Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Some Of My Best Friends Are Pirates

[[ Pirates and Death Watch only, please. If you're one of those two, but not tagged below, you are still free to join. ]]
@[member="Fayde"] | @[member="Gobar Nass"] | @[member="Asari Morin"] | @[member="Xar Barka"] | @[member="Kelsey Shadow"] | @[member="Ironwolf"] | @RC 212 | @[member="Jack Sparrow"]​

Tyrin was prepared for his meeting with the more infamous pirates around. Mentally, at least. If they decided they would rather roast him alive than listen to what he had to say, the Umbaran would be hard pressed to escape. The small transport he had rented for this purpose was docked in the small hanger he waited in, and he stood flanked by a duo of Death Watch commandos. Hopefully his guests would neglect to take a violent course of action towards him. They didn't have much to lose by hearing him out, and they didn't have much to gain from killing him then and there. But if his proposition for them was accepted, and turned out to be successful, then there was absolutely everything for them to gain. He had tried to make his message sound as tempting as possible to them, as he doubted calling them to a deserted mining station deep within the Vergesso Asteroids would work otherwise. The remote location of the asteroid field would ensure no one came to harass them, and the ease of navigating the field would mean his potential allies would have no trouble finding the abandoned mining platform.

He had purposely kept the contents of the deal to be discussed vague, only promising the pirates something they highly desired and then some. This was a matter he wanted to orate in person, not jam through the holonet on a likely garbled transmission. Only then would they know his sincerity, and Tyrin would be able to gauge theirs. This would not be an easy offer to pass up, he hoped. This went far beyond simply Credits and booty.

Tyrin idly fiddled with his gloves, biding his time until someone arrived.


Been in deep space too long...
The Blackened Skull came out of hyperspace... barely. Kring looked at the controls and gave a brief sigh of relief. The engine held up and he didn't fry coming out of hyperspace... that was a good sign. A blinking red light on the right side panel indicated that another system had shut down...the pirate looked out the viewport and saw some sort of gas escaping from somewhere on the left of the ship. He would have gotten up to inspect it, but he was late and the asteroid field was coming up quickly.
His fingers glided over the controls as his destination appeared on the nav computer screen. I just hope I can make it there...please hold together, he begged his ship. As the asteroids flew by in all sorts of directions Kring guided his dilapidated ship towards the landing pad.
Finally making it through he set the ship down as gently as he could... the creds he hoped to make from this job would help to put the ship back the way she was supposed to be... Kring shut the ship down after landing and looked out of the front viewport...three figures. No more. "Hmm, I wonder if I'm the only one to answer this... all the more creds for me I would guess." he said to himself.
He checked his blaster, making sure the charges were full, then opened the hatch and lowering the ramp...

"That doesn't look like any of the pirates you invited." One of the commandos muttered to Tyrin. "Y'know, one of the specific ones."

"Yes. I'm aware." Tyrin dismissed the commando's concern. He would make this work. He had to make this work. "Beggars can't be choosers, you know. It'll be their loss in the end. However, a willing party is a willing party."

The other commando snorted. "Yeah, but look at his ship. We might have to give him a lift out of here."

"Enough of that, both of you. I'll buy him twenty ships and and a Twi'lek if it means he'll help."

That was, of course, an over-exaggeration, but it shut his subordinates up nonetheless. If Tyrin had enough money to build twenty pirate ships, he would have retired. He turned from the commandos quickly, causing a dramatic swish of his cape as he told them to remain put while he talked to the captain. He was not entirely sure what to expect from this new arrival. Whoever they were, so long as they demonstrated a willingness to support his cause, Tyrin intended to give them with whatever they desired. And was within his power. And wasn't, you know, weird.

Tyrin stopped at the base of the ramp as it lowered, waiting for his esteemed guest to make his way down the ramp. When he did, the Umbaran was quick to greet him, extending his hand for a shake.

"Greetings, salutations, and what have you. Am I to assume you are the captain of this vessel, Mr...?"


Been in deep space too long...
"Kring is the name mate." the pirate replied with a quick first he felt like he should turn around and head back the way he had come, but knowing his ship might not make it out he decided against it and shook the hand that was offered, "Quite the place ya got here."
Stealing a glance at the two standing a bit away from them Kring looked again to the one in front of him, "And you are? And may I ask what's with the Death Watch?"

