Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shinning Brightly in the Moonlight

Finding herself cradle in his arms the arm was thick on his body even then the cold of the mental giving her chills. Emotional was running high now along with her trying to shake off the drugs that seem to have a strong hold. Time yes that what it would take time, to make every thing that was so fuzzy now to became clearer. Mouthing out over and over again her cousin name. Ryan ..ryan...RYAN...R..y..annnn

I didn'..t

The blink of eye came to her then there was the sound or was it the flashes. Knowing if only they could make it to the main street where all the crowds had gathered for the Lunar Night activies. Those that been after her before or that her dear dead cousin had gotten tangle up with. Didn't know when to back off, as she felt something hot on the back of her left shoulder letting out a scream. It burn as if someone just poked her with a hot iron. It wasn't like she didn't feel anything to much it was more of a bee sting but it still hurt like a dickens. of please....

It wasn't that wasn't trying to make her thoughts make since but pain was now coming to play with her own nerves now. Just how much could this little petite blonde taken, pushing she would do to herself. Now she would tell him as she felt more heat coming at them with this boss man. Just what kind of men had her cousin gotten mess up in.

Knowing that it was time for this Malcom to show his true nature this had to do one thing that was for her to hold on tight to him so he could have his hands to his weapons. It was her eyes staring back from his visor just what he thinking at this very moment. Showing her stronger then she could been, or could that be her drawing on the force she had no clue at this very moment, her training was very beginning level. Unleash hell upon these bastards.

[member="Malcom Renolds"]
They had been closing in on the crowd ahead of them. So close to slipping away, yet so far. In his heavy armor and with having to carry Alaina, he was slower than the men pursuing them. Suddenly the familiar sound of blaster rounds whizzing threw the air could be heard. Screams from the crowd ahead would soon fill the air as the missed shots flew into them instead. One particular scream concerned him though.

He could feel Alaina jerk back a bit as the round slammed into her shoulder, causing an immense amount of pain for the young beauty. His mind switching from flight response to combat mode was nearly instant.

Tactical appraisal....

Alaina no longer important to aggressors, otherwise would not risk killing her with poorly aimed shots.
Chance of escape by fleeing, minimal.
Panicked crowd now almost as dangerous as aggressors.

Solution....Kill them. Kill them all.

Scanning the area for a good spot, he quickly found a heavy bin that he ducked behind. Setting Alaina down as gingerly as he could, he said simply, "I'll be back."

He then activated his active camouflage, melting away into the background as he finally withdrew the two daggers from under his forearms. He didn't have a moment to spare before the foot steps had closed in on the them. Using the element of surprise his camo gave him, Malcom lunged into the first of their attackers, ramming his knife up through the man's head through his neck.

Using the forward momentum he had created, the Mando used the faltering attackers faltering body as a shield as he swung around and threw his second knife into the next persons chest. His active camo flickered off from the speed of his attacks, but Malcom paid it no mind. He simply needed that first initial surprise.

Ripping the blaster from the first attackers collapsing form, he opened up in full auto on a third person.

Suddenly realizing that their targets were no longer fleeing, the attackers halted their advance and began diving for cover when they saw the quickly unfolding assault by the seasoned warrior. Malcom lobbed a second of his three grenades at a pair of men retreating behind their own bin. While finally rolling away to find his own cover. BOOM! ...SPLAT.

Shits flew back and forth, most whizzing by, some pinging off his armor, while one round managed to get a piece of his left hand. The man growled in annoyed pain as he took a seat behind cover. Forgetting his own pain though, he cast a quick glance over at Alaina to make sure she was still ok. All the while, shots could be heard impacting the wall he was huddled behind.

[member="Alaina Merrill"]
Everything happen so fast it was spending around and around. Trying to keep herself awake no more then that alive now. Just how could this gotten so bad so fast. Oh yes not trusting herself more not being drag by her cousin. That brought in another flood of raw emotion one that she wanted to let loose on. How or who would come into her path, or could she even try and kill anyone. That was a matter before her survival.

