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Approved Location Site 17AWF30 - "Solipsis' Playground" | GA Codex Contest

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  • Structure Name:
    • Official: Site 17AWF30
    • Unofficial: Solipsis’ Playground
  • Classification: Abandoned Factory
  • Location: Coruscant
  • Affiliation:
  • Accessibility:
    • Fairly inaccessible. The factory is found on the outer edges of Coruscant’s inner city. While rail systems can take you out there, it is quite a long journey. Once you arrive at the factory, you will find a simple Alliance security post, preventing any looters or squatters that may want to enter. If you make it past the guards, the entrance to the factory is easy to access. Though the Sith Spirits inside are quick to warn off any potential visitors.
  • Description:
    • Site 17AWF30, also known as Solipsis’ Playground, is an abandoned factory on the far edges of Coruscant. The exterior of the factory is quite large and boxy in shape, with many smaller box-like walls jutting out from the sides. The interior of the factory is an assortment of broken assembly lines. Various bits and pieces of scrap metal can be found all around the factory.

  • Central Gathering Area:
    • Drawing off of the Sith remnant that was left over within the factory, the Spirits gather here to meet and rest. With the large light-sided presence of the planet offering them only a few places to live, the Sith call this place their home. While there are no special physical features about this gathering area, it still provides a sanctuary of sorts.

The factory relies on its distance and isolation from others for its safety. Out in front of the factory is a small Alliance station where a handful of guards monitor all of the surrounding areas. Since there is typically no one trying to get inside the factory or any other buildings, the guards tend to not take their job very seriously. The most they will ever do is shoo off those who wish to loot or squat within the structures.

The only real security of the factory is the Sith Spirits that reside within it. They will scare off those who try to enter, or potential possess those who are weak minded. But overall, they try to keep to themselves, knowing that their time to strike on the Inner City would come soon enough.

Decades ago, back when Coruscant was still underneath the control of the Sith, many factories across the outer edge of the planet developed various types of weaponry. The number of soldiers within their army reached the billions, so it was crucial that all of their soldiers were equipped well. Wars were fought and time passed, and soon Coruscant fell into the hands of the Alliance. All factories related to Sith technology were immediately shut down. Remaining resources from these buildings were shipped offworld for new construction.

Years went on and soon all of the Sith factories were left abandoned. Guard stations had been set up all throughout the manufacturing district with the aim to arrest any dark-siders that dared to recover anything from the sites. But it was apparent that there was no need for them to return, so the guard duty on these factories decreased.

It would seem as if the factories would be lost to time, slowly being taken over by various sewer rats. Yet the factories would not lose purpose. The Great Battle of Coruscant ravaged across the Inner City of Coruscant, devastating the New Jedi Temple. This attack would disrupt a lot of things within the Temple, most importantly the Archivist's Gate. Powerful dark-sided energy helped loosen the restraints on the portal, allowing for various Force Ghosts to escape. Ones that did escape fled the Temple immediately, travelling as far away as they could from it. They knew that their time was not now.

Venturing to the outer edges of Coruscant, the Sith Spirits eventually found residence within an old factory that had a strong dark-sided aura emitting from it. They decided that this place would be their home for now, until it was time to strike again. Now the guards here stationed to help protect the surrounding area have been plagued with terrors that have been dismissed as lack of sleep. The Sith Spirits can be seen moving around, harassing and trying to possess the guards. Unfortunately, transports don't come for a few weeks, so they were stuck here with the evil ghosts.
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