Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Shadows of the Gulag

Acquiring: Ession Class Bulwark

Wearing: Wild Knights Flight Suit

Armed With: Nathan's Saberstaff

With: Vera Mina Vera Mina

12 Hours earlier...

It had been located in the middle of a ship graveyard from some ancient, long forgotten battle. Only mild discoloration on the Hull. Nothing a little bit of maintenance couldn't fix.

Nathan carefully piloted his Bell Hop Freighter through starship wreckage, navigating long rusted over hulks to reach the one intact vessel in the whole field.

Vera Mina, one time adoptive Sister of Laertia Io Laertia Io , was with him, and also dressed in the somewhat armored flight suit, one of the few beings that had ever made him laugh in spite of her....nature.

"Is that a Bulwark?" Vera asked.

"Yep." Nathan answered. "Custom Job."

Nathan transmitted ancient codes and the running lights on the behemoth turned in. Vera stared at the name on the side.

"Nomi Sunrider." Vera said out loud. "Is this from that company you told me about? The one your family once ran?"

"Yes..." Nathan answered. "My father showed it to me when I was very young. He made me memorize the location. Had to compensate for drift though."

"I thought it was a medical company."

"Yeah. But it was a medical company that moonlighted as a Jedi aligned PMC. But during the plague, these ships were stored away. They're basically mobile temples..."

"I thought you didn't like temples. Said they were big fat targets to stick a lot of Jedi in and fire at."

"I don't like Temples that can't jump to Hyperspace." Nathan clarified. "We all gotta lay our head somewhere. Might as well do it on a ship."

A transmission from the Bulwark told him artificial gravity had been restored. He piloted in and both he and the killer Android with an hourglass figure stepped off the vessel once it landed in the hangar.

Vera glanced at the Romanesque (my word, not theirs for it) architecture of the hangar, murals of famous Jedi Temples on the walls.

"I have to admit, it's a creative way to date, bringing me to an ancient ship. So...glamorous..." Vera trailed, removing her helmet.

Nathan said nothing at her assertion. He had invited her here, when he could have invited anyone.

"What's the first order of business?" She asked.

"We're running on emergency power...we reactivate the Sun Generator first..." he spoke.

The inside of the ship only grew more intriguing, the bright and colorful enamel painting giving way to floral patterns.

"Your family had taste..." Vera complimented. "Do you miss them?"

Nathan stopped, stared at her.


He continued on and Vera followed.

"All I have ever loved has eventually been ripped away. Good people. Bad fates..." he elaborated.

Vera processed this.

"I didn't love my Mother, at first. I was barely a step above feral. I killed because I enjoyed it. I am made to enjoy it. I still enjoy it. I killed almost since I was active. It wasn't until I met Karlie that I had the idea of love. Now I can love her... barely...and it is...much too late to fix things with my sister..."

"I killed for years. It was the Gulag Era. Everyone was trying to kill me. There were times I questioned whether I wanted the anarchy to end. Wasn't until I met Lysandra that I got a definitive answer within myself."

"Have you killed savagely?" Vera asked as they headed to Engineering in dim red emergency lighting.

"Yes. I didn't enjoy it..."

"Pity..." she smirked.

"I try and mitigate the damage. The wounds death causes."

"I try and do a good deed from time to time. It reinforces Karlie's memory in me. not as bloodthirsty as I was."

"Have you ever done good just because?" he asked.


"You should try it. See what all the fuss is about..."

Vera was silent at this.

"I will...make you a deal. I will attempt what you speak long as it does not compromise my Family."

"Fair enough." He replied. He couldn't ask her to play nice without little steps...

It took an hour of hacking open consoles to get to engineering. The Sun Generator naturally towered over the deck, which was as artfully decorated as the rest of the ship, but amazingly not in a way that interfered with essential safety features and functions. The Generator looked like a work of art. A promise of a better tomorrow.

For just a split second, the artificial monster felt a pang of empathy for Nathan, reliant on broken fragments of a dead life to further a mission whose meaning was questionable at best.

And she was still helping him, troubled by his words when they had first met...and thirsting for him all the same.

Nathan went to the main console, it's exterior design like a giant cameo portrait of the Coruscant temple, blended into the floor.

Vera noted with you interest that each console command symbol had a corresponding musical note sequence and as Nathan played a sweet melody sounded and the orange sphere of energy from the generator coalesced into existence, bright and massive and contained by shielding both physical and energy based.

"Pretty..." she complimented.

"Thank you."

