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Approved Tech Sentinel Saber-series Lightsabers

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Intent: To design a new lightsaber for use in future submissions and role-playing
Image Source: N/A
Canon Link: N/A
Primary Source: N/A

Manufacturer: Visanj T’shkali / Vanir Technologies*
Affiliation: Closed-Market
Model: Sentinel-series Lightsabers
Modularity: No
Production: Semi-Unique
Material(s): Compressed Synthcrystals, VT-Disruptor Lenses**, Bifurcating-Cyclical Ignition Pulse, RFID-encrypted Activation Switch, Pressure Grip, Dallorian Alloy, Segroth Bantam, other lightsaber components.

*Vanir Technologies listed as co-manufacturer per guidance received on previous sub regarding honoring writers when using technologies.
**Permission to use Vanir Technologies' Products given Here

Classification: Dual-Bladed Lightsaber
Size: Average
Weight: Light

  • Bifurcating-Cyclical Ignition Pulse
  • RFID-encrypted Activation Switch
  • Pressure Grip
  • Specially-Constructed Design, e.g. compressed synthetic lightsaber crystals, VT-Disruptor lenses, lightweight hilt, etc. allowed for variety of fighting styles, complex and precision maneuvers, and powerful attacks.
  • Able to operate underwater, due to bifurcating-cyclical ignition pulse mechanism.
  • Resistant to EMP/Ion and electrical surges thanks to Segroth PGA Coating applied to hilt.
  • Lightweight design allows ambidextrous use and can be used in a variety of fighting styles and forms, against single or multiple opponents.
  • Weapon deactivates if dropped or removed from users grip and cannot be reactivated by anyone not possessing the needed RFID-chip.
  • Powerful blades can counteract most armors and materials, including Yuuzhon Vong technologies, yet still enable precision and complex techniques and styles.
  • More slender blades make it more difficult to block or parry some attacks, and considerable practice and skill is required to overcome this.
  • The Sentinel Sabers are only a tool, and like other tools, without considerable training and skill the use of a dual-bladed lightsaber can be a greater liability than an asset, posing a risk to the user and their companions in the hands of a novice or inexperienced fighter.
  • Sentinel Sabers are still vulnerable to cortosis and other lightsaber-resistant materials.
Though slimmer than standard lightsaber blades, the burning red glow of these twin blades are often more than enough to strike terror into the hearts of others, and the pulsing sound of the blades, brought on by the bifurcating ignition and compressed synthetic crystals used in their design, make a tell-tale noise. The hilts are lightweight and designed to withstand a great deal of heat as well as EMP/Ion threats and electrical surges, making them reliable and versatile weapons in the hands of an experienced and trained fighter. Such a user could – in most cases – use these weapons to ably disarm, defeat, disable, and even dispatch one or more enemies quickly and efficiently. Their blades are significantly more powerful than most other lightsaber weapons, due to the combination of synthetic crystals and VT-Disruptor lenses, which allow them to cut through most any materials or armors, even those using Yuuzhon Vong technology. They’re not without limitations however, as they require a great deal of practice and training to use proficiently, to block and parry attacks effectively, and still are subject to lightsaber-resistant materials such as cortosis. Lastly, the sabers’ design brings together pressure grips and RFID-activation, meaning that the blades will work only when held and using the encrypted activation chip, making it impossible for foes to use these weapons against them in battle.
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