Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Slaver Fleet (ME Faction: Allies welcome, please ask to join though) :)

Slavers, they were the worst of the worst of the worst. Taking others and forcing them into slavery. Usual these fools were lonely people, hiding on the fringes and taking their prey elsewhere. But somewhere, somehow, one of them had a wonderful idea. Create a fleet of slaver ships that could take far more slaves than ever before, and that could protect each other far better than before.

However, that protection brought in arrogance. Soon, these slavers believed they could take on the galaxy together. And where better to start than the most anti-slaver faction in the galaxy, the Mandalorians. Some other genius had the idea to start looking for slaves within the ME sphere of influence. They had set up a base on a remote moon, out away from most ME patrols. Thankfully though, they hadn’t accounted for the random patrol or two.

A patrol had found their little base, completely by accident, but very much accepted. This patrol had returned to Mandalore, and informed the first Alor they could of this base. That Alor was Adenn Kyramud, and he had stilled upon learning of this base. He was informed that the base had only recently been created, and no slaves had been taken, yet. That was a good fact for Adenn, it meant that he and his vod could go all out against the slavers, butchering them for their foolishness.

Adenn informed others of this base, of this slaver menace that dared to think of attack Mandalorians. It happened rather quickly, but soon enough a response had been formed between many clans. Adenn was at the head of this group, for now at least. If the Mand’alor decided to join, he’d let her take charge. Or if their best Admiral joined, then he’d get command. But for now, Adenn was in command.

This fleet, meant to eradicate the slavers, was gathered above Mandalore. It would soon depart, but for now. They would wait, and see if anyone else decided to join their little murder party. That thought made Adenn smile, the more the merrier, and the merrier it was, the more blood was shed. On the slavers side. Thus, standing on the bridge of the Aegis Eternum, Adenn smiled out into the void, watching, waiting, patiently for the time to attack. Waiting for when they’d all be there, ready to unleash hell upon the slaver scum.
They dared enter her home
They dared to get bold and turn the greedy eyes of theirs to her people
They dared think of it

Battlemaster solus, upon hearing this news shook with anger, fury that had nearly made her explode but manage to keep herself from acting out and breaking the law. However she was swift and quick to put her name down for coming, soon after plenty more joined up seeing a battlemaster on the roster

This wasnt for good, for anyone, to seem good at all...this was personal it was simy her hate for them and wish to see them eradicated from their territory. To ensure people werent harmed and direct her anger.

High above mandalore she sat on the deck of a carrier overlooking space as ships of different types gathered ready for war
Slavers weren't something high up on Garryn's friendly list. In fact they were damn near at the very bottom of it. So if there was a fleet of them that wanted to invade the Mandalorian Empire's territory well then he was happy to welcome them with every laser cannon he could get his hands on. That being said he was particularly excited today. He was going to get to fly a new prototype starfighter developed by MandalMotors for the brand new Aggressor Squadron that he'd be leading.

The ship hadn't been brought up to the carrier yet but he expected it sooner than later and was beyond thrilled that he'd get to finally give the thing a once over. Nothing lit a fire in him like a starship fresh off the line. In the meantime though he'd get to know his fellow squadron wing mates. Battlemaster Solus was the only other member of the squadron that had yet to make it up to the carrier and he approached her slowly knowing she was more angry than anyone about the Slaver Fleet encroaching on their territory. Twi'leks had a deep and nasty history with Slavers.

He was chewing on some jerky and offered her a piece as he stood beside her and looked out at the scene of ships gathering for battle. "Should be an interesting evening." He said to her.
What're you gonna do? Kill me?

Scum of the Mandalorian worlds. The only people Mandos killed without restraint these days, it seems. I take a breath and hold it in, waiting for the sneezing to cut out before even attempting to put my helmet back on. Maybe I don’t need it. Maybe I can go without. Don’t know what a slave-owning Panathan Noblewoman is doing on a mission to cleanse the Mandalorian reaches of slaves… but I know [member="Adenn Kyramud"] has a galaxy’s worth to do with it.

Hey, don’t come after me because on Panatha the ownership of slaves is legal and encouraged. Already watched [member="Yasha Cadera"] free them all after the Ssi-Ruuk tried to wipe the Panathan populace off the map. So what if some of the freed slaves wanted to stay in service?

What’s wrong with allowing people to do their jobs, with compensation, of course. Oh, and the opportunity to ‘get out’ of the job for another one… guess that… well that really does change it.

Also, I may have spent the last six hours rewiring a bunch of panels on [member="Adenn Kyramud"]’s ship. Not that the wiring was faulty, per se… just… less than optimally efficient. A 2% raise in the aft weapons array was a significant gain in any firefight!

That’s what I tell myself. It’s what had me working my cutie patootie off since I got aboard. A little easier than telling the guy you shacked up with at your own surprise birthday party that the surprise won’t end…

… for another nine months… plus thirteen to eighteen years…

Did you hear a cough? I’m not coughing, you’re coughing.

