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Approved Starship Shaadlar-type Troopship

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Intent: To revive a dinosaur

Development Thread: No
Manufacturer: MandalMotors, Mandal Hypernautics,
Model: Shaadlar-type Troopship
Affiliation: Mandalorian
Modularity: No
Production: Minor production
Material: Durasteel

The original Shaadlar-type was based on a Basilisk design and like other basilisk designs was known for it's intimidating insectoid appearance. Their primary use was landing troops on planetary surfaces, where the six insectiod legs deployed to support the bulk of the vessel.

The modern Shaadlar is armed with ion cannons, as well as concussion missile launchers. Although the concussion missile launchers were primarily for ground bombardments, they could be reconfigured to fire at targets in space. Other features include the medium turbo lasers as well as modernized shields and non combat equipment.

Classification: Corvette
Role: Gun Heavy, Troopship
Height: 40m
Width: 80m
Length: 130m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar Ionization Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: 2
Minimum Crew: 10
Optimal Crew: 30

(10x) Medium Turbolasers (10 Capital weapons)
(6x) Point Defense Ion Cannons (6 Point Defense)
(2 x) Concussion Missile Launchers (5 missiles each) (10 Point Defense)

Hangar: None

Non-Combative Attachments:
Standard Communications Array
Ray Shielding
Particle Shielding
Enhanced Combat Sensors

Passenger Capacity: 800 troops
Cargo Capacity: 2,500 tons
Consumables: 1 year
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 5

Balanced Corvette: 8 Capital Weapons, 4 Warhead, 6 Defense,
Hanger traded for passenger capacity
2 warhead launchers traded for 2 capital weapons
2 warhead launchers traded for 5 light warhead launchers
ammo count and number of launchers inverted on light launchers

The description is going to have to be considerably beefier before this can be accepted, canon design or not. A paragraph, minimum, is required.

Point defense missile launchers are not a thing. I checked the source. Nor is "Light" a modifier we recognize at this time in the factory.
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