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Sith Empire: Conquest of Mon Calamari (finished)

Spencer watched as the woman descended from her throne and planted a deep kiss onto Ashin. The young padawan blinked for a moment and then felt her hands ball into fists and her face turn away for the moment. Something turned in her stomach as she felt jealous of what was happening in front of her. She didn’t like knowing that Ashin’s attention was somewhere else, she didn’t feel special anymore. Spencer remained quiet and her face turned away until she was addressed as…


Her mouth dropped for a moment as her head snapped to look at the woman who just described her as a ‘plaything’. She was more than that; she was someone important to this mission. Obviously flustered at this and her face a bright red from the jealousy she felt earlier, her hazel eyes fell and never looked the other woman in the face.

“I’m not a plaything…I’m Spencer a Jedi Padawan.”

Spencer relaxed her hands the best she could, one hand remained in a fist as she tried to calm herself down. Her heart raced as her body was attacked by the swirl of emotions she wasn’t used to feeling rom herself. Her eyes fell back on Ashin as she held her breath for a minute and then looked back towards the woman and the plants.

“Your garden you said….so this is all because of you?”

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Sirella smiled and licked her lips. "I have liberated these poor forgotten creatures," she said indicating the garden. "I will bring them back up to my ship in orbit. It is a wonderful place." The woman paced about and circled the girl. As she approached the girl she let out a burst of her pheromones, and allowed a flower bud to grow and blossom in her hair. Gently she brushed the girls mind, meat were so easy to read. “I see,” she said finally finishing her circle. “You are a cute little thing.” Leaning in she planted a playful kiss on the girls lips, locking her eyes with the Jedi’s. “What would make a Jedi travel with dear Ashin?” Sirella brought both her arms up and wrested her elbows on the girls shoulders. "Well sweet meat?"
Zalen shut his mouth, sat in the boat and waited for Darren and him to arrive at their destination. He was getting impatient, but he wouldn't get up and say anything to these stuck up force wielders who relished in their ranks as well as taking pride in the title of Jedi or Dark Jedi almost to the extent of putting down the Sith. Zalen would kill them all within their lifetimes of at least be an indirect factor in their downfalls, that was a given. As soon as he saw them, he knew they would all die with something of his envolvement, especially Mikhail. He would kill that man, skin and gut him, stuff his insides into a bantha's hind quarters, and cook the flesh into a nice roast which he would share with a Boma.
She was now getting the attention, Spencer somewhat wished that the woman would pay her attention towards Ashin, though it was nice to be noticed. What happened next was so sudden and quick as she was blasted with the pheromones. Of course, Spencer didn’t take any notice until she felt gentle lips against hers. It was quick and sudden. The kiss along with the pheromones caused Spencer to feel hot and her face flushed a deeper crimson. She wanted more and took a step forward until she was stopped by the gaze of the free kisser.


It was something Spencer wasn’t quite used too. Having grown up in the temple, there was no one to cuddle her, hold her, or comfort her. She was left to her own devices. Spencer getting a bit overloaded with everything coming at her she blinked almost in a daze as she listened to the question proposed to her. It was something she never really thought about. It wasn’t’ as if Ashin promised her worlds of power, or wealth. She promised to help change the galaxy, but beyond that it was so open ended. Spencer thought a little longer and then looked towards Ashin; she really didn’t know why she had followed.

“Ashin…she promised me that we could change the galaxy. She – uh made me feel needed and important. I enjoy being near her and…I like it…when she pays attention to me. Um, I want her to always look at me…”

Spencer went a bit cross-eyed as she listened to the words coming out of her mouth, they were things she wanted deep down in her heart, but she didn’t want them to be announced to everyone. Quickly, her hands shot up to her mouth and covered it as she did her best to stop talking for right now. Her finger tips touched lightly where the plant woman had kissed her and her face turned redder (as if it could) as she remembered the kiss and how delicate and delicious, it had been.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Reassuringly Sirella shot the girl a smile. She could sense the uncertainty, the thrill, in the girls mind easily enough. “You are very special,” Sirella said. She had taught Ashin well and beamed with pride. Ashin had known how to get to this girl. The two females were now locked in each other’s eyes. Sirella licked her lips when she saw the girl bring her hand up to her mouth. More emotions and sensations flooded into her. “That is one of the problems with Jedi.” She retracted her right arm from the girls shoulder and proffered into her hand a small seed. With a little concentration the seed came to life and blossomed into a pretty pale pink flower. “Blue eyes in hell tells lies,” she hummed as she reached into the girls hair and staring at Ashin, “Black eyes in purgatory gets wise.” She placed the flower into the girls hair, secured it in place, then deposited her arm back onto the girls shoulder. Vines started to slither and move around the pair. Sirella licked her lips as she leaned in again. “And green eyes to heaven rise.” Their lips connected and through her body Sirella sent flickers of pleasures, ecstasy.

