Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So Uncivilized | The First Order Dominion of Shasfath and Korbin Hex

Shasfath and Korbin seem nothing more than sleepy little planets nestled in the Inner Rim, but underneath the mundane facade there’s a hotbed of criminal activity buzzing between the space lanes. The First Order has been called in to tame these wild elements and bring proper Imperial civilization back where it belongs - to every planet in the galaxy, one at a time.

For a planet with towns named Peace, Joy and Happy, Korbin was anything but carefree, though for those in need of immediate inebriation in the form of the local alcohol named Kyrf, days could be spent in blissful oblivion. Just a stone’s throw away from the completely lawless Pleasant City, expansive plantations growing the kyrf fruit had been taken over by pirates, lead by a spice dealer named [member="Cim Salro"]. Not too much is known about her, except for the fact that she’s somehow managed to take over almost the entire kyrf trade, one of the most lucrative exports on Korbin.

Image of Pleasant City Spaceport

Meanwhile on Shasfath the mysterious reigns supreme. From uninhabited islands to military personnel gone mad, dark secrets linger and it’s the First Order’s remit to uncover the truth of what’s really happening on the ground.
Please note this thread is a Roleplay Roulette, and participants have been randomly pre-selected following objectives. Of course, feel free to jump into any of them at any point or BYOO.
Kyrffin Around
Kyrf is an alcoholic beverage that’s grown on plantations across Korbin, but a pirate gang has commandeered both the trade and the plantations. You will be infiltrating these locations posing as pirates, and your goal is to fit in until the signal is given to attack and seize the plantation.
Therefore you will be doing the following in the vineyards - stomping the kyrf fruit, giving kyrf tastings to wealthy patrons, taking guests on keffi rides in the beautiful foothills, trying to capture the pirates. Don’t stray too far. Once the big pirate boss appears it will be go-time!
[member="Kailari Selanno"] [member="BE-183"] [member="The Major"] [member="Donnal Jethid"]​
[member="Ilya Cardonne"]​
On a routine mission, your transport vessel was sabotaged by a member of the Resistance. Your escape pod has landed on an uninhabited island on Shasfath. Nothing electronic will work you find, and you must figure out how to survive and gain rescue from your colleagues. You can play either survivalist or rescuer in this one.
Participants: [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Ember Farseer"] [member="Kyrel Ren"]
Extreme War Games
Top brass at the FO Army Headquarters are holding war games on the planet of Korbin. Anyone is welcome to sign up, even FOSB or Ren. You arrive ready to participate only to find a half-mad Colonel Larusse has engineered these war games as a PVP scenario pitting man against woman, alien against beast. You are allowed to pick from an endless cache of weapons, and the goal is to incapacitate your opponent. If you kill your opponent, you will be disqualified. If this type of bizarre game is not your style, feel free to call into Headquarters to stop the insane Colonel before he does more harm to himself or the reputation of the First Order. Once they hear about his antics, they will most likely want him detained or killed.
Participants: [member="Ara Zambrano"] @Varas Kyrel
Write your own story and bring your own objective
Post 1, Obj: Kyrffin Around
Status: Blending In
Enemies: Humidity

After that debacle upon Gannaria the elusive woman sometimes referred to as the Major was cemented in a piss-sour mood. The Security Minister was quite displeased with most of the factory being burned down before a strike team could quietly seize the means of spice production. Quick to erase her faults from the record, she insisted that she never set foot upon the planet, and that some sort of petty squabble must have coincidently caused the fire to break out. This was actually true. Whether or not the FOSB struck out or not the result would have been the same. It would be nitpicky and contrite if we factored in the drugs and data files that the Major did in fact steal from the lab before it succumbed. These were details. Personal passion projects.

Little secrets. Nothing more.

Working the border worlds gave the Fallanassi more flexibility, and this latest op was proving to be a nice vacation from the jetsam of internal politics mucking the capital system. So tiring. So involved, and with little result.

Infiltrating the vineyards posing as a potential vendor proved to be little issue. Forged documentation placing her as a rep of the CSA helped curb the astringent attitude fostered to the First Order in these lawless parts of the galaxy. People liked doing business with free market types. Everything was going swimmingly for once and it even came with the added benefit of drinking fresh wine which proved to be a delightful product.

She paused a little when she noted that the guards were dressed in a manner that was extremely similar to her own, complete with the triangular hunter hats that she always thought were unique to Almanian woodsfolk. Their tricorners were much wider and bereft of decorative feathers. Regardless, the Fallanassi could appreciate the bombastic style even if the weather was just a little too humid for her taste. It was too bad more criminal enterprises didn’t adhere to testimonies of form and fashion. Maybe her opinion would improve.
Post 1, Obj: Kyrffin Around
Location: Kryf Plantation
Enemies: [member="The Major"] [member="BE-183"] [member="Donnal Jethid"]
[member="Ilya Cardonne"] [member="Kailari Selanno"]


The limp human body fell on the floor as Cim’s proboscises retracted - a disquieting sound for those unfamiliar - and she cleaned her face with a fresh, steamed towel, reapplying her sanguine-hued lipstick directly after. A pout remained turning into a sneer as she realized the plantation worker she’d just fed off of had been drunk on Kyrf.

