Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sin City [PM to join]

The Admiralty
~Nar Shaddaa~
Jimmy’s ain’t the biggest bar in town. You won’t see a hundred people sitting in it at a time, there ain’t no steady cash flow of a thousand credits an hour. Nah. Jimmy’s ain’t like that. What Jimmy’s has is a reputation, one that celebrates neutrality, a place where people can wind down at the end of a long day hauling shet from one safe house to another, a building that has been standing here since Jimmy had put his broken nails into the dying carcass of District Dee-Twenty.

Well, Jim’s dead and the district was slowly approaching critical mass, with close to a dozen of smaller gangs and factions grabbing the little pieces of his ol’ imperium. I am one of those maggots, one of ‘em leeches that is working off the hard-worked, cheated ways of Jimmy. There is one difference between me, my boys and asshats working around us.

I got Jimmy’s.

See, a day after someone shot Jim in the head and dropped his body in a nearby canal (wasn’t me, got an alibi.) people started feuding for the most profitable ventures in the district. Think the brothels, booze distilleries, hell the smugglers banded together and took control over the landing pads- point was… everyone forgot immediately about the biggest jewel, in the middle of the district. (give or take)

It was the crown, because of its reputation, ‘cause of the name and the faith in instilled. Never underestimate the power of names, ladies and gentlemen, thieves, murderers, smugglers; all those folk? Superstitious lot most of the times and names are the biggest vocal point they look up to.

Anyway, history lesson is done. We are at Jimmy’s at the moment, I am sitting in one of the corners, slowly watching as the ringleaders, bandit kings and all manner of filth slowly trickle into my fine establishment. Today ain’t a fighting day, Jimmy’s was allotted as according ground and was neutral for now.

Meant that if anyone tried to shoot up the place? Every mugrat from the far reaches of the Cage ‘til the smoky downroads of the Circus would band together to bring dem offenders down. Just the way of things, I guess.

Why were we here? Have some fun, was the official story. Gotta understand, we might be dirt and mud, but in the grand scheme of things nobody really liked to go to war. Too much blood, death and usually you are the one being thrown in the canal. So the fact that people wanted to wind down a bit ain’t all that strange.

Unofficially though… we were here to check out the competition, figure out who was weak, who was strong. Ya know. Usual territory. I got dem eyes on three ringleaders who had their territories adjacent to mine, we would see how shet turns out tho. Can’t ever plan too far ahead.

Never know what the night brings ya.
[member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Dak Canton"] [member="Hades Michae"] [member="Kairon Rees"] [member="Kariss Jerriko"] @Khaleel Malvern [member="Sena Lassiter"] [member="Seqo Ondana"] [member="Simone"] [member="Tacitus Zambrano"] [member="Tyger Tyger"]
Hades was having a hard time with the official ‘story’ for this outing.

What was…fun? He wouldn’t consider himself a pessimist so much as a realist, not really out to rain on anyone’s parade. At least not intentionally. He’d just seen…things that made him drift, flashbacks that wriggled in the middle of his spine and asked him to come away, let them up to play in his head.

Another swig of his drink, a half-interested shift of his gaze across the riff-raff slowly filling Jimmy’s. (His usual blank expression works well in his line of work. He either looks completely bored or only somewhat bored. Neither makes for a man one suspects of observation.) So if the entirety of human & alien ambition seemed pointless in the grand scheme of things, why did he even bother? Maybe this life was the only thing he’d ever known, the one thing he was truly good at it. He felt like the Life was built for him and not the other way around, some way to get the relentless weight of entropy out from above his shoulder blades, so maybe he’d stop imagining the vibration in his seat from the thump of the music wasn’t the ground opening up to swallow him whole.

Lost somewhere in his thoughts he doesn’t hear what he thinks is the sound of a voice directed at him until three-quarters through the sentence, a muffled intrusion that rattles his headspace with a call back to what passed for reality. He turned his body to look at Khaleel, a strange habit of tilting his head only slightly and completing the turn with his shoulders, his mouth hanging open slightly. “Sorry, you say somethin’?”

[member="Khaleel Malvern"] | @everyone​
Kairon looked down at the last of the dregs of beer in his glass. He swirled it around once and then downed the last of it. The ale had been pretty poor to start with, but the last warm dregs were particularly unpleasant. Kairon made a face and looked at his right hand man, Jarrick, out of the corner of his eyes. He couldn't remember if it was his round, or the hardened soldier's. One of the draught taps was leaking slightly. Kairon peered over the room of his glass to look at it, eyelids drooping. Drip-drop, drip-drop...


