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Approved Species Silacanth Lizards

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(A female Silacanth)

(A male Silacanth)
Name: Silacanth Lizards

Designation: non-sentient

Homeworld: Eclipstica

Language: Hisses, and low roars.

Average height of adults: Females are around 2 meters, males are about 1.5 meters

Skin color: Green with brown scale hides.

Hair color: none

Breathes: type one

Males has tusks to help defend the females of their harem, while the females have a tougher hide.
Slow moving, and main prey for the predators on the planet, they are also cold blooded.

Distinctions: They do have sharp teeth, but have molars in the back of their mouth to help grind down leaves, and bark. Males have large tusks for defence, and mating competitions
Average Lifespan: 50 - 90 years

Races: N/A

Estimated Population: This is the main livestock of the planets, their population is rounded near to 10 million.

Diet: Bark off of trees, grass, branches, leaves, fruits.

Communication: hisses, and low roars.

Culture: They are docile with one Alpha male who then gathers a harem of around five to ten females for himself. Males are rare to find in birth rates, being 5 out of every thousand born. They move in herds, and are the planets main livestock. They are usually in open fields, and stick close together. They build mound nests (Similar to alligators), and all females protect the eggs of the herd. If a male is born into a herd with a Alpha male already in charge, they will keep it till it has reached young adult hood, (around the ages of 20) where the alpha male will challenge it for rights of the harem, if it wins, the old alpha male is exiled to find a new harem, or die, and the young male becomes the alpha male, and vice versa.

Technology level: none

General behavior: Being a docile beast, they travel in herds known as harems. They can be found grazing in open fields, or eating the bark off trees. To mark territories, males scratch marks into trees with their tusks leaving a scent mark for all other males to know, he owns this place.
If threatened, they all group together, with the male up front, and try to drive back the predator with numbers. They become their most aggressive when an unwelcome presence finds their way into their nest site. They have been known to trample unwanted visitors to death. Only to their farmers do they allow in their nests when domesticated.
Domestication involves herding them into a fenced in area, and holding them for two weeks. They are fairy easy to get under control, and when they finally recognize the scent of the farmer, and his helping hands, and possible herding animals that help him protect the herd, they can then be released to graze, then brought back into the fenced area for the night.

History: When the king first landed on the planet, his first, and primary goal was to find his people a source for food. The Silacanth Lizards were in great supply everywhere, and easy to hunt down without worry of major injuries, or deaths happening in the process. After a settlement could be made finally made, the king had the gathered up by those best at farming, and turned them into the primary food source for all the people, breeding them, then slaughtering them.
Because their meat was the primary food source, when the last king began his tyranny, he kept much of the Silacanths away from the people, and rebels, starving many of his people. If the Silacanths were to ever die out, there would be no real primary food source for the planet, and thus no way to really survive there. They are the most important animal on the planet, and are protected by laws made by the king. Killing a Silacanth before the age of 30 is considered a very bad crime, and can be punishable by death, stealing a Silacanth is a very bad crime, and can be punished with death.
Apart from their meat, their dung can be grounded down, processed, and turned into a coffee. Because of their diet being that of a herbivores, their dung make a very fruity tasting coffee.

Notable Player-Characters: N/A

Intent: To help with Eclipstica's economy, allowing them to have items to trade with throughout the galaxy. To give a primary food source for the planet.
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