“Alor Kyramud.” I walk beside Adenn, standing a few seconds before realizing my arms are covered in various types of mechanic’s grease. “Oh gooses… jussasec…”

Reaching to my belt, I grab a rag and wipe my gauntlets and armour off, before shoving the rag back in the belt. “Ah, yes! So… big day and battle and… two percent higher cannon fire and… Yash’s mobilized her Wolf Fang Armada. Daddy’s in the Captain’s chair of the Infernal, in case there’s any squadron action, or advanced… things in…”

Me, words. Stop.

[member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Garryn Kilstor"]
[member="Garryn Kilstor"]

Stardust glanced to her side before turning and accepting the piece. She chewed for a minute on it then spoke

thank you, and yes indeed it shall be q interesting evening for apologies I forgot my manners , battlermaster stardust Solus Skirae pleasure to finally meet with the man behind this squadron idea

She said pushing her anger aside for the moment so she could use it later. Offer the man a smile as she held her hand out in greeting

I'm eager to see these fighters and try them out
"The pleasure is mine Battlemaster." He said with a nod. "I'm just as eager as you are to see these new starfighters, and put those slavers in a world of hurt of the likes they've never seen."

Lucky enough for them they didn't have to wait for too much longer before a crew member on the carrier came up to them and alerted both starpilots that the new starfighters had been delivered, along with the four other members of the squadron. Garryn made it down to the hangar deck and the moment he laid his eyes on the X-2 Prototype a very excited grin broke out across his face.

"Six X-2 prototypes for the squadron," The hangar chief was saying as Garryn walked up to his ship and ran his hand along the underside of the wing of his particular fighter. "Each one a fixed wing version of the Incom X-Wing design, thirteen meters long, twelve wide with phrik armor plating in the nose and around the pilot. Main weaponry consists of four fixed turbolasers but your payload can be customized to your liking due to the flextube launchers, so proton torpedoes or concussion missiles, even Ion missiles whatever you want. It's gonna take a lot to bring down one of these beauties."

"I think I'm in love." Garryn smirked. "It's just missing one thing though, can you get a black Mythosaur skull painted onto the nose." The hangar chief grinned and nodded and went off to make sure the task was done. He turned back towards Stardust and her own fighter. "Don't know about you but mine certainly lived up to the hype."

[member="Stardus Solus Skirae"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]
A small fleet soon came out of hyperspace near the Mandalorian fleet. The many vessel, a Revenant-class Star Cruiser named the FDV Seventy-Eight of Denon, along with its 4 Abregado War Galleys escorts. Maybe not the largest fleet, but Zeffer had been hired for a job. One that he'd love. While the droid could be cold and calculating (Heck. That was his entire programming.) he had a sense of honor. He would never kill an innocent, and slavers were far from innocent. He looked at his other two hulls as he felt the Denon come to a stop. He then sent a communication to the others in the fleet.

"This is ZFR-9EI of FDV Seventy-Eight of Denon to Aegis Eternum. We have arrived as expected."

[member="Garryn Kilstor"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"]
As Adenn stood on the bridge of his ship, he smiled. His own fleet(see BIO) was here as well, ready for war. Alongside that, there were several new experimental fighters there. From what he'd heard, [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] and [member="Garryn Kilstor"] would be using these fighters. He silently wished them luck, for they'd need it. For the slavers had many, many fighters, bombers, and anti-air defenses. This would certainly be a hard fought battle, but it would hopefully be worth it in the end.

Then there was [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"], resurrected mother of the Mand'alor, and the one he'd had a something with. Even now he didn't know what to call it, and the woman made him feel things he wasn't accustomed to. But he'd take them, because she was in a way a new start. That, and she was the best mechanic he had, but mainly the first reason. Though he had been informed of her workings aboard the ship, but Adenn had let her be. If she wanted to do that, he'd make sure to compensate her later.

A cough alerts him to her presence, and he turns slightly to observe her. He smiles as she begins wiping off grease from her arms, proof that she had been hard at work. Turning to face her fully, Adenn smiles from behind his helmet, and calmly listens as she speaks about what's happening. Once she's done, Adenn steps forward and 'Keldabe kisses' her forhead, helmet to helmet. Taking a step back, he looks out to the fleet then, all of it.
"Didn't I say you could call me Adenn? Alor Kyramud is for those who I don't know, and for formal things." Turning back to face her, and with an evident smirk in his voice, he keeps talking. "And I do think I know you." He winks with a head tilt.

Then a notification alert rang out from the comms section. Turning to face that area of the ship, the message from [member="ZFR-9EI"] was relayed to him. Nodding to himself, Adenn looked over the fleet once more. It seemed as if everyone was here now, and os Adenn would return the message from [member="ZFR-9EI"].
"Welcome ZFR-9EI, this is the Aegis Eternum. I'm glad you've come, you should be able to help out in space then, once we get there. Are you ready to depart immediately, or do you require something?" He chuckled lightly then, partially cutting the communications. ZFR could still send a message to Adenn, but for now Adenn could speak freely and it wouldn't go over comms.

