Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Some Fun

Sifa Tirel

Hey guys!

I've been rather bored lately, and as such I've decided to do something about that. I've started three skirmishes, all of them are entirely open to whomever wants to particpate. Come hop in, help me, hurt me, whatever.

Subjects - Sifa is testing a new pathogen on the people of the Wheel. The drug seems to cause people to collapse onto the floor. Oh no! Take advantage of this by burning stuff, destroying The Wheel, or maybe chatting with Sifa as she observes her test subjects.

Burning Baffor - Sifa is going to go burn down some Baffor Tree's on Ithor, while trying to find an Old Republic base, come help her! Just don't wear or use any Yuuzhan Vong technology without a Bafforka worm.

Dac Attack - Sifa is leading a small strike team of Sith Soldiers onto the world of Dac to recover something she needs. Come help her! Ask her what she needs, why she's doing it, maybe tell her she's dumb. Whatever!

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