"Kring." Tyrin echoed the name to ensure he heard it correctly. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Tyrin Ardik."

He paused to look around the abandoned station's hanger when Kring came to mention it. The scorched patches on the floors, the mangled wires sticking out of the walls, missing panels, warped steel... Yes, it was quite the place. It definitely fit with the pirate theme. Had Tyrin his own personal station, he would have invited them there. Alas, he didn't, and to call his intended guests somewhere more public would put more risk than he was willing. Abandoned space stations would have to do in the meantime.

"Yes, we certainly make due. As for those two, don't worry. Merely some extra security on my behalf." Tyrin said, clasping his hands behind his back. "One can never be too cautious. The reason they are Death Watch will be expounded upon in due time; when the rest of those invited arrive."

That is, if they arrive. Tyrin thought grimly.


Been in deep space too long...
Kring nodded, "If I can ask, how many more are ya expecting?" A bit of greenish liquid poured out from somewhere near the engine area of his ship... the sound of it echoed as it hit the floor, but the pirate didn't even flinch, he just kept his eyes on the one called Tyrin.

Tyrin deigned to ignore the leakage in the pirate's ship. He would cross that bridge when he got to it. "Six, I would hope. If the stars align in my favor, perhaps more. The message was mostly an open invitation, though I did hope to attract their attention."

It stung Tyrin that they hadn't arrived yet. Perhaps they were busy? Or were they just ignoring him outright? Were their pickings really so good throughout the Galaxy that they could pass up an opportunity to rake in more Credits for doing what they were already doing? It bothered Tyrin that he truly didn't know, but he clung to some small vestige of hope and patience nonetheless.


Been in deep space too long...
Kring nodded, "Then I will wait." He turned and looked at his ship, "If you don't mind I'm going to do some work... she needs it badly."
The Black Pearl glided in smoothly, almost ostentatiously, thanks to Lagan Cloudburner's deft piloting, and landed with grace and ease upon the empty platform.

"As you were men," Jack said to the crew as he donned his tricorne hat. "Dewey, with me."

Jack walked down the lowered ramp to the surface of the landing pas within the asteroid. Those that watched him approach saw that he was flanked by a massive Wookiee wearing a red bandana from which several small metal coins dangled. The Wookiee's hair, like Jack's, was plaited into dreadlocks. Neither man appeared armed, but an observant person might have noticed that one of the Black Pearl's guns was pointing in the direction of the gathering.

"Tyrin Ardik?" Jack asked the masked man. "I assume it's you anyway, since you're the one flanked by the soldierly fellows. Hello," he said, touching his hat brim to the commandos. "Captain Jack Sparrow, if you didn't already know. The tall fellow to my left is my First Mate, Dewkazza. You sent me a curious message, and I am a curious fellow." He paused in his speech to look around. "Have you anything to drink? Snacks, perhaps? This whole thing seems rather... austere."


Been in deep space too long...
Kring scratched his chin with the hook that was attached to his left arm as if in thought... the liquid could have come from the dampeners, or the life support systems, since the couplings for both were in the area the liquid come from.
As he poked a finger into the green stuff on the floor another ship landed next to his own. He heard the ship's ramp open and voices, so he went to go introduce himself. As he came out from under his ship he took in a short breath... the ship that had landed was a beauty! Kring let out a low whistle, "Now that's a ship." He was still grinning when he walked up to the Captain, or what looked to be the Captain talking to Tyrin..."Ello' Nice ship ya got. I'm Kring, pleased ta meet ya."
"Captain, we are nearing our destination!" Miles donned his helmet and locked the seal with a quick hiss. He slung his rifle across his chest, holstered his pistol and locked his vibro sword into its sheath on his back. As Miles guided the vessel through the asteroids, he prepped the landing sequence. Ironwolf was captain of this ship, and Miles awaited further instruction.
Tyrin was ecstatic to see the Black Pearl make its appearance, and so wasted no time in beckoning to his commandos to follow him over to the landed ship. The trio waited with relative patience for the landing ramp to be lowered. A scraggly looking human and an intimidating looking Wookie were all that departed the ship, but he didn't need the force to tell him there were more on board. It was a fairly big ship, after all. That was good. Big crews would bring good things. Great things, in fact.

