Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Some Important Business

Among the One Sith, Krayzen was one of its best designers in weapons, his project nicknamed "Iron War" having gained recent momentum, and more funding from the upper One Sith administration. At the moment, the Anzat was working on an important design for members of the One Sith Order that encountered Jedi, and that was why he had ordered his designers to work on an armor, an armor that was nearly completed.

"Notify me commander when [member="Darth Erebos"] appears" he ordered the Admiral of his fleet. Krayzen had never met the Sith Lord, but he was well aware that he was part of the Dark Council. Fortunately for him, per the new Council rules, Krayzen only answered to [member="Isamu Baelor"], the Grand General of the One Sith.

As he sat there, he meditated, waiting for the arrival of the Sith Lord.
Out of the blackness of the void of space the Doppelgangers Lament seemed to suddenly come into existence out of the nothing of space. Sitting on a throne like command chair in the bride sat Darth Erebos. "Hail [member="Krayzen Dratos"], He asked for this meeting and I wish to know why." Erebos said to the communication ensign and waited for the reply from the sith knight.
Before coming Erebos had looked over who he was about to meet with and was pleasantly surprised with the Anzat's reputation as a designer. Krayzen's reputation alone was the reason Erebos decided to come to this meeting.
[member="Darth Erebos"]

"Darth Erebos.", the Anzat stated, nodding at him with respect. He wondered if the fact that he didn't state "My Lord" would be seen as a sign of disrespect. Guess I have to wait and see the Anzati powerhouse thought, his mental barriers protecting him from any mental intrusion.

"I require your instance with something. Would you be able to meet me in Rendilli?" the Anzat asked.
Erebos's mask gave nothing away, as it's primary function was after all. "Rendilli... What do you have planned [member="Krayzen Dratos"]?" He said then, his mask deepening and distorting his voice, while he gestured to the helmsman to begin the jump to Rendilli. The fact Krayzen didn't use my lord hadn't really bothered Erebos, the use of his title as Darth Erebos was enough and most of the people aboard his personal ship had stopped calling him my lord and instead used the militaristic sir.
"I require your assistance with gathering some phrik for one of my designs [member="Darth Erebos"]." the Lieutenant General of the One Sith stated. Being a Lieutenant General offered him a ton of resources to use, but the Anzati had never misused them, making sure that those that worked under him were kept on a keen watch, even if he went overboard on surveillance on numerous occasions.

The Anzati then so Erebos make a gesture, something that he thought meant that he would jump to hyperspace. "Excellent My Lord." the Anzati stated. He then waited for the Sith Lord to arrive.
"Hm all right I will be in orbit of Rendilli shortly, I'll meet you there." Erebos then said and without moving he pressed the button on the ensigns command console and broke the connection. Soon enough the doppelgangers lament came hurtling through hyperspace into orbit above Rendilli. "Deactivate weapons and the cloaking systems. I wish to show [member="Krayzen Dratos"] that we have peaceful intentions." Erebos commanded the bridge of the ship.
"Send him a message of where We should meet up." Erebos then commanded the ensign as he focused his energy into the throne he sat on, particularly the powerful sith crystals that adorned it and allowed him to project his powers through his ship as if it were an extension of himself.
"Sir, a fleet is arriving from hyperspace." an officer hard, the hyperspace signal interceptors sending signals to his ship's computer that a fleet was arriving.

"[member="Darth Erebos"], can we meet at the surface." the Anzati asked. He then ordered someone to prepare a shuttle for him.

"Yes sir." they responded.
"Send the coordinates and I will be there." Was sent back to [member="Krayzen Dratos"] as Erebos stood from the command chair and walked out of the bridge towards the turbolift that would take him to the hangar bay. As he appreached the hangar bay he could see the dropship going through it's final preparations and was only waiting on the coordinets for where to drop Erebos off to meet with Krayzen.
'So once more I'm here on this rock.' Erebos thought as he had a particular distaste for Rendilli, specifically it's people.
The Anzati General had also ordered for the coordinates to be sent toward [member="Darth Erebos"], knowing that one of the Sith Lord's subjects would probably tell him the coordinates.

Krayzen headed to the hangar, and then entered it; after entering it, the Anzat went to his shuttle. The exit hatch opened, and two of his men saluted toward him. After that, the pilot left the ship, and approached Rendilli, not being able to jump to hyperspace due to its gravity well.

His shuttle then landed, as he waited for [member="Darth Erebos"].
The ride over was spent in meditation as he usually spent his free time when there was nothing else to do. As the shuttle rocked while entering the atmosphere Ereobs simply used the force to pin himself against the floor of the shuttle while the guards had to hold tightly onto the bars above their heads. Once it touched down close to were [member="Krayzen Dratos"] was, Erebos left the shuttle and strode to meet with Krayzen. "Lieutenant general Krayzen. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance face to face." He said as he gave a small courteous bow of his head to Krayzen.
"As it is to you [member="Darth Erebos"]." Krayzen stated, nodding in return. He was now an experienced knight, having earned the respect of his peers; Krayzen however expected some eyed him in jealousy due to his power base- something that included a large array of ships that were part of his fleet. He knew the Dark Council Member was highly important in the Sith's structure, but one of his favorite things was the independence it provided the military. [member="Isamu Baelor"] was an effective leader, at least in the Anzat's eyes.