Feeling him set her down with some cover. Not taking chance, taking upon grabbing what she could find. In her hand came a long pipe at less if one would come upon her she wouldn't be defenseless. Even so when she peek out even to make sure she didn't get any more holes. Seem that she choose well for hired mandolorian. To watch couldn't help it was like watching a dancer doing her graceful moves one step at a time.

Finding herself going back into cover only to hear a laughter now close. Another force user it was the shivers that came over her all at once. It was in her head the whisper, to come find him, he would make all go a way. All go away..yes...I .. stopping that thought as if knowing she had to close herself off to who every had whispered been in her head. Hearing from someone in the shadow that came one word Wrench the one with that voice she knew. Upon her he was having his hands around her throat not seeing that there was something kind of weapon in her hand.

Coming up giving a good wack to knock him off her. Finding herself swing over and over again the pain over to her she drop the piece of iron feeling the warm droplets upon her face and arms. This time there was still breathing just not movement towards her. Curling up in a ball now putting her hand over her ears wanting to cry out, rocking for all to go away. Coming the sound of sirens, they was blaring getting closer and closer. m..ake i...t s//top...make them ..go a....way..

[member="Malcom Renolds"]
Malcom couldn't believe his eyes when he saw what was happening to Alaina. Was the friend of her cousin really trying to strangle her now!? He brought his rifle up and was about to end him when she conked him over the head with a pipe of some sort. A smirk flashed across his face. "Good for her." He thought to himself. He was only disappointed he couldn't kill the man first. "Time and place for everything." He thought. A couple rounds again impacting the wall offering him protection reminded him he still had trouble to deal with on his front anyway.

Popping out for especially small intervals, he would take pop shots at the couple closest men to get them used to seeing him there. Back and forth they exchanged fire with non really able to get a decent shot off. Finally the clip in Malcom's stolen gun ran out. "Ugh!" He grunted in annoyance as he tossed it away. "Piece of crap anyway." Unfurling his heavy sniper rifle, he re cloaked and slowly popped out from the floor. His enemies expecting to see him plainly and from higher up, missed the very difficult to see blur lower down the wall.

He became much more visible though when a heavy sniper round slammed into a man who was taking the lull in the shooting as an opportunity to push farther forward. It was the last thing he'd do. Pulling back in behind cover, he waited till his cloak was able to stabilize once more before coming out again, this time in a full upright position. Having already known where his second target was, it was an easy thing to adjust his aim once he popped out from cover. His target popped his head up and was about to fire his own rifle when a second round blew his head clean off.

As the sirens got louder, the last couple men who were originally pursuing them began to fall back. Satisfied with this, Malcom ran over to where Alaina was. "Come Alaina. I think we have an opening to pull on out of here!" Throwing his rifle back over his shoulder to rest on his back, he wrapped an arm around her and brought her to her feet. Looking down he noticed her cousins friend was still sitting unconscious nearby. A hand went down, grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and dragged him along.

The going was slow. But they managed to get around the police who came to restore order, and eventually found their way back to his ship. The horrible excuse of a sentient being was tied to a chair and left in the cargo bay with a radio taped to his hands which were tied behind his back. He'd sit there for however long it took Malcom to get Alaina patched up.

In the med bay, Malcom set Alaina up in a chair and began pulling out the medical equipment and medication he had. Before he started on her wound, he did remove his helmet so she wouldn't be uncomfortable with only dealing with a fully armored Mandalorian. With some clean bandages, cloth, and medicine, the warrior walked over to her side. "Alaina, I need to take care of this wound, ok?" He asked not sure how lucid she was.

[member="Alaina Merrill"]
One could see her now only thing they could say she was a wreck. Even then she had been pushed be on what thought she capable. Even so one could only guess what the next few minutes would be for her. Not even know if she would make it out alive. Noting met anything right now but survival. Looking at her hands that was some what was blurred it didn't take one to figure out they was shaking. For that matter she was shaking like a leave.

