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Codex Denied Shadow Knights

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  • Intent: To expand upon Eldorai lore by creating a group outside of the Eldorai Matriarchy's orthodoxy. Aside from opening up new roleplaying possibilities in general, it is also supposed to be an important component of a new story arc for Kaida. Military units associated with this group will be described in future Codex subs.
  • ​Image Credit: Here. 'Roman Eagle Standard', Dan Blackman, found on
  • Role: The Shadow Knights are an Eldorai organisation of rebels and dissidents. The Codex sub exists to provide an alternate outlet for RPs with this group and to provide both a protagonist and antagonist for stories going forward. The group exists within the framework of the Order of Fire minor faction.
  • Links: Eldorai, Kaida Taldir, Denouement, Casus Belli, Reclamation, The Outbreak, Kar'zun, Atonement is a thorny path, Exodus.

  • Group Name: Shadow Knights
  • Classification: Rebel movement, political faction.
  • Headquarters: Presently use an Ashira Class Fast Cruiser called the En Caerith Wain (Eldarai for The Shadowed Way) as mobile HQ.
  • Loyalties: Kaida Taldir, Eldorai.
  • Group Sigil: The sigil of the Shadow Knights is an Eldorai eagle upon a red field. Eagle imagery has tradition in the Eldorai army, and thus it shows their connection to their people's martial traditions. At the same time, the proud bird symbolises that they are exiles and renegades seeking a new way of life. Finally, the red stands for the blood that must be shed in the defence of freedom.
  • Description: The Shadow Knights are a revolutionary movement that have split off from the Eldorai Matriarchy, striving to build what they consider to be a more just and egalitarian social order than can be found in the Monarchy. Their ideology is characterised by pan-Eldorai nationalism, militarism, social justice and opposition to imperialist factions. To protect their interests, the Shadow Knights maintain their own paramilitary forces. These are composed of irregulars, hardened partisans and professional soldiers who learned their trade in the regular Eldorai military. Thus their quality, numbers and capabilities vary, though discipline is iron. A lot of their activity is focused on protecting independent Eldorai settlements and colony ships, though they're also equipped to carry out raids, skirmishes and so on.

  • Hierarchy: The Shadow Knights might have rejected Eldorai orthodoxy, but despite their commitment to a more egalitarian order, they still operate under a strict hierarchy. The citizens form a body of voters. Military service is required for a member to be considered a ctizen and thus possess voting rights. Only veteran soldiers are allowed to hold office. Since direct democracy is impractical (and not really desired), the citizens collectively elect a ruling council, which is elected for ten years with re-election possible after that time. In turn, the councillors choose one of their number to be the Archon, who is both the political leader and commander-in-chief. She is appointed for 20 years and cannot have her term extended before then. The council holds the power to impeach the Archon, but this requires a two-thirds majority and is only practiced in the case of serious offences. The common folk can address petitions to the council. If these receive a certain amount of votes, the council is required to debate the motion, but not necessarily act on it. The Archon has a soft veto on the council's actions - they can send it back to the council for a revote but cannot kill the motion themselves. In the hierarchy, military people are on top, one level below there are people who perform vital tasks such as doctors, followed by armourers, craftswomen and so on. The present Archon is Naesala Faethyra, a former Eldorai officer and Forsaken leader.
  • Membership: In principle, all Eldorai can join. However, they must recant their oath of allegiance to the Crown. Furthermore, nobles must renounce their titles and join the people. In practical terms, they're barred. The same applies to 'reactionaries', 'statists' and 'clericals' in general. However, the Shadow Knights embrace Eldorai subspecies as kin, welcoming Qadiri, Xioquo and Vashayada into their ranks as fellow Asurans. That said, Eldorai still monopolise the upper ranks and Eldarai is the lingua franca. Though this move is not without critics, Kar'zun are allowed to join as well. In the eyes of the most progressive, they're Asurans, too.

