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Approved Location Shri-Tal Companions Temple

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Name: Serra Temple

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Intent: To create a place within Silver Jedi space where the Companions Guild has a location

Classification: Companions Guild

Location: Shri-Tal in the western Mountains

Affiliation: The Order of the Silver Jedi protect the planet, Danger's company bought the section of land

Description: Built by ancient Atrisian's under the warriors of shadow a Taung group the temples defensive capabilities are against armies from the ground. With the way up being a narrow path bordered by sheer cliff drops and built vertical going up the mountain as well as inside of it. The stone work has lasted centuries upon centuries with the barest of upkeep needed while a few attendents care for the cleaning. When the order of the Silver jedi arrived on the planet they respected the wishes bringing the bare minimum and retrofitting it for new lighting, new freshers and cry food crates. With a small deal the Silver Order offered Danger and her companions the temple was deemed to be made itno a guild house to give her companions a place in that sector of space. The closeness of the state of the art hospital on Zygerria for any problems and routes taken care of ensure they have privacy while newerish landing pads for ships are being made.

History: Built in the mountains by the ancient Atrisian's and used by the Warriors of Shadow the ancient structure sits nestled in the mountainside. The entrance used to bottle neck enemy forces as the one side has a sheer cliff and it is easily defended. With the progression of technology and government the temple has been moderately looked to while older religions evolve with the time moving from temples in the mountains to temples in the cities. Their old buildings still standing and now taken over by Danger in a deal with the Silver Jedi Order to provide reputation and the Guild rules.

Danger and Silver Jedi work out a deal
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