Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shifting Loyalties


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

Tirin watched with delight as Aliris smoothly transitioned from feeding the first Lolth-Kitten to confidently nurturing the second one. He could see the genuine happiness in her eyes as she interacted with the kittens.

"Yes, they are indeed quite helpless when they're this young," Tirin replied, his voice filled with warmth. "Without a mommy cat around they rely on us to provide them with everything they need—food, warmth, and love. It's a tremendous responsibility, but it's also a gift to be able to care for them."

He observed the second kitten feeding hungrily and contentedly, a clear sign that Aliris was doing an excellent job. He tended to cleaning up the first kitten and tucked it away into its warm little bedding in the basket and fetched a third kitten and a third bottle and fed that one next.

"You're right, Aliris. It is lucky—for the kittens and for us," Tirin acknowledged, his voice soft and sincere. "To be able to give them a chance at life and to witness their growth and happiness, it's truly a special experience. I think everyone should have the opportunity for a happy life. No little one should be denied that experience." He added softly.

"Where do you intend on going now that you're feeling better?" Tirin asked curiously.



".. I don't know."

All the happiness and adorableness of the kittens faded pretty quickly as Tirin brought up her plans for the next step. "I could go back to the Sith. Or go back to traveling the galaxy and trying to find what's missing from my family's vault, but that's just.. It's all so complicated. .. I don't wanna live a life fighting all the time. And that's what both of those mean, y'know? The Ashlan's wanted to force me into a soldiers life, and even though I picked the thing they hate most I'm still just always fighting. .. I hate it."

Ah, perhaps it was the kitten still feeding on the bottle she had that had her so open. She frowned at herself, but.. She wanted to get that off her chest, right? She was tried of feeling bad about telling people that sort of thing. And right now, maybe Tirin could actually help. Maybe. Aliris was done trying to convince herself otherwise at least.

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene

"Well... you don't have to fight and run all the time if you don't want," Tirin offered in a soothing tone, his eyes reflecting empathy and understanding. He carefully settled the kitten back into its basket, knowing that its presence brought a sense of calm to the conversation.

"You could stay with us... if you wanted to," he continued, his words carrying the weight of a heartfelt invitation. "Take some time to learn whatever skills you like, make some friends, and just... enjoy being a kid."

Tirin's words hung in the air, carrying the promise of a new beginning, a chance for the young soul to find refuge from the chaos of their past and embrace a path of growth and companionship. The kitten purred softly in the background, a gentle reminder of the peace and contentment that awaited if they chose to accept the Jedi Master's offer.

"I won't lie to you- my offer does have strings but I'll tell you what they are. " Tirin stated. " I would require communication and a willingness to learn. And above all- obedience when it comes to following rules set for safety. " He moved to clasp a hand over the decorative crystal he had around his neck as he spoke on this subject. "In exchange you will have a warm bed to sleep in, food when you are hungry, fresh clean clothes, and an education of your choosing... "




The word alone had Aliris freeze rigid with discomfort. And yet, she did lax. Some. Perhaps it was the kittens, perhaps it was the fact she didn't have to fight anymore. Perhaps it was her friends, or just all of it together, but she did relax as she looked back down to the kit in her arms.

"No blind obedience. .. I'll listen, but only if you explain why it's a rule. I'm not.. I won't blindly listen to anyone again."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

"That's fair and more than reasonable," Tirin agreed amicably, his warm smile encouraging openness and trust. "I would never ask you for anything I wouldn't discuss or explain first. I'm more than happy to share my reasons for rules... and if you feel that something is unfair, we can discuss it. I don't want you to feel like you have to do anything you don't want to do."

Tirin's genuine concern for Aliris' well-being was evident in his words and demeanor. He turned a small object over in his hand, a sign of his slight anxiety, showing that he, too, was vulnerable and human.

"Blind obedience is not conducive to a healthy environment for mental well-being," he added, underscoring his preference for promoting independent thinking and personal agency.

"I just... need reassurance that I am doing everything I can to ensure you will be safe," Tirin expressed, hinting at the depth of his care without delving into the reasons behind it. Certain topics might be sensitive and wanted to keep his focus on Aliris's needs first and foremost.

Meanwhile, the small kitten in Aliris' hands had finished its meal and nestled contently, purring softly. Tiny paws poked out of the teatowel and wrapped about Aliris's thumb.

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".. I still think you're weird."

