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Dev Shadows of Atrisia

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.
The empress of couse with the other species had well.. she had embrced them after the situation with Mythos well things were looking up and then there was the attack on the ruins of Jar'kai... a city already destroyed and it continued to be attacked because why not. Plagues that could travel through the force and had no cure... had proven only stoppable by the CIS and offworlders being able to specifically counter all defenses of the planet that had faced the gulag and dark harvest but this one was special. It was more suspicious and they had sought to best counter that as the people well stopped caring.. offworlders who came here bringing problems literally brought trouble and caused it. Better the ones who came willing to aid and help make a new life.

Junko was checking out some other things as the empress sat in the throne.. the white marble and aurodium veins... encrusted with gemstones that were massive as she approached it and there was a seat for her. Not as extravagant but there was plenty to be enjoyed about it. She was on the bench as there were some pillows to lounge upon.. a smile coming to her face before she was looking outwards to the others who had been working and they were setting up the different parts of it. She could see and hear pretty much everything in the audience chamber almost perfectly from her location without the use of the force itself.
Junko continued to mull some of the areas over though... specifically as she was seeing the design.. going from concept to a reality would after all make it different... experiencing it would make it different. She licked her lips though and looked over towards the empress as she spoke. "Well as the newest location for the seat of the Commonwealths leadership I could see worse places. There should at least be a chance with the hardlight projectors and a universally crafted chambers getting built for all member worlds." That was another key feature.. to avoid problems and smoothe the logistics of it the room was being designed for all member worlds.

The empress seemed to be thinking about it and she gave a nod of her head. She was not always like this... in fact Junko had known her when she was younger... when they were both younger and at court. The then lady in waiting to the empress had always seemed to be more interested in well helping the people which is why her looking towards diplomatic ties and festivals.. towards improving their lives and uplifting everyone was important. The Makie class personal droids were her idea to give everyone a start and the economy was rebuilt from the ground up on the basis of what they had been doing. Making sure the coffers and wealth they had gotten were building everything up.
The jedi princess finally arose from her seat and moved towards the throne looking at the empress who had seemed to become more relaxed at least. Everything was going well enough for them here and there was still more then enough things to do around Atrisia... the throne room, the building so that all of the representatives from the Commonwealth would be able to meet and she sat down onthe arm of the throne. "I realize now this was a mistake." THe gemstones offering no real give and comfort as she moved but the Empress had risen up and lashed an arm around her shoulders. "Worry not I have done much the same from time to time."

SHe was looking at the empress who smiled at her and was leading the way for them through the building from the main audience chamber into the quarters that had been designed. Despite well... despite what had been designed with the large tower they actually were not in there... a decoy area for attack and the main place was at the base of the tower within the mountain itself. Powerful holoprojectors and basic mirrors had been made so that the windows were showing the landscape from the windows of the tower but inverted as you went down so people would think they were near the top even thoughh they were in the more secured sections.
They were checking out just that.. the secured quarters for the royal family as well as many more people who would serve them as handmaidens and guests. Special care taken for Junkos as she had a secured courtyard and garden set up and designed to be maintained with the artificial lights as well as droids. Where she was looking over the different parts of it the jedi master now saw what the engineers had been making.. the massive hardlight map of Atrisia itself.. with the continents, the cities and detailed looks towards the anshin and space around them in the system. It was a beautiful thing that were being set up with monitoring stations strewn throughout the commonwealth.

They had been setting it up and trying to see the main entrances for it. They were close enough to the farlax sector that they were working with the people. Shoma was sent out to make talks and ties as the Duskan league could prove the most dangerous but they hadn't been heard from for centuries... still their shadow and their power within the sector was a dangerous thing. The jedi princess touched and brought the view back towards the planet itself... she was going over the surface and the monitoring was in real time and designed to update for them in case anything was going to be a problem. "It looks like there is some activity from the second wall being constructed.
The activity got her attention after she had delivered the speech well it had been better received then she thought.. the people of Atrisia were not mindless but they were also not dumb.. they knew that reforms and sweeping restoration was bettere then the alternative that was given by offworlders. They were presenting work for us and do as we say but they were barely offering anything beneficial. Most ships she had seen were lacking in the technology departments... even their first generation ships were proving better in design then many others as they could go from fighter to a walk combat armor for soldiers. Their choushin ships were being grown for the navy to supplement the ships.

