Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SSB Mystery item Auction.


"Minimum raise on the clothing and jewelry...."
There. It was easier than keeping track of all the raises being called.


"Minimum raise on the clothing and jewelry...."
Ashe had already lost the bid on the gem.... She would not lose again. She simply had to return home with a gift for her wife. That was assuming she ever got to see her wife again, after what happened. She remained hopeful.


"Thirty four for the clothes and one hundred and ten for the jewelry...."
Numbers made it easier for everyone else... unlike some folks. :p
"1k on each once more."

((OOC: I know lol I usually put numbers be the bidding was going so fast, I had to keep going back to edit to not bid the same amount as the most recent post to reduce confusion. Once bidding slows down a bit I'll start tossing up solid numbers.))


"Thirty six and one twelve, clothing and jewelry...."

(((Yeah, I feel ya, its kinda a double edged sword haha.)))​


"One fifteen on the jewelry."
Ashe decided that perhaps she should let the girl win something. She was so devout to bidding, after all, and Ashe only needed one gift to bring back home.
"50k on the mystery clothing."

"500k extra on the mystery armor."

"50k on the #2 Mystery Ship."

800 years in the future, plus interest, leads to a lot of unused credits.
OOC: ya'll going so fast i'll put in who has the highest bid later when it slows down lol... in the mean time...

Also, add in your TOTAL bid please @[member="Chupa La'Roi"] and @[member="Celeste Leon"]. I won't be doing your math for you, or it's a null bid :p

I need to be able to quickly scan to see who is the highest bid to update the table


"We have more goodies folks"

A wave of her hand added in the new items

  • Mystery Ship # 4 == Starting bid 100k
  • Mystery Armor #2== starting bid 1 mil
  • Mystery item == 100 credits


"One twenty five for the jewelry...."
Why did a full grown Mandolorian male need with jewelry anyways? Perhaps he had a wife and daughter as well....
Aedan Miles looked at the bids placed and then calmly raised his hand. "3.3 Mil for ship #2 and 3 mil for ship #1" @[member="Danger Arceneau"]

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