She sighed after a moment, reaching down to touch her paws gently with a faint smile. Yeah, okay. This could be fine. He at least seemed genuine. Part of her wanted to trust that. Maybe one day she could, even. But for now, Aliris could agree so long as they talked.

"But okay. Okay."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

Tirin couldn't help but chuckle upon hearing Aliris' declaration about him being weird. He shook his head playfully, acknowledging the truth in her observation. Compared to his colleagues, he did have some idiosyncrasies, but he had always embraced his uniqueness.

"You're right... I suppose I am a little weird," Tirin admitted, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "But I like to think no one is perfectly normal, and that everyone has some sort of little weirdness about them... and that is perhaps normal in itself." He trailed off, smiling faintly as he pondered the concept.

Gently, he removed the necklace he had been fidgeting with, taking care not to disturb his long dark locks. The pretty jewelry piece with the violet gem centerpiece sparkled in the light,. He gazed at it contemplatively for a moment before taking a soft breath and releasing it slowly.

"I would like for you to have this," Tirin said, extending the necklace towards Aliris. The violet crystal at its heart seemed to hold a certain allure as if it carried a hidden significance beyond its beauty.

As he offered the kitten a few gentle pets on its sleepy little head, Tirin continued, "If there is anything you feel you may need or like, let me know, and I will do my best to provide it for you." His voice was tender and caring, showing his willingness to support her in any way possible.

"Perhaps something comfortable to sleep in might be good, considering your injuries?" he suggested, keeping in mind her current state of dress. He wanted to ensure she felt at ease and cared for during her stay with him.

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Aliris stared at the necklace for a moment, then up to him. Without the kitten in her hands she felt more.. Aware. Or just less distracted. She squinted at him this time, even as she put the necklace on. "If this is enchanted I'm going to be really annoyed."

Which was an understatement. She knew how some artifacts worked. She had a couple of her own, or did at one point.

".. I don't know what I want. Or need. .. I guess. I'm not really used to.. Any of this."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene

"It's not enchanted. It's a Durindfire gem. A type of crystal that can be placed in a light-saber. "
Tirin offered lightly, his eyes bright with excitement as he shared his knowledge.

With a gentle smile, Tirin continued, "Let's start small... You can either rest here with the kittens, or we can take the kittens to the ship, where I can show you to a bedroom that will be yours on the Wings of Aries. There, you can take a shower and rest. Alternatively, if you are feeling up to it, you can come with me to pick out some nice clothes for you in town."

Tirin's voice was comforting, he wanted her to have the freedom to choose what felt right for her, knowing that the power of autonomy could be a healing force on its own.

"Do any of those options sound like something you might like to do? Or perhaps you wish to spend some time with a different idea?" he inquired, giving her the space to express her preferences.




Aliris lifted the gem, staring at it for a moment longer. A lightsaber gem? .. Wait. She blinked again before staring down at herself. Frowned. Here she was being taken care of and she still hadn't fixed one of the things she'd actually done wrong.

".. I want to go shopping for clothes. But.. I bled a kyber. Braze's kyber. .. I want to fix that. How do I fix that?"

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

Tirin's expression softened as he noticed the change in Aliris' demeanor. He understood the weight of her words, recognizing the importance she placed on making things right. With a deep breath, he spoke gently, wanting to offer guidance and reassurance. He offered her a supportive smile, acknowledging her eagerness to learn and grow.

"As for the Kyber crystal, you're right to want to fix what you feel needs amending,"
Tirin said, his voice steady and understanding. "The Kyber crystal is a powerful and sacred component of a lightsaber. To restore balance, you must find a way to attune it to your energy and intentions."

He paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing, "The crystal is the heart of the blade. And it's hurt. It will need some help to heal. Just like you need time and help to heal your wounds so does that gem you have." Tirin explained. " That's why we call it 'bleeding', because you have to intentionally hurt the crystal. By focusing on purifying, healing, and restoring it, you can help to coax it back towards the light. It isn't very easy and takes time though careful meditation."

Tirin looked into Aliris' eyes, conveying his belief in her strength and potential. "I can guide you through the process when you feel ready," he offered warmly. "For now, let's go shopping for clothes and enjoy some time together. When the time is right, and you have healed yourself, we'll address the Kyber crystal bonding and ensure that you find the peace and balance you seek."