How many times do I have to reiterate? The only employees that were allowed to drink on the job were those giving the kyrf tastings to wealthy imperials, Inner Rim shipping magnates and tourists alike. But she’d radio the order down to the Plantation Foreman. The Sultana of Spice’s remained indoors and out of sight most of the time, keeping a low profile due to her healthy paranoia of competition and general concern for law enforcement cracking down on just exactly what had been transpiring upon the plantations. Especially the shipments of spice that somehow made their way into and among the boxes of Kyrf to be exported around the galaxy.

Yet today was a special day. It had been six months since she’d established her small empire on Korbin, and she was going to make a special appearance at the main Kyrf Tasting that afternoon. Sure Cim would lightly sip her fragrant alcoholic beverage, but it would not give her anywhere near the rush that feeding upon the life essence of others did.

“Which dress should I wear, the black one? Or the black one?” Cim held two gowns up to her assistant Modeste, a loyal Lethan Twi’lek who she paid in ryll and glitterstim. The dresses were nearly identical yet one had a deep V descending to the naval. The other was more basic and ordinary with very little frills or drama.

“The plunging gown of course,” said Modeste, taking the towel from her mistress and beginning to help her dress for the day when she’d emerge to celebrate her achievements in successfully seizing every single plantation on the surface of Korbin. “It’s supposed to be a stiflingly humid day."
Objective 2: Survival
[member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Ember Farseer"]


"So we can't get a signal?"

"Nothing, ma'am."

Samka rose a brow and folded her arms as she regarded the pair of Imperial technicians fumbling with a transmitter.

"What is the point of a rescue beacon which breaks upon impact with the surface?" The Ren quizzed.

"It's not supposed to-" a brown haired technician inspecting the beacon's internal wiring began to protest but Samka cut him off.

"And yet it has," Samka sighed. "I am not interested in how it should work but rather if it will work. Will it work, gentlemen?"

There was a pause as both technicians glanced at each other before responded. "I- maybe. We might be able to fix it but I can't say for sure."

"Let's hope so. If we're here for too long, we'll have to only feed the most useful," the girl's head cocked to the side, looking upon the two men with an empty gaze. "So do try and prove your worth, hm?"

With that she turned to regard the rest of island. A few Imperial escape pods dotted among the sand but otherwise the tropical island was untouched by civilisation. A paradise to some but when nobody from the outside galaxy is sure where you are, it's a slow death sentence. The worst kind.

"And I was in such a good mood this morning," she muttered to herself.

Not seeing anything else which immediately required attention, the Ren got down on her knees. If they could not make a beacon, she would be one. Channelling as much Dark energy as she could muster, Samka enveloped herself in the Dark Side of the Force and began to pulse it out as far as she could manage. All they needed was another Ren close enough to the system to pick up on it and investigate. Yet here, so far from the First Order's base of power, it may be a long shot.
Post: 1
Location: Road to kyrf plantation
Objective: Steal a delivery truck and infiltrate
Status: Sneaky
Allies: [member="Kailari Selanno"] - [member="The Major"] - [member="Ilya Cardonne"] - [member="Donnal Jethid"](?)
Enemy: [member="Cim Salro"]

The driver muttered a string of curses as he squinted at a copse of trees lying in the road. "I hate it here." Clambering out, he kicked a repulsorlift. "Alright, gimme a hand movin' those blasted things, it's our hides if this stuff's damaged." Silence. "Don't play games with me. Jamon?" The man's eyes narrowed, his hand travelling to the blaster at his side. He slowly rounded the bulky speeder, finding nothing but shrubland. More curses flew.

He turned to leap back in the repulsor truck before he was violently pulled down. An arm constricted around his neck.

"Vehicle secure." They shut off the holographic matrix, and just like that the road was clear. The squad, plus two black-clad shadowtroopers approached the truck. 183 snapped stuncuffs onto a now incapacitated criminal, neatly set his clothes aside and handed him over to the bureau spooks for interrogation.

Opening the back, supplies and equipment for the plantation were stacked up high. There was enough space in the cabin for maybe five. Bee had stripped down her armour to the bodyglove as per the plan and wore the burrowed uniform over it, but still felt naked going on an op without duraplast.

