Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sorta Unique Idea and Question about it.

Talon Jett

Unshackled but still Disgraced.
Thank you Spencer, I will make sure I do that.. I wont take everything she did with it but sorta will use it as an example.
if thats alright with [member="Matsu Xiangu"]?

and sorry for the confusion, wasn't meaning I was gunna commit plagiarism, just meant was gunna see how its done from a more starwarsy point of view. :)
Yes. [member="Evard L'Rik"]

[member="Talon Jett"] there was no accusation. It was a reminder since a lot of people see things and go "I can make this better or hey this is like my idea!" They forget to reference and people get upset.

Like I said not an accusation just a friendly note from the Factory Admin. I've never seen your submissions before so I'm assuming you're new :)

Talon Jett

Unshackled but still Disgraced.
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

I know, and thank you for the reminder. :)

Oh and I am not.. formerly a very hated Sith Knight that is now a Corpse laying in some ditch rotting, ;)

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