Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Side by Side ... by Side [First Order Dominion of Anoat Sector Hex]

skin, bone, and arrogance
"It is a bold plan."

The words of the Supreme Leader hung in the air of Natasi's inner office, air which had turned several degrees cooler. The words were entirely neutral -- entirely more neutral than Natasi had wished. Even without objective disapproval, the lack of approval made Natasi slightly nervous. "Yes, Supreme Leader," Natasi said, keeping her head bowed reverentially. "The Supreme Commander believes that our objectives are realistic, and I quite concur with his analysis. I've run the numbers and I believe we will come off very well from it." The Moff dared a glance into the holographic image of Sieger Ren, who returned her gaze unflinchingly. "It is a risk," Natasi conceded. "But it is a calculated one, and I am confident in the ability of our forces -- military and otherwise -- to perform admirably and succeed with flying colors."

A slight hissing sound as the Supreme Leader inhaled through his nose. "Very well, Moff Fortan." He leaned forward into the holofield, his eyes now boring into Natasi's gaze. "I approve of this plan. Execute Operation Shatterpoint. If my forces succeed under your leadership -- Moff Fortan, Supreme Commander Kalast -- the rewards will be great. Should you fail..." He made a grunt of dissatisfaction at the very prospect. " displeasure will be very obvious." He let the ominous words hang in the air for a few more moments, and then his image disappeared from the room. Natasi swallowed and looked over at the holo presence of [member="Aram Kalast"] across the table. "I'll begin our operations on Burnin Konn, Anoat, and head to Bespin to oversee the talks there myself. If I can do anything to asssit with your operations on H-H-Hoth," the Moff stammered, looking down at her datapad. She would be pleased never to see or speak the name of that awful world again. "Do let me know. Also, I think we ought to have some troops on hand on Anoat in case we fail to convince the nobility there of our virtue and we need to impose our will upon them. What do you think?"

It was still bizarre to Natasi that what was left of the Resistance command was left had returned to Hoth. Perhaps they figured that, after the strike team had rescued Natasi, no one would think to look there again. Well, that would be over soon, if the First Order had to slag the planet in the process. Never again would Natasi Fortan afford any subversive elements to take refuge among the ice under their nose.

And so the orders went out, each to their respective branches and individuals:

HOTH: Secure the ruins of Echo Base. Capture or kill any Resistance forces in the area. Attempt to capture any leadership forces for public trial and execution, if possible. Once completed, destroy Echo Base to ensure it cannot be used as a hideout again.

BURNIN KONN: A number of Resistance agents have been imprisoned on the planet; the agents have learned valuable information of First Order operations, and may try to barter this information for their freedom. First Order Security Bureau agents must eliminate the operatives before this can occur, and without anyone catching wind of the First Order's involvement.

ANOAT: There is a split among the Noble Houses of Anoat; some seek to declare loyalty with the First Order and its Supreme Leader. The ruling houses are reluctant, however, or in some cases openly derisive of the First Order's might. We must do whatever is necessary to bring the Anoat nobility to heel -- whether through diplomacy, subterfuge, or brute force.

BESPIN: The crown jewel of the sector, and a First Order stronghold, Bespin will play host to a summit for representatives of other planets in the sector to discuss a peaceful return of First Order rule over them all. Leadership from the Anoat noble families, among other planetary leaders, are there, providing a distraction for the First Order's operations in the rest of the sector. Rumor is that the Supreme Leader himself will be appearing at the summit in order to make a special announcement there.

ENTIRE SECTOR: The First Order Navy is to be dispatched to lock down the sector. Rumors of small pockets of resistance have reached our intelligence operatives, and the Navy will stop at nothing to hunt down and eradicate any opposing force in the sector.

ELSEWHERE: Individual tasks have been issued, each designed to assist the First Order in strengthening its control over the sector.

[member="Sentiri"] | [member="Zlethi'osim'rentho][/COLOR] | [member="Isla Ashen"] | [member="Ludolf Vaas"] | [member="Amin Garith"] | [member="Dunames Lopez"] | [member="OK-3103"] | [member="Hyori Tal"] | [member="Marzena Choi"] | [member="Darth Veles"] | [member="Hunter-157"] | [member="Enyo Typhos"] | [member="Corvo Santagar"] | [member="Adalric Vastor"]

Marzena Vaas

Objective: Entertain at the Summit (AKA stand around and be pretty)
Location: Cloud City, Bespin
Allies: Hair, makeup, heels
Post: 1

Marzena Choi did not any idea about the various operations taking place on the planets neighboring Bespin. All she knew was that she would be in attendance at a First Order sponsored Summit, not that she would be attending in any sort of official capacity. She had not been invited to actually to participate in any of the discussions with the various dignitaries that had traveled to Cloud City. Instead, she would be hovering around the lobby area, doing her duty to greet and mingle with the honored guests. In other words, she would be a pretty and lighthearted distraction for the leaders and nobles to interact with during their breaks. Despite the fact that she had dressed the part; hair and makeup done to perfection, heels for fierce tallness, and a black dress that gave her legs for days...she felt anything but lighthearted.