The hat was snazzy at least. "Huh. Being a pirate is alright with me." With these hats, it was clear they took this business pretty seriously. She turned it around, admiring the shape and deciding she'd take it as a souvenir.

Thank the Force requisitions came through. Bee had another present handy, for when the Sith hit the fan: a mask normally issued to Ren. She tucked it away in a pocket and climbed the step to the driver's seat. Grinning, she tipped her new hat to the team. "All aboard."
Objective 2 Survive
[member="Samka Derith"] [member="Ember Farseer"]


Aboard the Vanquisher class Star Destroyer that was providing escort for Decitus Ren, arriving back from a task the two Ren were assigned. Kyrel watched from the bridge as the transport encountered a major explosion. Severing the transport in two, Kyrel could do nothing but watch with a scowl beneath his mask.. He could have only suspected one of two things. One it was either an engineering malfunction or two, it could be sabotage to which Kyrel was more inclined to believe that the incompetence of First Imperial Engineers. The officer that had been in command of the ship looked to Kyrel with a stern look. "It seems that our scanner's are detecting escape pods jettisoning to the surface below... I have already ordered a team be sent down there." Kyrel nodded replying in return. "Good I shall be joining them soon... " He said and before another word was said walked forth through the hallways of the Destroyer, before reaching a turbolift that would take him to the hanger.

When he had finally reached the hanger. Already a small transport carrying 2 squads of Stormtroopers were being prepped and ready for the planet below. Receiving more information of where the Escape pods were last located. He had waited, before finally entering and gave the troopers a nod of respect as he spoke. "Our top priority is the recovery of Decitus Ren... She is of utmost importance." Whether or not the troopers knew who she was didn't matter. They were given a brief description of her and nothing more. The Transport's engine's roared to life as it zoomed from the hanger into space. Slowly entering the planet below, the transport's shaking as they entered the atmosphere slowly making it towards the source of the Escape pod's signals.
Obj: 2, dont die
[member="Samka Derith"] [member="Kyrel Ren"]

Vek's eyelids shot open to burn his retinas with a bright sun. He groaned as he ran his gloved fingers through the hot sand. He felt a sharp pain and reached up to feel a flow of hot blood from a cut on his forehead. He propped himself up and surveyed his surroundings. He looked to his right to see the charred pieces of metal that had been his tie fighter. "Oh kark." Reality set in as Vek rose to his feet and watched the flames rise from his fighter buried in the sand. His memories began to flood back to him. When he felt the jolt from the explosion on the transport ship he rushed to his fighter ans began to take off, just to be pushed from the hangar by the explosion behind him, forcing a... rough landing.

As Vek stood up he was brought back into the sand by pain, he screamed and looked down to see a shard of metal lodged in his side. He winced and groaned as he rose to his feet and dug his helmet out of the sand. I cant be the only one here, there has to be others. Vek began to trek down the beach, his black boots slipping through the sand. After what seemed like hours, he was about to faint from his loss of blood. As he rounded a corner he looked past the foliage and spotted his salvation. Another group of survivors. He staggered out into there view and held out his gloved hand and cried "Help." He hit the ground and saw only darkness.
Objective 3: Kyrffin Around
Post: 1
Allies: [member="BE-183"] | [member="The Major"] | [member="Kailari Selanno"]
Enemies: [member="Cim Salro"]

She was walking along the shore, parallel to the crashing waves. The sun hung low in the sky, a drop of honey that oozed its orange hues into the sky around it. Her bare feet grazed against the pale sand, sensitive. The greedy current crept up as she marched the length of the beach, towards some distant, abstract goal. It grabbed at her ankles, tickled her calves, switched to throw her balance, but she never fell, just stepped carefully and continued to walk.

Further and further, closer and closer. There were clouds on the horizon, ominous, dark masses of water scudding rapidly towards her on a wind that stung like daggers, or perhaps that was the sand, whipped into a frenzy. The tide was creeping up, slowly, serenely, surely. As she moved aside she realised she was running out of beach. Each step away from the rising tide was a step towards the jagged rocks she now noticed were towering above her like needles. Ahead her goal, whatever it had been, was invisible, hidden in the hanging curtains of fog that draped around the environment. Next came the darkness, an impenetrable abyss that melted away the stark greyness and closed around her like a net, even as the water rose above her chest, now a dark sludge, thick with the noisome scent of rot. No escape. Inevitable. Oblivion.

Now, she was sat in the back of a transport speeder, uncomfortably hot, in a beautiful outfit utterly unsuited to any sort of field work. It was hot, humid, and unpleasant. The only thing around the vehicle was endless scrub. Agitated, Ilya drummed her slender fingers on her leg. Was this real, or another dream? Was there any way to tell? She switched so seamlessly between worlds. Moment to moment it was impossible to tell what was reality and illusion, if there was any difference.

