Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Second Contact [The Kathol Outback Dominion of Resu Hex - Witchmasters Invited]

Post: 1 // ??

[member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="General Beyyr"]

Diplomacy, the Outback Way

Ria Misrani once again had no idea where she had ended up, except to say that this time she at least knew which ship she was on. She grumbled groggily rising from her cargo netting, she had taken [member="Spencer [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=14px][FONT='lucida sans unicode'][COLOR=#6633ff]Varanin[/COLOR][COLOR=#6633ff]"]'s pillow with her from Hoth. She was sure a rich glitter lady like that could afford to replace a pillow or three. She also took a pair of fancy slippers that she smuggled out through her - well, shirt before being tossed on her bum at the spaceport. She could hear Beyyr from all the way up here as she climbed down to the bottom of the cargo, slipping the fancy slippers on she ran a hand through her hair combing out the tangles as she yawned. "Beyyr, could you keep it down? Some of us were having lovely dreams of a particular Mandalorian lady mechanic, with amazing eyes..." She said still half asleep shuffling her way into the fresher. "Where are we anyway? I thought you said you'd take me to meet with that Resistance bloke on Kal'Shebbol, or was it Binaros - no wait, Binaros is that temple, and what was this about a school for gifted kids? A Tech Academy?"

She began to ramble on while trying to brush her teeth, and splashing her face with water, and then shuffling toward the kitchen for a cup of caf. Ria grumbled when she noticed the pot was empty, "don't tell me we're out of caf again! How's a Vertical City gal suppose to operate in conditions like this." She said mimicking Spencer's ritzy tone. Or at least what she had heard of it before being escorted off the vessel, thankfully she still had work on Naboo - not that she'd have minded, she'd have done it anywa- oh wait. No, General Merrill had already given her a lecture on 'proper business,' and how to be a 'legitimate business entity,' blah, blah, blah act like a lady, blah - blah, if he wanted her to act so much like a lady then maybe she should spend more time with Spencer.

"Beyyr - who in the - whoa," She noted as she came out of the galley, kitchen, whatever with a cup of nothing as she looked down, "right, caf and hi, uh, I'm... Ria, Ria Misrani - and you are?" Clearing her throat she ran a hand through her messy blonde locks getting them out of her face.
Arcadia-N-30 - T R A D E * S H O W
Location: Arceneau Trade Outpost - Make friends, and do business
CONTACTS: Saffron | Charzon Loulan | [member="Gir Quee"]


"Gallofree is looking to improve on our ship designs, instead of mostly remaking the classic GR-75 Medium transport we are looking to expand and improve on current designs. My husband has begun work on a new design, but our expertise is in hull construction, not modules and components. Here I have a basic schematic of the new ship in question if that would help you."

"Like the "75" it will have an outer hull still like a thick shell but now will have two interior holds that are entirely open for cargo pods. It will feature two outer struts that with the magnetic shields will be able to lock onto something as big as a corvette for movement and towing or massive amounts of cargo pods in essence, tripping the cargo capacity of its' predecessors. I have already secured contracts for many of the components needed and just require a few more, like hyperdrives and weapons. Think you help me with that?"
Post 3

[member="General Beyyr"] [member="Ria Misrani"] [member="Faith Organa"]

So far, surprisingly given his track record, there wasn't a lot of intense hatred directed at him. Seemed like a first during any form of negotiations. "Thank you General, for having me. I understand there were some conflicts between some of my people and one of yours. I am Draco Vereen, Shukalar of the Mandalorian Clans. I've come to establish a line of communication between the Clans and the Outback in our pursuit of peace." Though he was on the planet at the time, Draco had assumed the temple would be empty given its proximity to One Sith space during the nation's height and tyrannical grip on the galaxy that was slowly waning away. He had been wrong, and in turn there had been conflict. That the Mandalorians had fought Jedi wasn't something he cared about, but he had a soft spot for children, especially given his circumstances.

The armored mandalorian smiled, holding his helmet in the crook of his arm. He was clean, his beard trimmed and kept, even his armor was clean and proper, with a half cape over one shoulder. "I'm glad we can start off on favorable terms. Give me just a moment to call over the others." He clicked a button on his comlink to signal the all-clear for Faith and Sklor to make their way across the connector. Despite his previous relationship, however brief before the Crusade, Draco was not willing to risk Faith and his twins so much as to bring them over without first seeing how the Outback would react. Faith, was of course a brunette Alderaanian bombshell, that despite being pregnant would still turn heads and put butts in the seats.