Turning back to Aditya, he looked her over, smiling slightly behind his helmet. Stepping slightly closer, he placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Well then Aditya. What else brings you here, to my 'humble' little bridge." He tilted his head in question, all while still waiting for a reply from ZFR. Whenever that'd come, he'd answer. But for now, he'd be content to speak with Aditya. They'd be leaving soon, but he wanted to check this all over first.
That's what crews were doing all over the fleet, checking that everything was in tip top shape. They were rushing around in organized chaos, setting anything missing into place, checking weapons systems over, and other systems. Slowly reports began to filter in from each ship, they were all ready to depart. But there came the question as well to [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] and [member="Garryn Kilstor"], along with the father that [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] had mentioned. They were all also asked if they were ready. Once everyone would say they were ready, the fleet would depart towards the slaver moon.

[member="ZFR-9EI"] [member="Garryn Kilstor"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]
Garryn was in love with his new starfighter. His X-2 prototype had been decorated with his requested Mythosaur on the heavily armored nose of the ship and when he climbed into the cockpit it fit him like a glove. He needed to take it out for a spin before the fleet made its move on the slavers and as such he flipped a few switches and a few moments later he and the rest of the squadron were flying in formation around Alor Kyramud's fleet. The X-2 was a little heavy into the turns but that was to be expected given the amount of phrik metal incorporated into the design. That being said though its responsiveness to the controls was impressive. "Aggressor-Three and Five from up on me, Four and Six you form up on the Battlemaster." He said into the commlink while he also listened to the chatter from the other ships and squadrons as they prepared for battle.

When the call came over the comms asking the various fleets and ships that had gathered over Mandalore if they were ready for war, Garryn had been accustomed to the X-2's various quirks and felt he had a pretty good handle on the ship. "Affirmative Alor Kyramud, Aggressor-One is ready to go." The rest of the squadron reported in much of the same and Garryn just waited for Stardust to add her voice as well. "What's Aggressor Squadrons target Alor?" He called to the Aegis Eternum, Kyramud's flagship.

[member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] - [member="Adenn Kyramud"] - [member="Kaine Australis"] - [member="ZFR-9EI"] - [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]
What're you gonna do? Kill me?
“Yes, Adenn. You did say I could call you that. Adenn. Kyramuddy. Adennnnnn.”

[member="Adenn Kyramud"] scoops me into a Keldabe Kiss, and for a second I let it happen. Don’t know what I’d make of all this noise about his ship if it didn’t have a purpose... not that I know what purpose I serve. Morale?

Free engineering?

“I think your engineers are getting tired of me critiquing their work. Or maybe it was the spanner I threw at someone’s head...” Leaning most of my body weight to the left, I hug my arms around my torso. “He started it... saying shortcuts were reasonable. Bah! Bah and slander!”

The slavers won’t know the storm coming on their backsides. I personally desire very much to blow something to the moons.

“Oh, I’m itching to... slaughter some business people!” I punch punch at his shoulder, dekeing to the side with a smirk on the visible portion of my gam’s force field covered face. “Slavers. Cause it’s not a business, it’s a crime... and with the explosions and the violence and the ships going pew pew and... Adenn I’m pregnant.”

Deadpan. Full stop. Done.

“Guess you do know me well... so when do we start blasting the poodoo to the Nether?”

Aboard the Infernal, Captain Girak Kierke awaited the orders to move. He chimed Kaine, offering fighter coverage, as the Hell Wolf and the Wolf Fang armada readied up.

“This is Captain Kierke of the Wolf Fang Fleet. We are go to commence operations.”

[member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="ZFR-9EI"] [member="Garryn Kilstor"]
[member="Garryn Kilstor"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]

Stardust slid into the pilot seat, finding it comfy even for her large form. Syncing her hud with the ship she watched as everything came up and nodded as she flipped the switch closing the hatch slowly before it stopped and hissed closed

feth been waaaaay to long since I got in a fighter let's hope this old girls skills still sharp

She was talking to herself...but had her comm button hold down by accident. Feeling the fighter slowly lift off she pushed the controls forward feeling it gain speed as she smiled, taking a turn she chuckled and then let go sighing...yeah it felt good to be in the seat again

I'm all good to go, I say we head back and let these babies be nice and ready for the slavers

Tarjik Darkin

"Merchants have no country." - Thomas Jefferson
Tarjik Darken maneuvered his ship around the flagship of the slaver fleet in order to connect to the ship's airlock. The noble merchant turned black market scoundrel was looking to make a quick transaction of two Twi'lek slave dancers he recently acquired after convincing a small-scale crime lord, who the slaves had committed a small slight against, not to wastefully dispose of them but rather to sell them, giving the crime lord some money while Tarjik takes the two unwanted slaves off of his hands. The crime lord greedily accepted the offer, overlooking the loss he was actually selling the slaves at, considering their talent, youth, and obedience levels. Tarjik smiled to himself while docking his ship, knowing that these two slaves would be both a profitable sale and mark his first major transaction since his former enterprises went bottoms up. The two Twi'leks had proven themselves talented entertainers and obedient stewards of his ship, actually being grateful for their new master after he saved them from a cruel owner and certain death. As Tarjik entered the ship he almost felt bad having to sell them off. Almost.