...drip-drop. The last of the fluid still leaked from the pneumatic pipes where they'd been severed. Brave move, the last of the guards had cut them from the outside, sealing the rest of the crew and their families inside. Of course they'd had to cut them outside, so they'd sealed their own fate too. One had died in the shooting, but the Captain now had the other one. Kairon could respect brave, but sometimes brave was stupid too.

He casually leaned on the bulkhead, cigarra hanging from his mouth. Leia, one of the newest lieutenants of the crew of the notorious pirate ship Bad Karma was hovering over the comm unit in the wall.

"Look, all we want is the crate of Lorios-X," she explained, referring to the medical compound that fetched a phenomenal price on the black market. It could be diluted a thousand times and still be sold as a powerful narcotic. "It's on the manifest and we haven't found it, it's all we want."

"We don't have it!" came the stoic reply. Clearly he was confident in the blast doors between them.

"It's all we want. We won't hurt anyone else, just hand it over."

"It. Isn't. Here."

Kairon grunted and started to shift his weight forwards, but Leia waved him back. He shrugged and returned to his previous relaxed posture.

"We've nearly cut through the hull, I've got a switch here that'll blow the last of it and space you all, so I suggest you consider cooperating."

"The the sake of the Force, we have women and children in here!" came the reply, a little bit less bold than before. Kairon heard the wavering tone and grinned.

"That didn't sound like 'yes' to me!" he shouted at the door, loud enough that they might have heard him without the comm. Leia glanced up at him with that look so many of the crew gave him. He wasn't entirely sure what it was, didn't care, but he was pretty sure it was the same look they gave the Captain when he got really worked up and started to do unpleasant things. Wasn't quite fear, wasn't quite disgust.

"Please, it was never put on board the ship," this time the voice was pleading

"Look, please, there's no need for any more blood, just hand it over, it isn't worth it." Leia replied quietly. Kairon was starting to suspect the young woman didn't have the stomach for this work. Then again, she was one of the Captain's favourites from the latest batch.

"Ah to hell with this," Kairon grunted and used his shatter gun as a prop to shift his bulk. "That the button?" he asked, looking at a datapad hanging from a bundle of wires.

Leia stepped between him and the device. She muted the two way comm. "Not yet!" she stated flatly. Kairon glowered. He drew himself up to his full height and stood over her, his expression turning dark.

"Not a good place to be," he growled. "Between me an' what I'm after."

She blanched, but held her ground. "There are women and children in there, we can resolve this. It's why the Captain sent me!"

"Yeah and we rigged up the nets over the breach, so we can resolve this my way and still find the loot. Why do you think the Captain sent me?"

He saw understanding dawn in her, she reached for the comm. "Please, just open up, we can search for the goods and..."

Kairon brushed past her, moving with surprising speed for his size. He slapped his hand against the on screen button. The bulkheads shuddered as the explosives went off. In an instant the comm unit crackled at the edge of its volume limit. There was screaming, a sound like a massive waterfall as the atmosphere evacuated. And then there was silence. The deathly still silence of a vacuum.

"My way was quicker." Kairon mumbled.

It turned out they'd been telling the truth all the time. One of the ship's boys had ticked off the manifest without bringing the crate aboard. Hell of a way to get a few hundred people killed, in Rees' opinion. Not that he'd lose any sleep over it, the lad had been near the first breach when the shooting started. All he had now was endless sleep.

Kairon was walking down one of the corridors on the Bad Karma when Leia caught up to him, anger etched into her features. Damned girl had too high a sense of her own worth if she was going to try and pull this.

"They didn't find the crate!" she shouted at him.

Kairon kept on walking with his long gait, forcing the shorter women to keep up. "Ah well, didn't take them too long to sort through the detritus then," he replied with a half shrug.

A series of expressions flashed across her face. Kairon was pretty sure one of them was surprise at the surly first mate with greasy lank hair using a three syllable word. "But they didn't have to die," she protested.

Kairon sighed, walking a few more steps before coming to a halt. "Look, captain and me had a chat bout you. Not sure you've got the will for this kind of work," he explained. Few did. They skimmed the bottom rung of society for those desperate enough to run with a crew like this. Put a pistol in their hand and pushed them through the breach first. More'n half the meat died on their first board, he knew.

"Maybe I just don't like the way you work," she replied stubbornly.

" getting off?"

She shook her head, exasperated. "I cannot understand why you did that. Put me off at the next port."

