Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shifting Loyalties


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

Tirin listened attentively to Aliris, noticing her somewhat disjointed speech. He considered that she might be lost in thought or perhaps having an internal conversation. He didn't pry into her thoughts, respecting her privacy.

"No? Not even a nice cozy Comforter with a pleasing design?" Tirin asked, offering a gentle smile as he tried to engage her in conversation about the shopping options. He wanted to make her feel at ease and encourage her to share her preferences, but he didn't push further when she seemed hesitant.

"Well, if you're certain," he continued, understanding that she might still be adjusting to the idea of shopping for herself. "Anywhere look interesting so far?" he inquired, hoping to steer the conversation in a more positive direction.

There were several stores about them she could notice at a glance each with some unique flair or style thematic. One store had a wide variety of fanciful robes, with intricate patterns and playful embellishments that gave them a fancy formal feel. Another store had a selection of elegant formal wear, including beautiful evening gowns and dapper tuxedos that looked timeless and sophisticated. There was a store with simple and comfortable robes made from natural fibers, offering a peaceful and calming atmosphere. A kids' corner store had bright and playful clothing for children of all ages, from cute onesies to trendy teen outfits. In a cozy shop, they sold handcrafted shoes of various styles, from sturdy boots to delicate sandals. Finally, there was a store selling a range of jewelry and accessories, from sparkling gemstone necklaces to intricate silver earrings, carefully curated for their beauty and style.



"I don't know what that is."

Or what she even liked. He was putting a lot on her shoulders to choose from things she'd never even thought about. She looked around the store, staring at the various designs and offerings. Was she supposed to know which she liked? Was she even supposed to like any of them? Her gaze fell to the floor as she just started to shuffle along after him. "None of this makes sense to me. Am I supposed to like any of this? Am I supposed to be interested? I just feel.. Wrong now."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

"That's alright. It's okay if you don't know what you like just yet. If this is all new to you, no one would expect you to have all the answers. It doesn't make you wrong for not knowing," Tirin reassured Aliris gently. "You don't even know what any of the stores have to offer without looking. Let's try this one."

He opened the door to a store that seemed to have clothing and items suited for young kids and juveniles. Tirin scanned the display and found a few sleepwear options that caught his eye. He held up two choices for Aliris, draping one over his arm as if trying to gauge the fit.

"A comforter is just like a really big, fluffy, cozy blanket designed to bring you 'comfort'," he explained with a warm smile. He then presented the options he had selected – a soft satin blue top and pants set, and a loosely fitted nightgown with wide frills and cute bows.

"How about these? I think they would suit you nicely; Care to try these on?" he asked kindly, giving her the chance to see how they looked and felt. Tirin wanted to ensure she found something comfortable and pleasing to her, making sure she had a sense of choice and control in her shopping experience.


A dress?

Aliris squinted at it. She did feel.. Better, knowing that she didn't actually need an answer right now. But also she'd never worn a dress before. Hospital gowns probably didn't count either. She'd actually take up the dress to put it on. After going into the changing room. She wasn't completely uncivilized thankfully. Shortly after, she stepped out, sort of lifting up the hem as she moved. "This is.. Different."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru
"It looks nice... does it feel nice?" Tirin asked curiously, his concern for her comfort evident in his gentle tone. He wanted to make sure the clothing not only looked good but also felt pleasant against her skin.

He had fetched a small basket and filled it with a variety of daywear options, carefully selecting different styles and fabrics for her to choose from. Tirin held the basket out to her, allowing Aliris the freedom to pick through the clothes later on, whenever she felt ready.

"Take your time," he encouraged, offering a reassuring smile. "There's no rush. Just let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see or try on." Tirin wanted her to feel at ease and empowered to make her own choices, and he was there to support and assist her in any way she needed.


"It's.. Surprisingly comfortable. Though I think I'd be easily stabbed."

Grant it, the point of clothing right now wasn't to worry about being stabbed, right? That was the goal of the life she wanted to live, where she didn't have to worry about pain or death or fighting. She cleared her throat before looking around the room towards other dresses, bits of clothing, all of it.

".. I want to try on more dresses."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

"Well alright. Feel free to explore the dresses," Tirin said, encouragingly. He gestured towards the various sleep gowns and daywear outfits displayed in the store. "This is a sleep gown," he pointed to one section, "and those over there seem to be day wear outfits," he added, motioning towards another rack.