With a sigh, she focused her thoughts, looking up at their cheerful Stormtrooper driver from the passenger seat. She gave a mock bow. "It is a pleasure to meet you, madam. I am Miss Olivia Rosehill: pretty woman, and connoisseur of the finest Kyrf. Who might you be?"
Post 2, Obj: Kyrffin Around
Location: Kryf Plantation, Festivities Area
Enemies: [member="The Major"] [member="BE-183"] [member="Donnal Jethid"]
[member="Ilya Cardonne"] [member="Kailari Selanno"]

With long, brown locks styled and positioned just-so over her shoulders, Modeste applyed a bit of spray tan and some powder. Of course Cim didn’t want to look like she didn’t have a pulse, despite lacking one. The minute the pair stepped out of the Great House where the Sultana had been staying, her hair threatened to kink up due to the soupy, warm mist in the air. Yet it was a Kyrf plantation after all and despite the humidity, the Anzati could appreciate the bohemian, rambling quality of the property. It made her feel like a gypsy about to frolic in wandering, ungroomed ivy, and this thought made her smile. Plus she was full from the human on which she’d fed which helped endorphins to gather, boosting her mood.

“Would you like to take part in the guest activities?” asked Modeste, wrapping a long black ribbon around her lekku as they walked. Cim sniffed the air - was that a slight sea breeze caressing her clavicle?

“Maybe. Is there anything I can do that doesn’t involve actually drinking the swill?”

As they walked out into a large garden area surrounded by an elaborate hedge maze, Modeste handed Cim a pair of electrobinoculars so she could gaze out onto the expansive vineyards and orchards which grew the kyrf fruit itself. Lowering them, she took in the scene of the wine tasting and beyond that a small group of tourists and half-drunk patrons stomping on the kyrf fruit with silly grins on their faces. Even further out near to the woods and foothills were snorting keffis, antsy and waiting for riders.

“Please don’t suggest I stomp the kyrf,” growled Cim.

“At least you wouldn’t have to drink it, Mistress."
Post 2, Obj: Kyrffin Around
Status: Approaching the Tipping Point
Enemies: [member="Cim Salro"]

A pleasant oceanic breeze wafted between the rolling hills o’er each of the yards, verdant, bustling with chippy faces or dashing sentries, bursting with the blessing of a bountiful harvest. It was, in a word, picturesque. For the tinge of salt in the air evoked the nostalgia for a seafaring era- not that she would comprehend what that meant or even tolerate the thought of the open sea. What a wonder. But even in a miracle of sight and taste there was always the threat that the thin veneer would peel off. This was a lawless planet ruled by might. Those statuesque guards were armed after all, and careful observation offered distinct clues.

They were placed to keep people in, not defend from attack without.

Curious. Most curious.

Curious enough that the dandy Major moved over to the host currently posturing and talking to a number of patrons. She awaited a lull in the conversation, blending in with the japes and laughter seamlessly while internally resisting the urge to shove her fist down throat of the nearest aristocrat, then shifted the topic.

“Good Sir, what a product that is on offer! Brava! Well acquired. Such apt acquisition must speak volumes to this organization; and to think this excellence is marred by some scandalous rumors which abound about the proprietor of this… hmm,” The interjection was more of an arrogant, soft huff than actual trepidation, “... enterprise. I certainly couldn’t conduct business or sign for a partnership without first addressing those concerns. Why, certainly none of us could.” And the other vendors nodded, happy that someone had the nerve to move the conversation into these more treacherous waters. “Patience may be virtue, but you’ve all enticed me so by...” She wheeled a white gloved hand in circular motions as though improvising the message, presenting her profile as though pondering the existential meaning behind being inspired so, “... all of this. When will they or an agent be presenting themselves today?” She supped another bit of drink.
Jungles of Korbin
Allies: [member="Varas Kyrel"]
Objective 3: Extreme War Games // Take Down Colonel Larusse
Post: 1

Always playing at war, these boys.

The soft curve of a lip was hidden behind the half-mask Sarathiel Ren wore, sickly amber eyes peering out over the harsh metal, their luminous glow stark contrast to the shadowy jungle in which she waited. The soft crunch of boots against bark echoed through the clearing below as she shifted ever so slightly to catch a glimpse of the young girl slowly approaching below. The cool hilt of a vibroblade rested against one hips, tucked into the supple leather of the belt from which her lightwhip usually hung, it’s weight conspicuously absent.

Eyes narrowed slightly as she waited, still against the rustle of the leaves around her, the ambient noise of the jungles hiding the soft hiss of her breath sneaking through the slats of the vocalizer, her heartbeat calm and controlled even as the anticipation of combat washed over her.

One more step…that’s it...come closer~

Check and mate, love.