Though she had connections within the First Order government and military, people that she considered friends now (and more), she was not privileged to any sort of information about their operations. She was well known in First Order space now, but at the end of the day, she was still a civilian. But it did not changed the fact that she cared very deeply for someone very important within the ranks of the First Order, and she knew that he was out there somewhere diligently doing his duty. Marzena’s slender hands clasped together in front of her, she was trying to appear relaxed, but the way her fingers were tightly entwined seemed to say otherwise. Dark eyes had spotted figures moving towards the entrance, men and women dressed to impress. It was time to go to work. A smile found her face, though it was perhaps a bit strained and transparent at first.

In the quiet moments before being faced with a crowd of guests, she spared a thought for [member="Ludolf Vaas"]. Marzena bowed her head for a moment, and she exhaled slowly. He would be fine – like always. She had to repeat the words in her mind a few more times before she began to believe them, but when she looked up again, she was radiant. The doors flew open and she was greeted by the sound of voices and footsteps. Marzena stood next to the door, like a lovely statue, and greeted those that entered with inviting smiles, gentle nods of her head, and warm words of welcome. There were few that recognized her due to her celebrity status, but she had a feeling that most only looked at her because she happened to be standing in such close proximity to the door.

It did seem that a pop star was a strange choice for such an event, but Marzena had been working tirelessly on a new project – one that would help her turn over a new leaf. This summit was the perfect opportunity for an unveiling...

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Post: 1/38
Location: Hoth
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Unknown
Objective: 6 (build a ski resort on Mt. Ison)

"After the press coverage Star Tours received due to its involvement in criminal activities on Morellia and Kuat, with suspected Silver Sanctum involvement, and with the Beaches of the Dark Side planned expansion postponed, we have no choice but to attempt something new: the Moonlight Cruise! First Order denizens won't be forced to leave FO space anymore if they desired skiing or any other exposure to ice or need to vacation in the cold"

"The First Order will have the most incredible alpine skiing slopes in the galaxy!" Frank told the group, brandishing a copy of Taking Off on a Star Tour, while interning at Star Tours.

"But what makes Hoth different from Nelvaan, Ando Prime or Iceberg Prime?, other than none of these worlds are in First Order space?"

"Iceberg Prime is mostly a paradise for cross-country skiing or dog sledding, Ando Prime has podracing and Nelvaan has charming tribal villages, much like the Forest Moon of Endor, how are we to make Hoth compete with these locations?" Virginie said. "I might have been a figure skater in my youth, but historical fame clearly is the one thing Hoth can offer that these ice planets cannot. If we built our ski resort close to either Echo Stations 3-T-8 or 5-7..."

"Not until the First Order's snowtroopers clear the area of any Resistance nests, Virginie. Tell me, are there native populations on Hoth the way there are on Nelvaan?"

"Mount Ison is the next best thing compared to Echo Station 3-T-8 or 5-7 for a ski resort. As for the natives, the Skels live in villages built into ice caverns, so this is one hazard tauntaun riders have to be concerned about"

The cockpit of an AT-AT barge was a little cramped for three people; yet two people could be seated comfortably. Virginie Dumaurier, a native from Skye, did visit Hoth on a regular basis and even moved there at some point for reasons unknown. They were almost ready to land on the slopes of the North Ridge, where Bespin Direct had a single docking bay built on a similar model to those on Tatooine, but painted white instead. The AT-AT barge contained the materials for several prefabricated shelters, as well as a chairlift. For now the would-be ski resort on Hoth would have to have very minimal facilities so that it can start operating faster, rather than to wait for the full monty to be brought all at once. Construction was to begin immediately with all these prefabricated panels wrought out of Verkuyl-harvested kempas wood, using a droid complement with few, if any, organics.