"You can try anything you like," Tirin continued, making sure she felt at ease to browse and pick whatever caught her eye. He wanted her to have the freedom to choose what resonated with her style and comfort.

"Just let me know if you need any help finding your size,"
he kindly offered, explaining how she could locate the size tags and use the nearby dressing rooms. "And if you need any opinions or suggestions, I'm right here to assist you," he reassured with a warm smile.



"You behave like a butler."

That's what it was. The realization practically lit her expression right up as she stared at him. His mannerisms, his way of speaking. She'd read that in her fantasy stories when she was much, much younger. Was that just his general attitude? Was that just how he was? Whatever it meant, it was a bit more.. Comforting. He wasn't weird, he was just trained that way. Aliris smiled after a moment before pointing to the various dresses around.

"I want to try them all on!"

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

"You behave like a butler."
The somewhat puzzled look on Tirin's face was priceless. He shook his head briefly, followed by quick, rapid blinking as Aliris' words sank in. "Well, I've certainly been called worse before," he offered lightly, a hint of amusement in his response. He couldn't help but smile at her endearing words, finding her honesty and directness refreshing.

"Alright, you can try on as many as you like until you want to move on to something else. Just bring me the ones you want to keep," Tirin stated simply, making it clear that she had the freedom to explore and choose without any rush or limitations. He knew that this shopping experience was an important step for her to feel more comfortable in her new lifestyle, and he was more than happy to indulge her. "You may want a few shirts and pants to so you can change things up as you see fit. "

Tirin fetched a cart, ensuring that they had enough space for all the potential choices Aliris might make. He kept a watchful eye on her while giving her the space to browse at her own pace.

"You know if there is anything you want to learn about, you can always ask me, and I'll be happy to answer questions for you. And if I don't have the answer, I'll do my best to help you find it," Tirin reassured her. He gently settled a few of the clothing options they started with in the cart neatly and carefully so making them seem taken care of and valued.



"I have pants and shirts."

Translation, she was tired of wearing pants and shirts. Dresses were flowing and comfortable in a way she hadn't been allowed to experience growing up with the Ashlans. Right now, she was a girl, not a soldier. And she really, really liked it.

"I don't know what questions I have yet, but.. I think I will, eventually. .. So, I'm keeping that as a promise from you. When I have them, you better be able to answer." She squinted right at him, eyes narrowed in distrust and.. Hopefulness. She didn't linger though, instead rushing around to try so many different dresses and comfortable looking clothing as she could possibly get. Aliris was going to try everything on.

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

"Oh, I see... Well, perhaps we will have to gather them then, later... from where ever they may be. " Tirin stated softly.
"Consider it a promise then. " He chirped and even motioned to make a little 'x' over his heart with his right index finger drawing it in place. Tirin poked about in a few places and found some cute cat-themed socks and decided to ask Aliris if she would like those the next time she came out from trying on various dresses. He picked up a pair of fuzzy soft sweaters as well to see if she might find them nice enough to keep trying to help her find things she might find useful in the future.

"Do you have anything aside from clothes you might need, or wan to recover?"
He asked curiously.


"Things I want to recover? .. No."

Her mind immediately went to the artifacts she'd been collecting, but.. No. She didn't need them. Now she could face a whole new life, right? Walk a whole new path. She took a breath as she looked at the newest dress she'd tried on and smiled.

This was a better life already.

"We can go."

Tirin Raene Tirin Raene


Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

Tirin offered a warm, understanding nod. "Of course, feel free to wear it now if you wish," he said, his voice soothing and gentle. With a deft movement, he delicately removed the price tag, treating the garment with a respect that seemed almost ceremonial.

As he arranged payment for their selections, Tirin demonstrated meticulous care, ensuring each item was stowed away safely and neatly. This same attentiveness was reflected in his handling of their gathered purchases, now ready to be transported back to the imposing spaceship that the young girl had glimpsed earlier. The ship's structure, bathed in the warm light of the mid-day sun, only accentuated its mystery.

With an encouraging smile, Tirin turned to the girl. "Are you excited to see your new room?" He gently asked, his voice soft, yet filled with an undertone of thrilling anticipation. His arms, laden with their purchases, were poised to lead her into the next chapter of her journey.

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