As if time had came to leave once more finding herself in the armors of Malcom just how he manage with her cousin friend in haul this time. That didn't really matter as they was back on board his ship safe right. Watching what he was doing still out of it for the most part. Seeing that there wasn't nothing more could do was try and follow what he had done.

To medical bay of his ship. Not par..t wa..nt to..see, now o..n for..oth.ers maybe.. giving him a very tempting look on her face if he follow her babbling at all. Giving him a look before nodding her head slowly at first.

Seeing his face of concern, but also just how beautiful his eyes was wasn't afraid to tell him at this point. Now the question is before them was it the drugs that was still in her system still talking was it a part of her. You..have eyes..glorious . Giving him a playful wink, thinking he could play doctor on her any day of the week wounded or not. Letting something wash over her of a twisted kind of way. Meaning she was going to have to expose herself even more to the elements around.

Biting he bottom of her lip, even then through her teeth. I never been..sho..ot feel ..good.. Her chest raising heavy up and down now as the work had begin, putting even more so looking down on the floor of what lift of her top covering. ..y..ou kno..w i...f yo..u see didn't ..have to was that Alaina trying to flirt or make light of the situation. Either way she let out a few moans of pain. Some salty water slipping from her eyes as well. As it seem the room begin to spin as if she wanted to pass out on him.

[member="Malcom Renolds"]
Malcom pulled off his gloves and began to rub them back and forth together to warm them up. He soon returned after sanitizing his hands. The man smirked at her attempts to flirt. Normally, he'd never be apposed to this from such a beautiful woman. But he knew this was only a product of what she had been given. Or so he thought at least. While, he wasn't necessary the most moral of people, he still had his honor code. He wouldn't take advantage of the woman in this state. For now he still maintained a very professional manner.

"Ok darlin'. Going to need to remove the shirt first." He said honestly, as he helped her remove the tank top. He did a surprisingly decent job of maintaining his more clinical approach to this so far. With that away, he brought an arm up to support her bra. "Keep your arm here. I need to move this strap so I have access to your shoulder to clean it." The man really was trying to allow her to maintain what dignity she still had. He still of course had no clue what her actual feelings toward him were. Her assertion about wanting to see more of her elicited a laugh from his lips. "Hey, I'm not the one that was being careless and making herself an easy target." He teased gently.

Laying a soft hand on her shoulder, he gently moved the strap so it was no longer on her shoulder. Turning to his tools and supplies, he pulled up a rag and soaked it with disinfectant. "This is going to sting." He warned. Placing a firm grip on her arm so she couldn't struggle, he put the rag to her wound to begin the cleanup. It didn't take too long to sanitize it. Fortunately the blasters they were using were fairly weak. So no serious damage to contend with.

Reaching for a bacta patch, he then applied that to her shoulder. Holding that down with one hand, he grabbed the bandaging and wrapped it around her shoulder and under her arm a few times to secure the patch in place. Securing the bandaging with a clip, he replaced the strap to her bra over her shoulder and handed her back her shirt. "Here you go. Put this back on, and we'll get you in bed to rest while I talk to our friend in the cargo bay."

[member="Alaina Merrill"]
Had it not been the drugs still in her system just maybe been a different in the way she cried out or the lack of it. It still didn't make it for a pain free time no fair from it. Listening to his words, also couldn't help the gentleness that he had in caring for her. Not saying a word until it done. Even then she need some help to get the tank back on.

Rest..oh yes..I think ..maybe I need that..

Drugs still a part of her, or had they started to lessen once again. It would take time for her really know what all she done and said. These past few hours. Letting him guild her to her bedroom, something she been very protective over before they started this trip. Now didn't have that wild look of him to stay away from this part of her private. cousin friend..the one that.. shaking her head not wanting to go into details what happen years ago.

I..don't know how to repay you..will beside giving you what due.

