Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sunglasses At Night

She enjoyed the pleasure Asaraa was having as she ate the pastry and smiled. Picking up one of her own to join the girl, Jairdain enjoyed her own. Soon enough the vision of Asaraa returned to normal and she sat back in the chair.

"I suppose that is true. To me everybody is the same through the Force. Only difference I can tell is by reading emotions. As you saw, everything has them. What is different about you?"

Jairdain didn't ask in a mean way or intend any offense, but she couldn't think of any other way to phrase the question.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
A smile tugged the corner of the Togruta's lips as she licked the last of the crumbs from her finger as she nodded at [member="Jairdain"] "Kinda like the ultimate equality isn't it, we're all the same in the force."

For a moment she hesitated before nodding to herself, it wasn't like the woman had done anything that would make her suspect that she would be anything but kind and accepting. The young woman reached out, her hand wrapping around Jairdain's wrists, lightly lifting it towards her head, resting the woman's palm on her Montrals.

"It's not like I'm exactly human," she allowed quietly.
"It is very much so, Asaraa. It is also almost impossible to actually keep emotions hidden from me. Even the ones buried deeply. With many people, I see more anger or irritation at life in general, sadly. Even then, everybody is equal in how I view them."

She sensed some hesitation in her student, but it faded soon. When Asaraa picked up hands and guided them to her montrals, Jairdain had a much greater understanding in what she meant.

If Asaraa allowed it, she would follow the length of the montrals from top to bottom.

"Well, you're perfect in my vision!"

Again, if allowed, Jairdain would attempt to give the girl a friendly hug to show her acceptance of her differences and indicate it did not matter to her.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
For a moment the Padawan seemed to freeze up as she felt Jairdain’s arms slipping around her, it was just so unusual for someone to react like that. Asara’s stiffness lasted for all of a heartbeat before her arms came up, wrapping slowly around the woman’s back as the Togruta hugged her back.

“Thank you,” a soft smile wreathed Asaraa’s face, lighting it up as she grinned at [member="Jairdain"] playfully, her aura shining with a mischievous light. “You’re not so bad yourself, I can see why Yuroic likes you.”

The girl tilted her head to the side in thought, “I guess, if you only see with the force then you’re forced to confront everyone’s true selves. Though…I have to admit, not being able to lie to you might get a little tough…or you know it could be a challenge.” The young woman's eyes sparkled at the thought, already considering how she might approach it.
It lasted just a moment, but Jairdain was slightly concerned she had accidently pushed Asaraa away by giving her the hug. In the end it turned out to be accepted and the thanks of the intention was expressed. Letting go of the girl, she gave her a little smile when she said she could see why Yuroic liked her.

"It is difficult to keep things hidden from me, very true. It's not impossible though. Lies and deception if they are something as natural as say breathing is...then I might get fooled. However, I would be able to tell that person is deceptive by nature through the Force."

Not entirely sure she was speaking in a way Asaraa could clearly understand since she didn't see like Jairdain did, she fell silent.

"You're welcome to try."

Giving her a smile, Jairdain shook her head slightly at the thought of Asaraa trying to lie to her.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
Asaraa let a smile curl up the edges of her lips as she pulled back slightly to grin at Jairdain, playfulness and amusement rolling off her in waves. "Well then, if you put it like that...challenge accepted!"

The young togruta had to forcefully stop herself from laughing as she turned an interested gaze onto [member="Jairdain"], "You know, the ability to actually see people, their thoughts and reactions, that seems like a pretty useful one to me. I mean, if you can see someone, really see them and see who they are, well I think people would love you and hate you wouldn't they. People love their little masks, but would pay anything to see past other peoples." She gave the woman a small grin, "I'm not sure if I want what you have, or I'm happier being deceived. know I can see how useful it would be in your job, when you're dealing with politics and royalty, should give you that little bit of an advantage."
Not wanting to full treat Asaraa like a child, Jairdain chose not physically do such a thing. While still young, she was on the cusp of being an adult and may not appreciate the booping on the nose she wanted to do. It would be interesting to find out if she could fool her. They shared a good laugh about it though, but that faded naturally before Asaraa made a very accurate observation.

"Well, I've learned not to pry into minds for thoughts. Only very strong ones and those that are on the surface can I easily pick up. That's just respect there. The same can't be said about the emotions though. That is my vision. Yes, it's been pointed to me almost exactly in that way. People do like their masks. Being able to see like I do is both a blessing and curse. One thing I try not to do is allow it to keep me from doing my job. Only time I will actually say something is if it is clearly obvious and will end up causing harm. Sometimes those little lies are done for good or what appear to be good reasons at the time."

