Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Second Star on the Right (Corvus)

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Were humans selfish.... maybe she was looking at the grandmaster. "Well yes and no, I mean look at the things you have built. Cities that span entire planets, you've gone billions of miles across the stars to distant worlds and found creatures, found secrets from things before. You've found ways to go into entire other dimensions of reality and how. Because you knew how to adapt and stand on the backs of the ones that came before to elevate yourself faster. I might only be two years old but the Sal who live in the forest have been alive since the time of the celestials and they have seen the galaxy change.Taught even more then that. You guys are very selfish, you take worlds and resources leaving some desolate and strip mined, others are built up and require shipments of the basic resources to keep themselves functioning."

"You are cool and everything but you are more about yourself or one you care about. I have two hundred brothers and sisters plus extended family with each of them when they married. We work together to push back humans and while we might argue and fight we know how to unite against common threats. The jedi in some cases care more about proving each other terrible people and being superior at times then anyone else and deter most of the time to a select few to make decisions for them. Or they can pick and choose which people meet their opinion. I saw a friend who was forced out of the jedi and then hunted down because he followed the light, fought evil because he was calling himself a jedi and chose not to kiss the butt of a couple people and their friends for scraps."
Corvus listened and nodded. The way Sheila described it, the human race was selfish. They may wrap it up in more positive attributes – like curious or intrepid. But deep down, Corvus instinctively knew that Sheila was right.

“Your perspective is humbling. Almost shamefully so. I cannot and will not pretend I can fix all the things you mentioned, but I shall ensure I am more aware going forwards and will do whatever I can from here on in.”

“And you are right, we are all invariably intolerant of those that are not like us. Too quick to judge and too swift to condemn. I appreciate your counsel Sheila. Your wisdom does you proud.”

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

"Wait until I a three then I'll really be smart." She was laughing while she found a seat on the sled and pointed towards the entrance. "Lets go back to camp and get some food we got a good haul we can leave more for tomorrow and who knows what else we might be able to find. The probe droids were detecting adegan crystals under the surface as well... though they might have another name here but they are crystals and can be used for things." She had her saber and they had a small camp full of food. "So do you have any brothers and sisters?" She said it with a smile on her face though while looking over some of the things.
Corvus smiled. She had no idea what the lifespan of someone like Sheila was. Or even if they measured years in the same way. But every two year-old believed they would be very much more grown up by the age of three. And they were of course, right.

As Sheila indicated that they should make camp for the night, Corvus nodded her approval and smiled weakly at the question. It was sometimes a sore topic of conversation. As ever, she gave an abridged version, it was easier that way.

"I have two sisters. One older and one younger. Taeli is my big sister. She's also a Jedi Master and on the Council. She's very scientific and has a head for business too. My little sister is called Melori and is currently a Sith. But given Taeli was once too, I have not given up hope of turning her back to the Light."

Having dealt with the slightly awkward family history, Corvus reciprocated. "Tell me, do you have a large family." She laughed. "I mean many of you, not..." she placed her palms parallel to each other and moved them further apart, to indicate a larger size.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

She was looking at her. "I have two hundred brothers and sisters plus all of our families they married into... Maybe twenty thousand of us living int he forest and in the jedi city that Hoth guy built on the moon. A long time ago." She didn't say they had a twenty year lifespan compared to other creatures in the galaxy... well maybe those rpos but they licked their own butts and tripped over their tongues so she didn't have much else to compare it to. "Most of us are scouts down in the tunnels trying to see about the different creatures for the jedi plus all those crystals they found." Oh yes there were all of the force crystals sitting under the jedi temple and the massive amount of trade that was brought in daily.
Corvus listened. It was interesting to hear of other cultures. She’d met Jedi who counted their age in centuries. Others lived a different life-span. She’d recently found out that Braith was genetically programmed not to reach thirty. Unless they could do something about it.

“It’s interesting how you use your situation to an advantage. Scouting is invariably useful and looking down those tunnels? Much more reliable than technology.”

“So who was your Master?” Corvus was curious to hear who had trained the young Knight.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila moved through the tunnel and she was thinking about her master. Sabrina had been good for the most part though she was a little rough around the edges. "Sabrina was my master at first and I worked with her and then Vulpesen taught me a good amount about the force. I've been working to see what I can learn and Morgana showed me how to construct a lightsaber for defense." She said it with a smile coming out of the large tunnel to the camp while she flew around and towards herpack to get out soem of the food for them to eat. "Perfect, hello my delicious sweet treats of tasty goodness." Sheila was buzzing and glowing with excitement now laying a couple of things bigger then herself out.
Corvus listened as Sheila explained who had been her primary teachers. The names she knew, if not the individuals. Although Morgana – if the Jedi she thought it was – was certainly known to her. Especially as her elder sister Taeli donated DNA to aid in her conception.

