Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Seeking the lost



Equipment | In Bio
Location | Empty space
Tag | Luck Zinayn Zinayn Damion Dorian Tarkin Damion Dorian Tarkin

The dreams, once foggy now clear as day. She could have sworn she was there... Hands feeling along dark obsidian as her deep ruby eyes gazed upon streets of the dead. Adeline of course had no clue what this place was or who it once belonged to, these vivid dreams only lasting so long before quickly slipping back into fog.

It called to her like a siren singing its enchanting song, pulling the occultist to become far more voracious for any small scrap of information she could find. With luck she had managed to hear word from some scrappers that they stumbled upon some crimson red planet, being deterred by the strange wounds floating in the space around this planet.

It wasn't the strongest lead, but it was the only she had. Distinctly remembering the appearance of red flora within her dreams... Was this whole trip purely over the strange dreams this woman had? Yes... But she knew it was real.

And so the ship had been drifting in space near where the scrappers had pointed to on the map, the vessel moving on low power engines in order to be cautious of the "wounds" mentioned before.

Piloting the vessel was Adeline, the leader of this expedition. While she had taken lead at the pilot seat the others were within their rooms, nothing too special but that wasn't needed... Besides it seemed as if their leader hardly ever slept anyway.

Wherever or however these souls met the occultist matters not, what matters is where they are now.

"I knew it..."

As the ship entered the new system she could see it, the lone red planet tucked away this far within space... All around it was easy to see, rips within reality that leaked nether influence. The lights in the ship flickering as it flew past one of these wounds.

Even from out here in space, you could easily tell that the light had no place here... Everything was cradled by the bittersweet embrace of darkness.



Zinayn had never really liked boredom. When he wasn’t fighting dangerous Sith or crime lords, boredom was his greatest enemy. For the past week or so, he had been barhopping on Coruscant’s…less pleasant levels. He’d overheard a conversation between two folks who’d had too much to drink. According to them, there was somebody looking for people to join her on a quest. Zinayn accepted hastily, eager for a chance to get back out into the galaxy.

And so here he was, aboard the woman’s ship with two others. The Chiss had tried four times to sense all of their alignment, but he felt like he was being blocked.

Force sensitives, then? Zinayn decided to try again, reaching out to touch all three minds on the ship. What would he find?

Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua
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Dreams...Visions...hallucinations. All of a planet in deep space. A planet covered in what seemed like blood, coming from the wounds in space around it. A clot in space. Nightmare plagued Damion for a long time, but nothing was ever this strong. Waking in a sweat, breathing heavy, he mad this his new obsession for the promise. A promise that told him what he wanted, what he needed

"The cure"

This was weeks ago, and every day he made an effort to find this planet. Trying to find records of in in the great libraries on both Zakuul and Draconia. People's accounts, Every thing he could find. Every night he would gain clear pictures of where to go, and who to follow. Finally in quick session he entered his starfighter and would fly off into space, entering hyperspace. In the meantime he would send his coordinates to his command vessel. An Arquitens, Carrying his droid And his personal Guard.

TAGS: Zinayn Zinayn Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Luck

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