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
"Those little lies are what get us into a lot of trouble sometimes though," the young Togruta admitted, "We think we're doing the right thing but in the end it can hurt. Even if it's something so simple as telling someone they look good in that dress when they really don't." Amusement sparkling in the Padawan's eyes as she inclined her head at [member="Jairdain"], "by the way, you look amazing in that outfit," she allowed in a dry voice, keeping as close to a monotone as she could.

"I mean, I'm a pretty open book, I try not to hide anything too much," she allowed, "or well just a few things, but you know everyone has to have a few secrets to add to the air of mystery around them. Though my job is mainly to follow Yuroic around and look like I'm not important while learning everyone I can, oh and watching his back to keep him out of trouble so, seeing people's emotions through the force might be the perfect tool to have around."
"I wonder if there's a way for you to use both? You can see the world around you, read the people with your eyes and through the Force read them. Yes, those little lies can add up. One reason why I don't tell any. As for telling a person they look in something when they don' difficult for me. Thank you. I'm sure you look loevely as well."

Jairdain shrugged and almost had a small giggle. It was nice to just have a bit of a fun chat. Serious, but lighthearted. Like a lesser weight had been removed from things and she could just be herself. Not a Jedi or political advisor, but human.

"You have a wonderful master and I'm glad you're around to keep him out of trouble. I have the feeling, you and I will be seeing more of each other in the future."

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
Use them there was an idea, if she could combine the two visions then it would give her an...interesting outlook on life to be sure. The young woman closed her eyes for a moment, letting her mind drift out to touch the force, feeling the world around her through the force, as she opened her eyes again. For a moment the Togruta's blue eyes were unfocused as she tried to hold both the physical and mental visions, almost going crosseyed with the effort before the relaxed back in her chair and shook her head. "Maybe, but.." A rueful smile touched her li[ps as she grinned at the woman, "I think that might take just a little practice."

The Padawan gestured, a glass of water floating up to her hand as she tipped her head to the side, glancing down at the drink before offering it to @Jairdain "You know, I think that you might jsut be right."
The facial expression was lost on Jairdain and she did not see the crossing of Asaraa's eyes as she tried to use both forms of vision. She knew the girl had attempted to see through the Force again though and nodded.

"It is how I've seen for as long as I can remember. I'm pretty sure if I was magically granted actual vision, I would be as confused as you are. Just can't imagine what it would be like to see both ways. A bonus of using the Force though, it's hard to get snuck up on and scared."

Accepting the glass of water, it made Jairdain think of another useful skill Asaraa might not know. Taking a drink, she carefully set the glass down on the table and turned her attention back to the padawan.

"Do you know about Force Barrier? It's a skill that can used in both an offensive and defensive manner. Even giving a person the ability to swim underwater for a longer time than just holding your breath."

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
“So there’s no way someone can sneak up on you…or you know away without you noticing?” It wasn’t like she was actually planning anything, but given the relationship between Jairdain and her master, she was sure that the ability to sneak past them might come in useful a few times in the future. It never hurt to be able to sneak around and avoid what basically amounted to a parent who was able to know everything you did was almost necessary. You had to have some time to yourself after all, and to be fair Yuroic was hard enough to get anything past when he didn’t know everything you did.

“Umm, just what they taught us in the temple, I think a lot of the more…practical applications they decided to leave for a master to teach us when we were assigned to one. They seemed more concerned about making sure we had the basics and the philosophy down. Everything thing else…’you’ll learn it when you’re ready’.” The Padawan gave a rueful grin, reaching over to grab her own glass of water, “not sure they ever thought I was ready…but I guess if you trapped the air around you in a bubble that would let you survive under water for a while…what about in space, that should work too right?”

Answering her honestly, Jairdain shook her head before speaking.

"Difficult, but not impossible."

Listening to Asaraa speak about her temple days, she nodded. She had grown up differently. Learned a bunch of different skills over the course of five years and then a few with the Jedi before she was captured the first time. After her return, she learned a few more skills and was kidnapped for a second time. During that time with the Sith, she had learned some neutral skills and a few darker ones. In the end, she came back to the Silver's though. Yuroic her rock and support that held her with them.

"I would think so. Don't imagine it would really matter. In space you need to worry more about exposure of your other body parts."

