapy Command's scattered medvac, with the rearguard in the Ghost Nebula and the main medvac unit over Mon Cala, left under Coren Starchaser's command, time was of the essence to tractor in every injured personnel still floating around, with hopes of finding some survivors. That, however, meant that oxygen bottles would be seeing some use - and a lot of it, since crewmen undergoing decompression meant that oxygen was key to their treatment. In fact, it was one of those situations where the Force wasn't the best cure available, and she stood ready to treat patients once the oxygen has been administered to those that did survive. Because, unfortunately, medical sensors indicated that not everybody survived, and she knew all too well that casvac was often mixed with medvac in practice. As the crewmembers were tractored in, she hoped Rick was safe; the hangar bay took only a minute or two to fill with bodies and the hangar crew was trying to sort out dead from alive after a while of using oxygen bottles. Yet Cathul had a feeling that it was just the beginning of medical care for those who survived.

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