Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Should of taken the deal [BTS & Others vs GR and peeps]

He was busy glancing around He got that feeling you get before you die. With a quick spin, be found himself fAce to face with a police cruiser, the passengers screaming. The roof slammed into his torso, and he was taking off his feet, sprawled against the cruiser as it flew towards a building. Pulling forth his pent up anger, he called the Force to act like a fusion, which had a slight affect on his speed, but not much. With a explosive Crash! He felt the support beam of a building shatter songs his back, dust billowing around him as civilians ran around screaming.

For few moments, nothing moved, and Nate thought was dead, until his clasped around his saber-staff and ignited the blade. With a grunt, He managed to hack his way through the cruiser, kicking the roof away from him as he stood there, Dusty, covered in blood and really pissed off. Hitting him with a car? That crossed the line, it would've been better if he hit the car, but now it was too late. He tore off his tattered cloak and glared up at the siloute of his assailant, his anger boiling over the edge.

With a low growl he found the weakest links in the building's supports in front of him, the one with the assailant on the roof. He focused on those weak links, preying upon the rusted bolts and frames, hearing the metal groan, until finally as he yelled, his anger flooding him like a wave, the supports snapped, which left the rest of the buildings weight on the rest, which all cried out and shattered, the building falling straight as if someone had stepped on it.

"Yeah, how's that taste?"

[member="Keira Ticon"]
Starleaves n Stimcafs
By now at their bank we can assume their robbery was completed and those involved had departed on their merry way. Nato’s spirits went from up to down, to doing pirouette’s into oblivion as she had touched darker sides of herself. First real time since popping heads, taking lives from her captors some years previously. Internal pressures inside their bodies had ended their life. Wild abandon, and disrespect for life was not what she was used to. She was not back to the level of taking lives without care of how they suffered, but this was darker path she was treading, feeling her stomach and wanting to throw up. She did for a short time off in an alley, putting her helmet back on and heading away.

Lacking bounce in her step, trudging through damp streets.

Swapping her share for information she needed from those she had worked with, Natoline had acquired location of her father supposedly in trade. She also had headache, dizzy. Looking up through citylight, she discarded her armor and put on civilian clothes. Our girl boarded her speeder and headed for her ship, soon to depart into their lonely night. Heavy weight on her soul for choices she'd made and consequences. Seeing reports about what had happened back home even as she checked her messages. Bad choices, consequences, if anyone thought she was getting off light from this, they didn't know just what she'd given up. Everything. What was left was hollow.

Baby aboard her ship, she took chance to stand and hold her, one of three she was able to keep. Pilot taking off, and headed for her father. To show him his heir, only not how he'd like.

Fin for Nato

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Cyrus Falcor"]

As the speeder dipped out and blended in with other fleeing vehicles, Miss Blonde let out a sigh of relief as she watched sirens pass her by. The Surgeon was secure and she was ready to move on to their final target which was a high priority. Unfortunately the woman wouldn't be able to hit every name on the list due to gross incompetence, what with reports of mass murders at shopping malls, attacks on military bases, and buildings collapsing with police cruisers being thrown. It was clear that everything was going to lock down soon and they wouldn't be able to access their more political figures.

However it seemed that the powers that be had given a request that Miss Blonde take a certain someone alive. Which wasn't all that surprising considering who they were. It was one of the Republic's lead Shipwrights and they were needed alive. So they would proceed to a simple snatch and grab like the old days when the woman had commanded legions of clones that did her bidding. Some of that bidding being the kidnapping and brainwashing of entire families.

"No killing on this one, Surgeon. I don't mind a few punches but I want this done clean, in and out and gone. Just follow my lead when we pull up, get your knock out gas ready we need them subdued." Blonde said as the speeder turned into another lane merging into the off ramp of the speeder lane.
Cyrus turned to Blonde as she spoke. The mask hid all emotions, save for the LED that he had. The light went from red to green. Blonde would know he understood.

To confirm the reply, a single syringe from his Stinger gauntlet extended. A paralytic derived from an exotic plant, this would be the safest way to snag their target.

Cyrus placed himself near the door for fastest access to snatch and move back into the van before too many noticed. The worst part was the no killing. Cyrus would have to sneak something in to satisfy.

A thumbs up to [member="Miss Blonde"] signaled he was ready to go.

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