Unknown to Nathan and Vera, another Jedi was in the vicinity...and had detected the energy surge...

Jax Thio Jax Thio
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Location: Ship Graveyard
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl

Jax arrived at the Ship Graveyard walking towards Nathan and his lady friend Vera Mina Vera Mina . After the Lightsaber lesson back at Coruscant, Nathan talked to Jax saying that he needed his help in taking a Starship. It was a strange request and illegal what he was about to do, Nathan insisted that this was for a just cause though. Jax accepted only because he was curious about the nature of Nathan, a dark essence surrounds him but yet it wasn't corrupting him like it did to Jax. Also, Jax had a feeling that this little heist of Nathan's was going to run into some snags, and it was best to help him out.

The Jedi Master approached Nathan trying his best to smile though he could not shake off the small disturbances of the Force around the graveyard. "Nathan!" Jax said. "Good to see you again! I trust this little mission of yours won't land you in hot water with the Alliance. You'll be facing 20 years minimum if you plan to steal a starship."

He stared at the woman. "Greetings," Jax said. "My name is Jax Thio, may I know the pleasure on whom am I speaking to?"

Immediate minutes before Jax's arrival...

Nathan had just barely gotten all the functions in Engineering restored when the Ship's computer informed him of Jax's arrival. He switched on the security cameras.

With all they had done to reach engineering, Jax would reach them easily.

"Vera..." Nathan said. "Thio's here. Earlier than anticipated.

"How much time before he gets here?" Vera asked.

"Five minutes."

"More than I need..." Vera replied, getting on one knees and initiating her shapeshifting protocol, body becoming a featureless translucent humanoid figure that had red pulses of energy traveling up it's flesh. Nathan checked the time, watching Jax move closer and closer to engineering.

Suddenly, Vera's body reconfigured reshaping itself into a blond woman with sharper facial features and just as statuesque a figure as her old form. And just as with her old figure, the skin was realistic enough that it was impossible to tell she was artificial at a glance or up close, due to enough added flaws and imperfections on the surface as with real human skin. She really had been designed to blend in as best as possible.


"I didn't know you could switch guises so quickly." Nathan spoke.

"Just this one, without Heat Sinks." Vera answered.

To Nathan's surprise, Vera suddenly seemed human to his Force perceptions.

"How the hell do you do that?" he asked.

"Well, there's this little circuit in my Brain that kick-starts the whole process to begin shapeshifting--"

"I mean, how do you suddenly feel human to me?"

"Pheromones..." She smirked with her new face, answering with a slightly lighter voice. "Military Grade. Designed to potentially fool even experienced Force Users that I am human."

"She made you a very deadly creature, your Mother." Nathan observed. "One minute before he arrives..."

Nathan purged and wiped the engineering cameras of their recordings at the console. He glanced at Vera smirking at him.

"Admit it. You're impressed."

"Slightly." Nathan admitted, sparing Vera an ultra rare snort of amusement. "Just play along...and hope your mother's money in creating you was worth every credit..."

"It was." she insisted playfully.

When Jax Thio Jax Thio arrived Nathan nodded.

"Master Thio..." Nathan said formally. "Thank you for your prompt arrival. And no. This mission is not illegal. If anything, the Order is reclaiming it's property..."

He gestured towards the now blond, now completely different looking Android.

"Melis. An associate of mine in the Rimward Trade League." he explained.

This was the truth on two counts, in the sense that he had gotten Vera's alternative identity a way into the League as a mercenary Naval Pilot not forty eight hours prior in case he got asked questions about Vera (Nathan had an exceptionally severe sense of preparation) and in the sense that while Vera looked like this statuesque blonde woman, her name was Melis.

"A pleasure to meet you, Master Jedi." 'Melis' spoke while affecting a Coruscant accent.

"As for this vessel, it's hundreds of years out of date. No Navy has claims to it. It has never served in a modern war. As far as I can tell by what I have seen so far...this whole vessel was designed for the Jedi Order. Like it's...some sort of Mobile temple or something..." Nathan explained.

"We've restored Life Support, and artificial gravity. We were actually going to explore the place, see if it's safe to inhabit."

Nathan was careful to leave out how much he actually did know of the vessels workings. Of its origins.

"And if it is safe...than the Jedi may well have something that can save a lot of lives down the road."

The now blonde Android watched Nathan, studying how he behaved amongst other Jedi. He had that same coldness to his demeanor, that same formalness, as he did with nearly everyone else, face seemingly permanently frozen in a grim expression.

