Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Silent Hand Looking for business

Adan cracked a smile "stardust truth be told I underestimated you very nice work that will come handy in this job and the next." Adan made his way towards T Digs to see if Orn'komad made back with some info and this would be a good time to make a plan.
@[member="Orn'komad "]
stardust slid the chip back in blinking as her system did a check"
system online
main power-online
main sight-online
all systems check-green
stardust began catching back up to @[member="Rolim Crow"]"well a accident led to my eyes and a part of my brain being severly injured so i got a part cyber brain and robotic but person like eyes"stardust explained
"So we have a robot as one of our members" Adan let out a laugh "don't get mad at me stardust I'm only kidding" Adan and stardust made it to T Digs Adan sat down at one of the tables, looking around there wasn't many people in this place, can't blame nobody it was pretty late at night.
@[member="Orn'komad "]
"Well we have a very good bunch in the silent hand, I couldn't ask for better people on this mission than you guys." Adan continued "since we are waiting here for Orn'komad we can get to know each other a little better so what's your story stardust, and what was your reason for joining the silent hand? But before we do that drinks are in order it just fits the situation," Adan called over a waitress "ill take some" Adan sat there thinking the waitress "maybe you would like to try T Digs home made ale" Adan looked up "yeah that sounds good, how about you stardust what would you like?"
"You don't say much do you? But that's good cause silence is golden" Adan looked around trying to see if Orn'komad made it back yet he couldn't wait to get this mission on the go.


Fast Talking Face Reader
Orn'komad breezed into TDigs and sat with the pair. He gestured to the bartender, then pulled a datapad out of his jacket and slid it onto the table. "Alright, so here's the gist of what I was able to find," he began. "Our target is a Corellian by birth, but a Mandalorian now. He's a top-notch pilot and a capable fighter. His ship is by far his deadliest weapon - we'll want to attack when he's alone, on the ground. He's on his way to a planet cashed Okyaab 6 right now, so our best bet is to ambush him there. If we do that, he'll probably be wearing Beskar, and carrying at least a slugthrower shotgun and a Rykk blade." He paused and accepted the drink that had just arrived for him. "To be honest, I'm terrified of this guy."

@stardust @Rolim Crow
Adan looked up at Orn'komad "hey friend it's okay to be scared that's what makes this job interesting, speaking of his ship I have biotic charges and I have pulse charges either way he is not flying off with his ship or flying in general. We will stick them to his ship as soon as we get there and we find it, like you said his ship is the deadliest weapon so I don't want to take any chances. Now second you guys want to take him from far with a sniper or up close and personal, we do still have to grab his armor." Adan looked at stardust and Orn'komad while he was saying this, stardust had a blank look, Adan could tell Orn'komad was scared. "Listen guys if we take this by a smart approach there is nothing to be afraid of. Plan b will be if we can't kill him on the ground we will set his ship off while he is on it. Three of these biotic charges and his ass is grass."
"Stardust you okay?" Adan noticed her looking around "okay guys are you ready for this tomorrow we leave early morning and we take care of our little friend."
@[member="Orn'komad "]

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