Entering the ship Tarjik was disappointed by what he saw, to say the least. He knew groups like these were little more than pirates, taking and selling the victims of their raids, but he assumed that they would be at least more civilized and business savvy than their marauding counterparts. However, Tarjik's hopes were dashed as he entered the flagship, finding it dirty, unkempt, and inefficient in its functions. Swallowing his more arrogant viewpoints and opinions, Tarjik followed a human slaver to where the slaver leader was in order for negotiations to begin after he was given a shakedown for any possible weapons, the slavers not detecting his personal DL-22 blaster pistol that Tarjik had carefully hid on himself. Entering a sad looking room with a table and some chairs around it, Tarjik sat down opposite an Aqualish thug who appeared to be the leader of the band of slavers, ruling his followers the way he rules his slaves, physical might and fear. After sitting down, the Aqualish motioned to one of the other people in the room and a young, dirty human slave, possibly in his mid-teen years, came forward with a pitcher of water and poured tow drinks before sitting down and introducing himself as the Aqualish's translator. The Aqualish motioned again and one of the henchmen presented a case onto the table, to which the Aqualish vocalized something.

"He would like to offer you five hundred credits for the two Twi'leks." said the slave boy before the Aqualish gave an angry huff as he turned to look at one of the two henchmen in the room. When the one made a motion to reach for his whip the slave flinched and corrected himself "I mean ... uh ... the great Phoo Dona wishes to gift you five hundred credits in exchange for your two glorious Twi'lek slaves." He then turned back to the slaver and grew more relieved as he moved his hand away from his belt and went back to crossing them at his chest. Tarjik noticed these reactions and developed an understanding of what these slavers were like. Doubting that the more formal translation was actually direct to what the Aqualish said, the slaver leader apparently fancied himself as an aristocrat, believing that longwinded decrees made him sound more powerful as they stroked his ego. While disgusted by the audacity of this slaver to try and claim any noble prowess and his extremely undercut deal that was definitely less than the actual price of the two Twi'leks could go for on a wider market, he kept his emotions in check as he worked towards a better deal. "Phoo Dona, the size and scope of your operations are truly impressive." Tarjik said in a flattering tone, "While your initial offer is very generous, the two Twi'leks I am offering are truly exemplary slaves that will be extremely rewarding to your business and name. I would take no less than five thousand credits for them. Each."

As the slave boy translated his counteroffer to the Aqualish, Tarjik readied himself for a long and exhausting battle at the negotiating table. Regretting his shortsightedness in trying to grab a profit off of his two Twi'leks as soon as possible and deciding to ever come here in the first place.
Zeffer heard [member="Adenn Kyramud"] , and gave a quick response, but gave it over a channel all the ships would be able to hear.

"I am prepared to depart, but I have one request. The War Galleys can serve as boarding vessels, thus I ask that if any vessel so one attached to a slaver vessel, please refrain from using turbolaser fire on it." The Vulture Droid did have a second reason for taking this job. His fleet was small, though the flagship was powerful. His plan was to take over some of the slaver fleet, and integrate the vessels into the droid fleet. Sure, slave vessels may not be that powerful, but having more ships would be nice. He was also uneasy about [member="Kaine Australis"] being there. He had heard what happened on Eshan, and while he was a merc who tried to stay neutral, and a droid, he still had a heart so to speak. At least this mission shouldn't have brought them to any worlds.

[member="Tarjik Darkin"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Garryn Kilstor"]
Adenn watched silently as [member="Kaine Australis"] and his fleet joined up with his own. The ships that Kaine had were impressive, and Adenn wished to get some of his own, they would most certainly prove useful for him. Sure, most of his current ships also came from that man, but more never hurt anyone. He turned his attention back to [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] and grins behind his helmet. She did love saying his name for some reason, even if she butchered it half the time by elongating it.

Then she started speaking about engineers, and Adenn was thankful for his helmet, for it hid the grimace well. Not betraying anything in his posture, or at least trying to, Adenn simply listened and nodded. Focusing on her, Adenn speaks then.
"Well, maybe you could train them, make them real engineers. Train them properly, and fully." He sort of regretted saying that, but it was true, they hadn't been fully trained. But the reason for that, that reason was a Mortui secret, one they would take to the graves with them.

Then they're moving on and she's talking about murdering people, before she punches his shoulder. Smiling behind his helmet, Adenn half heartedly dodges some while turning to the comms officer. They had just started getting confirmation in from everyone that they were all ready to leave. Still grinning, Adenn was about to reply when Aditya kept talking. Nodding his head along he's only half paying attention to her then, but suddenly she says she's pregnant.