"Hah and I don't think you understand how people leave the crew of the Bad Karma," he retorted.

Her brows furrowed for a moment. A question started to form on her lips. She should have noticed where they'd stopped. Kairon had her by the upper arm in a flash, holding her in a vice-like grip before using his weight to swing her into the airlock. He slammed his first down on the button, the inner door slamming closed. He watched her for a moment through the transparent port. Watched as realisation dawned on her face. She started to mouth a plea, but he could not hear her words.

"Shame, Captain said you were one of his favourites too," Kairon mumbled to himself before opening the airlock.


Kairon woke from his reverie with a start. Jarrick was prodding his shoulder. "Your round boss," his said with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah," Kairon agreed, signalling for a refill from the bar and sliding over a few credit chits. "Where's Asmus?" he asked after his nephew. The stupid boy had a propensity to swagger about bragging about life as a smuggler. Problem was he had the uncanny ability to both find girls willing to listen and get himself into more trouble than he could handle.

"The cat said she'd watch him on the Quin," Jarrick replied, with a subtle nod of thanks for the full glass.

"Aww, you know she only says that so she can drop him off at the nearest brothel and go on the prowl," Kairon complained, looking into the depths of his glass.

"Hah, true enough!" Jarrick replied, seemingly unphased.

"We'll hopefully he brings something home with less tentacles this time."

Jarrick guffawed and wiped the front from his chin. "Yeah she - was it even a she? was hard to get off the Quin."

"It was all the suckers," Kairon replied, mimicking the 'popping' noise of a suckers being pulled off a surface.

The old soldier grinned at that. "One of these days the lad'll repay us by saving us from something scary," he mused.

"As if," Kairon replied. Buy inwardly he thought: he already has.

OOC/ unnecessarily long intro post, but I enjoyed it.
Oooh, how Kariss had missed actually having choices. For quite some time she'd been having to wander for hours just to find someone who smelled appetizing and take what she could get. But here? Khaleel's little kingdom of trash seemed to draw rich soup like a light drew insects. Even as she walked out on one man's arm, giggling at one of his jokes that really wasn't terribly funny, three more glorious candidates were walking in. She could have a banquet here, so long as she didn't overfish and get the game wardens on her case. No need to get greedy.

For tonight, she'd picked out one of those revolting pickup artists that seemed to be plaguing the Nar Shaddaa nightlife recently. Ridiculous hat, overpowering cologne, the whole nine yards. He'd attempted to get her attention with disinterest, a few left-handed compliments ("Your diet's definitely working."), and now he was plying her with some really awful attempts at schadenfreude humor. It was surprisingly easy to play the idiot with men who were expecting women to be prey. A bit ironic, that.

Outside Jimmy's, there was the bustling evening crowd that almost made you forget you were in the unwashed arsehole of the universe, the standard drunks halfway through their eighth round of the night...and the convenient dark alleys just far enough that you could expect some privacy. When Kariss saw one, she grinned and tugged her escort's arm. "C'mere. I've got something to show you. It'll just take a minute..."

Probably thinking his virility was being challenged, the man whose arm the little Anzat was hanging onto scoffed under his breath. "You might need a little longer than that." Ugh, she hated his voice. Honestly, she hated everything about him, but he smelled just appetizing enough to get her through the night without killing anyone worthwhile.

"Well, I'm sure you wouldn't want to overperform in the opening act. You're going to have to really impress me during the main event, after all." With the right partner, innuendo could be an art form. With this guy it was more like slapstick.

Properly out of the light and notice of passers by, Kariss grinned darkly to herself, then turned and grabbed her escort by both shoulders, slamming him against the nearby wall just hard enough to make her point. "Now hold still," she started her voice laden with psychic reinforcement. The man's eyes almost immediately dilated into an unfocused daze, and she couldn't help but giggle quietly. "It'll be over before you know it."

The doomed man's eyes finally came back into focus just as the nubile young lady who had just knocked the wind out of him neared his face, and two little slits on her cheeks opened up...


About three minutes of body disposal later, one very happy Anzat practically skipped back into Jimmy's with a self-satisfied grin on her face. He hadn't been as filling as she'd hoped, but it would be enough to stave off her craving until a bit later in the evening. Revitalized and refocused, Kariss Jerriko looked about the throngs of people wandering around the local watering hole for someone interesting enough to occupy her time.
"Aaaand look at that. Idiot's Array. Whodda thunkit."

The table grew eerily quiet, except for the man who liked to talk. He was a wiry fellow, with twitchy hands and intelligent eyes. The sort that thought he was smarter than everyone else in the room.