"If a podrace is a good thing to implement on Hoth, the podrace should start from Mt. Ison and onward to Echo Stations 3-T-8 and 5-7"

"With all due respect, Dunames, a podrace with a course encompassing Mt. Ison heading towards Echo Stations 3-T-8 and 5-7 in that order would be silver-level at a minimum"
skin, bone, and arrogance
Post: 2/30
Location: Bespin

Natasi had elected not to stay at the venue of the summit this time around, and had let a simple apartment nearby. The speeder ride was ten minutes, sirens blasting to clear the lanes, but within the confines of the state airspeeder all was quiet, except the thoughts of the occupant. She was receiving up to the minute reports of the goings on for Operation Shatterpoint. Sioux forwarded certain reports to her attention -- those concerning [member="Ludolf Vaas"]. It had been weeks since she had entertained any notion of ... well, anything, but though she could control her actions, she could not control her feelings -- not least of which was worry for his safety in these troubling times. It was her constant prayer.

So she was relieved to hear a report from Military Command that included his name. It was boring, run-of-the-mill, administrative stuff, but it meant that he was alive and safe. It was all that she could ask.

Minutes later, she was strolling up the steps towards the summit venue, flanked on both sides with her plainclothesmen. As she she swept through the doors, all diplomatic smiles, she spotted [member="Marzena Choi"] acting as greeter and immediately walked over to her. She had grown rather fond of Marzena Choi since she had known her, paradoxically, and greeted her with a broad and genuine smile. "Ms. Choi," she beamed. "I'm so happy to see you here." Her dark eyes scanned her features for a moment before flicking to the dignitaries chatting behind her in small groups. "We've such a task before us here, it will be nice to know there are friendly faces here."

Natasi hesitated, her eyebrows furrowing a little. The Moff wasn't sure how much Ms. Choi was looped in, so to speak. Obviously she wouldn't be privy to confidential communiques, but in that moment Natasi wondered what she would know -- what she would feel -- were she in the same position. Her cheek twitched and she cleared her throat, adding with a slightly abashed look. "Not that I'd compare what I'm doing with our military forces' lot, of course. But there's only good news from General Vaas' office, so that's something." She smiled and looked again towards the crowd, considering her impulsive disclosure. This wasn't privileged information, exactly, but it wouldn't do to say any more than that in a public lobby.

"The awful truth is I'd much rather stay and chat with you -- maybe have tea," Natasi added with a little chuckle, "But I'd better go in. Matters of state and all," Natasi said with a secret smirk. "But -- would you find me later? I'd love it if I could check in with you about the Cultural Commission and see where we stand." She paused and added quickly, putting up a warding hand. "If you have time and can manage, of course -- otherwise we can meet at your convenience. Sioux is around here somewhere, if you can't find me."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

The Remembrance was not, by any stretch of the imagination, the largest or strongest First Order vessel in Hoth orbit. A middling carrier, it needed escorts to visit the 'fresher, let alone engage in combat. Even when measured as just a carrier, it failed to impress: three squadrons of TIEs, enough to attract attention but not enough to handle it when it showed up. A more different ship from his old privateering commands, Vastor couldn't imagine.

And yet for all of that, the Remembrance could deploy two entire stormtrooper legions without breaking a sweat. He'd been the one to transport General Vaas' elite task force on Thakwaa; he'd piloted the general's dropship personally. At Thakwaa, the Remembrance had made its mark. Hoth constituted another opportunity to be a high-functioning component in a complex, precise instrument.

Or would have, if this mission didn't involve arranging air cover to compensate for the private sector deployment of a prefabricated ski resort. In the old days he'd have made some noise over that. When this was over, he yet might, in the most decorous, discreet, and professional sense. He rather doubted the Supreme Leader had approved Operation Shatterpoint with prefabricated resorts in mind.
Leaning on his parked speeder outside the summit, Max was taking a few moments to compose himself. He had thought of travelling to one of the First Order's operations, or writing some random paperwork to give himself some work to do. However, this summit would be important, not only for the relations of the First Order, but also his wider impression. There was still work to do in gaining a further foothold for the First Order, and himself within it, otherwise he would be relegated to general duties for the rest of his career. Hesitating before heading off, he thought if wearing his equipment on his belt would be seen as agressive. He shrugged, then moved towards the summit. Weapons were fasionable anyway, weren't they?

Max stopped just at the entrance "Are most people here now?" he asked a doorman. "Yes, sir." Giving a curt smile, he proceeded inside. Many representatives could be seen scattered throughout the room. Max wondered if they all knew he could simply and easily off them if they disagreed to rule under the First Order. They wouldn't know the extent of First Order diplomacy until they were gasping at their last words of refusal. After first making his way to get drink, he glanced over his shoulder and approached [member="Natasi Fortan"] and [member="Marzena Choi"]. "Good evening" he greeted them.
[member="Adalric Vastor"]

Location: Hoth, Five klicks from Rebel HQ
Objective: Enter Base, Distract/Create Chaos
Allies: FO Strike Force
Post 1

Hands were the worst of it. Always. They went numb. Fingers had trouble squeezing triggers, trouble pulling the pin of thermal detonators. If you weren't careful your hand could find itself stuck in one position. That went without even mentioning the operational hazards of day to day movement and simply living. If you didn't take off your boots when you slept in your heated tent the circulation in your feet would get cut off. Maybe death if you couldn't get to a medic if it caused an issue. One could forget any sort of shaving and enjoyed very limited hygiene in the confines of what became a sweat suit when operating in a combat environment. Nothing could be done outside a heat tent without face mask and corresponding cold weather gear.