Sklor on the other hand was a bestial man, who stood hunched over hiding his true height, though he was still shorter than the wookiee general. He was burly and broad, with long arms for a man that given his posture swung near his knees. He wore armor adorned with fur, teeth, bones, and index fingers of fallen Republic Soldiers from Kashyyyk. As the beast shaman of Clan Vereen, his helmet was fashioned like that of a bovine skull adorned with roggwart horns arching up over his head.

"This is my soon to be wife, Faith Organa, Princess of Alderaan." He said motioning to Faith as he held out his arm for her so that he could hold onto her and embrace her, "and that is Sklor." His voice was dismissive and his gesture to the beast shaman was a mere wave offhandedly in the man's direction.

Ria's mouth might've dropped when she saw Sklor, and she might've had to put that back in place, "oh I am so not awake for this." She remarked and greeted both Draco Vereen, Veeren? Vereenie? No Vereen, right, right, and his lovely - and very pregnant, but lovely fiancé Faith. "It is a pleasure to meet, all of you." Ria made a wide circular gesture with one hand and looked over to the Wookiee. "I'll just leave this to you, General." She said to @General Beyyr and walked right back into the kitchen and attempted to make caf which sounded more like someone wrestling with a Bantha, "fething chit tickets why does everything have to be up so high!" After about ten minutes caf was made but the kitchen, er - galley was a complete mess, but caf was had and wakey-wakey time was slowly coming together, "right time for a shower, Beyyr I swear to all things Force, if you wrote the instructions in a different Kashyyk dialect, again, I'm gonna use you for a bloody rug."

Marching into the fresher once again, she just wished things could be written basic Auresh - that she understood clearly. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy spending time with various members of the 'upper echelons,' of the outback if they could even say they had upper echelons, feth they could barely say they had upper anything. A bunch of rag-tag soldiers who were often in need of a shower. A shower which Ria was hoping to conquer so she could at least emerge feeling human again. "Should've taken that glitter lady's soap too, and like every single piece of makeup she owns..." She cursed, and slid into the shower and thankfully the instructions had not been changed.

It had only come up because she had mentioned attempting to learn Shryiiwok? Shryiiwook? Wook? Whatever, the main - language of the Wookiees were, was, were? Was there even a Kashyyk left? Probably. Not even the Mandos could out Kashyyk, Kashyyk. She then ordered the computer because - she learned you could do that on this boat, only it didn't know how to make caf for her - that she had to do on her own. She ordered the computer play a selection of current pop songs from around the Galaxy. As it so happened a 'Corie Pop' song came on... Funny, the girl kinda looked like that one Slicer in the Outback, Spark was it? Mhmm.

[member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="General Beyyr"] | [member="Faith Organa"]​
Posts: 2 // ??​
Post 11 of 30
Objective: Corellia Digital Trade Show Recover Stolen Goods. Just Bust Some Heads.
Gear: X-30 "Lancer" Blast Pistol | HoloLink

Her shoulder was screaming at her.

Twisting to the right, the woman swerved to avoid a spattering of blaster bolts. Straightening out the speeder bike, she took a moment to try and massage the offended ligaments.

Rotator cuff was on strike again.

How sad was it when you got so old and used that your body parts started unionizing and organizing walk outs?

She was almost on the leader when the shadow of the Z-95 Headhunter gave her forewarning enough to hit the brakes and twist the bike so that it skidded to a short stop along the long axis.

A strafing run lit up the roadway just ahead, as the Corellian woman dropped the bike back into gear and skirted out perpendicular to the Headhunter's line of attack. She was halfway down an alleyway as the starfighter was buzzing overhead, trying to draw another bead on her.

Well, this was going to be a problem.
LL-1500 Stellar Wind, Aries, Arcadia N-30


Gir viewed the rotating holo of the proposed ship with curiosity. Gallofree Yards had been legendary in the distant past mainly as a supplier to the Rebel Alliance, but in Gir's opinion the firm warranted more recognition for its starship designs. While they weren't always the most flashy or imposing, they tended to be well thought out on a conceptual level. The new transport seemed to harken back to the best ideas of the redoubtable transports that had served the rebels so well. But the ability to move larger loads will make it an attractive product...They might be able to bring the company back to the galactic forefront...I wonder how a modernized Nova Courier would sell? He shuffled the thought to the back of his mind as he shifted back to focus on the current negotiations.

