Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Second Star on the Right (Corvus)

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

"He, maybe though on my homeworld we have these massive birds, swoop down from space and live in the caves. Big as a house with wings that can knock a jedi down." She held out her arms to the side while she was going to show but describing the massive bird was hard... size wise at least and then explaining how it kind of got lost in the tunnels and chased the large fish that go on land. The light coming from her cast more shadows as the crystals was in the cave walls in small amounts she could kick off holding a small piece. "See it is here, just need more, something that can be put in the machines and not shatter to dust when you turn it on." She recalled working with zreame to mine it as the pair had worked hard on most of the things and pushed when they were in the mine chased by eco terrorists, serial killers, slavers and there were naked people in a naked mile run going after them so no reason.
Corvus listened with interest. Land-bound fish and giant birds that lived in caves. The galaxy was truly a remarkable place.

She noted what they were looking for. “So, how do we mine it precisely? As we have no droids, will we use explosives? Or can we use the Force?”

Corvus loved to learn and today was proving a most fruitful day… Mining was entirely new to her, as was Sheila and most of the things she shared.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila was looking at her as she flew around a little looking at the wall. "We shall do it in the ways of our ancestors. Find the biggest and strongest human to do it." She gave a nod of her head while floating there. "Yep yep." A smile on her face before she laughed. "Kidding the same way we find crystals, look for the largest source and get it where it is exposed. That is what Morgana did for us on Ilum when we were searching for force crystals to make our lightsabers." She had worked with the jedi padawan for awhile and then they had both become knights and worked hard. She was going in deeper following the vein of crystals.
Corvus smiled. She was no miner, but using their hands? Then she smiled again. But they had the Force of course. And crystals tended to grow on the surface as opposed to being embedded in the rock.

She closed her eyes and using Force Sight sensed the area around them. She followed the aura trail the crystals were emitting and pointed ahead. "There's a large cavern up ahead. That's where we'll find the most."

And she followed Sheila and pulled the cart behind them.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila looked at her and that was the spirit they were going to be having such an awesome time in with this that she buzzed down the pathway following the force energies while more attention was paid to the real hero of the day and hour.... The crystals before she erupted into the large cavern brightening it up for all to see as the crystals sparkled. "Beautiful, reminds me of when me and Zreame were findig them... only minus the terrorists, serial killers and airspeeder chase. There is also no naked people colony trying to convince us they were the drunk side of the force." She said it while looking around and over more of it brightening some areas when she found a large chunk of the crystal and her saber came out activating in a muted snap hiss with the hot pink blade slashing into the rock to loosen it.
Corvus could not suppress a chuckle this time. Sheila’s stories were delivered so deadpan yet were so humorous, if she didn’t know better, she’d think they were made up.

“They are truly beautiful. And yes…no naked people, a bonus.”

She watched Sheila and wandered across to a growth of half a dozen crystals. Using the Force she gently tugged on them until they loosened enough that they floated gently into her hand and she could place them in the cart she was pulling.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila was finished somewhat as the chunk of crystal came sliding out onto the cave floor and she was standing on it. The pieces that she could see Corvus gathering would come in handy before she was nodding her head. Yes there was no naked people here... a benefit though as they would be able to do a number of things easier without having to worry bout a bunch of people and she could help Sasori expand onto the world. Having stygium reserves they coul access for use or for making sme stealth ships could very much come in handy before she grabbed a spot to sit on the sled. "Don't strain yourself, the worse thing we can face is the grandmaster throwing out her back in a cave on some world."
Corvus laughed. She'd suffered innumerate cuts and bruises. She'd had her ankle broken three times, had ribs broken countless times, had scars all over her body and two on her face from a certain buxom Sith Lord's whip - and here was someone worrying about her hurting her back!

But the counsel was sound. So she continued to harvest the crystals using the Force - and ensuring her back remained in perfect working order.

"So...Sheila. How many do we need?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

"Oh I think two sleds worth should do it for a start and then we can work from there with some mining operations. With the right amount different sized ships can be cloaked. i know with more pieces they can be used to work on and build more of the stealth unit I made. Thanks to Sasori there is a lot of things they have been making." She was flying around and up illuminating chunks in the roof she could work on cutting out of the stone to drop down onto the cave floor as she was speaking. Multi-tasking was awesome and everything is awesome when you're part of a team. Sheila hummed to herself low and with some music in her voice. "Everything is awesome."
Corvus was a scholar and so learning was second-nature to her. But her forte was ancient history as opposed to ship design. But in meeting different people, she added new areas of expertise — or rather knew a little but understood who to go to if she wanted to find out more.

“Everything is indeed…awesome,” mused Corvus as she continued to mine the easier to reach crystals, and found herself humming the same tune that Sheila was. It was infectious and simple to follow. But, she suspected, annoying after three or four hours.

