Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Second Star on the Right (Corvus)

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Location: Enigma Prime

"Dear Grandmaster, this is one of your noble knights Sheila. You do not know me but my former master Vulpesen spoke highly of you as someone he believed was fair and honorable. Though he is kind of a tool..... for my amusement. I am heading to Enigma Prime and could use your help in a small project and search. I know we have not met but the help would be welcomed as I might be able to adapt some technology to the orders use with stealth fields."

Sheila finished composing the message and sat down tired. She still had to go over there and like click send to make sure corvus got it as she was in the ship and it was traveling as the small As-Aki flew up and looked at the datapad stomping down on the send to get it to Corvus while she was heading to the planet in the old ship. She turned to the food there and jumped onto the different sweets she could eat and being the full two inches she nodded enjoying it.

The final approach to Enigma Prime had given plenty of time for the grandmaster to get the message and head out if she was coming. Sheila had never really seen her but she knew her and of her. So she could figure it out she wasn't some one year old kid after all she was two... much older then one. She was moving when they landed on the planet and heading out with her saber on her hip for protection and her moment of enjoyment with the green dress.

She sat on the wing of the ship waiting while some of the crew stood around. She was expecting the grandmaster to likely notice them and she'd approach her later... Maybe even teach her how to fly around on this world... they just needed a lot of sugar and things cause that was a lot of energy. Her blonde hair loose while the wings were pressed to her back a little for protection and she got to walk along the edge heel toe heel toe heel toe laughing as her pack of sweets and energy drinks was brought out.
Vulpesen was a name she recognised. And not entirely for the right reasons. But history was at best a rear-view mirror and there were too many Jedi in the galaxy to keep up with all their comings and goings.

But offers of assistance did not come along every day, and although Sheila was not known to her, she took her request at face value and made arrangements to travel — and for her daily duties to be picked up in her absence.

So she set off from the Praxeum she was currently on-board and took Raven to Enigma Prime. Once airborne, she sent a message confirming her attendance and wondering why Sheila was. Perhaps she’d met her? Sheila wasn’t the most common name, so she doubted it.

No doubt when they hooked up, Corvus would remember. She had an excellent memory for faces.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

The world was quite a place and seeing the confirmation the small As-Aki looked at the ones there while she was walking on the wing of the ship. She saw the datapad when the man held it up and looked at her. They were cleanly cut and didn't scream paid but were since she couldn't fly her own ship. She stood there and fly off the wing with a grin on her face nodding. "THank you captain and now cme on, go inside and I'll wait for her, have the ship ready to do what you do best captain after I finish." She was flying there darting back and forth to get everything ready and used the force to move her bag of food and she had her equipment. Simple cloths, her saber and she was ready for the ship to arrive.
The ship landed at the given coordinates. Corvus saw another there and assumed the Jedi Knight she was due to meet must be aboard. She she shut her systems down and headed to the landing ramp. Once lowered, she stepped off of Raven and looked around.

She saw no-one but suspected her contact was still on the other ship. So she stood, in her standard Jedi robes, and enjoyed the sunshine whilst waiting. And she sensed the presence of a Jedi nearby and was reassured she’d arrived at the right place at the right time.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila saw her now, looking from the wing at the grandmaster as she thought about how to do this. So many ways to go and say hello and introduce herself while she put her hands on her hips and darted up into the air as she remained silent and moved down towards the woman. "I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the candle in the dark that illuminates and vanquishes evil, I am darkwing jedi." Sheila said it and used the force to project her voice so it sounded like a normal human while she was fluttering around to try and remain behind Corvus head for dramatic effect and not yell in her ear as she went to the grandmasters shoulder to sit down. "Hello grandmaster." She said it with a wave as the two inch jedi sat there with a large smile and her blonde hair on her shoulders.
Corvus sensed a presence behind her and was surprised someone could sneak up on her so easily. She heard a voice and smiled, turning.

Yoda had always admonished Jedi for judging him by his size. His ability to use the Force was legendary and many considered him the greatest Jedi of all time. But there was small and there was…tiny.