Full stop, everything on that bridge stopped, and it was so quiet that one could hear the soft thrum from the consoles. Eyes wide, Adenn turns slowly to Aditya, staring deep into her eyes, trying to see if she was lying, joking, or something else. Seeing that she's as stopped as he is, no doubt because she didn't plan to let this come out so soon, Adenn looked her up and down, head tilted quizzically. With an almost imperceptible motion from his hand, everyone goes back to business as usual, except Adenn.

He's standing there, quietly, watching Aditya, expectation on his face, but not shown in his body language. Suddenly he's in front of Aditya, hands on her shoulders, staring down at her. He still hasn't said anything, just watching her. Then he drags her into a hug, engulfing her before picking her up and spinning around once. Then he lets her down, but still keeps holding her. Looking down at her, a smile is evident in his voice, he speaks softly to her.
"That's amazing Aditya, just... just amazing." He Keldabe kisses her then, lost in the moment. "How many, and since when do you know?" Adenn patiently waits for her. Once he has it, and whatever conversation they may have finishes, Adenn would turn back to the communications officer.

Still keeping an arm around Aditya, gently stroking her shoulder, he sent a message out to everyone. Each message was sent so that it could be read or heard, but no video footage would be available.

To [member="ZFR-9EI"]
"Understood ZFR-9EI, any ship you or yours choose to board are yours to have. Should you require backup on any ship boarded, you need but ask and it shall be given. We will be leaving shortly, prepare yourself please."

To [member="Garryn Kilstor"] and [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"]
"Glad to hear it, I do hope you'll enjoy those fighters. For now, head back to the ship and stay docked, we're about to leave soon. For now, you have no definitive target, just an overarching objective. That is to take those starfighters to the limit, and cause as much damage to either the slaver fleet, or slaver base as you can. You're free to do so how you want to, it's up to you. Good hunting vod."

To [member="Kaine Australis"]
"Welcome to the hunt vod, glad to have you here with us. We'll be leaving shortly, so prepare yourself, this'll be a ride. If you ever need some assistance, you need but ask. We're all looking forward to the vod, so let's hunt."

Once all messages were sent, and any responses received and responded to, the fleet set out. In one seemingly unanimous wave, Adenns fleet set out first, with the ships of other allied clans close behind(NPCs). They were already facing the correct direction for the jump, right now they simply needed to get a bit further from the planet. Once they were far enough away, a warning was sent out that the jump was going to commence. Coordinates had already been sent with the prior messages, and everyone should thus already have that information. One moment the fleet was there, the next it was in hyperspace, enroute to a pirate base, ready to kill and rend and destroy the enemy.
The trip to the pirate base hadn't been long, but in that time Adenns men had been hard at work, making sure everything was ready for the moment they dropped out of hyperspace. Five minutes before they exited hyperspace, everyone received a notification of that, and those who chose received a timer in their HUDs as well. When the five minutes were up, they exited hyperspace on the edge of the system.

Looking into the system, one could see a completely normal star system, regular sun, regular planets. But there was one difference, there was only one inhabitable planet, and there was a lot of traffic there. Above the planet there were approximately 60 ships of all makes and models; there were old Imperial star destroyers, corvettes, frigattes; even older Republic Venators and Acclamators; other smaller ships, popular with smugglers, such as the YT-1300, the Dynamic class, and many more.

Within the system, but not near the planet were another 20-35 ships flying around. They were doing anything from entering the system to leaving it, getting supplies, trading with one another, or just floating around. That all didn't matter though, because the second the Mandalorian fleet appeared, all hell broke loose within their ranks. The Mandalorian fleet was around 25 ships all in total, but they were all new and top of the line, not old run down ships. They were also crewed by some of the best ship goers in the galaxy, and these pirates didn't have anything on them.

Upon entering the system, Adenn smirked to himself. Standing once more upon the bridge of the Aegis Eternum, he felt confident that these pirates wouldn't last long. Looking over the holo table on the bridge, Adenn noted that several ships near the edge of the system were already jumping away, hoping to cut their losses and get away with their lives. That was all good and well for him, let them run and spread what came for pirates in these parts. Because once the interdictors of the Mandalorian fleet were charged up and ready, they emitted their interdiction field.

That simple act forced all the remaining pirates to stay in the system, lest they be destroyed while trying to escape. Smiling to himself, Adenn ordered those under his command forward, and for all fighters and bombers to launch. They'd destroy this pirate base completely and utterly, leaving nothing behind. These thoughts and more ran through Adenns head, while his fleet began its advance upon the pirates. They weren't in range yet, but that would come in time. When they were, all hell would be unleashed upon the pirates, with them not having any prisoners yet, Adenn and the others would have no fear of accidentally killing innocent bystanders. That fact had been told to them as well; they could go nuts against these pirates, let loose and murder indiscriminately.

That was how this would start, with an inexorable march towards the base, not stopping, not slowing down. Battle hadn't been entered, yet, but it would be soon, oh so soon. Adenn spoke quietly then, loud enough so that his fleet would hear it over the comms, and perhaps the others, but mainly his fleet.
"Unleash the hounds of war, and let these fools learn the meaning of death. Oya vod, oya."

