Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Su'cuy everyone! I'm new :)



Just another avatar for Cyttorak
Welcome aboard! Feel free to create a Yuuzhan Vong and join our expansion! We'd love to have you! Unlike the Sith, who would love to have you for dinner. To cook. And serve to others as Plague Chicken.

Ava Solborne

You, new one... Join the Republic. We are still one of the most peaceful factions in the board and by the way... We have tea, biscuits and correct English. :D
Always listen to Equa. Even should proper grammar, tea and biscuits not appeal, there are always skilled Jedi, friendly people and the fact that we don't end up looking like we need to be on a life-support machine...

Ava Solborne

We are so friendly, that you might think, why you didn't join us before. :D Well, actually all, what Teynara said, is true. You can trust as all, even if we might act like complete morons or we seem a bit crazy OOC. :)
Peaceful is boring. The Sith has invasions, assassinations, giant robots, Sith space is the best place to have an adventure. Republic Space is where you send old folks to spend their last few

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