“Hello, Sheila.” Corvus bowed politely and hoped her face did not give away her thoughts. “We haven’t met.” She didn’t now why she said it - and all the follow up lines felt inappropriate. “And please, call me Corvus. I presume you’re happy with me calling you Sheila?”

“And what precisely is a darkling Jedi?” She smiled in a friendly fashion, oddly already at ease in the diminutive Jedi’s company.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

She looked at her with a smile and nod. "Alright Corvus." She nodded saying it and lighting up while she was there placing her hands on her hips in a peter pan pose showing she had a disc saber on her hip. "Well Sheila is my name and I got nothing else though one jedi called me short stack once." She nodded her head in approval. Then the real question was there about while she had meant and Sheila fluttered around. "Well it was something that sounded funny and you always got to have some fun otherwise you miss out on the fantastical things around like this world or riding a shriek hawk through a room of people and getting to see their reactions."
Corvus couldn’t help but smile. You Knight’s enthusiasm was definitely infectious,although it was fair to say she wasn’t sure she got a straight answer out of her.

“So…tell me…Sheila, fun is certainly something you can never have enough of. And tell me, how can I help you? You mentioned a search and small project - but not necessarily in that order.”

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila looked at her and gave a no as she thought about it and rising up as she pointed. "Well there is stygium in those hills and I have these really stubby arms and can't carry it. So we need someone of moderate size who can push one of those repulsor sled things loaded with crystals and then we can use it to make cloaking devices and put them on ships or temples." Sheila looked at the grandmaster with a nod of her head to that. "Yep yep, we explore, get the crystals, do jedi things that jedi do and eat cake... I brought several cakes.... and ice cream. That pack has a mini freezer forall the sweets, they showed me these interesting things at the temple called bon bons. ice cream with chocolate coating in like a shll and you can eat both at the same time."
Corvus listened and repeated, for no obvious reason.

“Stygium? For cloaking devices. Right. And you need me because I can push sleds.” She smiled. “At least I’m wanted, which is a positive. And I suppose we have a number of ships that could do with some sort of cloaking device.”

And then her eyes lit up. “Oh, a cloaked Jedi Temple? I very much like the sound of that. Or at least a hangar, where we could store ships and they couldn’t be seen.” Now she was getting excited and she hadn’t even had any sugar yet.

“So…stygium…Jedi things and then cake and ice-cream. I have to admit I’m partial to ice cream. But I’ve never had it coated in chocolate before. It sounds like fun.”

“So, where are we headed?” She looked in all directions in case it was obvious.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila looked at Corvus and gave a nod as she flew up into the air holding her hands out and spinning looking at the mountains as creatures moved she darted back and forth. "Oh yes ice cream." She was moving with determination and thinking about where they could go. Overlooking some of the mountains as she pointed with her fingers. "The mountains might be the best place to start, on Maramere we had the legends of an island no one could find. Here we'll just have to dso it the old fashioned way... find a large pile and look for things." Sheila was moving with some of her attention now though as she looked toward the grandmaster. "Come one lets fly."
Corvus smiled. Scale was — at the end of the day — relative. From a distance away, mountains would look the same to them both. And mines for ore and crystals were invariably found in mountains and caves.

And the second reason for the smile was how recently she’d travelled with other Jedi who were far more scientific in their approach. They’d have done surveys and used drones to scout the planet. This Knight was using the Force. Or instinct. Or optimism. And that worked for Corvus too.

“The large pile it is then,” and she headed in the direction of the mountains…

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila looked at her and motioned to make sure Corvus grabbed the food, nothing like a hungry pixie flying around as her attention went to a few of the things in the distance and flying up and over to lead the way she was scouting the path. they could go as only having someone fly be back up. It also would help as she showed she could glow blue, gold and red light with her wings moving with slightly different hums. "We're going to have a grand time and whoa those mountains are huge." Sheila kept flying forward with a small laugh that came out like silver bells and was marked with excitement at the thoughts of what they might get to find within the caves.... could be adventure, horror, mystery. Maybe a large dragon to duell or something.
Corvus was taking to the role of pack-mule very well. She dutiful grabbed the food — which seemed to be close to Sheila’s heart — and followed. Sheila was able to go at a fair pace and Corvus walked quickly to keep up.