The husky purr reached into the girl’s mind, familiar and taunting as the Master sprung, the smallest application of the Force guiding her leap from the lower branches of the thick tree down to the clearing below, her weapon out and poised to strike as her weight pulled the young Knight to the ground. The impact knocked the wind out of the Master, the impact of knees against soft Earth reverberating through her body in a wave of discomfort. Time and practice kept any flashes of pain from showing in her expression, the cool metal edge of her blade pressed ever so slightly against the girl’s right rib-cage, a simple application of pressure the only thing between the woman’s heart and the weapon.

Before the young clone could react, one gloved finger placed against the metal face-plate of her mask urged [member="Varas Kyrel"] to stay quiet, eyes sparkling with mischief and humor, a slight predatory edge.

”Sarathiel Ren to Center Command. One Varas Kyrel neutralized, coordinates 16.73, -0.034 NNW. Requesting confirmation.”

The mechanical tones of her altered voice broke the hushed silence of the copse of trees they rested in, grey-silver hair falling around her face as the disguised Ren pinned the smaller woman to the ground. Confirmation echoed in both of their comm units, one Colonel Larusse traveling to their location personally. The click and sudden void of static in their ears heralded the disconnection, the Master pushing herself away from the Knight carefully, watching her with cool eyes as she also rose.

”Well done, although, I am mildly disappointed you failed to spot me sooner, Varas. Lesson number one, trust your instincts, not your eyes.”

Humor and mild rebuke ran through the words, Sarathiel’s judgmental gaze falling on her potential apprentice. Fair, it might not be, not with the warm pulse of Ba’Olin resting against her breastbone, the amulet successfully making her aura and her appearance. Nevertheless, the Knight needed to learn that sometimes your gut was just as powerful a weapon as the Force itself.
Post 1
Obj: 1, Fit in
Allies: All FOSB and FO personal. [member="The Major"] [member="Cim Salro"]

Tiberius smiled as he walked about the busy vineyard, a glass of wine in his hand. His polished black boots crunched against the dirt as he pressed the glass to his lips and took a sip of the purple liquid. Acting civilized and all came easy to him, he grew up doing it. It was even easier when his mission called for it. He was to meet with the creator of this kyrf empire, @Cim Sarlo , He was posing as a wealthy trader. There to buy and sell the kyrf to his buyers. He would talk with the crime lord and distract her while the other agents took care of the real work. If he was being honest he would rather be taking down the pirates than pretend to be friends with them. But he wasn't the highest ranking agent there and he was happy to follow orders.

He began to grow impatient as he waited to catch sight of the woman, they were supposed to have met already, she was late. A mistake he wouldn't dare mention to the crime lord. He pushed up his glasses and ran his hand through his dark hair, dusting off his coat as well. He approached a beautiful server with a tray of drinks and flashed a smile at her. She instinctively took his glass but he stopped her and smiled "No need for that my dear I'm still working on this one. However you can be of assistance, do you know the whereabouts of Mrs Sarlo?" The girl stammered to answer and looked past Tiberius. He whirled around to see what she was looking at and spotted his target. She was perched on a higher platform with a pair of binoculars, observing the vineyards. Tiberius turned back to the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder "Never mind my darling, i think i know my way."
Ex-Solider | Ex-Spy | Doctor
Objective Three: Survive and Shut-down the War Games.
Location: War Games Site - Jungle.
Allies: [member="Rexus Wenck"] | [member="Kyli DT-6767"]
Equipment: FO-XD Armour, G-12A Blaster Rifle, Blackwing Electro-Sword, Stun Baton.

The stormtrooper charged him, his right shoulder aimed towards Luther's chest. His F-11d blaster rifle lay on the ground from when Luther knocked it out of his hands. Waiting until the last moment, Luther sidestepped past the man, swinging his stun baton into the man's stomach. The trooper groaned and shuddered, collapsing in a heap at Luther's feet. Leaning down, Luther pulled the dog-tags out from under the man's breast-plate. "Staff-Sergeant Wilson; come see me after the war games" Luther said. "Your hand-to-hand skills need work". The man responded with a groan.

