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Approved Tech Skin suit

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Intent: To create a light armored spacesuit
Development Thread: If needed
Manufacturer: meran mechanics
Model: sp-ce
Affiliation: open market
Modularity: the suits a all personalized to each customer coming in all colors from black to shear.
and can fit almost all species.
Production: Minor

Classification: Multipurpose,
Weight: 1kg.
Special Features: Vacuum sealed heat resistant and vacuum resistant.
Highly flexable
blaster resistant
Weaknesses: expensive due to vonium
difficult to repair requires replacements
Description: created by Kami meran after being annoyed my the classic pilots suits. the skin suit is made to be a smart armor that hugs the body
crating a skin tight armored body sock that can accommodate almost all species when made to order unfortunately it leaves little to the imagination.
the suit also features a " waste disposal feature " that inserts a catheter that allows the wearer to dispose of fluids. (wastes are yet to be worked out.)

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[member="Kami Meran"]

I am aware you have your reasons for spelling and grammar mistakes, but could you please look up the names of the materials you are using and type them over? If that is difficult, you could always simply copy-paste the names over one by one.

Also, what are the special computer hardware for? I assume so the suits can shrink down to fit?
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