An eye that had just endured three days of waiting in the frozen environment slowly swept back and forth, through the eyes of a blaster sniper's multi function scope. The amount of maintenance required to keep the rifle functioning under these conditions provided the only real break the group of four highly trained individuals had from watching the enemy movements. It felt like deja vu. Watching a small huddled mass that was your opposite by a fire. Knowing that beneath it was someone cursing their leaders, sense of duty, and birth like you were. It reminded Amin of the old "peace folk" he'd heard about from Pub space. The if only we could get along crowd, we're all really the same if we would all just talk it out.

Admittedly the thought was nice, despite it's incredible naivety.

Unfortunately life as evolution had wrought it had yet to be observed operating in such a fashion beyond some opitionated talking members of certain species.

"Friendlies just pinged us in system. We'll finally get to move soon." Mumbled the man behind the scope. A grizzled Staff Sergeant brought in for this assignment specifically. Amin's squad consisted of the SS, himself, (Two SF rated Stormies) and two hard faced civilians from some FO Intelligence Camp or the other. Spooks.

"Thank the Gods." Amin said from behind a range finder.

The conversation between the two groups had been as icy as the weather. Many soldiers looked with disdain on what they considered dishonest versions of themselves. Keep the discipline and martial skill of a soldier, add in deception and politics.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Objective: Finish what was started
Location: Hoth, Area Map.
Allies: [member="Amin Garith"] | [member="Adalric Vastor"]

There were more pings on Garith’s comm.

More specifically a stealth transport announcing its arrival through tight beam communication a few minutes before it broke through the atmosphere after disengaging itself from the main fleet. This transport held reinforcements… of a sort.

"Who do we have out there?" Relens sounded calm, collected.

His back straight and uniform crisp. It was different from the first time they had come here, but that was the entire thing about time. It allowed you to heal, to scab the wounds and get you a breather or two.

"Ren’s Rifles. Second platoon."

They exchanged a look.

"They are competent, sir."

A nod followed and a few moments later the transport landed nearby Garith’s position. The transport’s doors hissed open and a ramp appeared from the depths, followed by Relens, four other Knights of Ren and two Imperial Stormtroopers, he didn’t know their names, didn’t care to know either.

Better not to get attached to them.

The snow crunched under his boot again. It brought memories back and Relens frowned, before taking in the scene.

So much business to be done.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Post: 2/38
Location: Hoth
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Unknown
Objective: 6 (build a ski resort on Mt. Ison)

"I'm sure the Supreme Leader would want us to increase the variety of the bread-and-circuses available to the population. I know the First Order doesn't claim to be all things to everyone, but we still need means for the populace to let off steam"

"We're about to land... open the cargo hatch!"

The cargo hatch reveals enough panels to build a dozen prefabricated shelters, built in a rustic chalet style, as well as equipment to deploy a chairlift which can seat four in a nacelle, and only five nacelles were shipped with the initial equipment. The one advantage Hoth have over Skye or Ringo Vinda, is that there is no need for snow cannons; Gungans on Ringo Vinda reported that snow cannons were expensive to operate even at the high altitudes of Ringo Vinda where ski slopes could actually be operated. But they will soon realize in horror that, despite having all the R9 and tug droids they needed to get the project started, there were not enough pylons for getting the chairlift to work over the height differential while ensuring compliance with the First Order regulations. The main Mount Ison chairlift would call for almost 2000m of height differential and one would need about 10 km of cables to make such a chairlift work, making it one of the longest chairlifts in the galaxy.

"I guess we need to go back to Bespin to get the additional pylons and cable length to get the main chairlift to work. Give us a day or two after the new batch of material is delivered and we will finish the chairlift"

"Roger, Virginie, will do. Stay here with Frank and the droids"

"Where are those municipal patrol droids? I thought we were supposed to bootleg municipal patrol droids"

"These vulture droids? There have been delays in their shipment: they have yet to arrive on Lanteeb, from where they will be shipped here"

Marzena Vaas

Objective: The Summit
Location: Cloud City, Bespin
Post: 2

Marzena’s smile grew wider as she saw the familiar silhouette of Moff [member="Natasi Fortan"] coming through the doors. She stepped to the side to allow plenty of room for guests to continue entering behind them. The lobby was alive with voices, she could hear excitement and perhaps some apprehension, but so far everyone seemed quite positive. However, the discussions had not started yet, and she imagined that Moff Fortan and the other First Order government officials had their work cut out for them. It was a task that she did not envy.

