Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Strings of Fire

Her act surprised even herself, but Ra attempted to keep that buried and tried to put her business façade back on. Failing to accomplish the second fully, she was able to keep that surprise internal. It might show in her eyes, but that was all. Not pulling back, she returned his second peck on her forehead with the same type of lifted brow he gave her.

Solan commented she appeared to be more fun than he expected and she wasn't sure if she should be offended or not. Not completing what he was going to say by calling her by her name, he continued on to say she didn't need wings. That they would draw attention away from her eyes. Her eyes that were a natural gold and nothing corrupted had only been mentioned a few times.

He requested her to keep up as much as she had before or offered to carry her off. Sensing he really wanted an answer from him, while he waited, he appeared to go into some thought. Trying to hide something, Ra could see the mask on his face. Mainly because it was something she did herself. It kept her from showing or expressing her emotions. Not missing, but not commenting on it or his action of taking a hold of something within his clothing, she simply inclined her head slightly.

"Lead on. I'll do my best not to fall behind or need you to carry me off."

[member="Solan Charr"]
@Ra'a'mah answered him soon enough, leaving him to head on and head on he did, his feet kicking off the ground and striking hard before launching himself into the air and up to the next building. He would look down at her with an almost taunting smile, eyes stating at her before disappearing past the ledge. He would walk a few steps, letting her catch up before sprinting off again and grinning abit much. The run took his mind off the past and now he could focus on the present without distraction.

He was excited to see just how much this woman still had to show, especially now that she had joined in the game so he picked a rather random route as he moved, his eyes looking for any thing that would be a bit harder to hit as he shot across an opening between two ledges, his eyes focused on the other side. As soon as his feet touched the ground he would be running again, not breaking for an instant and pushing onwards, sparing only a single glance back to make sure she was there.

Once she was on this ledge he would look up and let his feet leave the ground once more, shooting upwards and halting for a moment in the air before landing on a ledge above them, slightly more into the building than the previous had been. Once more he would look down at her, almost mockingly as his eyes focused in on her and he pretended to yawn.

"Hope you aren't getting tired there, perhaps you do need your wings after all?"
If Ra had any idea what fun was, then she would know that is what this was. A game of chase, like children on a playground. However, like a game of chase like that, if she ever caught Solan, she didn't know what she was going to do. Something that had been absent from her life.

HIs first jump was an easy one and Ra jumped up after he gave her the room to do so and watched as he took off again. The grin on his face was something nice to see. Of course the fact this was just a distraction for him was lost on her. For the moment, she put aside her own worries and concerns and lived for the chase.

Her surname meant panther and as much as her name meant, she came across like a panther on the prowl. Solan, for now was her prey. Under the clothes, her body movement became fluid and graceful. Much like the angel he had described earlier. The change on her face would show as she relaxed and got into a totally different to her frame of mind.

The chase, brought to her memories of some of her time on Coruscant. At that time though, she was the one leading the chase and running away from people. The victim of bullies and not knowing how to fight. A trial for life or death almost. This wasn't the same though. If she caught up to him, she wasn't going to beat him up. Again if that happened, Ra did not know what she would do with him.

For now, she kept up with him and waved up at him when he stopped to comment he hoped she wasn't getting tired. Shaking her head, she would attempt to join him and hope she made it. If not, he would be her wings and bring her in.

[member="Solan Charr"]
Solan took a seat at the ledge side, watching her as she prepared for the next jump, wondering if she would make it to the next jump. He had faith in her abilities, knowing she should be able to reach him if she put her back into it so to speak, but hey sometimes people underestimated the power needed. He wondered if she was one such person which made him doubt her for but a brief moment. He debated reaching out his hand and helping the woman up with the force but his hand stayed itself and he watched from where he had sat down.

He stared at the woman again and leaned forward as he sat with his legs over the edge. The woman intrigued him and seeing her succeed would be rather spectacular.

So he watched her as she shot upwards, landing steadily beside him but he didn't stand up, instead he simply sat there looking at her and with a quick motion patted on the ground next to him. "Good job beautiful, now why don't you take a rest. Can't have you getting too tired this early."
It was tricky, but she managed to reach the ledge he was on and land smoothly next to Solan. Giving him a small smile, she lifted a single brow when he patted the edge next to him. Taking him up on the offer, Ra gracefully sat down beside him.

"I don't need the rest though. This is nice though. So much better than being cooped up in that office. I imagine it's getting pretty cold in there by now though."

A touch of hidden humor she rarely showed came through as she spoke.

"This is Winter after all. So what's the purpose of this game?"

That is what it was and she had the feeling she was going to be the loser in this.

[member="Solan Charr"]
He smiled at the woman as she sat there and simply bowed his head to her, answering the question she had posed him.

"Honestly, wanted to see if you had a fire inside you that matched the color of your hair. And without a doubt I would happily say you are far more capable than I had even began to expect. So I thank you for the chance to see someone like you in action." He paused to think on it a bit more.

"Also, consider it a curiosity of mine, I am sadly a strange fellow to say the very least, and you were an intriguing sight for me. Someone who was far more than they let on in the first words spoken and hid who they were. You would fogive me if I was too interested in just how skilled you are. So like I said, consider it a scientific curiosity."