She was bringing it up more as the Empress joined her and nodded. "Yes there is, can't tell from this well map but it looks like they are gathering at the far end of the wall.I imagine it wasn't as liked with building a second but we are making it better for the people. A second wall that encloses the great wall and provides defense as well as orbital shielding to lock out intruders to the ruins of Jar'kai.. it wouldn't hurt them but some were displaced. We have gotten them new lands and places to farm or work." They had also relocated entire villages with more work towards improving the roads and structures of Atrisia.
The holomap was showing just that... as the roadwork was being done with the tunnels, designed as chutes that would provide protection and semi buried in the ground. The shielding systems for them and the energy generation that is designed to power it as well as make recharge stations for the different droids that worked and maintained the roads. The trade was being set up between the villages and tons and cities of Atrisia... makie class droids had been given to everyone and created a network of information across the planet as well as communication that was local and harder to crack into. She knew entertainment was also getting some interest as more people had credits to spend.

Junko was trying to check out some parts of them though.. she had been diving into the economy and trying to strengthen their manufacturing which is what the anshin did... that they were also working on trade good and production of food would serve a purpose. The border worlds would denoe a portion of profit and stock that they had extra. Trade and commerce were also being encouraged between worlds within the commonwealth as they worked much harder with the governments of the commonwealth worlds.. THe rulers and their senators provided much more in terms of information so they would be able to handle and understand it.
She was thinking about what they might have to change bout that... calling them senators might not be correct and since they were not dictating the government organizations. SHe knew someof them had kings, empresses, monarchs and commanders... their military expertise would come in handy if they were going to fashion a much superior and stronger force within commonwealth space. They were thinking in the long term for naval purposes and how to have the different engineers and man power set up. With schools where they could use them.. with offworlders to Atrisia would work to intrigrate and create stronger ties of unity for the commonwealth.

The empress herself though was thinking of more and had shown it where they were going now. Junko knew a few things about the royal family but they had created a sort of persona when the people gave them a name... gave them a title. The marriage into the royal family usually tied in as the Golden Flower Emperor had chosen it because he had once been the chamberlain and attended the emperors garden... then his name was rarely used outside of the records which were sealed away and presented upon his death so any history books could record him and the dates of which they were titled. A big honor that was being brought back to Atrisia.
THeir duties required a few more things that they managed to quickly handle before heading back up to the port... the airships in place and newly escorted as Junko was rejoined by her handmaidens who were dressed more to the role now. An entourage that matched the Yovshin and her guard captain was right there next to her. She stood within her onna-bugeisha armor and had both her blades and a spear on her back. The pistol was a more modern touch and designed to handle lightsabers with ion paddle beamer tech to bypass them and qurrols wrapped in plasma energy to smash and explode into enemies.

The empress didn't really mind, a time to travel around well.. to her with was grand and there was the better chance that they would encounter some of the problem cases within the Commonwealth. The airship had a chamber similar to the throne room as it was the royal airship and she could be in meetings if need be. Here among the clouds where they were mostly alone she removed her make up and wore a more casual kimono while the bodyguards she had assigned to her followed suit and worked to make it difficult to find her in a crowd if need be. She was trained just like them in skills so each acted like a part of a while as opposed to the individual.
The empress herself though was checking over things and Junko helped her... sitting there in the main room of the ship it was spacious and if she was going to be arriving and touring she would have to look exquisite for the others.. a show of position without having dozens of yovshin around her or the emperor who while some considered him far more imposing presence wise.. Junko had learned he was a gentle man who didn't like having to threaten or exert control over the people but it was for the betterment and improvement. That was the dangerous ground as he surrounded himself with jedi and advisors who would be able to keep him from falling to the darkside and becoming a tyrant.

There were many people that had been working to advise the emperor and one of them was the empress who while she seemed to many just about parties and wine.. she was much more as Junko had started to learn about it. The empress had made a persona fashioned partially after what she had been named by the people and half based on what she had wanted to present. After their children had been killed instead of depression and seclusion they had worked and she cared for the orphans, the children of Atrisia that have lost their siblings, parents... She had worked to become the mother to all of them and one of the few who had two titles.
The other title she had was the mother of Atrisia.. she had been given it for her humanitarian efforts with the children to had lost their families and were suffering. After her children had been killed by mythos well she had adopted the lost and Junko knew that the southern palace housed all of them. With rooms being constructed on it for each new one, more servants who would work there and take care fo the children and she would visit it every chance she got. They were growing plenty of food there with livestock and fresh water as they were working on production technology. It would serve a superior means as they functioned like moisture evaporators.

The empress sat there and presented little in the way of facial expression.. she and junko were working with the pillows as biwe's were brought to them for practice. They had learned from Naboo artists how the breathing techniques required would be a big thing. THey practiced it as well as their finger movements.. the dexterity was something that she had preferred with the skills. There was the sense as the force expanded outwards for her to better sense parts of the planet where they were headed. From Neo Jar'kai they passed over Neo Xam'chi that was being constructed and the hijarna stone structures were being built over the waters of the artificial lake.
She was looking down at the massive lake they were constructing.. it was designed to be beautiful with high mountain walls around it that served as defensive measures as well as barriers in a natural wall... Further out would be another wall and still out from there a third wall that made their barriers. The area within those walls was being carefully designed for farmlands and homes as well as military purposes that would allow each layer to be defended as well as have their own overall and sectional shielding for a planetary scale to augment and go with what there was designed. The four towns in each ring would have several smaller villages between them.

