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Silk Holdings


Came in like a wrecking maul
[member="Selka Ventus"]

  • A bulk order of 30 per planet (7) Callan-class Starfighter - 12.9 metres, speed rating 2, 2 heavy laser cannons, 2 proton torpedo launchers (3 warheads each)
  • A bulk order of 25 per planet (7) Cutter-class Interceptor - 5.4 metres, speed rating 1, 3 heavy laser cannons, 1 concussion missile launcher (4 warheads)
  • An Order of two for the Silver Jedi Rassilon-class Elite Starfighter - 7.1 metres, speed rating 1, 2 heavy laser cannons, 1 dual ion cannon, modular warhead loadout, modular non-combatives, class 0.4 hyperdrive, 24 possible configurations, the most powerful starfighter in the galaxy

Medium Freighters
  • An order of 2 for the Silver Shadows SH-LS-78 Winter Eagle Recon Transport - 50 metres, speed rating 4, 2 turbolasers, 2 quad lasers, crew 1-2, impervium-coated hull, 110 tons cargo capacity, minor production
  • An order of 2 per silver jedi world (7) Jo'henry-class Rare Materials Mining Vessel - Only available used, 80 metres, speed rating 4, crew 1-5, 2 plasma jets, mining sensors, modular arms, 300 tons cargo capacity
  • An order of 10 per Silver jedi world (7) Washburn-class Medium Transport - 82 metres, speed rating 4.5, crew 1-5, 82.5 tons cargo capacity, easily modified
  • An order of 5 for Silver Jedi Council use Calrissian-class - 82 metres, speed rating 4, crew 2-4, 770 tons cargo capacity, anti-Force defenses, versatile armament and all the trimmings
Heavy Freighters
  • Bulk order of 10 per Silver Jedi Planet (7) Tikulini-class Transport - 120 metres, speed rating 4.5, crew 10-40, 2 dual light ion cannons, 2 Connor net launchers (6 canisters each), 6 quad lasers, 2 MC15 Niathal-class assault shuttles, 500-2500 tons cargo capacity, easily modified
  • Bulk order of 5 per Silver Jedi Planet (7) Alndys-class Patrol/Exploration Craft - 180 metres, speed rating 5, crew 12-164, 4 mass driver flak cannons (ammunition variable), 2 turbolaser turrets, 24 Cutter-class Interceptors, 900-2400 tons cargo capacity, powerful mapping sensors
  • Bulk order of 15 per Silver Jedi Planet (7) Tempus Ardet-class Bulk Freighter - 244 metres, speed rating 5, crew 7-14, 150,000 tons cargo capacity, easily modified
  • An order of 1 per Silver Jedi Planet (7) Pathfinder-class Long-Term Exploration Craft - 361 metres, speed rating 4, crew 2-12, highly modular, class 0.5 hyperdrive, 2 heavy turbolaser batteries, 2 heavy ion cannon batteries, 2 Connor nets, minor production
  • One Stationed over Shri-Tal in case containment of outbreak fails and evacuation is needed Connestoga-class Heavy Freighter - 2000 metres, speed rating 9, crew 12-45, 1 billion cubic metres cargo capacity (roughly 50 million tons, upper lift limit unknown), highly modular, capable of planetary evacuation, easily modified

Speeders and Combat Cloud Cars
  • Bulk order of 200 per Silver Jedi Planet (7) Silk-6 Swoop Bike - 600kph, modular dual blaster
  • Bulk order of 50 per Silver Jedi Planet (7) Silk-9 Cargo Speeder - durable, dependable, with droid loading arm
  • Bulk order of 2 per Silver Jedi Planet (7) Warden Combat Cloud Car - 2520kph, 4 laser cannons, 2 concussion missile launchers (3 warheads each) - All the functionality of a full-power warship, at a fraction of the price, in an atmospherically optimized hull that can fly rings around most starfighters.
Shri-Tal Dominion was completed and is in the map updates currently. It is a major boost to the Silver jedi economically and we can offer additionally a contract for Illerium that is used in escape pods and ejection seats. Irradiated versions of it however would require dev thread and setting up operations for some micrograms.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Force alone knew how the Silver Jedi were taxing their new worlds to pay for nearly half a billion credits' worth of defense spending, but Silk corporate checked the credit and processed the transaction nonetheless.
[member="Selka Ventus"]

Ships to be added to the listings per EchaniTech/EDY designs:

Rush-class Interceptor - 10.2 meters, speed rating 1, Modular Weaponry, Modular Non-Combatives, class .9 hyperdrive, the interceptor with a near zero turn radius

Capital Ships:
Shift-class Gunner Corvette - 220 meters, gunship configuration with advanced shields
Shift-class Support Corvette - 220 meters, support or small defense configuration
[member="Selka Ventus"]

A message arrives via the net with the following message:

I would like to discretely purchase one Tachyon-class Light Freighter with a QQ-4U85 Tractor Shroud installed, and one Silk-6 Swoop Bike for the ships hangar. My transfer account is included, you may withdraw the funds upon acceptance of my order.