“Moff Fortan, what a pleasure.” She nodded, “I was hoping to see you here today.” Indeed, she would take comfort in the fact that she had a friend nearby. Marzena occasionally turned to offer nods and smiles to those filtering through the door, but the number entering became fewer and fewer. It seemed that nearly everyone had arrived by now. Marzena turned back as Natasi mentioned General Vaas, and wondered if perhaps the Moff had been reading her mind, for her thoughts were almost completely occupied by Ludolf. Her heart skipped a beat, but after a moment she found her unease giving way to a slightly calmer state – not that the worry left completely, it never did.

“Oh, splendid! That is certainly nice to hear.” She said, trying not to sound too eager. Marzena let her shoulders relax slightly, and even chuckled alongside Moff Fortan when she mentioned chatting over tea. For a moment she thought of the peaceful splendor of the Perennial Tea Room, perhaps they could visit together again after the summit. “That would be lovely, I’ll be...around.” Her hand gestured to the lobby around them, she wouldn’t go far. Her attention was drawn to the door again as [member="Max Fel"] entered and made his way over to them. Did he work for the First Order? He looked so young.

“I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure, I’m Marzena Choi,” She offered the new arrival a polite nod and a friendly smile. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
The white metropolis was like an island in the sky, with towers and turrets and transparisteel windows that gleamed in the light from Bespin's brilliant sun. All around him, the clouds swirled in a rainbow of pinks and oranges from airborne micro-algae and plankton that lived on the winds. A flurry of tiny ships circled like moths around the lights of the docking bays.

"Home," Kriel said softly as he touched down on a landing platform on the outskirts of Cloud City. "Once upon a time," he added, more vociferously. He nodded to a squad of troopers who were in the hangar with him. "Follow my lead," is all he said to them as he strode off the ramp, touching the platform at the same time the ramp did, so swift was his exit.
skin, bone, and arrogance
Post 3/37
Location: Bespin

Natasi turned as [member="Max Fel"] approached and smiled at him, offering her hand in greeting. "Moff Fel, how lovely to see you." She was about to introduce [member="Marzena Choi"] to him when she introduced herself. "Ms. Choi is our secret weapon when it comes to these sorts of schemes," Natasi explained to Fel with a confidential smile at the songstress-turned-cultural-icon. "It is nice to be able to rely upon someone so skilled and dependable." The Moff reached for Marzena's hand and squeezed lightly before releasing her. "Ms. Choi, this is [member="Max Fel"], one of our new Moffs. One of our shining stars, as it were." She glanced back to the crowd and muttered an oath. "Damn. I really must dash, but I hope I'll be speaking with you both later." Natasi flashed them both a smile and excused herself, making her way into the crowd of dignitaries.

Their mission here was simple to state, but less simple to achieve. There were representatives from nearly every planet in the sector gathered here, and it was the task of Natasi and [member="Max Fel"] and other members of the First Order Civil Services to convince them of their virtue and ability to govern both wisely and well. But that was difficult, especially where Anoat was concerned. The wealthy planet was key to their success here, and planetary decision making was rather a matter of consensus among the Noble families. If Natasi had to go county by county, earning the approval of every Earl and Countess and Baron, she would be at it for months and months -- especially considering that the two largest and most influential noble families regarded the First Order as interlopers. She rather gathered that the initial attempts to discuss the scheme were conducted by a somewhat boorish collection of junior diplomats. They didn't respond well to it.

Natasi would be different. She was of noble birth herself, and as well-mannered as anything, and she could wear a hat like it was nobody's business, so that was something at least. She saw Sioux, who raised her hand in greeting and they met on the sidelines of the room. "All well, Sioux?" She responded that it was, indeed. "Very good. Everything must go perfectly, you understand. Perfectly. If we don't convince the Anoati nobility, I'm afraid there will be blood on the stairs back home. I'm prepared to do it, but I'd really rather not."
Hoth certainly hosted a few dozen too many people given how little appeal it held. A frozen orb where living was impossible, surviving challenging. Those questionable qualities had turned it into a popular destination for smugglers, rebels, outlaws, even rogue Jedi, offering the unsavoury and overall very bad and undesired people refuge. The infamous Echo base was one such place. Once the First Order finished its business on the planet, the galaxy would be a better place to live again for a little while. Reports of several suspicious activities going about have piqued Veles’ interest as well and it’s been too long since he had the pleasure of exploring points of interest on a giant snowball. Instead of picking the same target as the First Order’s officials, the decision came to checking out other abandoned structures. Relics of the past often slumbered beneath ice and snow, silent graves of times long gone at the first glance – a closer look revealed unusual activity around the massive ship graveyard, a memorial of the Great Galactic War.

