Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shiraya Falls: The Untouched Way

Sleep evaded him. He had left his ornate room in the Elyance Estate to walk the rivers edge nearby. He and Cybelle had made it a habit to walk this path each day. It was her attempt, and his, to try and simply be. The itch was persistent though. Brandyn did not like to be still and just exist. There was so much to do, and most of it good. How could he be expected to just sit here on Hapes…


He had been advised not to get to worked up about it all. But his guilt was working over time. If he was to be a Jedi, then he had to make amends.

You cannot make amends until you mend yourself.

The moonlight was temporarily hid by the billows of cloud over head. He was plunged into darkness, and his feet found themselves slipping on a patch of slick grass. He splashed into the water, and almost fell to his knees. If it had not been for the quick handful of grass he had grabbed, he would surely have lost his balance. Upon release of the grass, he found his has damp, dirty and with something slimy squished between his fingers. He looked down, as the cloud parted the contents of his hands were illuminated.

”What is that?” He said, revulsion clear.

He stooped to wash off the remnants of the multi legged Invertebrate from his hand. The muck on his hands began to glow with a light blue hue the moment they made contact with water. As the much washed off his hands, he could see spot of bioluminescence float down the stream, and then…they disappeared.

The sound of a waterfall became apparent. He had not noted a waterfall in these parts before. Perhaps he had gotten lost? Brandyn looked about. Everything looked different in the dark. There was an air of foreboding, and a cold breeze that brought the hairs of his arm to attention.

Several steps were taken to the edge of the waterfall. In the pale light of the moon, he could see the rock pool at the bottom of small waterfall, and beyond that a cave.


A garbled voice muttered in a gravelly tone.

“Who is there?”

He knew there would be no answer. It was just the water. An echo. Nothing more. But the cave. The cave invited exploration. It was dark. Unpleasant. Yet it took hold of his curiosity in its entirety.

Brandyn clambered down the side of the waterfall. it was only slightly more graceful that a fall. His feet landed in the pool and his shoes finally succumbed to the water. He felt the squelch that would surely not go away until he changed. He wanted to complain, but the cave had his full attention.

”What is in there?”

Only what you take with you.
In Umbris Potestas Est
For a moment, deep in the depths of the cave, a soft light seemed to flicker in response to his inquiries. It was a tease, like the lure of an anglerfish. Whether it was evident to the Sal-Soren that there could yet be malicious intent within was another question in and of itself. A small shallow stream trickled from the pool into the cave itself, and from that pool, blackness seemed to envelop the water in question, leading into the cave. In the depths of the cave, there were two very small white orb-shaped lights that stood out against the darkness, floating at about head-height, unmoving. A soft whisper rustled through the cave, resonant and sonorous in its intent.

Come and see. You must come and see.

Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren
In an instant, Brandyn found himself missing the comforting weight of his lightsaber, and the sensation left him vulnerable, exposed to the eerie stillness of the night. Casting a glance over his shoulder to the ledge he had recently descended, the moon hung in the sky, yet its light seemed muted, as if veiled by an unseen hand. His gaze returned to the cave entrance, and a subtle shift in the surroundings caused him to stagger back, as though the very maw of the cavern reached out to swallow him whole.

Yet, amidst the rising tide of uncertainty, a fierce determination ignited within Brandyn. If the cavern sought to claim him, it would not be as a victim succumbing to its grasp, but as a master of his own fate. With resolve coursing through his veins, he embraced the darkness, plunging into its depths with unwavering resolve.

Within the cavern's depths, the scent of decayed vegetation hung heavy in the air, mingling with the bitter tang of fungal spores. Brushing aside gnarled vines that snaked across his path, their barbed touch a painful reminder of the hostile environment surrounding him, Brandyn pressed onward. This was no idyllic summer retreat.

"I do not fear you," Brandyn declared, his voice echoing with a tempered resolve that belied the trepidation that slowly began to gnaw at his core.

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Then you are braver than most."

The two white orbs remained static within the cave and continued paying attention to the Jedi. There was something wrong here - it wasn't darkness, it was something completely anathema to the Force-user, a sensation that seemed to defy the very fabric of the world the man lived in. As he pressed into the cave, the shadows grew darker as the two orbs grew larger, becoming brighter by virtue of being the only visible things in the room.

"So you are in exile. Why remain?"

Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren
Brandyn raised his arm instinctively, a feeble attempt to shield his eyes from the blinding radiance emanating from the twin orbs. With a grimace, he squinted through narrowed lids, determined to confront whatever force dared to pierce the veil of his perception. The light, a relentless cascade of brilliance, engulfed him, leaving his senses reeling and his surroundings obscured in a hazy blur.

Was this the light? Or was it falsehood?

"What do you know of me? Who are you?" Brandyn's voice, tinged with defiance, cut through the luminous shroud, a challenge thrown into the abyss of uncertainty.

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
"I know much of you, Brandyn Sal-Soren." The orbs said, looking back at the creature in question. "You have been around the galaxy for some time." The radiance dimmed - the orbs themselves were merely visible against the infinite black backdrop of the cave, darkness that ever consumed them. "A better question is what you know of me. Or if you know of me."

From deeper within the cave appeared a light, a small flame lit atop a soft green finger that barely revealed the faintest of features of whoever it was. But they were coming closer.

Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren
He stopped in his tracks. Eyes narrowed to gaze beyond the luminosity of the orbs. A figure in the distance approached. A soft green light gave some detail but not enough to draw any solid conclusions. However, Brandyn did now wonder if it were not the best idea to be in this cave.

”You know my name,” he said, voice hinting at uncertainty.

His head tilted. He wanted to swat the orbs away, but feared physical contact with them.

”I am not blessed with omniscience…or a network of spies…so no, I do not know you.”

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
"I am Onrai." She said. "Others may know me as the Goddess, Via, the Scorekeeper, the Lady with the Locust Heart, the Dancing Goddess, or any number of other names." It was clear this was the figure in the distance who yet drew closer, revealing an overall pale emerald coloration - skin, hair, and the simple energy-dress of an attire she yet wore. "There is much about the galaxy yet to be revealed to you - the way things work, and an understanding of where you may yet be right. Or be wrong." She smiled. Soon the two midnight orbs disappeared and she and Brandyn were the only ones present. She brought a finger down to a small bundle of logs on the cave floor which ignited, their flames further illuminating the room.

"Brandyn, what do you believe the Dark Side is?" She asked.

Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren
“Scorekeeper? Spend some time moonlighting for the Blitzball league?” His attempt at humour was clearly his way of trying to keep some control of a situation in which he knew he lacked.

He tried to step back, but felt his ankle held by some unseen force. He glanced over his shoulder, and then back again at the being before him.

”A series of lies…it is a series of lies…built to convince lost people that they can become powerful without losing their being.”

Onrai Onrai
In Umbris Potestas Est
The emerald figure merely looked at Brandyn with an admittedly somewhat pained smile. "The Dark Side is merely the Force used in another way. But there is another power, different from the Force entirely, which some can yet tap into." It was truth, certainly, as she pondered, thinking over the best approach to respond to him. "The ancient stories of gods and demons have more of an element of truth to them than those would believe. Before the Rakata, before the Darksiders who declared themselves god-kings over the rouge monstrosities, there were the Necromantic Ones, or as some would call them, the Immortal Gods of the Sith."

She pondered for a moment. "Do you know anything of them?"

Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren

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