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Sith Invasion of Yaga Minor OOC Discussion

@[member="Sargon Vynea"]

Thanks! She's the one of my chars I actually really like.

@[member="Diana Moridena"]

Haha! No. It's actually an organic. A very special one! @[member="Cora Passek"]. The Angel of Chaos!

For the record, there's no intercourse involved. Moira has no desire for 'organic reproductive rituals' (well, it would not lead to reproduction, but you get the point).
Azrael said:
@[member="Sev3n"] if you could kindly post soon, I'd like to continue in the invasion, and it's currently dependent on you. Thanks.

I was just flying for 18 hours and am getting used to a 9 hour time difference in this thing called real life. I'll post when I can think coherently.
I don't know if it matters to anyone but this is all awesome reading from a bystander's point of view :) made me want a Mandalorian and a Sith heh! Just wanted to say it was great rp'ing from both sides, and refreshing to see from a newcomers point of view.
Moira Skaldi said:
@[member="Sargon Vynea"]

Thanks! She's the one of my chars I actually really like.

@[member="Diana Moridena"]

Haha! No. It's actually an organic. A very special one! @[member="Cora Passek"]. The Angel of Chaos!

For the record, there's no intercourse involved. Moira has no desire for 'organic reproductive rituals' (well, it would not lead to reproduction, but you get the point).
Its Omni. Don't lie.
I'd like to suggest a halt on the invasion until after Christmas day. Personally I'm a loser and my family will only be here for half the day, but for most I'm sure its not like that and it simply feels unfair to push it on without them.

Lord Ghoul

@[member="Taiden Keth"]

1) Yes, the forces you brought are unbalancing.
2) Commanding all those vehicles with a brand-spanking new character is a little absurd.
But mainly I want to know:
3) How pray tell did your Echani force get past the space battle raging around the entire planet and land on Yaga Minor. Or if they were "hiding" there the whole time. How did they manage to hide a whole company with vehicle support from the Mandalorians?
Sure I can tone it down if you like. How many would you like to see?

@[member="Mikhail Shorn"]
Its a big planet, and there is a war going on :), its not hard to move through chaos in such a situation.
Maybe they told the Mandalorians they were coming to help them, I can add that in if it'll help. Was rather hoping they'd get to be a bit of a random factor in it but it's up to you.
300 is a drop in the ocean i am guessing to how many that will turn to face them, but honestly the amount isn't really relevant to me personally, only that they add some fun to those posting. So let me know how many you'd like to see.

You'll notice how I left them outside of the range of the fight also. I like to make a few entry posts. Rather than enter, unload the usual.
If you want to know where they were hidden I can add a paragraph on that now.

Lord Ghoul

Actually, it is hard to move through the chaos. Imperial and Mandalorian ships would have spotted your ship long before it reached the planet due to IFF transponder codes and long-range sensors.

You should have done two separate posts. first posted yourself attempting to land on the planet, then posted the deployment of your troops.

Personally OOC and for my character IC, I don't care at all. But I do care about the rules of reality, even in a made up universe.

Do as you want, I'm just informing you that it's absurd and others might get upset about it.
@[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

There you go at the top for you, quoted below: Like I say it won't be an initial attack post ;) People will have plenty of time to react to them, even hopefully ask just what are you doing there ;). Usually for me its 3 then in. Whether its 3 then in, in space doing the same thing, or on the ground doesn't really matter does it, same goal for the force. People still have 3 posts before they start. Hope that's okay.

Brokering a truce with the Yaga for access to their ship building facilities, war had broken out, fortunate or unfortunately for the Echani crystal builders they had not been successful in negotiations and now found themselves trapped groundside in the middle of an invasion.

Lord Ghoul

Ok, that works. Dunno why they'd have tanks there, but that works.

By the way, you do know that Spencer Jacobs is the Queen of the Echani and part of the Lords of the Fringe, who have thrown in with the Sith and are attacking the Mandos, right? Just thought I'd let you know.
Mikhail Shorn said:
Ok, that works. Dunno why they'd have tanks there, but that works.

By the way, you do know that Spencer Jacobs is the Queen of the Echani and part of the Lords of the Fringe, who have thrown in with the Sith and are attacking the Mandos, right? Just thought I'd let you know.
Maybe the tanks were part of the deal in negotiations? Again I don't care what comes at you, only that you all have fun trashing them. On the queen no idea, this is part of a DJ/Sith Sect, largely based off my old character Raien Keth, who had years of writing out Thyrsus history. This character is here to kill him off heh. Also btw you'll notice how they are facing both sides. Maybe the queen will send them a message IC :) who knows, I left it open to both sides. Part of the reason they are just standing there :D at present.

Honestly I just prefer ground to fleet actions really. I could have done the space battle approach, or the long walk but we'd have the same kinds of posts, I just had a few more ideas for this on the battleline's posturing. However I do all my character development IC.

@[member="Mikhail Shorn"]

Mando Skyre

Mandalorian elite.
Guys, sorry I am late but aren't us Mando'ade supposed to be warrior nomads? That is, we live in small tent like dwellings and every Mando can fight, not what I witnessed here.
@[member="Mando Skyre"] The Mandalorians of SWRP are a major faction. Our home planet is Mandalore, and we have a large territory that we have occupied. The Mandalorians of canon are a widely diverse group of warriors that are from all walks of life. They were sometimes nomadic, but often they would rally together under the call of Mand'alor. Unfortunately the faction doesn't have the bolstering ranks it used to, which is why you're not seeing an apt representation of what we could do.

Mando Skyre

Mandalorian elite.
Ooh right. Thanks for clearing that out for me. I did mean about how the civilians according to Mandalorian culture would defend themselves rather than scream like headless chickens but eh. Ad by the way, I am a Mandalorian.

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