The remainder of the team: Rexus, Kyli and Twigg emerged out of the brush. None of them showed any sign of damage, despite having already fought off a horde of bloodthirsty troopers. Poor-organization from Colonel Larusse, and a rumor that there would be promotions, had sent the semi-organized games spiralling into a battle royale. Or at least it had in this part of the war-zone. "This is disgraceful" Luther muttered. He'd joined the First Order for better reasons for this. To bring order and peace to the galaxy, to be a part of something greater. Not to beat superiors and subordinates alike to near death. He turned towards his companions. "This is a mess and is going to result in fatalities eventually" he addressed the group. "With everyone riled up and no word of cancellation, we'll have to make our way to command and sort this out ourselves. Does everyone agre-"

He was interrupted by the ignition of a lightsaber behind him. He turned to find a Disciple of Ren standing over the unconscious trooper. She wore no armour, instead favouring a light-weight dark robe more suited for the climate. She waved her crimson lightsaber left and right absentmindedly, a malicous smile upon her face. Luther activated his scrambler. [[::Don't let her distract us::]] Luther told the others. [[::I'll keep her busy while you get away. Try to find the Colonel and put an end to this farce::]].He drew is electro-sword with his right hand, keeping the stun baton in his left. He held the blade in front of him, waiting for the Ren to strike.
Objective 2: Survive
Allies: [member="Vek Calridge"] [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Ember Farseer"] [member="Samka Derith"]

[SIZE=10pt]Legs swung upon an elevated seat for travel. One of the newer Disciples of Ren listened to the Master speak about what their mission was going to be. They were to recover someone from the surface and apparently, she was rather important. Felix yawned after the small and short briefing. She was wondering what was so important about this Decitus Ren, of course she had heard stories and knew that she was another Masters of Ren. It was silly though, if this woman was so powerful why was she not handling this on her own. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Felix shrugged and decided it wasn’t her place to figure these things out. At least she was going to be able to head down to the surface of the planet and see things for herself. The seats adjusted and she could touch the floor again. Exhaling, she hated this part of everything space. The whole traveling was an annoyance and always caused a large pit in her stomach. Breathing a steady pace in and out, her eyes closed and the flight occurred. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Thank the Supreme Leader that the flight wasn’t long and she didn’t have to worry about landing herself. The shuttles landed and soon she was giving herself a quick stim shot to wake up and get rid of the queasy stomach. [/SIZE]
Objective I - Kyrffin' Around
Location: In a landspeeder just outside the vineyards.

It was a good day to earn some money, but it was a bad day to be a kyrf plantation stealing pirate. Especially if you're on the other end of the barrel of Mackie and Co. Donnel sat in the passenger seat of his partner's landspeeder just outside of the vineyard. Currently, they were keeping an eye out on the target for the First Order until reinforcements arrived. The two managed to find a spot that was rather inconspicuous and wouldn't attract too much, if any, attention. Donnel watched the vineyards for trouble through a pair of binoculars while Mackie kept his gun ready, just in case. "This mercenary work ain't really my style, Mackie."

"You wanna get your life back, right? Gotta get out of your comfort zone sometimes."

"You keep talkin' to me like that and I'll throw you out of your comfort zone."

"Quiet, the First Order will be here soon. You remember the plan?"

"Do I look like I forgot the plan, Mackie? Once they pull up, we run in behind them, get situated and, once the signal is given, we kick these pirates outta here."

"Don't screw this up. we got some big pay coming to us after. Enough to get you started on your path back to your old life."

"Damn right. The Underworld needs it's king back, baby."

"Alright, your majesty, get suitted up. I got the disguises in the back. You first, I'll keep watch."

Donnel jumped from the landspeeder and moved towards the backseat where a pair of disguises were laid out. Donnel grabbed his, a fake beard, a hat, and a poncho to conceal his armor. He secured his gear and returned to his seat in the landspeeder. "Your turn, Mackie."

[member="Cim Salro"] | [member="Ilya Cardonne"] | [member="BE-183"]

Staff Sergeant Kyli DT-6767
Objective: Three (End the War-Game, Subdue the Colonel, Neutralise murderous personnel)
Post: #1

Allies: [member="Luther Ando"], [member="Rexus Wenck"]

Kyli watches a Stormtrooper tackle a Luther through the lens of her scope breathing deeply in a state of calm Zen with railgun held tightly in both hands laying flat against the cool Earth on her stomach armoured silhoutte concealed by a loose camouflaged suit. Kyli chuckles to herself; providing overwatch for the rest of Alpha she'd thus far scored six "kills" against the Stormtroopers who were attempting to seize the position protected by her comrades using her helmet's laser rangefinger to 'tag' the aggressors to alert them that they'd been shot and therefore eliminated as opposed to shooting at them with the advanced application rifle. The Colonel had placed ALPHA on the defensive so as to disadvantage the Super-soldiers somewhat, Kyli privately suspected it was in an attempt to kill the Death Troopers, it was no secret the man had been critical of them and he struck the young Death Trooper as being somewhat unhinged with an unhealthy obsession with live-fire exercises. Kyli's actions; her refusal to maim soldiers she viewed as a type of kin was nothing short of seditious she would not hurt her Brothers-in-Arms even for the orders of some deranged Colonel this was simply unlawful and she wouldn't stand for it. Kyli warmly and silently approves of Luther's restraint with the brave Staff-Sergeant for it took extraordinary courage to engage one of the AFTERLIFE Death Troopers in hand-to-hand knowing the full breadth of their abilities, Kyli could lift men twice her body mass with relative ease and demonstrated this fact on occasion within gymnasium facilities when weightlifting. Watching the situation unfold before her keen eyes