The main difference between the towns and the villages was the ssize and that the smaller clans or family units liked to make their villages. The towns were for several families and all surrounded the city itself and had the roads to connect to it. Airships were being set up as a means to go from city to city over the walls but also for the people to be able to move around quickly. Defensive towers on the walls and orchid platforms that would protect them... There was even more as they had moved in the military and local militias got a chance to work better with higher grade equipment that would make sure they were strong and protected.
Junko knew that they were working on a few things a well dense system wise. New AI's that would be able to function on the planet and coordinates quickly, dummy and back up network systems that would serve both public and secret functions.. largely they were looking to develop a sort of interconnected lattice on the planet people would use bu it would just be on the surface and more be for show. Slicers and hackers using it to cyberattack the planet would be able to connect and be partitioned from the critical systems which would require a local connection and physical areas as opposed to being able to connect from afar. It was a better security measure.

The other parts of the artificial lake that they were working on was well the connection to other cities of Atrisia. the massive cities would serve to unite the people as the roads and skylines that could go around the planet worked. Air purification methods which cleaned it up, the Anshin being designed to better house their manufacturing and rings of defense around the system. Their meeting with the other people within the old commonwealth space and working to reignite and interest them into something that could reform would serve them better int he long run if they were lucky. She also knew they were working to try and identify threats and enemies.
The airship finished passing over the city and Junko was glad and surprised they didn't stop over to try and see the progress that was being built in. The empress herself wasn't though sitting there with her tea as she spoke. "I can't go everywhere on a whim.. I would never be able to attend meetings if everything drew my attention away Junko. It is a balancing act." She said it with a smile on her face though and she was checking out some parts of it while bringing up hologram maps of the areas more and she didn't need to zoom out as the flyers were buzzing around the ship in a protective screen. There was a small group incoming fromt he anshin as the new model of fighters could be heard with their engines.

Junko and the empress headed out and looked as the two ships landed on the deck of the airship.. the cockpits rotating and the pilots stepping out as the fighters were left in a sort of sentry mode allowig them to defend the area like mobile walkers instead of just basic fighters. That was one of the key differences though as Chio spoke. The armored Yovshin was one of the few who served protecting intelligence officers and gave official dispatches to Junko while her sister usually went and presented to the emperor. "The Agents of Chaos have fought the CIS at Ryloth empress... from reports they succeeded in taking the planet and system."
Junko stopped for a moment... taking in the information and there wasn't much. THeir intelligence network was not et really established.. it was working with what information it could get and from what she had seen... Locke's company provided a second rate communications. The old backbone network that that been created was more reliable when she worked on it. She also knew a couple of the people on either side.. no doubt the silver jedi had sided with the CIS... which meant jedi and sith had fought together against other darksiders. Something she would have only disliked somewhat.. she did know one or two of the Agents though and the Lade Scherezade had proven a friend.

"This is difficult." She said ti and the empress looked at her as Junko spoke. "The Lady Scherezade posed for me and helped us out. The CIS helped against Mythos but then were happy to let the plague spread and sabotage our quarantine and defenses if it meant they were the heroes later on." So it was a mixed bag as it had been different people... cures and procedures were ignored because it didn't fit the narrative of the new government coming to save the primitive society from attack and sickness. It was insulting and she knew many of the people had disliked it was forced upon them. They had reacted as she had expected and pushed themselves more towards unity.
The empress was looking at her and she took in the news not letting anything be seen. "it is not easy, diplomatic endeavors never are. We will do what we can to help people but don't stress about who to side with. In a battle of galactic powers we don't have a stake in it. So far at least no one has tried to take Atrisian ships or soldiers and no one has requested we join them. We will just continue with our endeavors and if the war comes to our world we will handle it as we always have." She seemed to pause for a moment and then there was a smirk on her face. "Wake up from our induced coma and rebuild because everything will suddenly be transported away and offworld while civilians are brought by someone to be killed from a dozen worlds."

That got a snicker from Junko at least... it was true usually imported causalities and dimensional shifting the worlds defenses was the norm.. it was why when the attacks were done they mostly... just recovered and barely needed to make an effort anymore. They could do just that while still unraveling their own story... it was what made it funny and no need to plot against the CIS... the commonwealth member worlds and its people just didn't care enough about them or find interest in it. If the CIS pulled out.. the next group would come and do much the same to the world... they would take over, declare whatever and then the cycle would continue unless Atrisia stepped up to the galactic stage but they didn't care about that either.
She was looking at some of it and the Empress led her out fo the room towards the deck of the ship as the two of them sat there before they were able to check over it. "Remember when we were younger and had so much future ahead of us... I never thought I would actually be chosen by the emperor to be his second bride after his first wife died and I never thought my best friend would join the army and become some powerful jedi master out there in the galaxy before she came back here to help us." She said it with a smile on her face when she was checking it all over and there was an expression of almost enjoyment at what they were doing here.