[member="Malcom Renolds"]
He helped her put her shirt back on, something he found himself having a hard time believing he was doing, and scooped her into his arms once more. He'd have to try and figure out what she was actually there for in the first place later. But for now, he'd let her rest up some. Walking into her bedroom, he placed her on the bed and brought the covers over her. His hunter mind began processing when she started to say something the man he was about to interrogate did to her some time ago. Intel was his stock in trade after all. But it was clear she was not in a condition to talk.

Pushing aside a strand of hair that had fallen in front of her face, he smirked. "You just get better ok?" Leaning over, he gave her a small kiss on the forehead. Rubbing the back of his hand across her cheek, he gave her one last smile before heading out of the room.

A few seconds later would find him in the cargo hold dumping a bucket of ice water on the form that was Alaina's cousin's friend. "What was his name again? Ryan?" Not that it mattered. "Waky waky!" Malcom shouted at the man. "Got a few questions for you good sir. If you'd like to leave here in one piece, I suggest you cooperate. First off, what was your name again? I don't really care, but coming up with something new is tiresome after a while."

[member="Alaina Merrill"]
Just what was with this one, shouldn't she be fleeing from the likes him. Finding herself more and more wanting to be in his arms. Mixing something more then the hungry in her eyes there was the emotion of her heart that went pat. When he brushed his hand along her cheek. As if her body wanted more. Even so she would listen to him to get her some rest. Knowing she was going to need it to recover from.

Not long after the fluttering closed of her eye lids she was in the dream land.

The one just laughed with a evilness. Oh what you made it personal, or have you fallen for that little sexy play toy. to stare at him after being awaken how he had been. Oh where every dear sweet little Alaina has ran off to, please send her with my hello, I enjoy last time we was together. Twisted as this one was, wanting to state that she wasn't all that pure. After all it wasn't every day that the

Why should I tell you my name in the end your just going to kill me, answer this question for me why in Hutt breath would I give my own name just so you have the satisfaction of knowing my name as you killed me, after all that only thing you mando like doing.

Knowing now that was all took to feel mouth begin to pool in his mouth from Malcom. More then that feeling of one having broken ribs he was doing a good job at working Bret over. Just maybe he would have his revenge for what Ryan cousin had done to him. Even so all he knew about the dealing going down.

Look you ass all I can tell you being paid very nicely to put a slaver collar on that pretty little neck of Alaine.

The working over once again only brought more smarts. How good of bed lover is he, after all I taught her everything. Knowing good well he hadn't taught her anything. Just his reaction to this brought more of the punishment.

I could cut you in on the deal I made with the sith, that wants her so badly.

[member="Malcom Renolds"]
Malcom just laughed at the man. "Oh man, you're funny! I'm not kill ya!" He said laughingly as he pulled out the big bowie style knife from his leg holster. "I am gunna cut on you though till you tell me what I want to know." He finished slapping the broad side of the blade to his knee. Pulling up a chair he sat in front of him. "I mean, don't you remember what I said about taking the toys..." He moved the tip of the knife to his crotch and pushed just a bit, "...away from the spoiled children?"

As much as this guy liked to talk a big talk, he sure did spill some important information rather quickly. When he mentioned being paid a large amount of money to put a slave collar around Alaina's neck, his eyebrow raised. The wheels were turning, as he leaned in a little. "I don't think you can offer me anything I would accept. See here's the thing." Malcom continued as he sat there staring into his eyes, his knife never having moved. "I don't take a job before payment is received. Seen to many idiots do a job just to get screwed over in the end. So unless your saying you can pay me my share before I hand her over, you don't have anything to bargain with."

"So..." he added with a little twist of the blade tip. "With that in mind, would you like to alter your offer at all?"

[member="Alaina Merrill"]
Bert looking down at his crouch couldn't help but look back up as if white as a ghost. Then came the words that he wanted to hear or at less he was hoping. Letting his eyes go back and forth to the fact that he thought he had him. After all everyone did have a price didn't they. "Well my lets just say those backing me have a good amount of cash flow." Letting his smirk wide out as if he was reeling him in hook and line. Oh yes the crazy of this galaxy everyone had a price.