He reached out to gently place a hand on her shoulder, offering her support and comfort. "Remember, healing takes time. I'll be here every step of the way to help and support you."


So it wasn't going to be easy.

Aliris frowned, staring down at her feet as she shuffled along after him. She'd hoped she could just fix her mistake immediately, but the fact was there was no rushing it. And that made her pretty.. Sad. So long as it was bled, it'd be a blemish on her friendship with Braze. Or at least her attempt to be his friend. Tirin just wanted them to focus on shopping, though. She frowned. Was that really.. Okay?

".. Do I even deserve that, though?"

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru
Tirin moved to set a gentle hand atop her head tentatively so as to offer her an affectionate pet. He had gathered the basket of kittens carefully so.

"You deserve to be treated well yes. You deserve to be treated with respect and be loved and cared for. It's actually very good that you feel bad about your actions, and that you wish to make amends. It shows you have a conscience, and shows you have emotion and you know right from wrong; It shows you have a good heart. But the fact is you yourself are hurt right now... and let me give you a small bit of advice. YOU need to heal yourself first, before you can really focus on helping others or focusing on other tasks. You need to keep yourself healthy, body, mind, and soul; Because if you're not it will make trying to focus on other tasks or help others much more difficult, and may even be a detriment to your own stability without you even realizing it. "
Tirin tried to explain keeping in mind to keep his words simplified to not set her ill at ease.



She bristled somewhat as her head was touched, but she didn't pull away. He said a lot. A lot more than she expected, but.. Things that actually made sense. Things she probably needed to hear if she was being honest. Which was probably the hardest thing for the young girl to do right now. She nodded slowly after a moment before clearing her throat.

".. Okay. I'll.. I'll try."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

"That is all any one can ask of you my dear."

Tirin cradled the basket of kittens gently in his arms as he led the way to a sleek, silver ship known as the Wings of Aries. The ship was a magnificent sight, with its graceful curves and gleaming hull. Nearby, a tall man stood, his striking appearance immediately drawing attention. Valin had an imposing presence, with wild, long, wind-swept white hair tied back into a high ponytail. Rugged and battle-worn attire adorned his form, featuring tatters and burn marks on his coat that hinted at past trials. Notably, a visible metallic arm replacement gleamed.

As Tirin approached, Valin glanced curiously at the little blonde girl accompanying him. He wanted to ask about her, to know more, but he held back, respecting Tirin's privacy and not wanting to pry. Despite his curiosity, Valin couldn't help but feel a sense of reluctance as he saw the basket of kittens in Tirin's arms. The idea of taking care of the adorable creatures seemed daunting, but he couldn't bring himself to complain to Tirin, whom he deeply respected and trusted.

"Tirin," Valin greeted with a nod, his intense blue eyes holding a mix of curiosity and restraint. His voice was deep yet gentle.

Tirin smiled warmly, his eyes filled with gratitude as he looked at Valin. "Valin, my friend," he said, "I need a favor from you. I'll be away for a short while, and I want you to take care of these adorable little ones." He carefully held the basket out towards Valin, the kittens inside playfully batting at the edge of the woven container.

Valin's expression softened as he looked at the tiny creatures, a hint of affection softening his demeanor. He wanted to resist the responsibility, but something about those innocent eyes and playful paws melted his defenses. "Of course, Tirin," he replied, his voice still holding a touch of uncertainty. "I'll watch over them like they were my own."

Tirin's smile grew, understanding Valin's inner struggle. "Thank you, Valin. I trust you to keep them safe," he said warmly. "And while I'm gone, I'd appreciate it if you could tidy up the guest suite for our visitor." His tone conveyed the expectation of a task well done.

Valin nodded in understanding. He couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions, from reluctance to acceptance of the responsibility. "Consider it done," he affirmed with determination, silently resolving to do his best for Tirin.

With a pat on Valin's shoulder, Tirin expressed his gratitude once more, "You're a good man, Valin. I know I can count on you." He turned to leave, the kittens in his arms squirming.

As Tirin and Valin stood by the sleek ship, Tirin suddenly realized he needed his credits pouch for the upcoming shopping trip. He patted his own pockets, only to find it wasn't there. Turning to Valin, he grinned sheepishly.

"Valin, my friend," Tirin began, "I seem to have misplaced my credits pouch. Could you do me a favor and pass it to me?"

Valin raised an eyebrow, his curious blue eyes locking with Tirin's. "Sure, but what do you intend to purchase?" he asked, always curious about Tirin's plans.