Junko had to think about it for the moment and she had a few ideas about the dangerous things that they would be able to and were able to do here. Junko hadn't expected it and the Imperial court was many things.. it was many places where they would be able to go. "Yes but there is some things that we might be able to do... I am wondering about a few things though... how did you manage to survive or get past what was done to your children?" Junko said it and it was a touchy subject but thy had been killed to set an example by mythos.. they were dangerous to his reign and proved that there was people who resisted so he had tried to break the spirit of the people.
The empress though didn't seem to mind.. if anything as she looked at Junko she seemed to be just like she had been long ago. Her arm coming out and wrapping around her shoulder. "Maybe... but if I risked dwelling and getting hung up on the past I would never be able to take chances. I can mourn... I can rage and cry and lament but I cannot let myself fall into pity and doubt. I needed to get out of the palace.. I needed to get out of the inner chambers and show that we could survive.. the heart of our people can survive and yes I might not have another child but I have your brother... he is like family... he is family. His sister is also you know kind of great to have around."

Junko looked at the empress when she spoke and offered a lopsided grin to her. "Yeah I wonder who that could be.. I heard she is all looks and no brains though... total basket case that just wanders around the palace." That got a laugh from the both of them and sitting there though they had a few chances to really test out the waters now. Junko knew a few things... she could joke in private but many didn't want to think the empress had a life outside of the royal palace... she had been a person once after all and now shewas supposed to be some sort of flower who did no wrong but there was more to it. "The reports of the aftermath are not good."
She was listening to it and the hope sphere for refugees had been attacked... bombed and millions killed... many more would have likely been injured and more dangerous things happening. She was glad that they had worked to avoid joining and giving aid. Being part of such acts would have been a stain on the people who would have went with them. She was trying to think of what they could do in this situation and there wasn't much.. it was a danger to offer aid for the injured and it was reprehensible to help those who would condone such actions... a lose lose situation in either case but they would have to work to protect themselves.

Junko was looking at some others reports that had come in.. the galaxy was mostly just showing why they need to rebuild and fortify the commonwealth itself.. showed why they needed to develop their own internal economy to handle the fluctuating types that had been going around or disappearing every few months. They were going to work on a few other aspects as well. The nine planets here in the system for instance would serve a stronger purpose if they could make sure it was protected... then they were going to work on the commonwealth so that it would be able to survive and grow stronger. She gave a nod pointing out some things to the empress.
They were getting to look over a few things... trying to figure it out where she had designed a few other things. She had set up a festival as a means to inspire and help the people who were visiting... there was also the announcement of the construction efforts that have continued forward. She knew the planets in the system would need work but seeing the ones who had been assigned to oversee terraforming efforts and construction efforts was important. Heading to the white pearl of Atrisia.. her ancestral home or at least one of them... they had the pearl and the massive fortress that had been part of Atrisian history for tens of thousands of years.

"The star festival shall be something to see I imagine.. I know your family was looking forward to hosting it." She spoke and stayed near Junko though as she just leaned against her and then back against the wall. With a nod of her head so the two of them could enjoy the sights around them. The jedi master was focusing herself but then the empress started to human the two of them were singing one of the old traveling songs that the two of them knew from going around Atrisia. The sounds of the crew on the ship joining them as they worked and it was designed to be used as a sea shanty in ancient times... now it was for air ships to keep pace with their work.
Junko listened to them as they were singing about a sea goddess and how in ancient times it was believed those who were dvoted followers and died at sea would be taken to the sunken halls to be served by mermaids and the children of the sea. A smirk on her face after it had happened and she was checking out what the empress was doing before the pair of them rose up and worked a little with the crew to get things done. They were using the cooled water on the deck of the ship that would keep the metal from getting to hot and expanding or warping which would compromise the hull of it. That they could do it without shoes meant they needed to be careful but they spread it across the deck.

They continued to work as the ship finally came into its port... the massive skyport of the city had been designed using the older imperial tower. Platforms that had been set up with defensive ion cannons and the airship landed on it. The people who were awaiting them as in the distance you could see the rivers connecting at the white walls of the ancestral home of Junko's clan... it was beautiful and far away for safety as they had been developing similar protective measures as the rest of Atrisia with walls that were being developed to enclose the trade town and palace as well as the city itself here. Junko could see the districts below them and knew that battles waged there.

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