The more she learned of him, the more she grew to know him, the more she understood why he never smiled or laughed.

She honestly couldn't blame him for not wanting to normally.

"Command consoles seemed to be tied to some sort of corresponding musical note system. Be careful if you start flipping switches. Ready to explore?" he asked. Thio was the only Master he actually knew on more than a cursory level.

His light sided aura contrasted heavily with Nathan's dim, static filled aura. Nathan was not a man prone to joy, or acting out, or even talking.

Ironically, this made him more noticable when he did take an action of his own initiative.

His one advantage so far was his dual citizenship which allowed him to come and go through Alliance Space as he pleased. It had the benefit of making him vastly more difficult for the NJO to monitor in comparison to more stationary Padawans, especially when combined with his knowledge of how to evade the watch of intelligence gathering organizations, especially with the ones the Jedi employed.

Finding old hulks like this are why he had gotten his (not complimentary) moniker of The Vulture in the league first, with the moniker slowly spreading in the Alliance. No one knew how he located his finds. No one knew what he did when he wasn't a Jedi Wayseeker or Jensaarai in the RTL or when he was a Padawan in the Alliance. He showed up at major battles or assignments without explanation, seemingly having gotten on the ground first before the call had even gone out for other Jedi. The best likelihood of calculating when he would show up was just how much absolute chaos was present...and how much could likely be scavenged in the aftermath. Even the records for just how, exactly, he had been recruited into the NJO were spotty and inconsistent, and in the chaos of previous Administrations and current conflicts, some records even seemed to outright contradict each other as to how he was first recruited (How much did they contradict each other? Think of that meme where the two Spiderman are pointing at each other), and the records became harder to dig up as time went along, and you simply couldn't find records of him anywhere before he was encountered by Jedi Knights in the ruins of the temple at Sullust.

(James Gordon: Nothing. No matches on prints, DNA, dental. Clothing is custom, no labels. Nothing in his pockets but knives and lint. No other alias)

Nathan was, in many ways, a blank. Someone who logically shouldn't have had the skills he did, and shouldn't have been so difficult to monitor, yet he did have the skills, and was very difficult to monitor with any degree of reliability. He had been with them for months now, and this was only the second genuine, serious contact he had made with a Master for any extended period of time in the NJO.

"I commend you for your prompt arrival. Finds like these are usually time sensitive affairs. We're very lucky this thing ain't been touched." Nathan added.
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Location: Ship Graveyard
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl , Vera Mina Vera Mina

"The Order huh?" Jax placed his hands on his hips. "The council hasn't informed me of that." Jax had the feeling that Nathan THINKS that the NJO could benefit off from hijacking a ship. Considering the faint dark aura Jax sensed around him, Nathan seemed to be a man who endured horrific things in the past and now he was a husk, a leaf in the wind doing anything without considering the consequences.

"Nice to meet you Melis," Jax said to the woman. "You're an Android? You got that uncanny look on you no offense but let's just say I've been very close to Androids."

A decade ago, Jax was in an intimate relationship with Moya Virtu Moya Virtu she was a strong and passionate woman who was protective of those she cared about. Which was why it was heartbreaking for Jax to find out that she was a bodyguard for Laertia Io Laertia Io one of the Galaxy's most notorious warlords. Fighting Moya and Laertia back in the Hyperspace War was tough to handle to say the least. Jax couldn't go through with killing Moya and yet she had no problem fighting Jax without considering their relationship.

"I am," Jax said. "But are there any hostiles that we need to worry about? This planet is like a Coaxium Mine for Spacers. We need to er on caution here."

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Keen eye. Nathan thought to himself.

'Melis' nodded in acknowledgement.

"A most astute observation, Master Jedi." Melis admitted politely, bowing to Jax Thio Jax Thio .

"Nathan and I are work associates." Melis explained truthfully. "A find like this is too difficult to secure solo, so I was asked along."

She looked around. "A remarkable vessel. It's designers seemed interested in as much aesthetic as function."

Nathan's head darted, bird like, to Thio's question.

"No hostiles located so far. Vessel was inactive. I don't sense any life beyond you and me and sorta-Melis...was actually going to inspect it for defects, damage, that sort of thing..."

Nathan folded his arms.

"I'm not surprised the Jedi Council didn't tell you about this. Like I dates back to the Gulag Era. Records are often incomplete from that era. Has all the signs of a...private... venture...It's entirely possible the Jedi just...up and forgot about it..."

Nathan went to the console, hesitantly working the controls, his struggle to remember the old sequences doubling as complete unfamiliarity to outsiders.