"It looks like a promising design," said Gir, "the Zephyr should easily be able to work with that design. I should mention that sudden changes in the starship's mass, such as onloading and offloading large amounts of cargo, will change the vessel's center of gravity. It's an issue that the Zephyr can easily compensate for on its own, but just as a forewarning, it may need take a few seconds for it to switch gears, so to speak. If you would like, I can arrange for regular deliveries of Zephyrs, and any other items you may need, to your facilities at a schedule suitable to your plans. Where are Gallofree's yards currently located?"
[member="Aerin Kath"] [member="Asemir Lor'kora"] [member="Joza Perl"] [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

Aaris III

Asemir called for silence and less chatter before Tilzi could chastise anyone. She winced as one of the buckles on the harness made a small clink. Her ears had become attuned to sounds of her home and metal against metal was as alien as the noise of the blasters being fired on the far side of the wall. Holding stock still, the nightsister waited until she was certain she hadn't given them away.

Tilzi laid out her energy bow, lightsaber and bolas on the ground before stepping into the harness and tightening the straps. Her education on Empress Teta had been quite unique. Infiltrating the houses of powerful nobles and carrying out a variety of acts from theft, evidence planting, to assassination on behalf of her krath trainers had all been part of the syllabus.

Risking two steps back she glanced up the the lip of the wall. One last barrier and she could cleanse the region of the intruders. No more raids, no more sisters stolen in the night. When she picked up her saber to place it back on her belt over the harness - she doubted there would be time to remove it - he knuckles whitened on the simple leather grip.
[member="Draco Vereen"] [member="Faith Organa"] [member="Ria Misrani"]

Post #6

Aboard the Ackbar-class Heavy Cruiser Blood of Taloraan, the armored figure nodded. Black plastoid plates shifted against each other and out of the way, exposing the Wookiee's gray-furred face. This airlock was near the diplomatic suites, one of which housed Beyyr and his houseguest Misrani. Another was devoted to storage. A third was prepared to receive the Mandalorian consular party. Beyyr gestured in that direction and began walking.


"General Beyyr welcomes Her Highness Princess Faith Organa of Alderaan to the Blood of Taloraan."

Beyyr paused at the hatch and glanced back over his shoulder. "Rorwarr."

"As well as the Mandalorian known as Skor. The General expresses his hope that the fur trophies on Skor's armor do not stem from the recent Mandalorian invasion of his homeworld."

One plastoid gauntlet tapped the door control, revealing a diplomatic meeting room. Beyyr stalked ahead and settled his bulk into one of the chairs. He leaned back, armored palms together. "Illllummmmmm."

"Earlier, you mentioned the incident at Ilum, in which Mandalorians killed several youth and children, and seriously injured Underground operatives."


"The Underground commander was Captain Mara Merrill. General Beyyr helped raise her."

Beyyr leaned forward and rested one fist on the table.

"Talk," he ground out.
Post 4
[member="General Beyyr"] [member="Faith Organa"]

"I'm pretty sure that's Gorax fur..." Draco said looking at the Shaman. "Mandalore was careful in dealing with the Wookiees on Kashyyyk. Even when Clan Vereen was forced to engage them we used Force Pikes and Stun weapons rather than lethals." Kashyyyk had been a battle for the Mandalorians, and prior to it, the Republic had released quite a bit of propoganda, or threats, enough to get every able bodied wookiee on the front lines with the Republic Military at Kachirho, but Draco suspected those particular furs were older than that. Sklor grumbled and made himself comfortable standing off to the side.

"Ilum, I'm sorry that happened. I spoke with her following the incident some, she seemed troubled. I know, I've been there myself." Draco responded to the large wookiee. Even though it seemed things were cordial, Draco could hear the tension in the Wookiee's voice. He spoke from a place of empathy, as he could sympathize with the young woman quite a bit, though in the end, there was little he could do for her while she perceived him as an enemy. Being surrounded by warriors like her father, and the Wookiee General though, they probably knew enough to be of some comfort. Force Users often felt it the hardest, having a great power available to them, it was as though they slipped off the ledge easier than others.