"Fierfek, Jan." muttered a Duros, "An idiot's array for the idiot."

The others at the table all avoided the stare of one being in particular. The massive, dark furred Wookiee, one eye burned out. He was glaring at Jan. A sudden low growl rumbled from his throat. Everyone stood up. Everyone except Jan.

"Whaaat, oh calm down, big guy. You think I'm cheating. Check me. You won't find nothing."

"Moron." The Duros knew they wouldn't. Jan was clever enough for that. But he'd... overplayed his hand. Ironic, that.

Jan reached over to sweep all the chips into his pile. "Want a round three, ya big walking ca- AH."

The Wookiee seized Jan by the wrist and hauled him across the table. Chips scattered everywhere. Claws sprang from the arboreal creature's massive hands as he gripped the human by both arms and hoisted him into the air. Jan screamed as the claws dug into the flesh of his biceps. The Wookiee made a sudden jerking motion with both hands. Both arms popped off Jan, like ripping out the wing bones of fried chicken. Blood was everywhere.

The Wookiee left the man screaming on the floor and collected his cred chips.

Nobody complained. They'd never liked Jan anyway.

[member="Khaleel Malvern"]
There was a new ship, a new destination and perhaps the idea of a path. Coren Starchaser, a former Imperial-based, Sienar pilot, dark side user, and smuggler was finding his place to fit in in the galaxy. Sure, he could try to stalk down his family, get in on the Bright Star casino group, but.. that wasn't Coren's style. He preferred to work, small teams, a simple task or two. One job at a time. That was good, a bit of smuggling, taking out a hit, stealing some goods, counterfeiting. Coren liked to keep his skills sharp.

And according to the family datacron, this was exactly what he did before he got exposed, frozen, mind wiped and released was what he was leaning to now.

With Kelly taking his old ship for a joy ride more times than not, apparently she yearned for the familiarity of a Corellian ship, but he wanted something for himself as well, a bit sportier, and easier to do the jobs he wanted. Sure, the Starchaser frelling loved his YT-2000, but he wanted his primary woman to be safe. The new ship, a refurbished and upgraded D5-Mantis from a time before time was just what he needed. Cutting edge technology and all sorts of room.

Landing the ship in one district of Nar Shad, and pulling out one of the speederbikes, he had that an an airspeeder in the hold, plus emptied a lot of room for other type of work, off to Jimmy's. He wasn't sure what he'd be in store for, but he heard about a meeting of people with a type of skill.

Nerfhide jacket, goggles around his neck, an a metropolitan outfit in a proper fit and dark color pallete, Coren entered the establishment. Making his way to the bar, he lit up a smoke and ordered a Whyren's on the rocks. Time to go to work.


The Upright Man strode through the neon night. A heavy footstep of his fell into a gutter-side pond of collected radioactive rain, crushing an oblong sputtering light. They say Nar Shaddaa is the Coruscant of the criminal underworld. But this world is nothing more than crumbling buildings and urban waste. The dismal living of the poor was an irritant to his sight, he yearned for the majesty of Antecedent. Yet, he wondered, was Coruscant really any different?

Upright felt the urge to grab his long coat and pull the collar closer to him, then he took a long, slow drag from his death stick before removing it from the crevice of his helmet and stomping it out on the sidewalk. Entering the cantina, he made a beeline for the bar, he shouldered through those who refused to get out of his way without mercy.