But the excitement of the discussion paled into insignificance once Sheila’s mind switched to food. Corvus just smiled and accepted that, to keep those wings flapping, her calorie intake was clearly a necessity.

”You eat and we’ll chat later,” she offered.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila looked at Corvus as she had the food and thought about what they could talk about and... yes there was a lot. You didn't just bring the grandmaster out without try learn and teach so all of the jedi learned together. "Agreed later after food." She was getting some of the food picking up a piece as she started to eat it smiling. "Eating time." She was excited and buzzing around the one piece of meat laid out. Dried jerky from a can presented by Saori same as the drinks in the small bottles that were sweet sweet honey. Sheila finished it while she sat there with plenty for corvus before she was speaking. "Oh that was good, lots of food and these cans can last for ten years."
Corvus opened her satchel and drew out a flask of water and a ration bar. She had simple tastes - albeit a weakness for ice-cream and ryshcate - and ration bars were arguably her staple diet. And water too. Yes she liked blue milk and an assortment of teas her sister had introduced her to - but water was ideal.

She smiled as she watched Sheila devour what to her was no doubt a sizeable meal.

"Now, what next?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila was looking at her while she ate and wondered what they could do next. "Well in my trials for masterhood it was recommended I do more things for myself instead of just helping people. If you can teach me more about the force I wouldn't be opposed to it, would help next time my name gets a chance to go up to try and learn how to be a master." She was wondering now while looking over some of the things before she stood there with a smile on her face looking at the grandmaster wondering with excitement what she might be able to learn from the jedi grandmaster.
“Each and every Jedi owes it to themselves and the Order to continue to develop. I learn new things all the time. Like mining for crystals – or their uses.”

She smiled at Sheila.

“So as for training, we can do anything you want within reason. As long as I know it, you can learn. Did you have anything specific in mind?”

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Hmmm she had to think about that, given this was the grandmaster of the jeid it meant she had to know her stuff so some of the more exotic things she had seen jedi do might be there but she was having to be practical. SHe couldn't punch down a door but she could fly through the vents and ionizing droids was a great way to disable them. "I think some more saber technique would be good, I can fly and use tripzest but the other forms are harder to do.... and I need some work on them. Like Niman and ateru." Sheila was looking at her and with the food pieces finished she had her crystals for working with and her saber on her hip.
Corvus nodded. “We can certainly learn the sixth Form. Not one I use often, but I am accomplished enough to teach it to those unfamiliar. To excel, you’d need to find a master of Niman to stretch your learning.”

“I do like the fact it’s balanced. And it uses a lot of moves from the previous five Forms of course. And it’s relatively quick to pick up, which is another bonus. But first, tell me what you know of the Moderation Form, so I don’t cover ground you’re already familiar with.”

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila looked at her and offered a nod of her head while she was thinking about what she knew of the form. "Well not much, I know I am too tiny for deflecting blasdter bolts like with soresu. It is easier to dodge it, I am already in constant motion which is somether ateru uses. I lack the upper body strength for makashi and dueling with a saber. I don't have the need to stand firm and counter with djem so and I know a good amount of Shii-Cho." She was nodding and going through all of it while looking at the grandmaster and wondering who was a master of such a saber skill. She didn't know many saber masters.
"To me, you are suited to this Form because to compensate for the relaxed focus on bladework and lack of significant specialisation, Niman training regimens encourages the inclusion of Force-based attacks in combat, such as Pulls and Pushes."

"Ultimately, Niman's success in combat is dependent on your intuition and creativity in combat, rather than the rote responses common to the other forms. And I think this really suits you."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

That she could understand and well what was more imaginative then a two inch tall flying thing with a lightsaber blade that spun around really really fast darting around your heads. The blade might be smaller but it was no less a line of super hot plasma that carved through things she just had the advantage of pin point percision compared to most of the others. So she launched up a little and withdrawing the blade as it activated Sheila was working on it while she held it forward with one hand. Activating the blades while they were spinning while she was darting and rotating to make a larger pink ball of lines for fighting. "You mean like this?"
Corvus nodded. "You're a hard target to hit, people will underestimate that. My only advice - if you'll accept it, is that others might use Force Powers on you like Push or Pull. It'll be harder for you to resist them given your size. But my general advice to Padawans goes double for you."

"Don't fight the Force, go with it. If you're pushed, allow it to be the propulsion as you do a somersault. Fighting it means a lack of control. Using it, means your opponents attack is negated. Does this make sense?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila was listening to the grandmaster and there was some wisdom to going with the flow and into the force. She knew you didn't try and fly against the breeze and for the most part she didn't have many try to tap her with the force. Usually they didn't notice her until it was to late and that was what really worked to her advantage. She continued to flutter there with a look on her face. "That is true, you shouldn't fly against or spit into the wind." She brought a finger up and tapped her chin thinking about some of the things while moving around. "What other advice do you have grandmaster?"

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