Your Deathbed’s scanners have picked a high amount of heat coming from below the final resting place of the Republic’s ancient fleet. Without going in to investigate, he could only guess what sorts of things have been going on down there, entombed beneath layers of frozen water. Given his skillset and abilities, breaking through the chilly crust seemed like the most challenging part. First things first though; reaching out through the Force and confirming the presence of lifeforms in order to determine a possible rebel base. The Sith Lord parked his vessel on an adorably tiny mound of snow and gathered the necessary gear before venturing outside.
Location: Konn-Nevos Spaceport, Burnin Konn
Objective: Recover (or silence) the captured Resistance agents (Initiative 2)
Allies: [member="OK-3103"], [member="Hyori Tal"]
Enemies: Unknowing Burnin Konn Security officers
Post: 01/37

The mining world of Burnin Konn was an inhospitable wasteland, but a necessary resource for its veins of metals and ores. Though no sentient species ever originated from the planet, there had been a time when flora clung to life on the surface, resilient despite all of the toxic factors working against any form of life. When valuable minerals were discovered, however, the subsequent mining only caused the toxicity to increase. Over time, the air was so polluted that significant precautions were necessary for any who hoped to dig. Settlements were forced to adapt or be swallowed by the smog. But no amount of clean up would save the surface, and no company desired to spend the time or money. Those mining guilds found clothing their miners in protective gear and bringing in more durable equipment far easier.

So, rather than remain on the ground, the mining colonies took off into the skies. Large repulsorlift-platforms floated above the putrid haze below, each with their own sealed atmosphere and community of miners, supporting crews and families. Some were larger centralized cities. Others were smaller village groups. The platforms could connect together if necessary for trading supplies and personnel when airspeeder travel was hampered. The network was efficient, if impractical. After all, as long as the mining guild got their ore, the rest was inconsequential to them.

Winds whipped the purple-gray fog up and around the platform, threatening to overtake the clean air of the encapsulated environment. Sentiri sat in a small but populated cantina, watching the thick, viscous cloud shapeshift with the forces of nature acting upon it. Natural or not, the Chiss woman didn't care. The planet served a purpose. The ores and minerals and metals were essential. Nothing else mattered. Burnin Konn didn't need to be beautiful, or clean, or even hospitable. Burnin Konn only needed to be useful.

She took another sip of obviously processed water. Everyone else in the cantina drank alcohol, though she supposed those beverages were practical for one sense: the alcoholic quality meant the drink didn't have to be overly purified. The booze was far cleaner than the water; or at least the refiltered water. The clientele of the establishment were a bunch of other spacers, not representative of Burnin Konn's mining population. All the better for the Chiss to blend in with the crowd while she waited for her team to show.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Post: 3/38
Location: Hoth
Allies: First Order
Enemies: Unknown
Objective: 6 (build a ski resort on Mt. Ison)

While the R9 droids, as well as Frank and Virginie, the only two sentients on Mt. Ison at this point, Dunames couldn't help but ponder what would a podrace going through Echo Stations 3-T-8 and 5-7, with the finish line at the base of Mt. Ison would look like. It would be almost guaranteed to be a gold-level race, at the level of the Andobi Mountain Run, one of those races that form the second echelon alongside the Abyss on Ord Ibanna, Malastare 100, Dug Derby on Malastare, Grabvine Gateway on Baroonda, in podracing's pecking order. And it would about the length of the Boonta Classic, time-wise, with about 5 minutes 30 seconds a lap. Dunames may have won the Lanteeb Grand Prix, but the Lanteeb Grand Prix was for those racers that wanted to hone their skills learned on tracks such as the Pouffra or the Mon Gazza Speedway, which were the epitome of beginners' circuits.

"Because Virginie or Frank can't pilot worth to beans, looks like I will have to do the dirty job of ferrying the rest of the supplies: the remaining, telescopic, alusteel pylons as well as additional wooden prefab cabins"

"At least you're not freezing the way I am here: plus this uniform was actually designed for camouflage in snow environments"

"Cut the chatter, Frank, you're in charge of ground security"

A dozen cabins would be enough for a starter, small-scale operation for two or three trails, which would probably be expert-level. Hoth may well have "the most incredible ski slopes in the galaxy", but such ski slopes means that beginner skiers may be left behind or constrained to cross-country skiing as far as Hoth is concerned. But Dunames closed the cargo hatches and took off for Bespin in search of the remaining starter equipment, knowing that it would be risky to expand the makeshift ski resort on Mt. Ison without first securing the area. Being so close to Echo Base was, simply put, a very dangerous proposal, even if a makeshift landing pad could be built to accommodate small craft.