"Luther, you've got one of the Ren behind you!"
Kyli's voice contains outward panic as heart pounds viciously within chest fearing for Luther's life she quickly releases her rifle's safety and adjusts the magnification slightly before dropping the weapon's crosshair on the Earth between the Disciples feet; she suspected the shot wouldn't kill the Disciple but rather maim their legs and cripple them, taking note of the range displayed on Helmet-mounted display "seven-hundred meters, easy shot." Kyli remarks to herself openly and takes a sharp albeit deep breath in forcing the cross-hair up with a pause she releases bringing her weapon's lethal gaze down between the disciple's feet and steadily pulls the trigger back against the receiver the shot's sound releases a deafening crack through the reserve with a volume unmatched one didn't need to see the weapon used to understand that it is incredibly powerful. Kyli would not go to deal with the Colonel no, she would remain and see any would-be murderers suffer for their disregard of her precious friends' and comrades' lives regardless of their own perceived self-importance or standing in the Supreme Leader's gaze Kyli knew one thing for certain; she was more valuable and expensive than any disciple even in the unfortunate event the disciple is killed by the Shot, Kyli takes comfort just prior to the slug leaving her railgun's barrel in the knowledge that she'd at worst be firmly admonished for the action which her helmet footage will attest was necessary to save the lives of First Order assets from a murderous disciple in a training exercise gone beyond mad.
When Ember learned that a mysterious dark side thing existed in the wilds of Shasfath, he quickly embarked on a journey to learn more. The knowledge was scarce to the point that he wasn't sure exactly what he was looking for but the possibility of a dark side item, location or something else existing somewhere triggered his responsibility as an ardent follower of the Jedi code to follow up and potentially 'confiscate' it storing it in a safe place away from the hands of nefarious dark side users or disabling it in some way if his abilities allowed him to.

The Jedi Knight had been in the wilds of Shasfath, a location in the northern hemisphere of the planets of even land and thick forests, for almost a week seeking to find if there actually was anything connected to the dark side as his limited knowledge had informed him. He would've found support in a Judge or two from the Outer Rim Coalition had there not been a piracy crisis on one of the frontier star systems adjacent to the region of Wild Space.

With the rather light backpack on his back and the lightsaber hilt clipped on his belt, Ember sought a glimpse of the dark side of the Force. To no avail until now. Even with his below par capabilities in sensing through the Force, the Jedi felt the hideous touch of the Dark Side radiating from somewhere not far off. He abruptly changed his aimless destination to where the source of this feeling came from.

The malicious contact of the dark side grew stronger with each step he took until he peeked through a thicket to find...a crashed escape pod with a couple of armed First Order troopers and the source of the dark side itself. He frowned at the sight of the woman that emanated the vile ripples through the Force. Ember felt his heart pick up its pace only to calm it a minute later. As a Jedi he had to remain as calm and stable as possible.

This did not answer to anything he expected, nor did he believe this was what he sought to find. Were this person on a similar expedition as his but clearly with the opposite objectives?

Ember remained vigilant of his surroundings and observed the group carefully studying his next course of action.

Suddenly, the ground shook fiercely beneath everyone's feet.

He had almost forgotten - this area of Shasfath was renown for its unnatural, very common and strong earthquakes that rendered any sort of attempts to build a modern civilization here impossible. A steel plate from the hull of the pod shook hard and fell with a smack to the ground close to one of the troopers. A large crevice opened up a hundred feet away from him devouring a chunk of the forest and rising a dust screen in the air that would linger for a minute before it dissipated. This was all clearly seen by everyone around.

While Ember's below par capabilities in sensing ripples through the Force, perhaps the dark sider could feel that the earthquakes had a certain...abnormal feeling to them. Almost as if a thread of the dark side had grasped the land beneath their feet and willed it to shake with fury.

[member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Felix"] | [member="Vek Calridge"]
Objective 2: Survive
Allies: [member="Felix"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Vek Calridge"]
?: [member="Ember Farseer"]

There was a slight twinge so far away. Her Dark presence had stretched across the stars, it was an exhausting effort but a necessary one. The power nor the energy was there for Decitus to send a clear message, it was little more than a tap to Kyrel Ren and the young disciple with him, informing them roughly of her location. Then she was spent. To give one's self to the Dark Side and project so strongly to be felt across an entire Star System, it was exhausting.

Returning to the here and now, Samka began to pant as her senses returned to this wretched island on Shasfath. There was... panic... dust? Getting to her feet, the girl swayed slightly, still giddy and disorientated. There was a gap in the forest, one which the Ren was certain hadn't been there before.