The warlord shrugged his shoulders and looked at the wookiee in the eyes. They were a proud species, like his own, like his own people. "The Alor Council sentenced those responsible to hard labor in the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. A few hot-heads jumped in and got out of hand, and the Raid's leader didn't keep as good a handle on them as he should have. Betna called for the raiders to use non-lethal weaponry unless they absolutely had to. The youngsters got out of hand, and personally, when it came to me to speak, I wasn't keen on adding to the body count of the tragedy. Personally, I didn't participate in the raid though I was on Ilum. I assumed the temple would be empty and went hunting in the tundra rather than bothering to go scavenging. Given its proximity to the One Sith, I know we thought it would be abandoned, or have a paltry few Sith Guards. I was wrong."
[member="Elpsis Elaris"]

Zej eyed the large cat with a great deal of trepidation.Getting tangled up with such a creature wasn't on his bucket list for the day. On one hand, he understood the need for a bit of a mascot. Helped get through the boredom of life and to rally the troops so to speak. However, Mr.Zej couldn't understand why the creature was at his barbecue. Seemed a bit dangerous, predator animal and smoking meats.

"Eh...uhm....yes, sure is something. I take it this is your regiments' mascot?"
[member="Draco Vereen"]

Post #7


The little protocol droid bobbed in midair. "The General questions whether the hard labour was a token punishment. Did your Mand'alor not recently remove a man's hand because his cousin simply attacked him? Do you not routinely administer death in a multitude of directions?"


"And what of the rumour that the labour was only for a matter of days - the rebuilding of a single midsize structure? Surely you concede the double standard."


"As of yet, so far as the General is aware, no apology has been forthcoming from the Mandalorians to the Underground."

Beyyr bared a tooth and rumbled low in his throat. "Trrrrbled?"

"You speak of Captain Merrill as troubled by the incident. She and the other survivors have been treated for post-traumatic stress. For some, the treatment is ongoing. They witnessed the murder of younglings. 'Troubled' would be putting it mildly."


"Captain Merrill has, independently of the Underground, placed a substantial bounty on the head of Arrbi Betna, as I'm certain you're aware."

Beyyr raised a massive eyebrow.

"What are your thoughts, Shukalar?" said the translation droid.
Arcadia-N-30 - T R A D E * S H O W
Location: Arceneau Trade Outpost - Make friends, and do business
CONTACTS: Saffron | Charzon Loulan | [member="Gir Quee"]


"Master Gir, our current base of operation is in the Kal'shebbol system, though we do have holdings in Demonsgate as well to help with rare material acquisition. I'm glad also to see you are so willing to come to an arrangement. What type of discounts can we get for bulk ordering and are you comfortable with a ramp up supply request? I was thinking our production capabilities are small but growing at this point, we would only need a few units a month to start, but as production grows, I could easily see us needed between 15 to 25 a month if our planned sales goals are reached."

"That said I also noticed you have a few other technologies that may interest my husband for future projects, any objections if I let him review a few samples. That is if you have any on hand of course."
[member="Judah Dashiell"]

Mr Zej was not the only one who thought that taking a lion with you was... not a good idea. A number of Firemane employees thought the same. Especially since they were at a barbeque here. Alas, tyranny reigned!

However, Elpsis seemed remarkably cheerful. "Nah, he belongs to me," she remarked, as if having a pet Cylix was totally normal. Then again, her cousin [member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"] had a pet raptor. "Got to know him on Dahomey. A witch was mucking with his mind. Poor guy," mentioning this seemed to upset the big feline a bit and he growled. "Don't worry, sweetie, that ain't gonna happen to you again," Elpsis spoke gently, soothing him with a gentle empathic touch. "I'm good with animals. Love 'em."
LL-1500 Stellar Wind, Aries, Arcadia N-30


"Discounts are generally dependent on the number of units ordered," replied Gir, "but the exact number is dependent on an algorithm that deals with the ease of shipping costs. I'm afraid that I'm not terribly good with such numbers off the top of my head, but I can arrange for one of our accounting droids to forward you that information to you before you leave here.

As far as ramp-up production is concerned, we do maintain a standing stock of most of our components that can be shipped off as soon as we get the word that they're needed. Our production lines then produce units that we keep in reserve for such short orders. If you feel that your yards will be needing these in large numbers in the long term, we can arrange for a dedicated factory line to supply your company's needs."