Reluctantly she broke the kiss and began to walk back to her throne. As her arms slid off Spencers shoulders she grabbed one of the girls hands and pulled along behind her. The plants on the floor parted before them. As Sirella approached her chair to sit more vines rose up to create a smaller vessel next to hers. “Sit with me sweet meat,” she said setting the girl beside her. “I would invite you to stay in my garden sweet meat.”
The problem with the Jedi?
Spencer thought to herself as she watched the flower twist and sprout from the seed. The woman started to speak and Spencer didn’t really understand what all the eyes and the places they were meant. The other woman leaned in licking her lips, Spencer wanted to pull away, but being drunk with the pheromones she didn’t move. Her lips returned upon Spencer’s and this time the young Padawan was ready. She leaned into the kiss, returning it gently and cautiously. Spencer really didn’t know the meaning for all of this.

The kiss was broken again and she looked towards Ashin as the red head pulled her along towards the throne. She wanted to see how Ashin felt about all of this and wondered if this was her plan all along. Was she supposed to be some gift to this woman? Was she to become some sort of decoration in this place? Spencer followed up to the throne and saw that she had a seat now also. Doing as she was told she sat there and looked down at Ashin. When the question was posed she looked over and blinked several times.

“What? What would I do here? I don’t know if I could change the galaxy by being a part of your garden…also I’m not much of a plant…”

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
The kiss was not unexpected, and, as Sirella broke away, Ashin applied a careful Force Drain to the air within her own lungs, and the surfaces of windpipe and lip and clothing. Her old Master had a taste for spores -- it was a useful way to control people. No doubt Spencer already carried a few thousand of them. Thankfully, Sirella seemed to genuinely like Spencer, which was rare enough. Spencer's decontamination could wait; the girl was in no danger.

"She's with me, Sirella, not with you. When I leave here today, she'll be coming with me. I know you understand that -- I just wanted to make sure that Spencer understands that. Her destiny is greater than being one of your ornaments." Ashin smiled without humor. "Consider her a spore, blown by the wind. Appreciate her while she's here."

She raised her hand the the comlink in the collar of her armor.

"Tirdarius, this is Varanin," she said, slipping back into the modes of address that she had used as a military officer in the Unknown Regions. "Glad to hear you're on station. About two hundred klicks south of here, there's an underwater Quarren fortress that needs a bit of softening up before we go in to compel a surrender. It should make an effective object lesson for the Mon Cala capital. Force, do we ever need to install better shield generators on this world. No unity means no unified defense. Cities have individual shielding.

"Take the shot if the Force directs it. Varanin out."

She folded her arms and stretched out with her mind, wondering if the Apprentices would get into the resort via the tunnel of thorns. Letting them all be killed would be a Reyven Samoth move. These apprentices struck her as inexperienced and overenthusiastic, but salvageable.

"I hope our boys hurry in here, or there'll not be much left of them. Sirella, my people are coming in. I'd consider it a favor if you didn't kill them. Even if they step on your grass."
Like a lingering wraith, Daxton observed his apprentice as he bantered with his fellow Sith. He had no doubt, he wasn't seen, masking his presence with the Force so that he was nothing more than a shadow at the edge of sight. Time enough for killing later, right now he wanted to see the strengths and possible weaknesses so he relegated himself to shadowing them discretely......

Lord Ghoul

The Resort -
@[member="Ashin Varanin"], @[member="Spencer Jacobs"], @[member="Sirella Valkner"]

Mikhail stepped on the grass his footfalls heavy as he dashed away from the battlefield behind him and into the tangle of thorns, a rancor on his heels. Surprisingly, the gate opened up for him. Mikhail's eyes widened in alarm as vines like tentacles shot toward him, covered in thorns. One grabbed him by the foot and began dragging him toward the resort, Mikhail let it, glancing back to watch as the rancor stumbled away from what was now a wall of thorns.

Shorn reached out with his saber to sever the vine. But it released him. He leapt to his feet, a little paranoid, and noticing - strangely - that the whole place smelled faintly of rosepetals. He took a moment to catch his breath. His lungs burned in unison with his thighs and he felt a little nauseous. No quips passed his thoughts this time. Being chased by a rancor is nothing to make light of, even for a Force User. After several minutes spent just taking a moment to be happy in living, he walked into the resort and after some peeking around he found Master Varanin, the blonde Jedi, and another strange woman who sat upon a throne-like chair. Mikhail deactivated his lightsaber, eyes glancing about warily. "What the hell is this place?" he thought to himself. "Who builds a resort on an island full of murderous, mind-controlling, frogpeople?"