"Shall we proceed My Lord?" Krayzen asked.
Erebos smiled under his mask and it was portrayed in his tone as he gestured to the side of him. "After you [member="Krayzen Dratos"]. Mind telling me about this design you are developing?" He asked as he waited for Krayzen to show him what he needed him for.
Though Erebos's power base wasn't as apparent to others as himself, he had some of his own. Under his former name he mascuraded as the owner and head of Zuguruk Tyúk Industries and he had taken over the throne of Shawken in his final days as a knight. Along with those two he had several skilled infiltration specialists, slicers and other such types that owed him considerable favors or were all too happy to work for him. In the eyes of the One sith however, little was known of him if anything at all besides his title, he had used and enjoyed the anonimity his knighthood had afforded him.
[member="Darth Erebos"]

"I require Phrik for a new armor I am working on My Lord." Krayzen stated. Could he have gotten someone else to receive the phrik for him? Yes. Krayzen however at times liked to do things on a hands on approach, and this was one of them. "At the moment, the armor is currently going through the final faces in the design, but phrik is a critical component of it." Krayzen stated. He then thought about what he would do when the armor could finally be mass produced.
"What will be the purpose of such an advanced armor?" Erebos asked as he began to order a pair of drop ships from his own ship which held some labor droids aboard. He had thought that given what the only thing Rendilli was good for was it's phrik. "I brought along some labor droids which can help you mine the phrik you will require as well as take a very small portion for myself." He then told [member="Krayzen Dratos"] as he crossed his arms over his chest.
[member="Darth Erebos"]

"Excellent Darth Erebos." Krayzen replied. "I plan on us making three trips. In the first trip, we will establish a mine since your droids will go mine phrik. My sources have informed me that people have been stealing some of our phrik, and I have discovered their base, so I intend to go and take them. Thirdly, I also intend to go buy some phrik my Lord."

He then waited for a few momenths to see the Dark Lord's reaction. Krayzen then stopped waiting, and smirked, his armor protecting anyone from seeing his visual expression.

"Any objections?"
"None what so ever, [member="Krayzen Dratos"]." Erebos said when asked if he had any objections to Krayzen's plans for the phrik. He hadn't reacted much to it and instead had been surveying the area a little with his eyes in the force before simply looking towards Krayzen and waiting for him to show him what place he had designated to be mined. "Please, after you."
[member="Darth Erebos"].

"Then let us go then." the Sith replied. Krayzen then got to his speeder, and he went with [member="Darth Erebos"] to the phrik mine. As he passed through his speeder, he sensed his dark side connection in the force had gotten stronger. The Galactic Alliance, and multiple other enemies had attacked the One Sith. From Coruscant, to Lujo, the Sith needed to have the best in everything. That was why his "Iron War" Project was the most funded program in the One Sith; it was because it was delivering on that, and it was creating the best of the best in everything. Soon, Krayzen expected the OS would have the best devices/designs/ships in a few years, or at least fail trying.

"So..." he stated. "How is it being a member of the Dark Council?" he asked. The speeder bike ride had been somewhat longer than he had anticipated; that was why he had asked the question, other than his genuine interest of course.
Erebos had simply sat back in his seat on the speeder on the ride over. With his mind else were at the moment until the question came from [member="Krayzen Dratos"] which turned his head towards him. "It's... frustratingly boring to be honest. The endless meetings and logistic readouts have me throwing out most of the messengers that always seem to come along at the worst of times.. but I guess with the reformations we are making it's to be expected." He said as he placed his hand against his forehead. "To be honest the Iron war project is the only thing I look forward to having the updates of. Though the down times have allowed me to begin the foundation of the reclamation services. That and making sure the collected knowledge of the One sith won't die out when one temples destruction has proven to be a... slight hassle to find a suitably unremarkable world to be overlooked by our enemies as the back up site."
"Thank you for the complement [member="Darth Erebos"]." Krayzen stated. The man hoped to be able to have a powerful ally in the Dark Council for the purposes of the One Sith military. "What do you think of the Sith Inquisition however." he stated, not hiding his distaste for such an organization. Had the One Sith military not done well in Coruscant? One could argue for the side of yes , and no. On one hand, they had been overwhelmed, and the Dark Lord had been killed; on the other hand, [member="Isamu Baelor"], and other One Sith leaders had been protected, the navy had overwhelmed Mephirum's fleet, and Krayzen had been promoted to a position that had created the largest massive program in One Sith history, the "Iron War" Project. As he waited for [member="Darth Erebos"]' response, the Sith Knight wondered how the Dark Councillor felt.
"If we had, had the Inquisition before the civil war it might have been averted in the first place but now... now I fear there might be four possibilities ahead. The first is that the organization works in it's intended work. The second is that we will have inquisitors abusing their power to gain higher standing within the one sith. The third is that they will grow so powerful that they will attempt to overthrow the one sith council and place inquisitors in each seat on the council. The fourth one is that they prove to be utterly incompetent in preventing another civil war. As much as I think it could prove useful to maintain the one sith's stability I rather trust in the military to prove as reliable as it did during the civil war." Erebos then replied to [member="Krayzen Dratos"] as he looked forwards as the speeder ran forwards through the enviroment.
Putting both hands up to his chin he seemed to be deep in thought on what the future would hold. "I simply hope our new empire doesn't fall as the sith empire of old during the sith republic cold war so many eons ago."

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