Gir took a bit more time to consider [member="Cla'Mari Rha"]'s second request, simply because he had to recall what they all had displayed and compare it to what they had in actual inventory. Given the nature of the market, it made sense to come with the actual units in order to sell them, but given the size of their ships, some of the products came only in limited numbers. Gir already knew that some of them had been sold.

"If we still have them, I don't see why not," said the blonde man, "it is always good to see and exchange new ideas and products. What products are you looking to sample?"
Post 1
[member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="General Beyyr"] }[member="Ria Misrani"]

Faith was being quiet this was how she operated, she listened to what was said and then added her two credits worth.

One thing was very clear there was history between Draco and the Outback, she smiled at Ria, "pleasure is mine" as with all meetings other objectives sometimes came first, and for the brief moment that Ria was there she was then gone.

The General a wookie, large male that could take off their heads with one sweep of a paw. Thank goodness he didn't.

"I am greatly pleased General Beyyr that I am able to attend this meeting, thank you for allowing us to come. Perhaps one day you will allow me to show you around Alderaan." She knew Tia told stories of working with the wookies, what a proud race. They were equal to the Mandalorians in many ways.

But then she heard something that troubled her, one of the Alors had killed some Jedi children. She didn't know how to take that. No wonder Draco's mood had been sour. She felt weak in the knees, and though it was not Draco who had participated, that fact that the Vod had was heart wrenching.

A bounty on Alor Betna, and the bringing up of the de-handing of Alor Raxis. Captain Merrill she did not know this name, she wished Ana was here to feed her some information.

This discussion had to be between them, explanations, reasons, all actions during negotiations were open for judgement. She knew from her time in the Senate and on Alderaan anything could be brought up.

Faith waited to hear Draco's response, he sat with Ra on many things and knew things that only the inner circle would know.
"What is it you are looking for General? Are you wanting me to line up some Mandalorian kids for your firing squad?" Draco asked rather bluntly. "When padawans wave lightsabers at me, I shoot them. So did the kids that lost their damn heads in those tunnels. Those kids were so green Rodians would be jealous. and you want more bodies? Those two were sent to hard labor for months by my count, for the very people they wronged, and ordered to report to the Warmaster directly so that he could attempt to salvage them." General Beyyr wasn't exactly a Jedi, but the Underground, and the Outback positioned themselves as good people.

"Betna gave the order not to use lethal force unless absolutely necessary. It got out of hand, and he didn't keep a tight enough grip on those youngsters. I'm guessing he's laying low for now and he can handle his own business, but likely the first time some bounty hunter shoots up a school full of his kids trying to get information on him hunting Mara's bounty, he will come out and about. That's the only thing that pisses me off about that bounty. You are supposed to be Jedi, why in the Seven Hells would you trust bounty hunters to find justice rather than yourselves?"

"I came here to seek a common ground, something we could use to repair the Relationship with the Outback. I reached out to Mara after the incident, I reached out to the Jedi enclave she contacted after, and now I am reaching out to you. I'm not putting more kids on the chopping block. I'm trying to repair the bridge that I know we had before hand." Ilum was a tragedy, one Draco wished had not happened, but it had, despite the orders of Alor Betna. And the Mandalorians were regretful, they had taken steps to keep it from happening again, and Draco had reached out to several, first Mara who neglected to meet with him and directed him to the Jedi on Yavin, and then the Jedi on Yavin who simply had not spoken to him.

[member="General Beyyr"] [member="Faith Organa"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]

"Thank you, General," said a new voice. "I believe I can take it from here."

A woman entered the room: middle-aged, prim, dressed formally but in a subdued manner. Draco would be able to determine that she was a Force-sensitive, a Master -- not his equal, but far closer to his level than General Beyyr. She took a seat without invitation.

"My name is Eiarra Denirel. There were roughly four dozen people living in or visiting the Ilum enclave at the time of the Mandalorian raid. I am one of the seven survivors." She met his eyes evenly. "Regardless of your arguments, Shukular, it was an unprovoked raid on a civilian location. Full stop. What does the Underground want? An apology from you on behalf of your people. Reparations for the medical costs to the survivors, and the Underground ship your forces stole. The total is one point three million credits. I would also note that Mara Merrill is not a Jedi, the General is not a Jedi, and I am not a Jedi either. What I am is tired. You came to speak? Start by learning the word sorry. Then we can talk about goodwill and...what was the word you began with?" A smile, without emotion. "Peace."