The Sith Apprentice drew near to the little group and waved a friendly hand, a raised brow confirming his confusion at his surroundings. "Hello, done playing exterminators?" he said to Spencer and Ashin. He addressed the woman on the throne, locking gazes with her. "You have a rather large infestetion of mind-controlling, murderous amphibians hell bent on world dominition outside. Just a minor problem."
@[member="Zalen Zennoch Ziad"]

Without warning Daxton appeared behind his apprentice and delivered a swift kick in the rear. "While you have been staring into space. Everyone has left and now we are surrounded by the enemy. Now you can either join me in combat or stay here and be tasty snack to one of them. Either way the choice is yours!"

Chambering his Chimera, Daxton peeked out the side of the boat, cloaked himself in the Force and headed to join the others, leaving his apprentice behind to decide a way to get out of this predicament.
After Darren had killed the rancor He noticed that Ashin ans Spencer were running off somewhere. since they were way out numbered. He followed behind the man he had argued with ealier. They went through the forest to a really over grown garden. There was an arch made out of the vines that grew within. Inbetween them were thorns ment to keep people in or out.

The man he had seen just before the attack was walking in there like he owned the place. He mentioned about the "little infestation" that the woman sitting on a natural made throne. She was beautiful looking other than the fact that she had a green tint in her skin. She was wearing a 2 piece swimsuit showing her stomach and alot of leg.

Darren had ealier put his lighsabers away. Because he didnt trust them he pulled out his sword this time. There would be no hum or light coming from the blade. He walked foward towards the group of 4 people. Without a sound, moving with his feet seeming to walk just above the grass under his feet. Darren walked up casualy behind Ashin and didnt even want to look at the Sith Apprenticce who always wanted attention.

The place was quite decrative and yet formal. a foutain here some types of fruit here. He suspected that they fruit may be poisionsis. He moutioned with his blade at the woman in the 2 piece asking "Exactly who are you? You have a entire place made out of vines and flowers, you ast as though you are more powerful than everyone here. You most likely are a Master of the Dark Side. What is your pourpous here?"

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Hate seethed from Sirella, but her face remained cheerful, comely. Spencer still sat at her side. Letting out a little sigh the woman stood up and smiled at the girl. “Stay here sweet meat,” Sirella said smiling affectionately at the girl. She was such a delicate creature, not unlike her flowers. “I’ll take care of these meat boys.” Gracefully she walked down away from her throne, halfway to where Ashin and her group stood. She put a hand up to her lips and blew a little kiss. A small seed flew from her hand as she blew and slowly bloomed into a flower which floated innocently and landed on Darren’s head. “Who am I?” she asked.

She walked over to the garden and stared at the poor innocent plants. They were rare, near extinct. “To be used like this,” she said, “I am sorry I didn’t come earlier.”

Her attention turned back to Darren. “I am life.” She said noticing his tone, as if for the first time and flared with irritation. “And man meat shouldn’t come into my place of power and be rude.” The entire building shook as vines grew, and thorns trembled. The seeds she’d planted along the ground began to sprout and lift up and began to wrap around the legs of the group. “I am here to liberate these plants, and to help my dearest friend Ashin.” Indicating the woman she walked towards the armored man and then smiled at him, “And I am the most powerful person in this room.” It was a true enough statement, as long as she was surrounded by her precious plants she held advantage. “So it would do to show some respect.” She approached Darren and let her hand drift across his armored (I’m assuming by the avatar he’s armored) chest. “Good behavior, of course, has its rewards.”
OOC: yes he is armored

WHen the floating flower landed on his head he smacked it off. He generaly didnt know what the plant was or what it could have done. She was talking about how she was life, and with the the entire vine room shifted. Vines began to wrap around his legs. He tried to pull his foot up and they let go for a moment, They grabbed at him again. He was temped to cut at the over grown weeds with his blade but thought differently.

She was powerful to mave the plants like that. She was the first he had ever seen someone do that. She told him to show respect. He laughed as she rubbed her hand across his chest. "I would respect you I if knew who you were. I can see that you are strong. I see that you are life. You created life on this planet." Daren raised his hands to indicate the vine room. "This here I could never do. I do not mean harm. Just wanting to know who I am talking to."

Darren wanted to keep the guise that he was not harmful and he put his sword back in the sheath. he tried to get his foot out of the vines but they were wraped tightly around his armored legs. "And if you wouldnt mind could you please leg go of my legs?"

Lord Ghoul

Mikhail needed a desk so he could slam his head into it. He let out a groan of frustration as the Dark Jedi spoke, haughtily demanding answers from the owner of the resort. Vines suddenly wrapped around the feet of all save the Jedi padawan. Mikhail winced. "Yeah, could've seen that one coming."

He watched with brows raised as the woman spoke. So she was a misandrist. That was just great. He was rethinking those frogpeople. They seemed positively cheerful in comparison. This Dark Jedi was going to get them all killed. Or worse.