"As for the winner and loser of our little game... I would say that you did admirably in keeping up with me. But you didn't quite win yet."
She had no idea what to expect for an answer, but what Solan said was beyond what Ra could have imagined. He had questioned if her personality matched her hair and evidently she surpassed what he had expected. The running, jumping and chasing was not something she did often, but it was nice to have that practice now and then. Kept her in shape and prepared for the unexpected.

Giving a blink when he said she hadn't won quite yet, she looked at him with a quizzical look before speaking.

"What's the prize?"

That question out of the way, she would address some of the other things he commented on.

"Of course I am far more than what I let people see. It's natural and not going to change any time soon. As for how skilled I am...that all depends on what field you're interested in. You want to know about espionage or information? How about being a merchant? I got those covered and do really well. And then there is what I know about being an assassin..."

There was not a hint of ​threat in her words, but it might be heard that way. It also left so much more open to be explored about what she might know.

"I am as curious as you, but go about things differently."

[member="Solan Charr"]

He looked at her and grinned, speaking quickly.

"Well, if you wish to know what the prize was for winning it would have been a candle lit dinner. But, you seem to have lost so will just have to settle for the sight of your little home here from where we are sitting." He would let her react to that however she so chose, and in the meantime would begin to speak on her other words.

"As for commerce and the darker means of employment and hobbies, I know my fair share about killing for money or other reasons. So I doubt there would be much that even a captivating beauty like yourself could really tell me about those fields or about how best to excel at them. Though I am certain that someone like you has a singular method that comes with the very idea of assassinations that I can't hope to copy. But, that would require you holding a very different temperament than what you have shown me."

He would let those words sink in before he would say anything else.

"As for our difference in how we achieve our curiosities and how we come to understand and learn about them... Well I think you are a very different thing to my other scientific inquiries. After all, you are a unique one when it comes to interest, and I would be more than curious in knowing fully about yourself, but I think that would take a few more field studies."
"Candle lit dinner huh? I didn't know the game was over until just now. As for a home, well my home isn't this place. That is on Vjun and Bast Castle has been my home for several years. What about you? Where do you call home?"

Catching the contagious smile, Ra shared a small one with him. Solan may have been grinning from ear to ear, but she was more subdued and subtle in her showing of emotions or thoughts.

He quickly continued on and said there wasn't much she would be able to tell him that he didn't already know. Shrugging slightly, what she may or may not be able to tell him didn't really matter. His observation about her having different temperament when it came to assassinations granted him a rather flat look and head shake.

"Not at all. I don't get in close to people like that. Instead I have simply gone and done the assassination. Not one time have they seen it coming until it was too late."

Ra heard the words an implying she needed to at least pretend to be intimate with a target and that was not how she worked.

"A few more field studies huh? What do you have in mind?"

There was a clear glitter and small smirk on her face when she spoke. She had decided there was no reason to wear a mask sitting up high on the balcony with nobody else around.

[member="Solan Charr"]

"To tell you the truth, I have no earthly idea what I mean. I don't generally get to conduct these outings very often with someone who... is strange compared to others I have met. Most people either simply scoff and show complete distaste, or spend way too much time enjoying themselves in a way that is boring. You are the only one I have met in my recent years that is the slightest bit odd for me." He shrugged and dusted himself off as he sat there, looking at the city with a smile.

"Thank you for the run and game though, I appreciate it. First time feeling alive and not worrying about things for a long time." He smiled wide and leaned forward before laying on his back soon after. He was content and happy, alive for once and his lungs burned with the new life they had been given.

"Home... There is this little place on Nar Shadda, it belonged to someone I knew once. That would be where my home is and where I had chosen to die. I was happy then, happy to finally end my life on a good note and now I live with new fervor. I don't know what to do with this new life though, and I can promise you it isn't going to be the same as before. I spent my life avenging someone and this time, I think I need to just live my life." He closed his eyes, laying there with his hands behind his head.
He admitted he really had no clue what he meant when he made his comment and went on to explain she had reacted far differently than anybody had recently to him. Solan then called her slightly odd and that almost made her giggle.

Noticing Solan didn't look at her as he spoke, Ra wondered at that slightly. She wasn't naturally empathic, but didn't feel that he was lying to her.

"Why do you think people react in such a way?"

She sat with her knees pulled up with her arms wrapped around them, but her head was turned to look at Solan as they spoke. Giving him half a smile, when he thanked for the game, she shrugged slightly. What had prompted her to do it, she didn't know, but it had been fun.

"I've been to Nar Shadda a time or two in my travels. In my life, I have two. That of the role you see me in here on Winter, the other that of a merchant. Yet neither one is the life I fully want to live. Maybe some day it'll happen, but not yet."

Looking down below them and back at Solan, she let out a sigh.

"You got me to chase you around town...I'm not sure I can find my way down and back to the keep. Suffy meetings aside, I had a fun chase. I'll see you around, I'm sure Mister Solan Charr."

Standing up after a moment longer, she ducked into the building behind them to try and find her way to the ground in one piece and back to work.

[member="Solan Charr"]

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