Hesitantly, he worked the controls, until he brought up the Schematic.

"Tough Bastard. Could take a pounding from a fleet..." he remarked. "I fully agree...caution should be the order of the day..."

Nathan headed to the section exit, to explore the rest of the ship...

"I'll take point..."

Fifty minutes later.

The passages, and equipment functioning in those passages, never lost their artistic feel, panels bordered by painted, floral patterned enamel. Murals of various famed Jedi Temples lined the passages. It was eerily quiet. No danger was sensed as Nathan led the way.

There were no product marks or serial numbers. And it was plainly clear whoever had made it didn't want to be identified.

"Yeah...private venture...definitely off the books..." Nathan remarked, stopping in front of the hangar entrance for starfighters.

"I got this..." Melis said, heading to the control panel, taking out an ICE breaker and hacking the panel.

The door slid open with a massive blast of new air and Nathan headed in through the gust, his walk almost metronomic in it's pattern, past two life sized Durasteel statues of Obi-Wan Kenobi in meditative repose. The hangar had the Jedi Order symbol adorned in giant form on all the walls.

Nathan looked at the blue and white Modified Delta-7 fighters in a row in one section.

"And what have we here?" Melis purred, striding up to one.

These were pristine. Never used.

"Jedi Starfighters..." Nathan noted.

"I've never flown one..." Melis said, examining one in fascination.

"They look nice." He replied before turning to Thio.

"This smacks of an emergency measure. Factions sometimes do this. Secure away powerful prototypes. Corporations too. One of a hundred doomsday scenarios people keep finding from that era."

Nathan's gaze darted to the other fighters present mechanically before turning back to Jax.

"Scenarios no one wants to come true but can't help but plan for. I can all but guarantee you the Alliance has their equivalent of something like this stored away, orbiting a gas giant maybe. Perhaps an unlisted star. Galactic Republic before that also. And The Empire. Most factions in the last three centuries have done this." Melis added, examining the antique with naked fascination.

"And all equally forgotten by time and circumstances beyond the developer's control." she said as an afterthought

"Something like this should not be discarded casually. I'm not saying we should keep it a secret...In all honesty it would probably be better off given to the Alliance, if the Order cannot keep it." Nathan posited.
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Location: Ship Graveyard
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl , Vera Mina Vera Mina

The inside of the ship looked incredible, plenty of Jedi lore that was once thought to be lost was found inside this very starship. Jax remained silent following Nathan and Melis. Statues of the legendary: Obi Wan Kenobi stood tall while other Jedi lore chronicling the days of Jedi Master: Hoth was placed on a counter that led to a massive library. "This is definitely a mixture of old Jedi lore," Jax observed while they walked towards the Jedi Starfighters. "As well as the early days of the NJO."

But there was lingering feeling that Jax had a hard time shaking off. This was essentially a treasure vault buried beneath all of a shipyard. "Nathan," Jax said. "Where exactly did you receive this information regarding this? It's hard to believe that something so valuable will be hidden in a shipyard. You would think that the people on this ship would make sure that this wouldn't fall to the wrong hands."

"In the Trade League, a ship very similar to this was recovered orbiting a gas giant hidden by a nebula. It's signal was detected on a lower than normal frequency by Navy salvagers. Caused quite a stir in the Jedi Wayseekers there." Nathan answered.

All of that was true. But it left out an important detail. Nathan had known about that vessels location since the Plague, and had leaked it's location via anonymous tip, refusing to take credit for the discovery.

"As for how it got here...who knows? Maybe whatever measure was hiding it failed. I've come across intact vessels drifting in space hundreds of years that never caught anyone's eyes but mine. And a graveyard like this will make scans and navigation difficult in any case. In any case, given the ultra low frequency the previous ship's location transmission was detected on, I thought it prudent to start scanning in those ranges anytime I come across graveyards like this since. Surprised I actually found one."

Again, all of it was the truth.

Jax Thio Jax Thio
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Location: Ship Graveyard
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl

Jax was familiar with the Rimward Trade League having travelled in their territory during his self-exile. He was worried about the Sith being near their boarders. There definitely was going to be an attack by the Sith soon and their Mandalorian allies will be occupied in a war against the Alliance. The Rimward Trade League was on their own. "Coordinates from a derelict ship?" Jax asked raising an eyebrow. "That is intriguing."

Nathan spoke the truth, but Jax felt a disturbance in the Force. Someone was following them. "I believe you Nathan," Jax said. "But tracking coordinates from a derelict ship is risky."