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Eating the fetuses of the stillborn? The thought might have been sickening, but Neelig wasn't the sort to judge a culture's darker habits. Netherworld, he wished his own culture had some more dark habits, at least aside from a crippling passiveness.

The other students present though? A couple of them were appalled. Most held up well though, political majors and first contact specialists. They weren't pleased, but they kept their heads about them.

"Unfertilized eggsac acceptable." Neelig replied. He'd prefer the tissue of the stillborn, but that wasn't going to happen without some blatant cultural disregard. Not something he needed while gaining their trust. Then the woman, or wofish rather, asked about his suit. The professors had them rated for pressure in case of going underwater, they'd be fine. [member="Bryce Bantam"] he didn't know about, but he'd expect the man to be adequately equipped.

"Life Support Suitable. Wawaat and company ready for haste in joining Resu and beginning breeding assistance." There might have been a chuckle from one of the students, but Neelig only heard the quick slap of envirosuit on envirosuit. Soon they'd be joined by [member="Iron Giant"] herself, perhaps the savior of the Resu species, a breedable female. Though Neelig's tone stayed strong inside there was a feeling of trepidation. He was going to work on the Resu, try to find a cure, and if it went wrong? If negotiation went wrong? It was all on him.
Realm of Resu - CybeResu Asteroid
"Excellent." The ambassador remarked on both accounts, as the students all squeezed into the corridor, before the blast door closed behind them all. In moments, a thin hydrogen atmosphere quickly leaked into the room, before water began pouring reaching their knees in only a couple seconds (except perhaps, for Mercury Tongue who like many Resu [especially the larger females] appeared to stand well over 3 meters tall, with an equally long tail). Moments later, they would all be submerged in hydrogenated water. It was rather warm, given their preference for waters nearest to geo-thermal vents, though not nearly cozy enough to keep the Resu comfortable considering their current limited resources, energy, and space on this floating rock.

Inside, the students would be met with a rather sizable, albeit dark aquarium. A number of CybeResu walked the surface with the visitors who operated alien machinery surrounding a great number of Original Resu who rested on only what could be described as medical beds, or in some extreme cases, tanks filled with non-water fluids (a Resu medicinal analog of bacta or kolto perhaps?). Luckily these pods seemed to generate a bio-luminescent light, in addition to the occasional electric transaction between two communicating Resu. To some, it would be an electrifying experience (metaphorically) to see such a wondrously alien environment working under a relate-able situation... it was a hospital wing! Then to others they would see the true and nakedly monstrous forms of the Resu in their dark environment, with only enough light to infrequently illuminate their shadowy movements in the water. In some cases, their wonder and fear were all in one; the Resu were in some senses beautiful in their complexity, yet horrifyingly alien all the same.

Mercury Tongue stopped to examine a pod with a small young male, who seemed to have half of its face amputated on the left side, a nearly skeletal "fin" on the same side, and various wounds running down that same side seemingly filled with an unknown foamy substance. Something else one might be able to notice was the discolored region along the lower half of its underbelly, which was likely the primary location of the sterilizing plague.

"Male Patient intensive, cured of technoviral infection from sinister cranium to sinister fin. Technovirus expelled, natural wounds healing. Stage two Infertility Plague along inferior ventral abdominal region." A zap between her head and a rod standing next to the pod, topped with an orb, seemed to initiate a mechanical injector needle plunging almost alarmingly deep into the irritated flesh, before a grayish-dark blood was drawn. Moments later, she retrieved the vial of blood, and carefully handed it to Waawat, before moving on. They would receive a female blood sample as well, in a similar process. The water lock behind them though, would open once again, allowing the Iron Giant, her five remaining compatriots, and twelve new patients carried in temporary stasis pods, or assisted in their standard life support suits.

"Mercury Tongue, Jorus Merill contact?" A voice, almost identical to Mercury Tongues sounded through the water in basic.

"Congregation Jorus Merill representative, truth. Xenobiologist, Identity Neelig Waawat, Iron Giant blood donation request, patient blood donation request, Mercury Tongue eggsack donation request. Donation positive?"

"Truth. Locate Neelig Waawat?" Mercury Tongue then gestured to Neelig for Iron Giant's observation. The formerly crippled, "formerly" exiled unofficial heroine of her species seemingly marched towards the group without necessarily attempting to intimidate them with her impressive size and more extensive cybernetic alterations than her colleague. She then outstretched her cybernetic hand for a formal handshake.

