Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sins of the Flesh

Tears streamed down a young woman's face, almost merely a girl, as she awoke beneath the rubble caused by her hopeless duel with the Akure Leviathan, [member="Dralshy'a"]. Blood was pooling about her legs, and the pain in her abdomen was unbearable. She hadn't known, how could she have known? The battle was over, the invasion won, but at what cost? A hoarse scream filled the city of Empress Teta, the streets barren, the bodies piled over like a mass grave in a once-populated fortress world. And when the blonde looked down her chest to the rubble, she could see a long strand of bloody flesh that left the bottom of her robes and led to a dark shadow beneath the rubble that crushed her legs and punctured her gut. Eyes wide, shoulders shaking, face impossibly pale, a shrill scream ripped loose from the woman's lungs and swallowed whole the gasp that had silently left her just moments before. There was an infant at her feet, a dead one. Her infant, her child.

Darth Vitium had made a name for herself, killing opponents in duels and skirmishes alike. Within the One Sith she had been tutored by some of the best, and even now in her lordship she was to be trained by the indomitable [member="Darth Odium"]. But she was a woman of complexity and sensitivity, a woman of memory that was never forgotten, not ever forgiven. It was on the fortress world of Prakith, her world, that she ventured into the depths of the crypt that she had made her own, the keep of Darth Andeddu. It was here that she had trained under Darth Mierin, here that she had killed her. The entire fortress reeked of the dark side, and even amid this darkness there was something even darker than it - Silara. Her former master, Darth Veles, had noticed a stark change in her after the invasion of Empress Teta, an event which occurred just after a fateful night of food and wine with a king, and he had not been incorrect in assuming she had been steeped in a darkness far worse than his own. Perhaps his grave error in denouncing her as his apprentice had been a smidgen too far, but he was entirely correct in his theory of her change, yet even he had not known of the reason.

The support had came just as quickly as her help in her duel with [member="Pyrrha Nikkita"], absolutely horrendously late - too late. When they arrived she had been hopelessly broken beyond repair, never to bear child again, never to be of use in a battle. She was now a broken tool, and while her tears and screams of agony and depression still beat against her chest, against the memory now sewn into her mind, she remained silent and cold. One look at the stillborn child and the Yuuzhan Vong that had gathered her up simply lifted a blaster to dissipate its remains, an act that would forever mar the trust of the woman with those of her own faction, of her lover's troupe. The Dark Lord was her obsession, yet here her child was no more, nothing left to bury, and her child could have been everything that Silara had not been - far more powerful, far more gifted, but that was never to be determined. It sickened her to watch such mongrels treat their own with such malice and disregard. It became her own hypocrisy as she aged, turned her into the contemptuous witch she was now. There was no more warmth, no passionate love in her heart. The day her second and final child died was the day her heart died with her. Her daughter, no more. But she would bring her back if she could, by all desperation she would.

Vitium was a woman of vices, a Sith Lord given such a name by her dark lord for her actions and foreseen path in the force, and yet she still had the ability to give mercy when it was cruel enough to fit the purpose. Here was he, [member="The Shadow King"], the bastard that had caused her such grief in the ostracizing of her from the Shadow Empire in its infancy and left her a cruel memento of their short time together. His child had died, yet he had not even known, or perhaps cared, that he had one with her, one that had taken the fire from her heart with its passing in the force. Quietly she neared the cell in the dark, damp, cavernous expanse of the re-purposed holding area, the one which held Romeo Sin. As she approached she had already cast away her presence in the force using her mastery of the dark arts of sith magic, completely barring herself from the senses of others through the force. For a moment she looked into the small window that looked into the man's cell, her face calm and emotionless, yet her mind screaming for her to tell him of her dead child, to make him pay. Yet her heart had an entirely different method for breaking apart his world. She would tell him his child still lived, make him believe he had one grown through accelerated aging, and then shatter his happiness once the time was right by revealing her death in grand detail, shoving the burden from her chest to his. Make him live in her pain.

"I am coming in."
Romeo sat in his dark cell, his hair was over his face as he sat there, his wrist bound by chains hooked to the wall behind him. He took in deep breaths, meditating on the darkside of the force, preparing himself for whatever may come. He had surrendered to her, the woman he had ran off, something he regretted greatly, and was now ready to face his punishment. He sat there in his darkness, opening himself completely to the darkness he felt here. Romeo knew not where he was, nor how he got here.
Awakening in this place, he had not been fed enough to keep him healthy, and he had not been treated nicely, instead sometimes the guards would come in, and beat him, but he never gave them the cries they wanted. When he opened his eyes, that was the only light created in his cell, the blood red glowing hue was easily seen. He smelt dirty, and his skin felt like grime. His hair dripped with his sweat, and he knew that he was already dehydrated.
The darkness was the only thing he had to keep him company in this place.
She had her trophy here now, all to herself. [member="Darth Vitium"] had what she wanted, and she would make him suffer, he knew this, and he was preparing for it. He decided she would have to work for his cries, for his tears, and his begs for mercy.

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