Dogma/Doctrines: Pan-Eldorai xeno-nationalism, irredentism, republicanism, militarism, anti-clericalism and anti-imperialism - these are appropriate terms to describe the doctrine of the Shadow Knights. To the orthodox Eldorai establishment, they are Dashdae Eldorai, in other words renegades who defy the Crown and the Church of Ashira. The Shadow Knights see themselves as a militant vanguard party that must build a new future for the Eldorai - or at least the progressive ones among them. They support the replacement of the Monarchy with a new order where service guarantees citizenship and only those who have performed service to the state are considered citizens. They are opposed to slavers and imperialist groups such as the First Order and Sith in general, as these forces are considered to be inimical to the freedom and survival of the Eldorai. Thus the First Order's control over Kaeshana is regarded as an illegitimate occupation.

In the society advocated by the Shadow Knights, freedom must be balanced with responsibility. Ergo those who have shown willingness to place the interests of the community above their own and perform the ultimate sacrifice are the ones most worthy of leadership. The right to vote is regarded as a responsibility a citizen must prove they're worthy of. This stance is also reflected in the Shadow Knights' justice system. When an officer or official commits a crime she receives a far severer punishment than a grunt would receive because as an officer she should have a better understanding of his crime. A crime that would result in a minion being flogged might result in a death sentence if an officer commits it. Though not solely a military organisation, the Shadow Knights are dominated by former soldiers and hardened revolutionaries, and thus the group is pervaded by a military ethos. This is also reflected in the criminal justice system.

Aristocracy is seen as a cancer upon the Eldorai body politic, and thus all noble titles have been abolished. Nobles wield power and wealth they inherited from their ancestors without having to work for it, while lording over the common people. Likewise, the Shadow Knights are also opposed to clericalism due to the alliance between altar and throne in orthodox Eldorai society. However, the group is divided on the question religion since while radical forces seek to enforce a general policy of atheism, others are still attached to the old religion. These forces argue that the problem is not religion, but the temporal power the clergy wields. Thus freedom of conscience and freedom of religion currently represent the official policy. Kaida herself is a radical atheist, but much to her frustration, she's discovered that this belief is a bit difficult to enforce. Extensive accumulation of private wealth is heavily frowned upon and regarded as a sign of decadence. In addition, there's a maximum wage. The Shadow Knights are willing to work with non-Eldorai groups, but emphasise self-reliance, believing that the Matriarchy became too dependent on outsiders.

  • Curios: The leaders wear a ring bearing the symbol of an eagle. Infiltrators and recruiters identify themelves by wearing a green ribbon. This references the ancient Green Ribbons, a radical movement during the time of troubles that sought to overthrow the Matriarchy. Full members receive a dagger with the words 'the truth sets us free' engraved upon it.
  • Goals: To create a new future for the Eldorai unbound by the three pillars of crown-temple-nobility. They also seek to create a new haven for Eldorai and their cousins. Ideally they also seek to liberate Kaeshana from the First Order. Furthermore, they strive to free Eldorai held in slavery or other forms of servitude. It should be noted that the Shadow Knights are not a monolith. While the general goals remain the same, different factions place different priorities.
  • Naesala Faethyra (NPC): Archon.
  • Kaida Taldir: Strategos.
  • Elincia Alanis: Kaida's minion, warrior.
  • Eyrecae Alzari: Warrior, primeval Eldorai.


Officially, all good Eldorai are united. They all believe in the Great Goddess Ashira - and in the other Eldorai deities, though they're less important. They all believe that the Star Queen is the Goddess' viceroy and that her decrees reflect divine will. Admittedly there are a few Eldorai who can't partake in the Matriarchy's glory because their homeworld is occupied, but one day they will be liberated. Presumably. Maybe. However, the Eldorai are far less united than they would like. Indeed, their race has a history of divisions and strife. In many ways, they have often been their own worst enemy throughout their blood-soaked history.

All those Eldorai considered renegades are labelled as Dashdae Eldorai. This is commonly translated as Dark Eldorai, though it is a bit of a misnomer since it has nothing to do with the Light or Dark Side of the Force. They want to overthrow the Matriarchy and implement a ‘pure’ government and defy the Goddess. At least that's one way of looking at it.