Groaning from her fatigue she held her head in her hand.

These complications were not agreeable.

"S-stay alert," she ordered a Stromtrooper nearby, Samka's usually refined words slightly slurred and weary. "I don't want anyone causing more trouble." The last thing she needed were curious Troopers walking in and being caught by pitfalls. "Our priority is survival, not exploration."

"Found another one, Mad'am," Another trooper said, carrying a man in a pilot's uniform ([member="Vek Calridge"]) over his shoulder towards her. "He passed out near the edge of camp."

"Is he conscious?" She asked, noticing a rather nasty chunk of metal in the man's side. There was a shake of the Stormtrooper's head. "Ask around for the medic," Samka sighed, her mind was gradually clearing from her efforts but it would require a good rest before a full recovery. "I'll watch over him for the time being."

The Stormtrooper scurried off, leaving Samka standing over the pilot's body, scanning him for other wounds and determine his chance of survival. It might be best to let him die and not waste the resources trying to help a lost cause. The perpetrators of this sabotage would pay dearly for every Imperial life lost.

Samka's eyes turned to the fresh crevice in the island, a small distance away. Her senses were still dulled but she couldn't escape the feeling they were being watched. By who was an answer she didn't want to find out until back up arrived.
Post 3, Obj: Kyrffin Around
Location: Kryf Plantation, Festivities Area
Enemies: [member="The Major"] [member="BE-183"] [member="Donnal Jethid"]
[member="Ilya Cardonne"] [member="Kailari Selanno"] [member="Gurn Borman"]

Really? This was really going to happen wasn’t it? Cim would remove her towering stilettos, dip her dainty feet into a vat of warm and mushy kyrf and stomp around like a peasant?

“Please Modeste, let me just watch,” she remarked with a weary sigh. Her ink-black irises moved from the grinning idiots, bare calves stained with kyrf, over to the more civilized group of guests at the wine tasting. Her tongue did not twitch for a taste of the sweet, fermented beverage, nor did saliva pool for any of the tiny puff-pie appetizers or the houjix cheese on crackers. “I think I’m a little hungry again.”

Her assistant in tow, Cim descended the stairs and made her way through the crowd at the tasting. She picked up a delicate flute to give the impression that she would be drinking but only held the glass for show, not pressing her lips to the lip. The Sultana’s guards stationed on the periphery of the gathering stiffened as their employer was now among the hoi polloi and aristocrats alike. While they held no visible weapons, blasters remained holstered and hidden under black jackets.

Cim glanced at both [member="The Major"] and [member="Gurn Borman"] and then began making conversation with a merchant who was one of her best customers. Modeste thrust a microphone into her hand and said, “Remember what we rehearsed? You’re supposed to say a few words to the guests to just welcome them. Short and sweet.”

With a thin smile Cim cleared her throat and spoke into the microphone. “Thank you everyone for attending our lovely gathering today. Mr. Digg was kind enough to donate the hedge maze you see before you. It’s actually a puzzle and difficult to get out of so be careful wandering in there. In the meantime, enjoy the food and kyrf. If you have any special requests, please see my lovely assistant Modeste." Her smile widened, eyes lowered submissively, but in thirty-seconds the Anzati was back to being steel-faced. She was about one-hundred feet from the disguised First Order agents and obviously had no idea they were undercover, nor that more like Mr. Jethid were on their way as well.

Cim surveyed her work, proud of all that she’d accomplished… and slightly peckish.
Post 2
Obj: 1, Distract
Allies: All FOSB and FO personal. The Major
Enemy: @Cim Salro

Tiberius grinned as he watched the crime lord, draped in a plunging dress, gave her short welcome to the hordes of drunks and wine tasters. As soon as she had finished he was already moving towards her. He set his drink on a small table and looked to the left to see [member="The Major"] speaking to a group of traders, he locked eyes with her for a brief moment and nodded to signal his distracting the crime lord. He turned forward once more and gulped as he was only yards away from the woman. He gulped and breathed in, forcing himself to move forward and flash a smile at the Sultana. He gave a short bow and grinned "Lady Salro, my name is Tsidone Edwi, I pray you haven't forgotten our meeting." He smiled again dusted off his coat and pushed up his glasses.

This would be an easy task for him, at least he had hoped. His parents were traders on Dosuun, they helped purchase commodities for the First Order officers, and he had oft overheard their conversations with business partners. As he grinned at the woman he took note of the black coated men standing near her. Bodyguards, and armed no doubt. To reassure himself Tiberius took a deep breath and felt the cold metal of his concealed SE-44C against his waist. If worse came to worst, which he ensured would not happen, he could drop the two before they knew what hit them.

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