And worse still? Corvus wasn’t exactly the best at holding a melody.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila kept at it and getting the harder to reach crystals for Corvus she could hear was signing now the rest of the song was there while she fluttered around letting a chunk of crystal that went to the ground and near the sled while time could keep passing on and the song didn't change. "I could hum this for hours.... great for working around in caves." Sheila kept flying around and loading some more of the crystals. "So come on grandmaster, dish.... tell me all about the big people stuff you get to do. I want to experience stuff."
Corvus quite believed Sheila could hum the tune for hours. And probably had in the past. Corvus was already growing tired of it after ten minutes, but put her musical sensibilities to one side for a while.

"Big people stuff? I don't know." Corvus continued to mine and looked thoughtful, biting her bottom lip. "I train at the Academy. I meet people as Grand Master and I fight Sith. Typical Jedi stuff really. Why? Is it different for you?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila looked at her. "Well I am two inches tall and just turned two years old. I don't know what normal is compared to most of the people I train with and teach." She fluttered back and forth a moment before settling. "Also I eat a lot and make a small bed in the rafters of the mess hall." That was a great place and well easier then her making a massive and large room for herself up that no one would ever be able to find her if she was laying in one of the large beds. "There is also the part where I get hungry all the time and really really like eating some of that ice cream and food."
Corvus nodded. They were all unique, and it was too easy to forget the fact. In fact she was truly impressed by Sheila, who refused to allow her diminutive size to overly impact her role as a Jedi.

“I admire your tenacity — although I suggest a dentist might have something to say about your diet — and a doctor might too. But if it works, it works.”

“I have to admit I do like ice-cream. And apart from the really obscure ones, I like most flavours. What’s your favourite?”

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Oh she had to think about that for a moment... her favorite flavor there were so many and she could eat them while she was flying around thinking about it before a grin was n her face. "Oh triple chocolate brownie fudge. White, milk and dark chocolate with chunks of brownie in it and if you had wings that were pumping all day you are awake you'd be hungry all the time as well." She said it and had been in some of the doctors and medical centers under the scanners that hadn't really been able to get much information until they re-calibrated and were able to focus on the small As-Aki. "I burn more calories then some jedi."
Corvus nodded. She could imagine Sheila's metabolic rate was sky-high. Now if that was due to her physiology, or the volume of sugar she ate, was anyone's guess. But she'd kept her figure, so she was balancing the calories well enough.

"I can imagine you'd need to burn a lot just to keep airborne," Corvus said, by way of agreement. "Now me? I love vweilu nut butter ice-cream. With chunks of ryshcate in it if at all possible. But I also love salted caramel if I can get my hands on it. Or vanilla, coated in chocolate."

Corvus' smile widened. "Oh for sunny days and an ice-cream in my hand."

She re-focused on the task at hand. "So, how much more do we need?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Hahaha the smile was there and it was sweets... those werer like the real way to go and could never go wrong. It was like saying there was something wrong with smiling or with laughing... or having fun. Those against it were against freedom and being awesome as Sheila was looking at how many crystals they had gathered and she was thinking about it. "Well we should have enough for maybe two devices right now plus some left over for the artisans to make their own special things." They had it and they could come and get more thanks t the specialized sleds the mining groups made for them. The real trick was going to be getting the devices made and installed on the jedi things. "You have some good places to put stealth devices right?"
Corvus listened and thought. “Stealth devices? Stealth devices?” she said out loud, clearly pondering the question.

“We have a hangar that I’d like to cloak, so that aerial surveillance wouldn’t identify its location. But otherwise, maybe my Jedi Corvette?” She shook her head.

“No. That’s selfish, I’m sure there are greater needs within the Order if we ask.”

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila was looking at her while she thought about it. "Well you are human grandmaster, it makes sense you would be selfish. Though you can afford to be, all that repression can drive you crazy and make getting a taste addictive until you are evil. That is what happened to my friend, he got a taste of using the force to hurt things and then just gave in. So I came here instead because it was the right thing to do." She was looking over a few of the things but had the sled. "Also cloaking a hanger when you have stygium, think of it. You could make an infiltration ship to get the jedi into places where they can't easily go and scout or spy."
Corvus looked at Sheila. “Do you see humans as selfish? It is an interesting perspective for sure. But you’re right. First priority would be a hangar to hide the ships the best we could. The second use would be to equip a ship. A single ship capable of infiltrating Sith space and dropping off Jedi on missions. The Shadows could certainly use something like that.”

Thoughts of the Shadows brought sadness to her eyes. It had been a long while since she’d seen Master Karr. His whereabouts were sadly unknown.

“You give sage advice,” Corvus said, smiling once more.


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