Of course, it is more complex than that, and the Dark Eldorai include a myriad of different and competing groups under a broad general banner. Some want a mageocracy, some a military dictatorship, some want equal male rights, others a Republic (though generally one with a limited franchise). Some seek accommodation with outsiders and believe the Eldorai can learn from them, others think all non-Eldorai are foreign devils and that only fervent belief in the Goddess Ashira can lead the Eldorai to salvation. Others again worship Illyria, considered an evil goddess in Eldorai orthodoxy for rebelling against Ashira. In the eyes of these rebels, she's the patron deity of the downtrodden.

Yet they are all lumped together as Dark Eldorai, a name which automatically prejudices opinion. Centuries ago, during a period called the Time of Troubles on Kaeshana, there was a group of radicals called the Green Ribbons. These revolutionaries sought to overthrow the monarchy and pursued a radical egalitarian agenda. However, the insurrection was crushed, though it would be a long time before the Matriarchy was stabilised. Though the modern Dashdae differ from the Green Ribbons in many ways, they often regard them as forebears.

The Shadow Knights are one of them. The catalyst for their formation was the Exodus from Kaeshana. Even before this cataclysmic event, Eldorai society had been plagued by divisions. The liberal reforms of Queen Tirathana VII had caused controversy. For the reactionaries, they went too far, compromising old Eldorai values. They also opposed the Queen's alliances with foreigners, especially Firemane Industries. For the radicals, Tirathan did not go far enough, for enlightened despotism is still...despotism, and the tripartite alliance between throne, temple and nobility remained in place as the Queen understood that she would otherwise jeopardise the stability of the realm. Both reactionary Ashiran and revolutionary insurrectionists remained a perennial thorn in the government's side.

But it was the Exodus that caused a deep fracture in Eldorai society. Only a limited number of people could be evacuated before an asteroid devastated Kaeshana. Who could be saved, who had to be left behind? There was no easy answer to this question. Furthermore, the exodus fleet needed to be funded somehow. To build a new civilisation on their new homeworld, the Eldorai needed people with the right skills and know-how. Some Eldorai disagreed with the idea that the 'best and brightest' needed to be prioritised. Some considered it immoral that aristocrats who'd never contributed to society got to buy a guarateed ticket. Of course, in doing so they helped fund the fleet.

And some Eldorai were renegades and malcontents who knew they'd definitely not get evacuated. Chaos broke out during the Exodus as a mass panic descended upon the people of Kaeshana. Some soldiers, unwilling to follow the orders of the government, defected. As a consequence, violence ensued. Religious fanatics claimed that the cataclysm was Ashira's punishment.

The Shadow Knights started as a sworn covenant of Eldorai who recanted their oath to the Queen. Many were soldiers who'd served offworld. Having been exposed to the outside world, they'd come to question the old order. Others were revolutionaries - or terrorists, depending on perspective - who'd spent their life in the underground. Their stated mission was to ensure the survival of the Eldorai race, outside of the confines of the Matriarchy. This included trying to help Eldorai escape outside of the official channels. But also trying to set up bunkers and such that would allow those doomed to stay behind to escape. It was not an easy alliance, for many of the Knights bore a grudge against the government and some considered it more important to fight it, pursuing their vendettas and throwing bombs even as Nemesis came. They ended up being purged.

In the aftermath of the cataclysm, the Knights maintained a presence on the planet. Due to the efforts of Firemane Industries, the asteroid had been significantly reduced in size by the time it impacted. Thus not all life was wiped out. But many still perished. For the remaining Eldorai, it was a daily struggle for survival. Many starved to death, perished in conflicts over resources between different warlord factions or ended up being abducted by slavers or the nefarious machine cult Archangel. The Knights worked with the surviving communities, offering protection. At the same time, they dedicated themselves to recovering lost technology. A cynic would say that they were just another warlord faction - but certainly a better organised one. Indeed, their regime was an elective dictatorship. Hoarding and looting was punished, those able to work were conscripted into labour battalions. Slavers - and those who collaborated with them - were publicly executed. Beyond Kaeshana, operatives of the group worked with Eldorai exodites who'd left the homeworld for this or that reason but refused to bend the knee to the Monarchy.