Upright propped himself up onto a bar stool and waved the bartender, but he knew in places like these that service came slow. Busy cantina's were always slow of service, annoying loud and boisterous, and the only type of people who came here were either criminals looking for a discreet conversation or to find a temporary lover for a night full of fun. Upright was here for the former.
The Admiralty
Ya know. Shet happens all the time, it ain’t about that in my opinion. Can’t really do anything about it besides try and surf the waves, if ya know what I mean. Take this night for instance, the establishment was filling in, people were bustling here and there, drinks were overflowing, smokes were had, ya know the drill.
There were a couple of people that were of note at the moment, ya had Jerriko just strutting into the bar with her peculiar smile. She seemed.. radiating, probably meant she had offed someone again - ain’t all too happy about it, but like I said before, ya gotta ride the waves sometimes and one thing was for sure. She was one of the best goddamn killers I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and ya gotta keep those kind of people close to ya.
Rees’s crew was around too, didn’t know all too much about ‘em, but they liked dem stashing of goods and import/export, only thing I needed to know really.
Always good to know the people who can get ya stuff.
Then there was Michae. Can’t really put my finger on this guy, he was… a weird guy all things considered. One of us though, Kin. That means something, at least it does in my book. He helped me way back, didn’t even ask all that big of a cut for it too, sold me there and then, in a matter of speech. I scratched my chin, giving him a shrug.
Hadn’t really said anything, had just been thinking. But it was rude not to exchange some conversation, even when I was busy handling the crowd in my own peculiar way.
Naw, busy crowd tho.’ pushed a cigarette towards him and a lighter. Guy loved a smoke, that was one thing we had in common.
Didn’t know the last two fellas walking in, one had a helmet, other was a silky smooth kind of guy. I would have to keep my eye on ‘em, they were either trouble, or help. Didn’t know which it was yet.
One of my boys sat down next to me, whispering something about a guy losing his arms after a gamble. Looked at him with a frown, it was a frown that told him I needed more information than that. He obliged.
Nobody had ever liked Jan, he only proved his stupidity with trying to game a wookie. Everyone knew what wookies did when they lost, it’s why nobody ever fething played a real game with them.
Clean up the mess.’ I finally said to my boy. ‘Game’s over on that table, get one of our own wookies, Lefty maybe. He hasn’t been on Kashyyyk for a while, got branded out as far as I know, ask him to talk to Mr. Arm-Puller, I will want to talk to him myself later.
[member="The Upright Man"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Grozkalla"] [member="Kariss Jerriko"] [member="Kairon Rees"] [member="Hades Michae"] [member="Alec Rekali"] [member="Sena Lassiter"] [member="Seqo Ondana"] [member="Tacitus Zambrano"] [member="Tyger Tyger"]

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Normally I'm hunting around Jimmy's. Big wig bartender gets a cut of course, but I get free reign around the place and he'll help me out. Spike a drink, get me a private room, gimme a distraction when I need it, real beneficial-like. But today's no normal day. Rather than bring in a target and have the wonderful staff at Jimmy's set him up with some sort of 'special' he was bringing in a guy he'd already taken down and cuffed up. This guy in particular was a Tarc, nasty four-armed crustracean tall as a wookiee with a natural armor that was hard to crack. It'd taken him four stun bolts to slow him down, six to finally take him down. Of course, it couldn't just simply be as simple as just a crab man mark. In fact, he wasn't really a mark at all. Silacc was a bounty hunter like him, and one who'd been hired to take down one Khaleel Malvern.

Information I figured Khaleel would find valuable. And if Khaleel didn't find it valuable enough? I suppose I could take over the Tarc's job. Hopefully it won't come to that though. Khaleel's a decent sort. Not the sort that's too decent that he can't handle a little smuggling or bounty hunting, but decent enough not to stab you in the back. At least, that's my take on him so far. Hopefully I'm not wrong. I head to the bar, giving [member="Khaleel Malvern"] a we need to talk look and order a drink. As I'm waiting for him I spot a pretty dame in the corner looking like she's waiting for something.

"Have this guy escorted to the back. And make that two drinks." I tell the bartender and shove the snarling Tarc towards him. He falls back a bit, but gave the command to security as he gave Tacitus two bottles. I make my way over to to the vampyric [member="Kariss Jerriko"], though I really don't have any idea who or what she is. Hopefully I figure that out sooner rather than later and one way as opposed to another. Heading over I sit by her side and start handing her a bottle.

"Drink for a name?"
One thing was certain: this place was certainly one of the more interesting places to spend your time. Trashy bars, especially in bad districts, tended to be eventful, but it seemed Khaleel's little craphole was certainly a cut above the average. Not only was the local wildlife more enticing, but the evening entertainment was simply remarkable. A Wookiee showed exactly why its species was known for being the sorest losers in the galaxy. A huge crab-thing was taken in by the bouncers, probably for roughhousing upstairs. There was no end to interesting things for Kariss to people-watch.

The best part was that if the little Anzat ever got bored of simply lingering, there were so many other amusing distractions to pursue. Card games she could rather easily cheat at without anyone being the wiser. Weak-minded simpletons to spark into brawls at imagined slights she ever-so-subtly influenced to the forefront of their thoughts. And always - always - the potential for another delicious venture outside. Perhaps with one of those lovely blonde lasses by the front window. They seemed to have had far too much to drink...

About the only problem with Jimmy's was the name. Ugh. Horrible. Sounded like a redneck MechStop.