Lack of air there would mean no atmosphere and just the freezing cold of space.

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
“You do,” the young woman agreed, “but if you could wrap a large enough barrier around yourself it would protect you from exposure to the vacuum wouldn’t it…although you’d still have to deal with the whole heat loss thing from the cold.” One hand came up to stroke her chin thoughtfully, “you know what, maybe hanging out in space without a space suit isn’t such a good idea now I come to think about it. Remind me never to try that myself.” The Padawan offered [member="Jairdain"] a bright smile as she shifted in her chair, slipping down slightly to let herself get more comfortable.

“It kind of sounds that your sense of the room is kinda like mine,” the Togruta motioned up towards her montrals. “We can sense things around us without the force, kinda like an echolocation. It lacks your other…advantages, but you know it’s good enough for government work, or you know Jedi work.”
Letting out a laugh at the situational thoughts about the barrier and being in space with one, made them both share in the humor a little. It was nice connecting to the girl and not having to worry about anything else for a time.

"If I ever notice you thinking about trying something like that in space, I'll do my best to talk you out of it. Deal?"

Holding out a hand like to shake on the deal, she smiled along with Asaraa.

When she mentioned her montrals could be used as sensory devices, Jairdain was really interested in how they worked.

"So if somebody covered them with something, would they still work that way?"

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
The young Togruta grinned as she clasped the older woman's hand, red skinned fingers wrapping around Jairdain's as she pumped it up and down with a bright grin as a silvery laugh filled the room. "Excellent...though in the interest of full disclosure...well I have let's call it a penchant for jumping in over my head. So I might actually need to take you up on that offer."

The Padawan's eyes twinkled at [member="Jairdain"] as she reached up, touching her hand gently against the blue and white striped horn on her head. "Well, they're hollow and I think they kinda absorb sound vibrations around me, so I can pick them up and sense them. It's just like Echolocation, but it means that if you try to sneak up on me...well it's not really going to be that easy."
It seemed that if either of them wanted to sneak up on the other it would be difficult. Jairdain had an idea she would want to try if given the chance. Not now though, she felt Asaraa would be better off knowing the barrier than the other skills. Maybe they could be taught at another time.

"On the topic of the barrier, what I did when learning how to accomplish the task was focus through the Force and imagined a ball around me. Like this."

After she said that, Jairdain stood up and moved to the other side of the table. Stopping and turning to face the padawan, a bubble would appear around her body. Since she was blind, she didn't know what it actually looked like. ​

"Now watch this."

Wearing a grin, she placed a bubble around the hand of Asaara.

"It can be used on more than just yourself."

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]​
The Togruta blinked staring down at he hand as she brought her other hand over, finger outstretched to poke at the barrier surrounding her hand before glancing over at Jairdain, a small smile tugging up the corner of her lips. "Wait, so you can actually wrap it around other people?" The young woman could see a host of benefits there, even if it was just one person shielding others so they could focus on other things "Is there a range? Any kinda restriction?"

More and more she was finding that the powers of the force were far more flexible, more capable than she had ever thought, all it took was a little...imagination. A mischevious smile lit up her face as she reached over, tapping Jairdain's hand, a weak barrier forming around the limb, "tag."

"Not just people, but things as well."

Taking her lightsaber off her, Jairdain held it up between them with the Force and placed a barrier around it. Accomplishing more than one task with the Force at the same time was getting easier for her. At the level Asaraa was at though, she would be surprised if the girl could do more than one thing at a time. It came with mastering skills and practice.

"As for restrictions or limitations, I would assume a line of sight type thing. Never tested it where I wasn't able to see with the Force something."

Feeling the weak barrier form around one of her hands, Jairdain returned the smile and tagged Asaraa back.

"What time is it? Are you getting hungry?"

[member="Asaraa Vaashe"]
The young woman reached out to tap Jairdain on the knee, wrapping another weak barrier around the woman's knee as she flashed a challenging smile at her.

"You're kidding, right? I'm a growing girl! I'm always long as it's cake or meat. Veg are...well let's just say I'm not the biggest salad fan." She knew that a lot of people thought it was good for you but when it came down to it, she was more than happy with just the meat, and it didn't seem to be giving her any change something that wasn't broken?

" it dinner time already?" Without thinking she lifted her head, glancing out of the window before turning back to to the older woman, letting her eyes drift up towards the lightsaber floating in the air between them. "Ok, now that's just a little impressive."


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