"Well look what we have here a Jedi!"


Jax turned around was immediately greeted by 10 spacesuit cladded people armed to the teeth with Blaster and repeater rifles. "Spacers," Jax said his hand resting on the hilt of his Lightsaber.

"Look at this place!" The spacer said. "It's filled with Jedi chit! It could be worth millions!"

"They're not for sale," Jax said bluntly. "This belongs to the NJO."

"It BELONGS to us!" The spacer said. "And there are only 3 of you and 10 of us with plenty more to come!"

"I suggest you leave," Jax replied. "We don't want any trouble."

"You're is..." Nathan agreed at the remark about the transmission, and this was also a truthful agreement.

He sensed the danger too, and cursed himself internally. He'd not had a chance to get to the bridge fast enough. And now they had company.

His grim expression didn't shift one centimeter out of place as they filed in armed to the teeth.

"Sir, this is pointless." Nathan spoke to the spacer as though he was filing endless paperwork. He didn't even bother to try looking threatening, or even going for his lightsaber.

It was clearly not the first time he had been surrounded. Melis almost looked pleased at the realization.

"You are bold to think you can steal Jedi property and not be hunted to the very ends of the Galaxy for it. There are thousands, hundreds of thousands of spacers who, upon finding something like this, would have immediately left and not tried to take so much as a loosened bolt." He continued, Melis looking oddly relaxed.

"Yet because you have more blasters than brains, you think you have a shot even when you find Jedi already aboard." The Android sneered at them.

"Sir, whatever advantage you think you have, however many people you think you have, I can promise you, it will not be enough." he said flatly. "You'll start out strong, but then you'll see the blades, hear the hum, and your adrenaline will spike. The heart beats of inexperienced humanoids generally jump by about twenty to thirty beats on average upon realizing they are up against a lightsaber. This jumps up by another ten beats on average when the Lightsaber scores it's first maiming or killing. You'll be panicking by that point, and your aim will get shaky, worsening your situation."

The spacers had gone quiet.

"A lightsaber is a blade of plasma that burns at a temperature of fifty thousand degrees. Survivable wounds are extremely agonizing, and when the blade goes into you, you will feel it. Medical and even psychological complications can exist for years after surviving particularly severe wounds."

The Spacers were deathly silent, the drab way he casually described blunt, horrifying facts like he was rattling off account numbers was particularly unsettling.

"The Lightsaber is a tool, not a weapon..." Nathan added a second later. "But when you find yourself on the wrong end of one, you may feel it to be a distinction without a difference. I urge you to reconsider your current course of action."

Nathan waited for them to make the first move. He would not attack unless they attacked first. The whole point of being a Jedi was to avoid violence unless there was no other option.

Would the spacers see reason? He had just starkly illustrated their situation, without sentiment or pity. He would give them one opportunity to make the smart choice and leave.

"Choice is yours, folks."

Jax Thio Jax Thio
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Location: Ship Graveyard
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl

"Ain't no way we're giving up this credit mine!" The Spacer laughed as the mercs around them readied their weapons. "Take these bastards out and get their Lightsabers off their corpses. I've heard Lightsabers go for one mill on the Black Market!"

"Just one million?" Jax thought as the Spacers raised their weapons and immediately opened fire. Jax activated his Lightsaber deflecting the volley of blaster bolts that were headed his way. Two of the bolts bounced off his blade redirecting towards the leader hitting him in the chest and head. He fell landing hard on the ground small, smoking holes formed on his arm as he lay motionless.

Jax twirled his Lightsaber in front of him batting away the blaster bolts and letting the Force guide his blade. One spacer went down getting struck on the knee before being finished off by a blaster bolt that ricocheted off of Jax's blade. Another Spacer was struck on the throat while Jax advancing as slow and steady as a battle droid sliced him across the chest before bouncing another blaster bolt towards another spacer hitting him on the head.

"Frack these guys are good!" One of the spacers yelled horrified. "We gotta fall back and regroup!"

A single blade went active from his staff. It was blue. He had it on stun. Jax Thio Jax Thio could kill if he wished, but Nathan refused to kill common rabble such as this normally. It was only in open battle against opponents of equal or greater strength or were simply too dangerous that all bets were off.

He sighed.

"Amazing." he muttered acidly. "Even when you spell it out for them..."

You can lead a Krayt Dragon to Banthas. But you can't make it eat 'em." Melis said with a roll of the eye.