[member="ZFR-9EI"] [member="Tarjik Darkin"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Garryn Kilstor"]

Tarjik Darkin

"Merchants have no country." - Thomas Jefferson
"Two thousand five hundred credits for each." the translator slave responded. The deal sounded pretty good to Tarjik, after all, the price was already ten times greater than what he paid for the two of the Twi'leks and the bargaining had been going on for hours. However, he came to the mindset that he wouldn't sell his slaves to these pirates and was getting close to walking away from the deal. The facade of a continued discussion was mostly for the formality and business of it, allowing Tarjik to not appear as if he was breaking his agreement to engage in negotiation and if the slavers called it off it would be all the better. "Listen, I said no less than five thousand each. These are premium quality slaves and with your business being as large as it is, you should certainly be able to handle the initial expenses." Tarjik said before adding "If you are not going to bargain seriously for these slaves than this negotiation should just be over." As his message was being translated, Tarjik took a sip of his water when he suddenly spits it out as a large tremor shook the ship. "What was that?" Tarjik asked indignantly to the Aqualish, who stood up and ran out of the negotiating room with one of his cronies close behind him.

The slave boy was quickly on the floor, mopping up the spilled liquid with whatever was available as Tarjik stood up to face the remaining henchman, the one with the whip. He said, "When your employer comes back please inform him that I will not go through with any transaction and that this negotiation has been a waste of time." When he tried to exit, however, he was blocked by the thug who said "Not so fast bud. The boss wants to see this deal go through. You are not leaving this room. Besides, I have my bonus coming up in a few weeks and have a personal interest in having him buy those two Twi'leks." As Tarjik tried to ignore his comments and attempt to leave again the thug pushed back on him this time. "You not getting out of this room." he said and after pausing for a while his face light up as he realized something, "You know, we could just kill you and take all your stuff. That would get us the girls and save us the money. It's not like you could stop us or anything" The slaver reached for his whip but he stumbled as another tremor rocked the ship. Using this time to his advantage Tarjik pulled out his DL-22 blaster pistol and fired, hitting the man square in the chest. "It was a boring conversation anyway." he said as the henchman fell down dead. Tarjik then remembered the slave and looked back to see the young boy staring in quiet shock at what just happened "Well, it's time to go." he said to the slave, "If you want to stay, that's fine, but they will probably blame you for his death." Not waiting for a response Tarjik left the room and making his way back to the ship before realizing that he didn't remember which way he came from. Suddenly he felt a tugging at his shirt as the slave boy tried to get his attention "I can help you get back to your ship, master." the boy said. Nodding to show his acceptance, the slave led Tarjik on a run down the twisting hallways of the ship as it increasingly rocked back and forth and the lights started to flicker as the power systems struggled to stay on. Reaching the airlock, Tarjik plugged in his ship's code into the door, which caused it to hiss open. Just then, figures rounded the corner further down the hallway, where they saw him and started opening fire. Firing a few shots out of his blaster pistol without really aiming, Tarjik pushed the young boy through the airlock before diving through himself into the safety of the ship.

As he slammed the button on the wall to seal the airlock shut, one of the Twi'lek girls entered into the airlock chamber, being altered by the sound of blaster fire. "Master!" she exclaimed. As she started to ask some questions, Tarjik rushed past her only saying "Watch the boy. We are leaving now." As he cut through the secondary storage room into the kitchen and lounge area, he ran into the second Twi'lek who dropped the mess she picked up as the two collapsed onto the floor. "Oh, master! I am so sorry! I should have been more careful and..." Tarjik didn't let her finish her sentence as he scrambled free and ran towards the cockpit saying quickly "Not your fault. Got to fly." The tremors were now shaking the ship much more violently and he was pretty sure that he could hear voices talking outside of the airlock. Getting to the pilot's seat, he sat down and disengaged himself from the docking port and started the engines at the same time. Flying off of the flagship, his worst fears were realized. The slavers were engaged in an intense battle with some unknown force and losing badly. Not having any real skin in the game and not wanting to stick around long enough to become a target he plotted a course of action. Unfortunately, his speediest plan was to fly through the opposing flotilla of ships and jump through the already calculated hyperspace route. This would be less than ideal. The other plan was to let the ship computer run the calculations required to calculate a new and safe route, but this could take up valuable time. With the battle raging on outside, Tarjik Darkin had to make a choice quickly about what he should do.

[member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Garryn Kilstor"] [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="ZFR-9EI"] [member="Kaine Australis"]
She returned with her two, landing inside the dock as she watched the canopy raise. Jumping out she stretched and chuckled looking the ship over as she took a deep breath

I want a dragon head drawn on please we should have enough time for that yeah?