Tirin chuckled playfully, shaking his head. "Now, now, Valin, that's a secret," he teased, wagging a finger at him. "A gentleman never reveals his shopping list!"

Valin couldn't help but smile, appreciating Tirin's humor and mysteriousness. "Alright, keep your secrets," he said, trying not to laugh. "Here's your credits pouch."As Valin rummaged through one of his bags, he found a small felt pouch and pulled it out, handing it to Tirin. "I hope it comes in handy," he said, offering a genuine smile.

Tirin took the pouch and thanked Valin with a warm smile. "Thank you, my friend; I promise to explain things later for you. Now, let's get going Aliris. We've got some shopping to do!" With that, they both turned towards the town

As Tirin disappeared Valin watched him go, a mix of emotions swirling within him. Despite his initial reluctance, he knew that he couldn't say no to Tirin's request. With the kittens in his care and the task ahead, Valin took a deep breath, steeling himself to watch over the little ones and ensure that the guest suite was welcoming and tidy for the visitor. His curiosity about the little blonde girl still lingered, but for now, he focused on the responsibilities he had agreed to shoulder, knowing that he had to support and trust Tirin.


Aliris stuck close to Tirin once they were on the ship. The unfamiliar surroundings mixed with the unfamiliar figure of Valin had her suddenly on edge all over again. She didn't know this person, she didn't know this ship. It wasn't the camp. Was she being taken away? .. No, Tirin wasn't going to do that. Right? Doubt filled her mind as she stayed basically in his shadow, refusing to make eye contact with the new person.

She left in that silence after Tirin once they were done speaking. She wasn't left on the ship, wasn't taken away. That alone had her breath in relief, but now she was all kinds of self conscious again.

".. Where are we going? What store?"

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene

"Well, specifically we're going to Kothal, which isn't too far from here," Tirin explained as he led the way towards a small, sleek blue and silver colored speeder parked nearby. "They have quite a few different vendors, and it's a lively marketplace. We can go into any establishment you like, or even if you see something at one of the street stalls, you're more than welcome to explore them."

He opened the door of the speeder and gestured for her to get in. "We're going to try and get you some comfortable clothes to sleep in, and maybe a few more outfits if you like," he said with a warm smile.

Tirin's curiosity got the best of him, and he couldn't help but wonder about her past. "Where have you been living previously?" he asked gently, wanting to understand more about her journey and experiences. Tirin kept a careful eye on her, ensuring she was comfortable before he took the driver's seat.



"I was at the Ashlan Academy on Dromund Kaas for a little while. Then when the Sith came I left. Haven't had a home since."

Nor did it really bother her. She could live as she wanted by herself. It didn't matter that she had to make sure she had her own place to sleep be it in alleys or other such hidden alcoves. The homeless life made it easier when she was on the hunt for her families lost artifacts.

".. Is that bad?"

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

"It must make it difficult to get a nice evening's rest,"
Tirin remarked with genuine concern. "Rest is crucial for your health, and I can only imagine how challenging it must be when everywhere you go feels exposed."

He paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "I asked Valin to tidy up a room for you on our ship," Tirin continued. "You can do anything you like in there to make it yours. If you see anything in town that you think would help you feel more comfortable, you can pick that out as well."

Tirin's eyes held warmth and reassurance as he spoke, trying to make her feel at ease. "By having a safe space for resting, you'll be able to relax a bit more and get healthier quicker," he explained. "It's also important for people to have a space of their own for privacy and safety."

As they walked through the lively marketplace, Tirin guided Aliris towards a quaint shop selling soft fabrics and cozy blankets. "How about we start by finding some comfortable bedding for your room?" he suggested, hoping to make the process of creating her safe space feel exciting and empowering.

He smiled, hoping that this opportunity to personalize her living quarters would help Aliris feel more at home and give her a sense of control over her surroundings. "Remember, this space is yours to make uniquely yours," Tirin reassured her.


"I.. Don't think it matters that much."

Aliris shrugged. She was handling her life so far pretty well, all things considered. Asides from the constant near death and.. Betrayal. Lack of friends. Exhaustion. She frowned a little at that thought. Realization, really. She wasn't actually okay, and that did matter more than she was willing to admit. Damnit. ".. Okay, fine. Whatever. I'm not.. I don't really desire anything though for my room, though."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene

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