Do I have your attention now.

As he wanted to say more just hope power this one be after Alaina but he would save that until later. Even so he couldn't help it. So, now be a good to untie me so we can talk about this like ...maybe

In the dreams of Alaina everything was flashing back to what had taken place as if in this drug up state of mine she couldn't get a way as if trying to run. Screaming out she did as if didn't know what else to do. Pools of sweat came off her body to make it seem as her body way of getting the drug out of her system. Even so it was going on inside of her that made all the different or so she thought. Ryan Ryan Ryan...nooooo ...nooo..

Sitting straight up now as she looked around as the pain started to flow through her now. Crying out she did a lot of now, more so then every before. To know that she needed to do something, but just what. Letting gravity pull her down, all the way again rolling to her side would lessen the pain she was now in.

[member="Malcom Renolds"]
Malcom raised an eyebrow. "I grow weary of this conversation." Standing up and withdrawing his knife, the hunter walked behind Bert promptly grabbing the back of the chair and dragging him to the loading ramp door. Spinning it around and slamming his face into the transparesteel that separated his body from the vacuum of space, Malcom continued. "I am already talking about it. And if you don't start talking, I'm thinking I might just vent the trash in here to space." Setting him back on the floor, still tied to his chair just looking out the the planet below, the mando left the room.

As he sealed the hatch to the cargo bay, he pulled up the radio and spoke into it. Bert still had the other one tied to his hand so he could speak back. "So, you gunna tell me the price and contact information so we can get this deal done? Or do we get to find out what happens to the human body when it is exposed to hard vacuum?" Reaching over to the control panel nearby, he pushed a button. Over the innercomm in the cargo bay, Bert could hear an electronic voice ring out.

"Warning! Depressurization commencing..."

[member="Alaina Merrill"]
Hitting Bert hard just what about to happen to his very life. The panic rang out in his voice so much so that only a few second of thinking was all he had left. Hey man, come on you want really let some easy credits slip through your fingers. Shaking in the voice could be heard now. Not know what could be left but to say it out loud. Look I'm really dead, if I speak his name, he a very powerful dark force user, can do many bad things to you, he will find her, get what he wants that is her, better to give her up and make some money, Right?

He was shaking as heard the count down start to take place.

[member="Malcom Renolds"]​
"Easy credits! So far, you haven't even told me the amount!" Growled the voiced over the radio in Burt's hand angrily. "I'm starting to doubt whether there is any to be had at all." He paused for a long second.

"WARNING! Depressurization at 90%"

"Tell you what, Bert. I can be reasonable. Since you seem to not want to make a solid deal, I'll offer you the only one you'll get from me now before the air in here gets too thin for you to breath. How about I give you a datapad, and you get the details taken care of... like now. You know, confirmation she has been captured, drop off point coordinates, transfer of credits, that's sort of thing. And if he'll only transfer half now and half when Alaina is delivered, that is fine too. The half he does transfer to you will be forwarded at that point to my account, for my share of the paymeny. Remember I don't work without pay up front. You can collect your half of the deal when we make the drop."

"Ill even let you enter the contact information without me looking so the man's identity will be kept a secret. Sounds fair?"

"WARNING! Depressurization at 80%"

[member="Alaina Merrill"]
Okay okay, its in a amount of 250000 those behind this are very wealthy, gets what they are after. In his eyes was that fear that was sinking in he was going to die. In order to save himself one had to do what needed. Or could he bring himself as those that hired was more evil then this one that had him so close to being space trash. Shaking was all he could do until he found his voice once more.

Look here I don't know the names, all I know when they want something done from me, they arrange a meeting with the commlink I have been given. Would this be enjoy now he had something to barrage with that was the commlink keeping it hide as he does with the ones that had given it to him. Coming right up to the glasses now as if that would do any good as if that was where all the air that was left got pool to.