She said to a passing technician, who chuckled and gave a salute as she smiled at the fighter

the dragons talon....yes thatll be her name

With that she turned and git ready for the jump

Once the ship came out and the call for general quarters came out, stardust quickly was to her fighter, which was now painted green with a golden dragon head on it. Hopping inside she closed the canopy and started getting everything ready

ready to take off give the word flight leader

[member="Tarjik Darkin"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Adenn Kyramud"] [member="ZFR-9EI"] [member="Garryn Kilstor"]
Garryn returned to the Aegis Eternum with his two support fighters and set down in the hangar. He spent the rest of the duration until the jump into battle inside of his fighter and when the alarms and klaxons began going off he knew that they were about to kick off the battle. The radio chatter picked up in his helmet as bridge officer called out targets to gunners several decks below. "Alright Aggressor Squadron let's do what we came here to do, see you all on the other side vode." He said as he powered up his fighter and was first out of the hangar.

The sight of the slaver fleet made him shake his head. They were all outdated ships that had little chance of standing up to the much more top of the line vessels the Mandalorian fleet had brought to the table. "Battlemaster Solus, take your group and help with the assault on the slaver base, me and my group will escort the boarding parties and keep the enemy fighters off their backs." He said once he had summed up the battlefield before him. One of the old Venator-class ships was spewing a mix of equally aged fighters in response to the Mandalorian fleet; most of them Z-95 Headhunters and a few N-1 fighters but what caught Garryn's eye was a few sqaudron of TIE/IN Interceptors that would probably be the biggest threat to the boarding craft. "Aggressor-Three and Five focus on those Interceptors, engage targets at will." He ordered as his targeting computer began outlining his first set of enemy fighters.

He spun his fighter to the right and it brought him in line with the flank of the nearest Interceptor squadron. He opened fire with his turbolasers and the meaty wah-womp of the brand new weapon systems firing brought a big smile to his face behind his helmet. The combined fire from him and his two wing-men ripped into lead half of the enemy squadron creating a few self contained stars complete with debris orbits to flash briefly into existence. The remaining half of the enemy squadron broke off their attack and angled towards Garryn and his fighters. The slaver pilots just didn't have the same skill that Garryn and his squadron did, they couldn't stop the more advanced X-2 fighters from getting in behind them and ripping them to shreds with their overpowered cannons.

"Aggressor-One to Aegis Control, boarding parties are clear of threats." He called as he watched [member="Kaine Australis"]'s boarding squids reach their targets unimpeded. "I'm going to start working on that Venator now, unless you have a more pressing target that needs being dealt with."

[member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] - [member="Adden Kyramud"] - [member="Tarjik Darkin"] - [member="ZFR-9EI"] - [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"]
What're you gonna do? Kill me?
The entire bridge halted. I grunted, about to turn and run. A fling on my first post-death birthday was no way to start anything, especially a family. Whisked off my feet, I spun and for a moment I was out of my body. Out of my blooming mind.

“You... aren’t diametrically opposed to the idea?” My arms slide along [member="Adenn Kyramud"]’s, up to the shoulders. “A trio of little hellions running round? I... Ive known a couple of weeks just couldn’t believe it.”

The fear and the pressure dissipated. I gasp and fold into his arm, setting my helmet-clad head against his shoulder, even if I have to dip down to do it.

“Fewf! Gosh I was worried you’d freak... now... shall we kill some slaver mooks? I’m not missing this fun, and you’ll need me, Adenn. There’ll be a door. A big inoperable door the engineer needs to fix.” I laugh and step back, waving Adenn on to the battle at hand.

“Sounds like it’s gotten started. Well! Hurry up! Or I’ll beat you to the infill point!”
As soon as the droid fleet left hyperspace, the Denon's hanger opened to unleash a 6 squadron swarm of droid fighters, Needle, V7, and Wyvern fighters; and began to join the Denon as they tore into the escorts of the fleet. Meanwhile, the War Galleys flew below the fleet, aiming to stay away from the heaviest of fire. They weren't just running though. They were hunting. The four escorts soon found their targets. A pair of ISDIIs IDed as Aggressor and Domination. The Galleys pulled up, with a pair slamming into the underside of each ISD, and unleashed their squads of ARGH battle droids into the vessels.

Outside, Zeffer's three Vulture Droid hulls were hard at work ending the slaver's fighters. This seemed way too easy so far, but then again they were no better than pirates. The droid then decided to ignore the fact that he had just orders his droids to pirate a pair of their vessels. Completely different case.

Tarjik Darkin Stardust Solus Skirae Aditya Fitz Kierke Garryn Kilstor
Standing there on the bridge of his ship, Adenn felt truly powerful. Here he had at his command an entire fleet of ships, and vod with him all hell bent on one thing: the utter destruction of the slavers. The fact that [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] was there with him certainly helped his mood. When she had slithered her arms up to his shoulders, Adenn had smiled behind his helmet, and when she leans her head on his shoulder, Adenn leans his head on her shoulder.
"No, I'm not against it in the slightest. In fact, I'm looking forward to it." He chuckled, the smile evident in his voice. Then he stills as she says trio. "Three little hell-raisers? What's not to love!" Adenn squeezes Adityas shoulder, smiling still.