And Corvus again noted that the mountains were huge. Maybe even a grander scale for Sheila, but they could both see them for what they were — a large range, and typically a likely source for minerals, crystals and the like.

Corvus tried to remember if there were any specific animals that were indigenous to the planet. In particular, large predators. But she couldn’t remember for sure, so dismissed the thought for now.

“So, Sheila,” she asked as they progressed. “Where does your instinct say we start?”

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Where to start... where to start... where to start? Sheila was thinking about it and there was some ideas. Looking at the mountains as they were going over it all she saw what looked like a cave entrance. "Maybe one moment." She moved quickly and darted to what she thought was an entrance and standing there she could fit within it. All the small places were hers to enter and command as she looked over towards Corvus and darted back to her. "There is stuff and places opened but you are to big to crawl through it." She was moving back and forth while thinking about. "My instincts are telling me to search for the largest area of gathered trees, we can use the to have protection in case of predators and get up somewhere higher to look for threats if there are things here."
People were often tagged with the title, ‘a bundle of energy,’ but never was it more fitting than for the Jedi Knight in front of Corvus.

And she couldn’t suppress a smile when she was told she was too big. It was hardly a compliment but she knew exactly what Sheila meant.

“So trees and height. As long as we don’t get attacked by some giant predatory bird we’re OK.” She smiled, but such things existed…just hopefully not on this planet.

“So…lead on.” She was also aware that climbing trees would be easier for one of them if it came to it.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila paused for a moment and was looking up around now for predators in the air as she thought about it and birds..... evil birds with their claws and swooping.... and they got stuff all over your cloths and homes in the trees because they didn't wear pants. She was moving and leading the way. "I am so going to get you back for that, mentioning birds and their death bombs from the sky. It is not good luck like people claim." She was moving and the path ahead was clear while she withdrew her saber and the small spinning double blade sliced a piece of fruit into several sections while she was holing one showing some strength and ate it. "Oh my gosh this is amazing and sweet it is like sweet cream but fruit flavored and look ahead a small clearing tucked into the mountain." Sheila was moving and fluttered around it while she could see the mouth of a cave thy could both go into.
Corvus gave up trying to suppress smiles. The good humour and enthusiasm was so infections, she allowed it to wash over her and sweep her away.

“I mean no harm about the birds,” she said honestly. “Just being pragmatic. And I agree, not good luck at all to be hit. These cloaks seem to soak it in and it’s a challenge to get it out.”

And she looked up at the mention of a clearing. Small to Sheila could be tiny to Corvus, or the Knight could have a solid understanding of the different perspectives.

“Lead on…” she said, grabbing a fruit for herself and biting on it. It was truly sweet and drew her cheeks.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]

Sheila looked at Corvus and nodded her head that she would lead the way and towards the large mouth of the cave as she stood there on one of the protruding rocks and rubbed her wings and hands together. "Get your shine one." She said it low and under her breath while her wings hummed into a high pitch whine before she glowed blue illuminating the cave and sparkling the rocks all around them. The small rivers of waters that went through down towards the back casting reflections while she kept going int. "Ao ah, you go inside caves often grandmaster?" She had a grin on her face and a body that was glowing it was going to be one of those fun times for exploring. Also she was guessing and preparing.. there might be monsters or as her eyes saw it those little bunny rats that were in the tunnels back home. Good eating or you could ride them... she'd have to find one of the larger ones for Corvus but they could ride hairless pink skinned bunny rats together.
Corvus looked into the cave. As a Corellian native, she was used to navigating the underground caverns near the lakes. They would often be full of water and she’d found her first crystal that way — one of the rare orange ones…although it turned lilac when she meditated on it and imbued it with the Force. Something she’d never been able to explain.

“Less often than I used to,” she answered Sheila. “But every now and then. It rarely ends up well, in my experience, but there’s always a first time I guess.”

For now she used the Knight’s light to see by, reserving the Force for when she needed it. “Looks like we’re going underground. So no birds at least.”


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