"You'd be correct in that assumption, Captain; I am Tyrin Ardik." Tyrin said, "a pleasure to make both your acquaintances."

Tyrin smirked behind his mask, pleased about piquing Sparrow's curiosity. It was good to know his efforts hadn't been entirely in vain. He held his hand out for a handshake, and would do the same for Dewkazza, silently praying the Wookie wouldn't yank his arm off.

"In regards to refreshments and snacks, I'm sure there's something I can scrounge off my shuttle. As for austerity, there is only so much comfort to be found on a mining station. We've had some time to tidy up an impromptu meeting chamber, though."

Tyrin paused as Kring introduced himself, using the moment to dispatch one of the commandos over to the small shuttle he'd arrived in to find something to serve their guests. The soldier did it with a grumble, but moved with urgency nonetheless. Clearly, he had some sort of aversion to giving their provisions to pirates just to get on their good side. Tyrin didn't understand it, but as long as it got done he didn't particularly care.

"Ah, yes, before I forget to acquaint everyone, Kring, this is Captain Jack Sparrow and his first mate, Dewkazza."
Jack and Dewey shook Tyrin's proferred hand, and Jack gave a small bow to Kring, touching his hat brim again. "Pleasure to meet you as well, Captain. And thank you, yes, for the compliment on the Pearl. A man's ship is his home, his island, his sovereign nation." He paused to take in Kring's dilapidated ship. "Or, in some cases, just a place to hang one's hat." He offered a small smile, then turned to see Tyrin's men exiting their shuttle. "Oh look, refreshments."


Been in deep space too long...
"She's not much as of yet, just in need of some TLC." Kring replied as he saw the commando return with the refreshments. "Ahh I was wonderin when those would show up."
"Ah yes," replied Jack with a sage nod. "TLC. Time, Labor, and Credits." He looked to Tyrin. "This isn't the worst place I've held a planning session," he said, approaching the snack tray. "Remind me to tell you about the time I shared an escape pod with four other people, fleeing an exploding ship filled with the walking dead, and developed a strategy to kidnap the Governor of the continent we were crashing upon." He picked up a petit four with his thumb and middle finger, pinky extended, and examined it closely before popping it into his mouth. "Canned, but tasty," he said as he chewed.


Et in Arcadia Ego
@[member="Miles Varden"] @[member="Tyrin Ardik"]

"Goood. Dont get her any closer Mister Varden. We will take the shuttle to the station. The Arcadia will maintain perimeter. In case things go one gets out alive...lets go, you are with me."

Miles Varden was new with the crew, but still the lad showed a lot of potential with that rifle of his. And Ironwolf needed a keen eye to watch his back. The shuttle in question was an old Imperial Lambda class, repainted and refitted. Bearing the Star Wolf crest on its wings. The symbol that sent every trader running for mercs this side of the galaxy. And soon the shuttle sailed out from within the capital ship and landed onto the mining station.

"Ya know Mister Varden only a short while back I was on a station not unlike this one. Seems to be turning into quite a habit."

Once inside the two men headed straight for the room of meeting. The Deathwatch commandos standing guard gave it away. Peeking inside Ironwolf grinned before walking in and taking a seat. Customary nods were given to the others present.

"Isnt this a sorry gathering of faces then. Captain Ironwolf, Lord Commander of the Star Wolves, here as requested."


Been in deep space too long...
Kring took a bottle off of the tray, popped the top off with his hook and took a swig... "I haven't had rum for longer than I care to remember...Synthesized or not, this is like nectar to the fates." He took another drink and smiled, "So what are we doing here anyway? All I got from the holonet was that you were looking for our kind of folk... what's the job?"
Jack regarded the newcomers. "Nice title," said Jack with a nod around a mouthful of food, wiping his hand on his shirtfront. "Captain Jack Sparrow of the Black Pearl, and that's good enough for me." He pointed a thumb at Turin. "Him too."


Been in deep space too long...
"I'm Kring, Captain I think... but all I have is a ship and no crew." He shrugged as he sat down in a nearby chair...
Miles ushered Ironwolf into a chair and stood at attention behind him. Miles kept his eye on the wookie and set the shuttle cam up in his helmet. Deathwatch are as dangerous as it gets, and Miles wasn't about to take any chances. This meeting seemed too quickly relaxed for his liking. But, again, Ironwolf was in charge and he'd follw his orders until something happened

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