Then she suggested that they go kill some slaver mooks. For a second, just a single one, Adenn wanted to refuse her and say she shouldn't enter combat if she was pregnant. But that second passed and Adenn realized what he would've done. This woman before him had gone through hell and back, literally, and took care of a child relatively fine. Some slavers wouldn't be able to keep her down. Nodding his head in acceptance, Adenn was about to turn from the bridge and join her when [member="Garryn Kilstor"] asked for targets. Turning to quickly give a message, he spoke.
"Understood Aggressor-One, happy hunting. No targets currently, so have some fun. Oya vod, oya."

With that he turned towards the door and was ready to race Aditya to the infil point. Turning his head to the captain of the ship, he nodded his head, turning over command back to him. With that done, Adenn was off towards the launch bay were he'd be able to board a ship. He already had everything he needed to fight, and his men would already be waiting for him. Entering the launch bay, Adenn would hold open the door for Aditya if he's in front of her, if he's behind her, he'd get up behind her and lightly pat her lower back.

Within the launch bay were Clan Mortuis elite warriors, the Beskad Elite. Upon seeing Adenn, the warriors all saluted him in one smooth, unified motion. The clang from their fists hitting their chesplates resounded slightly before diminishing. Grinning behind his helmet, Adenn would turn to Aditya if she was with him and motion to a pod. Once she was in, he'd make sure she was secure before taking his spot next to her. Laughing gently, Adenn spoke again.
"So, off to battle once more. Oya, eh?"

A few moments later the pods would lurch out of their holdings and towards a nearby Imperial Star Destroyer. The pods hurtled forward at speeds that kept increasing before suddenly slowing down. Then, with a loud bang, they crashed into the bridge of the ship. Adenn was the first out of his pod and he immediately opened fire on the slavers on the bridge. The Beskad Elite were out right behind him, positioning themselves to take the brunt of the return fire. They put their shields in front of themselves and used their guns to shoot out of the firing slits.

The Beskad Elite positioned themselves to be physical barriers between Adenn and Aditya. Their silent fury was evident, but their shots from their guns even more so. The blasts ripped the slavers apart, but the Mandos hardly noticed, instead continuing to fire. Within moments the bridge was cleared of all hostiles, leaving Adenn to stand there grinning. Several other pods had hit somewhere else on the ship, and calls from them indicated that they weren't having all that much trouble dealing with the slavers. But they were being slowed down, there were simply too many of them to make any speed.

Shaking his head ruefully, Adenn came up with a plan. Looking at his elites, they nodded before moving towards the doors of the bridge. Turning from them, Adenn made his way to a nearby console while speaking aloud and to his men and Aditya.
"I'm going to vent atmosphere on the ship, blowing them all out into space. Get ready, activate magnetic boots."

With that said, Adenn activated his own magnetic boots and so did his elites. While they were on the bridge and didn't need to vent there, it was better safe than sorry. One of the beskad Elites would stand near wherever Aditya was to ensure that should anything happen, she wouldn't be blasted out. Chuckling quietly, Adenn began working on the console. He was deactivating gravity elsewhere on the ship and preparing to activate all of the doors at once. Smiling behind his helmet, Adenn checked that everyone was ready before opening the doors and deactivating the gravity.

The effects were immediate, the slavers started floating before being pulled down, sideways, or up and out of the ship. They screamed as they went, trying to grab onto anything they could, but it was all in vain. Those that managed to hang onto something were quickly shot by the Beskad Elite, while those in rooms would slowly suffocate without oxygen. Grinning savagely, Adenn stopped the flow after 2 minutes. By now, most of the ship was oxygen and slaver free, both facts that didn't bother the Mandalorians in the slightest. They had enough oxygen supply for an hour and could easily walk with their magnetic boots. But they wouldn't have too; Adenn turned the gravity back on and his men began moving throughout the ship to clear out the ship of any survivors.

Grinning again, Adenn activated the ships guns and turned them on the slavers. Their firepower combined with the Mors Classmeque fleet shredded more ships. But Adenn wasn't focused on that, he was focused on his next target. Even as ships came in filled with Mortui members, Adenn swept his gaze over the bridge. Soon there would be Mandalorians here, fully controlling the ship and using it against these slavers. Thinking aloud, Adenn spoke, not even fully realisign what he was doing.
"Now that's done... what to call this ship, and who to hit next?"

Even now, boarding ships were being prepared in the hanger bay, readying themselves for Adenn and the Beskad Elite. They'd be headed to another ship soon enough, but for now, they'd wait for more of their fellow clansmen to come. Smiling behind his helmet, Adenn looked out into space at the battle before him. His fleet had already begun striking at the slaver ships, and other ships were beginning to be boarded, or were already boarded, by Clan Mortui members. For now, the battle was in their favor, but who knew what would come in the future.

@ZFR-9EI [member="Aditya Fitz Kierke"] [member="Stardust Solus Skirae"] [member="Garryn Kilstor"] [member="Tarjik Darkin"]

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