"Welcome to Realm of Resu, and to CybeResu asteroid. Apologies for urgency, many crises, to hold." Her mechanical speech became markedly different from the simplistic and neatly robotic tone of Mercury Tongue's translaor, though it had many pauses as if it took extra effort on her part to change the way she spoke to make it at least somewhat easier on human ears. She has had lots of experience with this skill. Although definite articles were still entirely absent, greater use of prepositional phrases seemed to be in use. "Neelig Waawat cure estimate to arrive, when time?" Well, she had a lot of experience but it certainly wasn't perfect. Mercury Tongue approached Iron Giant, and took blood with any sort of passion or special respect. The vial of blood was handed to Neelig.

"Mercury Tongue surgical room, return with eggsack." The "wofish", as it were, then exited their presence, leaving only the number of students, Bryce (presumably), Neelig and his assortment of blood vial samples, and the Iron Giant.

[member="Neelig Waawat"], [member="Bryce Bantam"]

(Post 10)

Mercury Zealot

Monstrocity of Moross - Deceased
Realm of Resu - Shikyu, The Convert's Stronghold
Suddenly the scream stopped, leaving only deep gurgling groans from his Queen. Her body twitched, still settling as it fought against itself in an endless struggle between the Technovirus and the insurgent Vongspawn virus, made possibly by the Carbono-Silica Toxin present within the exotic plant Stone Hermes had collected and studied for the past several years, experimenting with it in so many combinations. The spear had penetrated directly though her, and it was clear that both the Vongspawn, and Technovirus were attempting to expel on their own while her body was restrained. It was clear, her body radiated in pain, with her flesh constantly reforming and being replaced by the competing viruses in her body... but she had at once become accustomed to it. It seemed the viruses had "come to an understanding" regarding their relative territories in her body. It would seem she (being the first to be introduced to the new toxin) had 'awoken' earlier than the other Queens, who continued to wail in agony.

Stone Hermes looked up from his knelt position into the face of his wife and Queen, avoiding glancing at anything which would further increase his arousal. It would seem she had been looking at him for some time now... or perhaps the spear in her gut. Suddenly, she attempted to move an arm, which was restrained, prompting her to aggressive swing her head to observe her restrained limb. She attempted to move her other arm, eliciting a similar action and a thunderous roar.

"My Queen and Child," Stone Hermes rose, ignoring the repulsion the other scientists exhibiting upon his use of the term child to what was his wife. Child? They would think, His wife now his offspring? It was an ungodly thought which had never crossed their minds before. Incestual relationships simply did not exist among their kind, so to suggest that his 'Child' was also his Queen and wife... was startling, and off putting even more so than if such a relationship (if it were real) was revealed among humans (where incest does exist).

"Dear wife, do you remember who you are? Who I am?" She seemed not to hear him, only struggling against the restraints with more resolve, her frustrated roars growing more infrequent as she pulled against them. Stone Hermes himself growing frustrated, lashed out against her with a roar of his own, as he placed his hand on the spear which was currently gutting her. Without any gentleness or pity he grasped the spear and began to pull back, enraging his wife... but also in some way, there was a tinge of relief characterizing her agonized roar, almost howling at the ceiling. Tossing the spear to the side, he then retrieved his blade, and skillfully slashed at the restraints along her arms legs, and torso with no seeming injuries (though it would be hard to tell if there were). There was a moment of silence as the queen fell to her knees and hands, dark grey blood leaking onto the floor and out of her gaping maw.

"You are good to bow... am the First Convert of Moross, Stone Hermes, Lord of the Realm of Resu! And you, you are one of my daughters now, for I have changed you in the light of Liad... I am-" Stone Hermes never got to finish his last words, as the Abominable Shikyun Queen penetrated through his torso with the end of her tail, cutting upwards through his throat. Despite his durasteel skin, her equally strong tail seemed to whip through him with little difficulty against his smaller stature, infecting the are with his new toxin. Immediately he roared, sending out a lightning storm from his tusks as his digital voice expressed the burning boiling pain which seemed to melt his metallic skin, bringing him to his knees. Immediately, the other Morossian Resu reacted, sending thunderous bolts of electricity at the new born queen as they charged her with their weapons in tow.

(Post 11)

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