Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sin Family

I just retconned all of the Sin family, save the NPCs I have made for Romeo. That means his brother no longer is a PC, or existing, though its always up for grabs, and his cousins, and other sister.
Doing this put a lot of pressure off my back.
Think it was a good idea?


You became an Atrisian. :eek:

I think if that's what makes you comfortable then there's no wrong answer. I did that with Aynea but in the end, Aeizori wanted me to bring Aynea back, so now I'm making her a rogue witch headhunter. Whatever contributes to your enjoyment and ease is the right thing to do.
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Kinda just to leave people more character options if the need hits them. Seemed kinda selfish to begin with, and I dont really wanna play any other Sin, but Romeo now. People hate him, and love him. Seemed to be a waste to try something else when he's where I do best at.

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