[member="Malcom Renolds"]
Malcom smirked under his helmet. Now they were getting somewhere. Hitting a button on the wall that ceased the depressurization of the room, he walked in when the pressure had returned to normal. Doing a quick pat down of Bert, he withdrew the commlink from his pocket and sent a message. If it was given to him from them to talk only to them, then the message would only go to them.

"Target acquired. Please send coordinates of drop off point and time to meet, and then transfer 50% of credits to this account. When transfer has been confirmed, prisoner will be brought to complete transaction."

With the message away, Malcom simply waited. "Thanks Bert. Now we'll see if what you'r saying is actually the truth." He was about to leave the room, but stopped and turned around for a moment longer. "Your life depends on it."

With that, he left and secured the hatch before moving back toward Alaina's room to check on her.

[member="Alaina Merrill"]
In this all Bert could only look on to the back of the large mando wanting to call out that she needed to be undamaged goods. Thought other wise to the fact that didn't want there to be something else happen to his life already been a second from being toast. As it was after that he slide down to sit his back against one of the cold walls.

Alaina had been awake for a little with the pain coming from her shoulder. Trying not to show this kind of weakness in front of Malcom for the fact that she needed to not be seen a weak. Even so she couldn't help but let out a few groan of pain now and then. As heard the door come open to his touch. Didn't even raise from the bed to do so would she just how much pain she was still. Even so she had the fact that the drugs that had been in her system coming to be out now.

Slowly turning her head to the side where he could feel his present. Couldn't do much but to look at him biting her bottom lip hard. Even when he asked her a question she just nodded her head once. "Nothing that can't handle, no much Pai...nn...

[member="Malcom Renolds"]
The mando stopped for a moment and looked on the beauty in the bed recovering from her ordeal. Pulling his helmet off, he set it down on a table nearby and walked on over. With a couple pain med pills already in hand, he picked up the glass of water he had placed there earlier and was about to hand them to Alaina. "Well, I could always take the pain meds back if you really don't need them?" A sly smirk flashed across his face as he finally handed them over.

"Well, I have found out something rather intriguing about you, darlin'. Turns out you are worth quite a bit of credits if handed over to the right person. Now while, I'm not sure why you are worth at least five times more than your average slave at 250k. It's not really my business. Fortunately for you, I honor my deals made. So I'll ensure you stay safe, and your enemies....not so safe." He finished with a little wink.

"Other than the obvious pain in your shoulder, you holding up alright?" He wasn't sure if the recent death of her cousin was still affecting her at all, or if it was just the drugs from earlier.

[member="Alaina Merrill"]
"That's good but what about from you, big boy", giving a little chuckle only to cringe in pain. Knowing that she had put off the pain pills long enough. Gently took them out of Malcom hand, to take a drink. Laying her hand next to her side again, only t think about all that happen, then came the tear drop from the side of her eye.

I..Malcom..I ..I didn't mean to blow up my dear sweet cousin Ryan...Im not like that at all...

It was the way she look up at his eyes in the pool of hers like that of pool of blue clear water. Reaching up to touch his face as she wonder if maybe he understood where she was coming from. In a second looking him up and down, knowing he had been train to be a killer with out emotions when on a job. Beside that would she look like a weakling. It still wasn't all she wanted to be looked down upon.

it just happen, if I could take it back I would..

[member="Malcom Renolds"]
Malcom gave a small chuckle at the comment as he looked at his bandaged hand and shrugged. "Just another day in the office. I'll live.". He offered casually, obviously not worried about the hit he took in the hand.

When she went on her train of sad thoughts, he took a seat next to her on the bed. " Alaina. That cousin of yours was neither sweet, nor dear. I mean he was trying to sell you into slavery to some Sith."

He paused as he cast her a small reassuring smile affirming she did nothing wrong. "A man that would do such a thing to his own vod, has no honor and isn't much of a man. Thus..." Malcom said while extending a hand to her cheek to wipe away the tears pooling up there. "...not worth shedding a tear over."

The Mando knew it was easier said than done at times, but it was a philosophy he had grown up with, so it was much easier for him.

[member="Alaina Merrill"]

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