Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sith Space Rebellion Group

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Ession, Voss, Gravlex Med, Mon Calamari, Mandalore...
The list goes on, catastrophes large and small, all afflicted by the Sith Empire. Under the Sith tyrants have flourished, the Zygarean Slave Empire has flourished, and those that step out of line are silenced and vanish forever. Work camps produce raw materials for their war machine as it moves ever forward and the injustices delivered on its inhabitants go on un-answered.
But no more.
Rise from the ashes.
Join the Resistance and fight for the future.
OOC: So what am I trying to do with this group? There have been several resistance groups on Chaos but I hope to bring some people in on this by offering a hopefully better set up than previous groups. I want to actually set this up as a sub-faction OF the Sith Empire. What does this mean? It means we join the Sith as people they can add to their writter count on one hand, but also I want a group of people that actually have a stake in fighting for and staying IN Sith Empire space during and "after" the Rebellion. People who aren't from some far off system that has nothing to do with the Sith Empire.

I want a true Grassroots rebellion. People from Mon Cala, from Ession, from Bastion, people affected by the Sith Empire's tyranny. Will you join me in this endeavor?


Lord of the Starry Cavalry
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

I know you are looking for grass-roots and Mandalorians trapped within the Empire (which is a dope as fuck idea - if you need a big baddy to play off of I am super down to use my Sith Lady). But, if - ala the Starks going around looking for help to dislodge the Boltons - you need to start collecting far off Mando aid, I'd be also super down to have a meeting thread with my Mongol/White Scar inspired Mandalorian too!
I know this is a grassroots thing, but if you find space for a wandering gunslinger to help while he's in the area I'd love to throw Vam at this.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]

I have several Mandos who could be interested

[member="Kalba Vhett"] - Former Protector turned bounty hunter. Kind of disillusioned from all the chest-beating and such from the Clans trying to regroup, but nonetheless wants to see a Free Mandalore once more.

[member="Ogedei Tomriin"] - Like [member="Teshgar'ad"] , he is a Mando from the same Lost House of Mongol / White Scar - like Mandos and would be more than glad to bust some Sith skulls together.

[member="Rohesia Kryze"] - New Charrie, untested. Force Sensitive who fled during Ra's tenure as Mand'alor, sought mentorship and got it through an ex-Jedi. Intends to use her connection as a tool to help other Mandalorians, especially those like herself who have felt discarded in the past. Also would not mind getting justice for those lost during Hammerfall

Take your pick.
[member="Gilamar Skirata"] - Keira's on her homestead on Ashrah sitting on her porch and shaking her fist at all the kids running around the galaxy, I'm sure she and Gil could find a common ground there.

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