Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Second Sith-Imperial Tournament - Sibilus vs. Lark vs. Kaine O

The Shâsot Skyhook Arena

There were the defeated.

And there were the victorious.

Those that had been waylaid in their bouts had been removed from the field, quarantined to the medical wards on the outskirts of the arena to treat their injuries. Those that had proven their might were taken back into the barracks, their armor and weapons confiscated while the arena was reset for the next battle. A brief intermittent break was given to allow the victors a small respite, several prisoners of war from the Core Campaigns sacrificed in a squall of violence and gore in the meantime; purposefully fed to a menagerie of monsters locked in electrified cages beneath the arena. Their mangled carcasses were then disintegrated to prepare for the semi-final bouts.

This time around, however, the remaining contestants would be organized into bouts of three challengers each; all of them vying for the position of victory to proceed onto the final match.

As each contestant was escorted into the arena from different positions around the exterior ring, they would find that the landscape had been altered to a flat expanse covered by loose sand and soil, a small number of small trees and shrubs positioned around for decoration. When all three of them were placed into position the announcer blared over the multiple amplification boxes situated around the arena, reciting much of the same nationalistic rhetoric that was often played at every state-sanctioned gathering.

This time, however, there would be a twist.

The floor at the center of the arena shudder and began to peel back, revealing a black emptiness that stretched far beneath the arena. Gravlifts elevated a large durasteel platform up from the darkness, and on that platform was a monster dredged up from the wicked laboratories of the Lady of Secrets. A single Natasizi-tatek, five meters tall, stood bound by heavy turadium chains on the platform. Though apparently docile, its true terrible lethality would be known as soon as the beginning bell chimed and the restraints were deactivated. Voracious for the blood of Force Sensitives, it would find a bounty of food to satiate its profane hunger.

[member="Darth Sibilus"] - [member="Lark"] - [member="Kaine O'Doran"]

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