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Starcraft II 2015


Disney's Princess
Does anybody care anymore? I used to smash it when Wings of Liberty came out. Three PvP matches a day, if I could. Then I skipped the expansion and haven't cared since. Meh.

Anybody looking forward to the third expansion? >.>''


Mercenary, Artist.
Huge fan, though I haven't been good at PvP since Brood War. I can't wait to pick up the new Xpac and tear through the story a half-dozen times before poking my head into matchmaking and getting shut down like the skrub I am. XD
I watch Husky-commentated replays. I don't own the game, though Ayden let me play his copy for a while. It was fun enough, but there's no way I could do PvP. Closest I get to playing RTS games is League...which is also much more fun to play, watch, and in general associate with.

But Starcraft was the first RTS I played, so it holds a special place in my heart. I always come back to see a bit every once in a while.


Disney's Princess
Fabula Caromed said:
is League...which is also much more fun to play, watch, and in general associate with.
Man. I couldn't get into League. I played 40 games and got really good with Sivir on Bot. But it was too hard to tell what 'being good' meant? There was a delicate balance with PUGs. Some show offs, some reserved. Some practicing new moves, and some AFK. I'd push and they'd yell "Stop". I'd out smart the gank, and they'd yell "2 Slow". Or I'd steam roll and get 1000 items, only to hear "Lame KS dude en Base, dude."

I got punished for good performance and got hazed for playing a disliked Champ. It was all over the board. A scatter plot of weird experiences and not enough XP. I have no idea what motivates people to play League. But I learned fast. It sure ain't PUGs. Lol. :D :p
Much like an MMO, it gets better as you play it. Much like a fighting game, a lot of its appeal is totally incomprehensible to new players.

But then, it's also the biggest, most popular e-sport in the world. So there's got to be something to it, right? :p


Disney's Princess
[member="Fabula Caromed"] Well, playing on a team makes so much more sense. 40 games solo was just ridiculous. Ugh. It also was not enough time to learn how to predict when to use Sivir's Shield technique. Mapping every single champs move-set to predict when to pop Shield was never-ending.

In SCII all I had to do was grab a base build, scout twice, and match par at 2:00 and 6:00. Piece of cake. 3 wins a day. :D

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