Aram Kalast

Galactic Empire Admin
Post: 01
Location: The local space of Anoat.

Ten Star Destroyers, a formidable site at the best of times lay in orbital positions over the green and gold jewel of Anoat. Each of the Resurgence-Class dreadnoughts were fully operational and sat in the perfect areas to maintain a complete planetary blockade should the First Order’s plans for the sector go haywire and the main populace beneath attempted to flee.
If they did…
The smile broke on the face of Aram Kalast as he pondered the thought.

The fleet blockading Anoat was currently in place for that simple fact, holding the planet at bay while on Bespin the Moff Council and Supreme Leader finalised their iron grip over the entire sector and took it from under the snivelling noses of Noble upstarts that called the planet beneath them home. It also was to assure that the Noble Houses, known sympathisers to the Resistance cause could not assist once the distress calls arrived from the neighbouring planet of Hoth. No the Resistance would be very much alone on that planet, an icy grave pre-prepared for them all.

Around Aram digital displays of all planets within the Anoat sector were operational. Each listing readouts and stats on the current happenings for the First Order initiative known throughout the channels as Shatterpoint. From here the Supreme Commander could keep mark on everything, assure that it all went as smoothly as it was anticipated and of course manipulate the various populace of the planets in order for the First Order to achieve their goals.

A full Battlefleet was currently engaged in Hyperspace as it headed for Hoth, the backup necessary for the strike force currently on the planet heading towards the fabled Echo Base and the final resting place of the pathetic Resistance. Admiral Thurman would see to it that no Rebel ship escaped the sector intact.

[member="Natasi Fortan"] and the Moff Council was well on their way to presenting themselves at the Gala on Bespin. Four whole Stormtrooper legions sat in wait beneath the under levels of Cloud City awaiting the Supreme Commander’s word to begin their part of Operation Shatterpoint.

Burnin Konn had a small initiative of agents enroute as rumours of the apparent arrest spread through Intelligence channels. Kalast had made sure it was imperative that these Resistance agents were removed as soon as possible, especially if the talk was true of what they had managed to find out.

Then there was Anoat. Aram’s eyes moved to the viewport in front of him and took in the planet. The smile returned. This planet was different. He would be much more personnel with Anoat.
Snow crunched loudly under the Sith Lord’s black boots that heavily contrasted with their surroundings. A long path of boot prints that would lead right back to his vessel suddenly ended in the middle of nowhere, covered by snow. After reaching the right place, guided by the map he had copied from the ship’s computers into his datapad, Veles stored the little helper right next to the medpac sleeping on his belt and searched the frozen plains sprawled across the surface by sight. Not even the cybernetic eye replacement had revealed much; while offering a relaxing view of snowy mountains, it showed nothing unusual. All the secrets continued to elude him, safely hidden away from prying eyes, blanketed in snow. Just as he suspected. Without any other options available, the Sith Lord knelt into the snow and gave himself to the Force, reaching out with his mind. Ice cold winds relentlessly whizzed as they tried to steal Veles’ heavy cloak with no success, the cloth wrapped around its owner too tightly to abandon him.

The cold temperature felt strangely calming, improving the Mon Cal’s focus. Proving itself to be an invaluable servant, the Force allowed its master to peek under the impenetrable barrier. Digging deeper and deeper into the mass grave revealed the tomb of a ship to be a bit too alive. Veles’ orange eyes snapped open and a smirk crossed his facial features. There was sentient life inside the massive glacier, proving Your Deathbed right. Now, if he just knew how those beings got there in the first place…

Something exploded, the sound heavily muffled, no louder than a gentle clap, yet still easily distinguished from Hoth’s icy silence. Veles did not have any time to process the information when a terrible moan of metal violently torn apart called out from below, ignoring the thick walls of ice. Frozen in motion of standing up, Veles frowned. The next few seconds felt like eternity, yet he could not move, too slow to react as the ground imminently came apart and revealed a dark, grimacing chasm that hungrily swallowed tons of ice and snow within moments. His hands reached out to grab something solid to catch him and stop his fall; nothing, just pitch black dragging him down.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

[member="Dunames Lopez"] [member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Amin Garith"] [member="Itaska Relens"] [member="Aram Kalast"]


The Remembrance's fighter screen, currently two squadrons with a third at five-minute notice, joined other carriers' arrangements. The technical details weren't up to Vastor, thankfully; he had a competent CAG who'd proved himself at the pacification of Thakwaa. So there weren't any collisions between fighters unaware of each other's position, nor incidents with the Star Tours transports coming and going from Mount Ison.