No name is attached, but the credits are good.
Selka Ventus said:
Tikulini-class Transport - 120 metres, speed rating 4.5, crew 10-40, 2 dual light ion cannons, 2 Connor net launchers (6 canisters each), 6 quad lasers, 2 MC15 Niathal-class assault shuttles, 500-2500 tons cargo capacity, easily modified
QQ-T-05 "Hushaby" Rotary Ion Cannon - eight guns in one, great against gunships, freighters, or individual turrets
QQ-C15 Silkworm Hypertransit Package - a class 0.5 hyperdrive, advanced hyperspace sensors, the best hyperspace navigation system in the business
Silk-9 Cargo Speeder - durable, dependable, with droid loading arm
Silk-6 Swoop Bike - 600kph, modular dual blaster
[member="Selka Ventus"],

​I would like the purchase of one Tikulini-class Transports with the living quarters stripped down to allow 1500 tons of cargo space, as well as a Hushbaby and a Hypertransit package. This would also come with two Silk-9 cargo speeders, and one Silk-6 swoop bike. Thank you for your time.
[member="Selka Ventus"]

The following letter has been penned on flimsi and delivered by a special courier with EMBU guards.

Ms. Ventus,

I am unavailable to see you in person at this time because I am busy securing a contract with the Silver Jedi. The Echani delivering this to you is Jace Tekyl, one of my head research scientists who has worked closely with Eshan Drive Yards recently. He can be trusted.

The reason I am writing to you is to make you an offer. As I am the sole owner of one of your subsidiaries, and the founder of Eshan Drive Yards, I wish to purchase both companies out from under you and take control of them myself. Now that I have secured what is sure to be a lucrative contract, as these Jedi are seriously lacking in the technological advancements of their peers, I believe that this will serve well for both companies and the people of Eshan.

I know this will not sound like a good business deal to you, but I have taken into account a great many factors, and amassed a large sum which I did not write in this letter so that, should it fall into the wrong hands, my funds will not be targeted. Call it a safety measure. Jace will tell you the exact value of the offer when you request it of him, but only after you are alone with him and the room has been cleared.

There is no doubt concern running through your mind in regards to the designs and technology that have been created under the EDY name for Silk Holdings. I have taken that into account. Here is my offer:

1. Any and all technology created by Silk Holdings through the manufacturing yards of Eshan Drive Yards will remain the sole property of Silk Holdings. I do not wish to take them from you.
2. Any and all technology created through Eshan Drive Yards and EchaniTech will be split fifty/fifty in holdings with Silk, and all future sales of these technologies will see profits split in this manner. This includes, but is not limited to, the Echani Mimic Battle Units, Rush-class Interceptor, and the various Shift-class Corvettes.
3. Any design created by Silk Holdings to be manufactured at Eshan Drive Yards will still be allowed to do so. Silk can continue construction orders through the drive yards as a testament of good faith, and we will be happy to work with you in the future.
4. We will secure our own contracts. All contracts that Silk has currently secured will continue to be honored, but will be the sole property of Silk Holdings. In addition, any of these contracts that require our assistance will continue to be honored as well.

If you find these terms acceptable, please let Jace know and he will secure the transfer of funds with a communications call to myself. If accepted, this will signify a merger of EchaniTech and Eshan Drive Yards to form Eshan Industrial Corporation. If you wish to amend the agreement, Jace is authorized to secure communications with me to discuss such.

I hope this letter finds you well, Ms. Ventus, and I hope to hear good news.

Niamh Raste
CEO of EchaniTech

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders
An order for one Alndys Craft.
If the hangar space could be repurposed for unique shuttles/blastboat analogs, that would be preferred. We'll be focusing the use as a mobile carrier, meeting room, as well as planetary scouting and mapping craft. Any additional tech for mapping worlds and assisting on surveying space lanes is appreciated.

[member="Selka Ventus"]

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