His blade lashed out as he used a trick that incorporated a Soresu kata that carried him through foot work into the range of a few chests, where his blade slash knocked them out rather than kill them. They'd be out cold for hours.

He stuck to Soresu out of habit. Reflecting shots with the style was the first thing his father had taught him.

He reflected them back into weapons, or arms or legs. Never anything vital. His blade lashed out from him, momentarily surrendering a tight blade defense to strike a hand. Jax was much more willing to use lethal force, Nathan observed as Melis displayed android grace in her playfully athletic evasions and back flips and somersaulting into her targets, following Nathan's lead and refusing to kill as her hands snapped arms and legs

Nathan advanced down the passage of the vessel with Jax Rogue One style, though his displays of the Force were confined to his skill with a blade.

The Spacers were gradually driven back, cut down. They couldn't have brought more than a hundred. Two hundred, Max.

The controlled retreat of the spacers soon became a mad scramble for survival back to where they had docked.

But they wouldn't escape. Nathan had no intention of letting them.

His eye twitched as he reflected a bolt back at the weapon that had fired it. Melis had seized a pistol, set it on stun, and had begun downing spacers and mercs.

A bolt whizzed by too close to her head, and Nathan lopped off the hand that had held the pistol. Nathan spotted a security panel and typed in codes manually, deflecting bolts all the while.

Security stun turrets came out from above and began firing. Now the spacers were being attacked from virtually everywhere. There was no cover.

The spacers, now completely desperate, simply started running as Nathan gave chase. The turrets were programmed not to fire on friendlies, so Jax and Melis were safe to run under them also.

Nathan was displeased. He hadn't wanted the discovery of one of these things to be marked with bloodshed but as his career had taught him all those years ago:

Some people just don't take the hint.

Nathan slashed through a Spacer's leg. They were no longer firing back, set only on running. One dude flat out dropped his weapon and put his hands up.

"Melis! Restrain him." Nathan ordered her as he walked past the spacer without sparing a glance. Melis immediately forced him to the ground and bound his hands and feet with whatever she could find.

"Master Thio, these people clearly bit off more than they could chew. It may be best to simply allow them to flee at this point. We have enough of their accomplices alive that we'll be able to obtain whoever got away from us through other authorities once they start giving us names to get lighter sentences. Unless you feel like being thorough..." Nathan trailed as he pursued the mercs and spacers alongside the Jedi Master.


Location: Ship Graveyard
Equipment: Travelling Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Nathan Bloodscrawl Nathan Bloodscrawl

Normally Jax would agree about letting the retreating Spacers go, but he sensed multiple disturbances in the Force, more reinforcements were on their way. "Tell your friend to secure the Spacer's radio uplink, I sense more Spacers are on the way. We're going to have to continue to apply pressure on them."

Even though they were easy to beat individually, if the Spacers are able to organize a proper assault, then it'll be difficult for Jax and the others to escape. As soon as Melis took the uplink from the spacer (if she did at all), Jax waved his hand sending soothing Force energy to Spacer's mind. He collapsed on the floor unconscious. "Come on you two!" Jax said raising his Lightsaber. "We'll need to get out of here quickly!"

Nathan nodded and Melis took the radio uplink so she could listen in on enemy communications.

"Dozens more on the ship they docked in." the currently blonde Biot noted as she downed another with a stun blast, staying closer to Nathan now.

He stopped. Escape?

"We can't let them have this ship. They manage to get away with this vessel it could be decades... centuries... before we find another like it..." he stated truthfully. "It's loss would be a devastating blow to morale at such a delicate juncture."

Nathan was more determined than ever to hold the vessel against these thieves. He had not taken this risk, inviting a Jedi Master to inspect the discovery to bring back to the order when he could have taken it for himself as it was technically his property, just to have a bunch of random idiots ruin it all.

He refused to have what was left of his family's legacy tarnished by such barbarians. The ship would do what it was meant to do, help the order in times of crisis. They would literally have to turn it into a pirate base over his AND Jax's dead body.

Nathan spotted another security terminal and typed that n a few sequences on the musical notation keyboard and a pleasant set of harp tunes played as security feeds were brought up, showing where every spacer was. They were currently confined to this deck.

"They're contained. For the moment. We must strike quickly. There are large clusters of them ahead that just had their routes blocked by ray shields. I can also take out the lights ahead, Master Thio. If we really want to throw them off..."I'd send Melis. She's good at this sort of thing."

"No kills without your explicit approval, promise." Melis said to Jax Thio Jax Thio .

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