When Kariss noticed (and she did notice) that she had attracted someone's attention, she allowed her expression to sink into something more subtle and moved her sunglasses further up on her nose. The dark material hid her eyes rather well, which would make them all the more enticing when her newest suitor snatched a few glimpses of them. It was just one little extra layer of mystique to add to her image. Another few tiny, suggestive things like that and he would be hanging off of her every word...and she hadn't even said anything yet.

An amateur would have panicked when the man approaching her noticed her attention on him. Kariss instead arched her back just slightly, pushing herself from the bar she had been leaning over long enough to brush her hair back over her shoulder. An amateur would have panicked, but a professional saw only opportunity. Looking distant and aloof only got you so far; if you wanted to truly ensnare, you needed to look enticing. When the man approaching her took a seat beside her, Kariss gave a thin smile and even turned her gaze towards him.

Her voice, just a bit deeper than her size would indicate, subtly purred with every word. "A trade? How common," she started, then shook her head and straightened her back a bit, ignoring the offering of booze. "How about we work on the merit system instead?" Dark little grin. Each word carefully chosen. Affectation may have been her favorite hunting strategy, but that didn't mean she was going to slack off just because she wasn't hungry. "There's a very large Wookiee over there who seems to be the life of the party. Can you be more interesting than him?'
[member="Tacitus Zambrano"]
The Corellian took a look around the establishment. He was looking for... well, sadly, a Jedi. Coren Starchaser didn't quite have so much against the hippie religion, not any more than he had against the Sith. They were all fanatics in his book, and there needed to be a balance. A... sharing of emotions and calculation. That was what was needed. He remembered a little bit, well, sort of remembered, as if it was from a dream, a dream far and away.

He learned from Jedi, he learned from Sith, he was a mixture of the two in his philosophy and would do what he could to stop either, should they get too... radical. No jihads or crusades on his watch. A balance should be had, and people should fight over things that mattered.

Like money.

Or preventing non-humans from voting.

The real stuff of the galaxy.

But he still didn't give a frak on that. He cared about credits, and status. Not necessarily his own, but that of the groups he found himself in. Seeing the one talking about their wookiee, didn't take Coren long to connect the dots. Taking his rocks glass and smoke, he made his way over.

“So, I hear there is work?”

He didn't beat around the bush. Typically Coren just thrust straight through the bush.

[member="Khaleel Malvern"]


Simone kept her head down, tugged the little jacket she wore closer to her skin. She didn't like this planet, it smelt bad, its people smelt bad, everything about it made her skin crawl. But this was where the money started. She'd been grounded for too long, living on the last few tins on her ship, the kind that the labels have come off. Her equipment was becoming dated and malfunctioning. It was time to get on the road again, time to pick up work.

So she did. A simple job, that turned out to be a gateway to a long line of them. Of course, she had to rely on [member="Khaleel Malvern"], but you had to start somewhere right?

She lifted her head as she drew nearer to the bar, trying to get her bearings. Pausing for a moment was probably her biggest mistake as she moved to take a step she felt a hand on her arm.

"Hey sweetheart."

"Ew." Simone responded, yanking her arm away and taking a step back into someone else. "Where the hell do you people come from, do you just crawl out the gutter or something--don't touch me."

The first one grinned, making his already twisted features contort. Simone swallowed against the bile. "Where ya going poppet?" She mad to move away to find his hand on her arm again. A glance around told her she was not going to receive any help, no knight in shining armour for the damsel in distress. So she took matters into her own hands. She smiled sweetly, it was a dangerously sweet smile, and she released a small burst of pheromones.

As the pair went cross eyed and she moved for the first, snatching the blaster from his belt she loosed one round into his knee, turning she did the same to the second. Dropping the blaster she left them whimpering in the rain, muttering curses and straightening up her jacket and adjusting her satchel as she did. She didn't like violence, but that didn't mean to say she was incapable of it. She'd been taught to defend herself well enough.

She found her way to Jimmy's, when she was knocked into by a drunkard before she'd even made it through the door, a quick dance aside avoided a vomit collision with her shoes, though considering the streets she'd been walking there was little point. In the entrance she paused, peering through the haze of smoke and spotting her target. By the time she moved through the bustling crowd to reach Khaleel, her patience had worn thin. She threw the bag on a chair, plucked the cigarette from his mouth and took a long drag.

After a moment, she closed her eyes and exhaled, tension easing visibly from her shoulders. "I hate this karking planet. Do you know how many times people have tried to jump me today? Unbelievable." She looked down at her shoe "Kark it! That sonuvabitch did puke of my shoes!" She pinched the bridge of her nose, and took another drag. "I need a drink."


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