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Solution on Scarif [Imperial Remnant T2 Dominion of Scarif and Kowak]

[member="Laguz Vald"][member="Tek Sidereal"][member="Slevin Thawne"][member="Darth Abyss"][member="Jorga the Hutt"][member="Kiran Vess"][member="Loray Tares"]

"Kowak." Natalia would purr out, smoke falling in a thick cloud of spicy white haze at the singular word. The click clack of her red sole high heels brought the Coratanni Cartel Co-head along over to her beloved. They had been planning and biding their time for a while now, ever since the Imperial Remnant had seen fit to set foot on rishi. While they kept their heads low, expecting them to flounder, the exact opposite occurred. So while Coratanni's interest had soured on Zeltros in the wake of their over arching plots, seeing the Imperial Remnant spread was bad for business. Others apparently thought the same.

"The new Empire is making waves." She sighed, bringing red tipped nails up to draw up a wide holographic screen. "Seems the little slaver Queen of Kowak has a bone to pick. She's requesting assistance."

A few more taps to the grid, and the entire sector bloomed in front of her.

"I expect a guerilla war of sorts. No one has a fleet composition on their own to tackle them head on.... but striking strategic areas here and there... now that might be interesting."
[member="Natalia Thawne"] | [member="Slevin Thawne"] | [member="Darth Abyss"] | [member="Tek Sidereal"] | [member="Jorga the Hutt"]

Progress wasn’t as fast as xe would’ve liked, but the ability to adapt to xir surroundings certainly helped speed things along. Laguz slithered, jogged, and climbed through the rampant underbrush. Vines snagged at xir ankles, branches reached for xir darling rifle with greedy twigs.

Right as the assassin was coming up for air in a small clearing— ping.

[member="Kiran Vess"].

Xir mouth split wide, eyes twinkling. Tilting xir head to the side, the sniper spoke, voice low. “So it’s that kind of party, is it?”

Sure enough, the underground call had gone out, reaching thousands of avaricious hearts. Didn’t mean all of them had shown up, though. For some, the Rishi sector was simply too far – for those who already had protected interests in the region, doubling down along their dubious allies had never even been a question.

Laguz fell into the latter category. Due to its nature as a massive trading hub of the galactic underbelly, Nadir’s connections crept far and wide. Spreading out from the shadowport, curling along hyperlanes, infecting everything between the Tingel arm and Wild space.

Xir presence here had nothing to do with Saeva Inc., but if known and competent individuals joined to assist? The shapeshifter certainly wouldn’t complain.

“You got a target yet?”

Laguz did, and it was already beginning to show through the trees. Glimpses of earthy colors between all the shades of green the universe could conceive, and then some. The main encampment of the zygerrians on this continent according to the prelim scans. Ergo, the most likely location of one Queen Siei.

Now to find a proper nesting spot…
Everything had changed a couple of months ago.

Suddenly Vulgrim Blackwell was no longer simply ranching out and ensuring everything sailed smoothly on Ukio. No, suddenly he had been sent to Rishi to sort out business with the Zareca Cartel - one thing turned into another turned into a third and suddenly he was at the head of the fledgling criminal organization. The Maelibus still wasn't sure how it had happened.

Almost like a blink of an eye and suddenly everything fell into places.

But such was the way of his Lord Fa.

From nothing the Thirriken had build up his corporate empire and instead of simply enjoying himself, resting and finding comfort in his success the avian decided it was time to expand in new circles. It all started with the Imperial Remnant, with a rainy forest and the muck clinging to his claws, to the endless whine of the dying and the overhead blaster shots raining.

Months had passed and still Vulgrim wasn't sure how he had gone from rescuing the Rishi plantations to leading the entire gig.

"Where did your name come from, if I may ask?" The Maelibus asked politely to the little mouse sitting next to him. "It is quite elaborate."

Equally he did not know how Tai had gained the allegiance of [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] and his family, but they were slowly becoming invaluable to Zareca. Where the big people could not come, the little ones could creep and find out just what was necessary. Good fighters too... in their own little way. They were currently sitting in a cloaked shuttle heading towards the surface of Kowak.

The destination? Sclavos, the capital of the world.

It was cramped, but they were making it work.

Vulgrim was mostly concerned he would accidentally crush Hirou if the shuttle suddenly had to swing about or something. That wouldn't be pleasant, he was already imagining the conversation with Lord Fa.... and it didn't go well, not even in his head.

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