"Hey, metal-head, how about actually giving the nice lady some respect and cutting the whole haughty-demands crap," Mikhail said as the man continued to make demands about who the woman was and to release the vines holding them in place. Shorn didn't even know why the man wore a helmet as there didn't seem to be anything useful it was protecting. Mikhail's voice, however, was filled with genuine worry. He glanced over at Ashin, his ice blue eyes staring pointedly. The damned Dark Jedi had gotten them into a sticky situation by being very undiplomatic. Ashin was probably the only person who could extricate them from it.

"I hate teamwork," Mikhail thought, bitterly.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Yes. Respect. From all of us. Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet one of my many Masters - Sirella Valkner, formerly known as Darth Sirena. A master of biological alchemy, politics, and Sith sorcery. I dare say that, surrounded by her plants, she could defeat me easily. And probably all of us.

"Right now, she is our sanctuary. But that won't last. We're the sort to wear out our welcome, and in any case you all need to examine options and come up with a way to defeat that army, take the hilltop fort, and pacify the village."

Lord Ghoul

Shorn nodded respectfully to Sirella, taking the cue from Ashin. Surprising? Perhaps to those who didn't know him. There was more than sarcastic remarks and blue eyes to Mikhail Shorn, though he himself often didn't like to admit it. Pointing out the idiocy others with snide comments tended to make those idiots go away. Usually pissed off, but hey it did the trick. However, Mikhail knew enough not to mess with a Sith Master. He liked his insides where they were, no need for them to be turned into fertilizer for Sirella's plants.

He let out a soft snort at Ashin's words about "pacifying" the village. With the way things were going they'd end up killing everyone inside it, or murdering each other before they even got there. And, of course, there was the third option of getting eaten by a rancor. Mikhail swore to himself that he was never - ever - going to Dathomir.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mistress Valkner," Mikhail said, courteously. For once, his bearing became almost courtly... formal, suggesting that he could be capable of a great deal more sophistication than he let on. Even if he hardly ever used it. Strike that - almost never used it.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Ashin blinked in not a little surprise as Mikhail shifted into courtly mode.

Around her ankles and legs, the vines squirmed but found themselves unable to get a grip.
Darren knew that the man Shorn was brown nossing his way though this. He was right to do so. He had goten them in this mess he might as well help. "Oh Sirella Valkner. Now since I know your name Im Darren Shaw. What would you like us to call you? Darth or no Darth. Im sorry If I may have offended you But Id rather not do that again"

Darren indicated the Vines at his feet to show that He didnt want them to climb any higher. He took off his helm exposing his white long hair and pale face. If he showed that he was willing to take his helmet off then it would also show that he was comfurtable in the postion he was in. Even thought he wasnt.

Sirella Valkner

Because I'm a plant.
Sirella paced a bit. Pheromones oozed off her presence and into the air, the plants reacted to her thoughts standing straight. Apologetically, an expression well practiced, she looked to Ashin and snapped her fingers. The vines started to loosen around the interlopers. She turned and winked at Spencer before walking over to Mikhail. He was being polite, courteous. Yes right now he was acting as a man should and deserved a reward. She leaned up and gave him a little pick on the cheek exhaling spoors onto his neck. “You are a good boy,” she said, “strong and handsome, in another life, maybe….”

She let the thought linger before returning to the armored man. He was another matter. “Would you like a reward for cooperation?” she asked putting her arms around his shoulders. She didn’t know if her pheromones were doing the trick and instead resorted to brushing his mind showing him images of wet, sticky, flesh. The metal on her lips was cold. “Another time perhaps? Without the mask? Come to me whenever you want to claim your reward.”

Returning to her throne she placed a hand on Spencer’s head, kneading her hair gently. “You see?” whispering as she leaned in. “You just need to show dominance and they fall right into line.”

Turning to the group she then said, “If you dig up these plants, and transport them securely to my vessel, I will help you eliminate these horrid little toads.” She licked her lips, “and if you perform well, perhaps I will share more with you. Ashin isn’t the only master…” Her hand stopped kneading Spencer’s head, and instead she turned and gave her an affectionate look. Genuine? Perhaps. Whatever it was, it wasn’t a lie, she decided. Folding her legs on her throne she smiled and laughed a little, “Now dear Ashin, let’s allow the young meat come up with a plan shall we? This should be entertaining, good fun to be had all around.”
Darren was not suprised. He had a talk with Ashin before about htis woman, but it was breif. He knew that she was trying to woo him into liking her. But that wasnt going to happen He had his mind set somewhere else. Darren was so tempeted to argue with the Sith, but didnt want to end up as a plant.

Darren could feel the force try and change his mind when she kept wooing him. He wouldnt allow that. Darren didnt fight bak he just held her force back. She was trying to woo everybody here. And it looked like they would have to trans port her plants in a ship for her. Oh the irony. he hated plants and ended up carrying them to a ship.

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