Then Firemane, the Galactic Alliance and the Tygaran Eldorai launched a humanitarian mission to help the Eldorai who'd been left behind. There was a great deal of suspicion and bitterness. Reluctantly, many of the Forsaken, as the Kaeshana-based Eldorai had come to call themselves, agreed to accept their aid...though not submission to the Throne. However, the First Order had also taken an interest in Kaeshana. The result was war. Taking up arms alongside their estranged brethren, the Knights fought as well. At the Citadel of Dusk, an agreement was reached between local Dashdae Eldorai leaders and Countess Selene Tarai, the Star Queen's representative. However, the Allliance was defeated. Fortunately, many Eldorai refugees could be evacuated during the withdrawal, as Dusk had served as a safe zone for them. With the fall of Kaeshana, the Knights were at a crossroads. Their ranks had been thinned by the fighting over the last few years.

However, there was little desire to submit to the Monarchy. Especially after the head of the ducal house of Cadalthor, Tarissa Cadalthor, attempted to launch a coup on Tygara and install herself as queen. Though the coup failed and Tarissa was executed, it confirmed many of their biases since the Duchess had been an arch-reactionary. Moreover, she'd been executed by a human - Siobhan Kerrigan. As a result, the group dedicated itself to building a future for those Eldorai unbound by the old order. Their efforts would be centred on a rag-tag flotilla. In short, it would be a nomadic life, enabling them to stay mobile, while leaving open the possibility of finding a new home for those who desired terra firma.

Their ranks were supplemented by Tygaran Eldorai who'd grown unhappy with the government for this or that reason. Their inclusion was not always smooth, since a number of them were freethinking intellectuals with a rather romantic, absurd notions. Such as direct democracy. Of more use were desillusioned ex-soldiers, though there was an understandable degree of awkwardness and suspicion when former enforcers of the Crown and 'rebel scum' had to work together. More joined after the Serenade Incident: A mixed race settlement on the tropical world of Arkas was taken over by a zombie hive-mind, consuming the populace. A joint Firemane-Eldorai operation to find out what had happened to the island and rescue civilians went awry when the soldiers were attacked by well-coordinated zombie hordes, and ultimately the town had to be bombed. A significant number of the inhabitants had been Eldorai exodites, among them affiliates of the Knights.

Following the incident, High Captain Kaida Taldir, who'd commanded the Eldorai portion of the operation, resigned her commission as an Angelii officer. She'd lost faith in the Goddess Ashira many years ago and grown disillusioned with the old order and the continued isolationism of the Eldorai. Not to mention the dominance of aristocrats. It also helped that some nobles tried to make a scapegoat out of her since she'd decided to get involved in the Serenade Incident and aid the humans and renegades without authorisation. Prior to her defection, the taciturn woman had been a senior officer among the Angelii. As a gift to her new allies, she woke up the primeval Eldorai warrior Eyrecae Alzari, who'd been stuck in stasis in a Tygaran tomb for more than twenty thousand years.

Presently, the Shadow Knights are led by Archon Naesala Faethyra. In the old days, when Kaeshan was isolated before being opened up by the Omega Protectorate, Naesala was a disgruntled soldier who sought to take the initiative against the pirates and slavers that preyed on the Eldorai, by acquiring spaceships and foreign tech. However she was smacked down for breaking the willow pallisade of isolation. Eventually, she deserted, becoming a soldier of fortune and a leader among the exiles. Many years later, she returned after learning of the imminent cataclysm to help lead the rebels. Naesala is a follower of the Eldorai preacher Arryn, who was executed many centuries ago by the Eldorai state for the terrible heresy of proclaiming that the nature of the Goddess Ashira was not wholly divine, but also infused with the spirit of a mortal woman.
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