That left Vastor free to focus on an element of significant interest.

See, part of Mount Ison was already occupied.

He'd noticed a sensor anomaly there during a previous operation with the Imperium, quite a while ago. Scouts had found nothing, but frankly, First Order scouts and sensors were better. And snow appeared to have shifted since then, as well. Now he was staring at what was unmistakably a small Jedi temple of recent construction. The probe droids showed all kinds of familiar iconography. It was probably, though not certainly, abandoned.

The back side of Mount Ison had just become a minor national security priority.

Vastor didn't have direct command over the stormtrooper legions his transports were landing, but there were protocols for orbital overwatch updating ground officers on developments. He issued a status update to the ground forces, identifying the site as a probably-empty Jedi facility. Then he issued a similar report up the chain of command, in the general direction of Supreme Commander Kalast. Somewhere along the line, he had no doubt the Knights of Ren would get their hands on it.
Location: Rebel Base; Hoth
Allies: The First Order; [member="Amin Garith[/COLOR][COLOR=#0099cc]"]
Enemies: The Resistance
Objective: Instigate Chaos
Post: 1 / ??

Checking his chronometer Orentho noted the time, the date and looks to his colleagues there within the base. "Yes, I spotted some of the First Order's troops touching down on the ground," He confirmed he was posted at a console monitoring radar as it were. "Yes, sir a ship landing troops." He'd been installed here on the Rebel Base weeks ago, while the Order worked their way through Thakwaa, Ryoone, Keskin and the other planets there. He had been here, making friends, chatting to the resistance about this or that. Playing card games when he could, for all they knew he was Lethos Zoren a rebel Chiss who wanted to see democracy restored to the sector.

"Mhmm?" Orentho leaned over to a colleague, "what's this about Huttball?"

"Frogdogs are up by three." Said his colleague, "hoping the Tonitrans can turn it around."

Orentho nodded, "they've had quite the defense, shame it's lacking now."

"Yeah, and if it keeps lacking, I'll be owing money!" The man joked, and Orentho only smiled and turned his attention back to his monitor. From his uniform he inserted a datacard, most didn't notice he'd been doing this every day. A way to backup and store data, and in this case this allowed the First Order just a little more insight into the rebel's operations. Lethos Zoren was just another brick in the wall, doing what he had been programmed to do his entire life, the people here assumed he was from somewhere deep within Alliance territory. "Well if you need a loan, be sure to let me know. I know a man or two who can help you." He adds, mostly as a side scheme for him to milk more money off these rebels while he was here.
Location: A dismal cantina on Burnin Konn
Objective: Recover (or silence) the captured Resistance agents (Initiative 2)
Allies: [member="Sentiri"], [member="OK-3103"]
Enemies: Unknowing Burnin Konn Security officers and the drunks...
Post: 3/37

Hyori Tal arrived at the designated rendezvous coordinates, the corner of her mouth twitched, for she was standing outside of a cantina. The establishment was small, dirty, smelly, absolutely crawling with patrons and who knows what else. She did not really want to think about it. It was not the type of place she would ever choose to frequent on her own, but duty called...

She recalled her first mission with the Chiss agent, Sentiri, they had taken flight to Thakwaa on a terrible excuse for a ship. The Adventure had been a sad sight, but she would have easily preferred its sorry shelter to this place. Agent Tal was wearing dark blue coveralls, and black boots. Her hair was not as meticulously styled as usual. She could have been mistaken for any miner or service worker, save for the fact that her face and hands were perhaps a bit too clean to pass perfectly under the radar.

As she passed over the threshold and into the stepped into the cantina, she was welcomed by raucous laughter. Her dark eyes spotted Sentiri almost instantly, sitting alone and drinking what appeared to be water. Agent Tal did not imbibe; she just did not enjoy the general spirit of alcohol. Yes, she was that person. It was easy enough to avoid alcohol while on duty, save for those rare times during undercover missions. However, she had come up with the story that her alter-ego, Mako Miuri, was a recovering alcoholic... it generally stopped people from pestering her too much.

“This seat taken?” She asked, her words friendly enough, but her tone said otherwise.

Hyori sat down next to Sentiri before she could answer. She had heard that they were to meet a member of the First Order military here as well, but it seemed that he had not yet arrived, if he was going to at all. The sooner they could begin their work locating the captured agents, the sooner they could be off this rock.

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