Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Star Wars: The Old Republic

So, down here in New Zealand it is the school holidays and at the moment I am bored, of course that time being bored could be used on here and I have been using it on here, but I find that this isn't enough to satisfy my young mind. I have decided to get Star Wars: The Old Republic, which has just started installing, at the moment it will only be the F2P version.

So my main question is, what should I expect? Is it as awesome as it looks? And the thing that is at the forefront of my mind, what class should I be?

Please don't include *to* many spoilers but I would seriously like to know what this game is like
[member="Meep"] - Depends on what you're used to. The combat is pretty old school MMO, and in my opinion it can get tedious after too many hours in a row. The story is great, with every character fully voiced and a different story for each class. It feels very Star Wars-y.

As for classes, it depends on whether you like playing a Tank, DPS (Damage Per Second) or Healer. Most lean more towards one or the other, but there are a few hybrid classes. If you'd rather get up close and personal, then Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior is for you. If you'd rather stay back and use the Force to heal and toss people around, then Jedi Councillor/Sith Inquisitor. Then there are ranged classes in the form of Smuggler/Imperial Agent and Republic Trooper/Bounty Hunter. When you reach lvl 10, all classes then branch off into two separate specialisations.

All in all, I'd say just experiment on your own to find what you feel fits your style the best. :)

You have to decide for yourself. I could spend hours talking about the pros and cons of SWTOR, but I'll go ahead and sum it up as quickly as possible:

It's good but it won't be as good as you're expecting, the actual gameplay is nothing special in any way but the story is fantastically brilliant and unlike anything else out there. #1 rule: persevere, like all epic stories act one is the worst, and you go upwards from there.

Best piece of advice I can give: Do all or most of the side quests. If you're getting really bored of those, that doesn't mean you should do the story quests instead, it means you need to take a break. The story assumes that you're doing all the side quests as you go, and if you don't, you will not cut it level wise. Like I said, the story is just amazing and well worth waiting for, but 90% of the game is the grind.

Thaldyr Wrathfang

I'd recommend getting at least preferred status, since F2P is going to handicap you a lot past level 10, at least that's so from my experience.
Go with the Sith always. :)

Also, as many stated before. The game really is mostly a grind, and I would really recommend it that you at least pay once. Story line is epic, but the grind can get boring after a while really fast.

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